After much waiting, the work begins...

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

so,how soon might we expect the new release?

"How soon?"

"Very soon".

The movie references abound :D .

"tapping the foots"

"Enjoying the holidays"

how's your holidays going Jon??? ;) Serious question! :lol: I've had some time off work recently and it has given me the opportunity to binge on all things Talisman related! haha

Back on topic

Just wondering how the work is coming along; whether we'll see it in the next few weeks or so? Would love to be able to give this a good play with over the holidays before I havew to go back to the real world of work :( ;) lol

Holidays over... Get to work :) .

ooo quick question!

Do you know whether I will be able to open an .eons file that I created in Version2 into Version3 and edit them?

many thanks :)

Sadly not, as the coding would be a real pain to achieve. The Adventure-type cards are now separated out rather than be all together like they were in SE2 also.

Send me an email and I can show you what I mean.

I think I understand what you mean Jon, thanks for answering that question. I do have another one though :)

Will it be possible to have two symbols shown in the required expansions area of the character card. For example a character that has been created recently in the new characters thread requires the Reaper and the Woodlands.

thanks again Jon

I think I understand what you mean Jon, thanks for answering that question. I do have another one though :)

Will it be possible to have two symbols shown in the required expansions area of the character card. For example a character that has been created recently in the new characters thread requires the Reaper and the Woodlands.

thanks again Jon

I would be all for multiple Required Expansion Icons, not because I use them (they're utterly useless), but because I could start to use some icons to provide extra effects of information instead of writing them on a card.

I think I understand what you mean Jon, thanks for answering that question. I do have another one though :)

Will it be possible to have two symbols shown in the required expansions area of the character card. For example a character that has been created recently in the new characters thread requires the Reaper and the Woodlands.

thanks again Jon

For the moment I have removed required expansion icons completely as they have only been used a few times in the game itself.

I have also moved the expansion icon to the picture and made it easier to see. It's a lot tidier that way tbh.

If there is enough call for it, I can add just about anything to the tool, but that might be a few versions down the line. The important thing is to actually get the tool to a state where it is fit for release.

Hastur is coming...


Oh man! I am so excited about this one! Timescape was always my favorite expansion! I can't wait until this latest incarnation of the plug-in comes in! I've been working up a new batch of "properties" and I've been using the Talisman face for Timescape cards. Also the terrain deck is one of my new favorite game mechanics, especially with the terrain cards that came with Harbinger! I'm excited about being able to make my own terrain cards too!

Baby-Metroid-Front-Face.jpg Elvis-Front-Face.jpg

Can we please have a update.. Hows the programing going?

Core Typefaces plug-in taking too long to download.

Is this normal or maybe something wrong there?


That would likely be a Strange Eons server issue, so I don't know. Just give it a try later.


The problem with icons has now been sorted with help from Chris, so there is not much to do before it can be sent for inclusion in the catalogue.

There are some niggly tweaks that require attention though, so it all depends on what time I get.

Still coming along...

There are some bits and pieces to tidy up and it should be good to go!





Looking fantastic! :D

Any changes to the printing and layout systems?

No, those are the same as far as I am aware.

I just made the following Wanted Posters and put them up for download on Talisman Island -


Before you ask, I did not make a Law one as it felt a bit odd, though I might do so in future.

There is no Norn one, as the only Norn in the game cannot be taken as a trophy.

(Edit - In case you were wondering, it's on topic, as I made them in the new version of the SE3 plug-in!)

Edited by talismanisland

Looking spiffy... :rolleyes:

Nice wanted posters Jon

Soooo is that all enemy types catered for now? :)


I just made the following Wanted Posters and put them up for download on Talisman Island -


Before you ask, I did not make a Law one as it felt a bit odd, though I might do so in future.

There is no Norn one, as the only Norn in the game cannot be taken as a trophy.

(Edit - In case you were wondering, it's on topic, as I made them in the new version of the SE3 plug-in!)

They're great!

Though the Law Wanted Poster as well might be "unofficial one" for example for the Corrupt Sheriff or some other.

About the Norn, I think the best option would be to use her Wanted Poster immediately after killing her (same as Alignment Wanted Posters work).