New character ideas !

By korneelt, in Talisman

I think once ALL old official characters are made then it would be a great addition to TalismanIsland hey Jon? nudge nudge wink wink ;) ;) :lol: :lol:

No problem. As long as I can credit all who have a design in there.

I think once ALL old official characters are made then it would be a great addition to TalismanIsland hey Jon? nudge nudge wink wink ;) ;) :lol: :lol:

No problem. As long as I can credit all who have a design in there.

Absolutely! I have been labelling all character cards from this thread with the original authors :)

I will do the same with these old 'offical' characters (Kain7th, Kain7th, Kain7th so far :lol: )

is there an exhaustive list of all characters that have not yet been released for the 4th edition? including characters released in white dwarf magazine etc? Would be great to have a list where we can tick off as they have been made. Also since these characters were made before fate was introduced how exactly do we go around it? Give them all a certain number of fate? select a different amount for each character as and when they are made?


is there an exhaustive list of all characters that have not yet been released for the 4th edition? including characters released in white dwarf magazine etc? Would be great to have a list where we can tick off as they have been made. Also since these characters were made before fate was introduced how exactly do we go around it? Give them all a certain number of fate? select a different amount for each character as and when they are made?


So after looking through every single character, i compared which ones i have not found in the official game nor online from any homebrews (including the ones i just made) and they are: Black Orc, Mystic, Master Thief, Champion of Chaos, Seer, Witch Hunter, Witch and Chaos Sorceror.

Kain7th the:

Master Thief

Champion of Chaos

High Mage



Kings Champion

and maybe a couple more are master level characters. I was thinking of remaking these for the 4th edition (with additional adventure cards) to bring these characters into the game. Think I'll get on with the High Mage first as he was always the favourite in my group. I think I will make it tougher to become these characters however, as they were sometimes a little easy to become; once become that player usually runs away with it too! :lol:

Edited by jackyboy

Right here is my attempt at recreating a master level character. It had to be my personal favourite (and everyone in my groups favourite too!); Introducing the High Mage! :)




What do you guys think? Should there be Master Level Characters in 4th Edition??? or do you think they make things a bit too overpowered? Your thoughts are very welcomed :)


The Fool

2 Strength
3 Craft
4 Life
4 Fate


  • You may visit the castle to perform. Miss 1 turn and gain 2 gold.
  • Any player wishing to pass through your space must first roll 1 dice. On a 1 or 2, the player is entranced by you, must stop in your space and immediately ends the turn.
  • The Jester does not affect you and instead taunts all enemies or characters, giving a -1 to each die roll while in battle with you.
  • You may choose not to encounter any strangers by instead performing for them. If you do so, miss 1 turn and gain 1 gold/stranger that was not encountered on this space.

Start: Castle
Alignment: Neutral

Edited by chemical22

What do you guys think? Should there be Master Level Characters in 4th Edition??? or do you think they make things a bit too overpowered? Your thoughts are very welcomed :)

I think if this were to happen, it would be better suited for an adventure card rather than a character card. Much like they have done with The Destiny Cards. That would also mean that the card would have to be simplified down. Over all, interesting idea.

In this case you would still use your same character, modified by these rules. You could have generic rules listed for becoming a "master". I think this stems from me hating to to see a troll suddenly turn into a hunched back old man :) . There is something just "cleaner" about this presentation.

So... something like:

High Mage

  • Gain +2 Craft
  • You must always have at least 2 spells. Draw immediately if you do not.
  • You are immune to being turned into a toad.
  • You may only use weapons and armour if they are magical.
  • Your spells may not be countered.


  • Discard 2 magic items
  • Craft 7+

My 2 cents anyways.

Edited by chemical22

Chemical a very good idea! I too found it funny but sometimes a little stupid when say a centaur becomes a sheriff or as you say a Troll becoming a High Mage. I like the idea of having say 'master classes' whereby you gain stats and abilities without changing character. The method of gaining these 'master' classes could be the same but just have small cards as you say. Hmmmm I like this alot actually. It is taking a good idea from 2nd edition and ironing out the thematic problems! :)

Top stuff buddy!

oh and I love the Jester too, the artwork is perfect for it! :D

Great job on that High Mage.

I also forgot the Witch Doctor. Haven't seen any homebrews make him yet.


Master level characters thought of this myself a lot. I don't think they will work with linking to a adventure card there's to many at moment hehehe. I like the idea of linking to a shop or space and doing something. One thing though when you become a Master level character ethier make a smaller card (just like Chemical said) or say you become this new character and you lose your old one.. I mean the High Mage is sick enough don't you think and its the point too don't you think?

Also say you must trade in 2 Magic Objects which are not Trinkets or from any shop deck. Maybe just Trinkets because that stuffs up the "oh I'm buying too 1G magic items" then next time around poof I'm the High Mage. Getting craft 7 is not hard sometimes with bonuses say "the double your craft spell" and rolling under 7 on 2 dice is not hard as well (mind you dark fate holders will be rubbing their hands with glee).

Other than that great work keep it up.. Do them all... Now... No pressure.

On another note you make me get out my "New Beginnings" set again and do some adds and edits it has the kind of same concept but characters start off the game young like teens then they after completing their characters tasks become the character they grow into. Its interesting but meh just did not get there. I was going to make a old set so characters start young get middle age then to the end of game grow old. Older characters would have interesting end of game abilities. One I was thinking of was the hermit he would never be effect by the command spell plus get bonuses in craft and opening the portal of power.

Master level characters thought of this myself a lot. I don't think they will work with linking to a adventure card there's to many at moment hehehe. I like the idea of linking to a shop or space and doing something. One thing though when you become a Master level character ethier make a smaller card (just like Chemical said) or say you become this new character and you lose your old one.. I mean the High Mage is sick enough don't you think and its the point too don't you think?

Also say you must trade in 2 Magic Objects which are not Trinkets or from any shop deck. Maybe just Trinkets because that stuffs up the "oh I'm buying too 1G magic items" then next time around poof I'm the High Mage. Getting craft 7 is not hard sometimes with bonuses say "the double your craft spell" and rolling under 7 on 2 dice is not hard as well (mind you dark fate holders will be rubbing their hands with glee).

Perhaps they could transform into this new character then and lose the old abilities. That would still make the master level characters something to strive for but without making them too overpowered. I will look at tweaking these. Maybe they could have a Keep 1 of your previous abilities?

Also with the Craft, it would be my understanding you need base 7, no spells, cards or abilities can help you. It needs to be Craft that has been gained to the character from say the temple or enchantress. Base craft only :)

I will get to work! ;)

Master level characters thought of this myself a lot. I don't think they will work with linking to a adventure card there's to many at moment hehehe. I like the idea of linking to a shop or space and doing something. One thing though when you become a Master level character ethier make a smaller card (just like Chemical said) or say you become this new character and you lose your old one.. I mean the High Mage is sick enough don't you think and its the point too don't you think?

Also say you must trade in 2 Magic Objects which are not Trinkets or from any shop deck. Maybe just Trinkets because that stuffs up the "oh I'm buying too 1G magic items" then next time around poof I'm the High Mage. Getting craft 7 is not hard sometimes with bonuses say "the double your craft spell" and rolling under 7 on 2 dice is not hard as well (mind you dark fate holders will be rubbing their hands with glee).

Perhaps they could transform into this new character then and lose the old abilities. That would still make the master level characters something to strive for but without making them too overpowered. I will look at tweaking these. Maybe they could have a Keep 1 of your previous abilities?

Also with the Craft, it would be my understanding you need base 7, no spells, cards or abilities can help you. It needs to be Craft that has been gained to the character from say the temple or enchantress. Base craft only :)

I will get to work! ;)

You can say craft Value but getting to craft value of 7 is a little hard. You could just make it 3d6 roll but have no craft min to become the high mage. You need 2 magic objects anyway (saying no trinkets).

Right here is a new twist on the Master Level Character idea; it's not new actually I took this from Djeryv's awesome homebrew for the 2nd Edition. He had some brilliant ideas and i think it is time they get an upgrade to 4th Edition :)

Introducing the Skeleton Character - Depending on how he grows in the game wil depend on what character he could grow into....




Here is another 2nd Edition Character revamped for 4th Edition. The Zulu! (I gave him his 3rd ability to make him a little tougher) :)


and the martial artist :) Don't think you've made these two Kain7th have you? should have checked really :lol:

@Jacky I like the concept but the not so much the stats/abilities,

First the condition for changing; on a normal turn at best you have a 1 in 36 chance to change, on average, the game would be over before you get S/C to 5 AND meet those requirements. Items and fate might help but that leads me to the next point

Balance: the death knight and lich abilities dont seem anything special compared to the average character?

the concept is similar to that of the apprentice mage from digital, and note that the transformed mage is a good deal stronger than fx the sprite (higher fate and the ability to scry for better spells) - and the apprentice mage isnt a very strong character compared to other casters (overall, after change arguably strongest).

Note also that apprentice mage isn't THAT gimped early on, he still has some casting ability and good stats.

The skeleton on the other hand starts off extremely weak, has to be extremely lucky to change and is rewarded with...average abilities.

To balance i'd suggest going closer to apprentice mage, start off a weak but only a little and become somewhat stronger than other characters.

You can also make him very weak and very strong but that makes it harder to balance and harder to make others accept and understand balance. And make the change easier/automatic once conditions are met (or further reward for achieving change).

I have to admit though that you don't really need separate sheets for transformed forms, just reduce number of abilities to make room. Unless perhaps you made a character that enabled the ability to change into those sheets for all players in the game, like some transferable curse.

I agree with Rawsugar...

If I could have my hack at the idea, this is what I would do:

The skeleton would be the character, and the Death Knight and Lich would be class upgrades on an adventure sized card, much like we were talking about with the High Mage. To me these are just another extension of that idea, but specific class upgrades available only to a certain characters.


3 Strength
3 Craft
5 Life
1 Fate


  • You are always evil; ignore any effect that would change your alignment
  • You do not lose a life in the desert
  • You are not effected by the Siren or Pestilence.
  • You may transform into the Lich or Black Knight class by discarding 21 points of trophies at the graveyard. You may only choose one class; the choice cannot be reverted once made.

Starting: Graveyard

Alignment: Evil

Class Cards:

Black Knight

- Gain +5 Strength

- Take a sword and shield from the purchase deck. If you do not have a sword or shield, you can replace them for free by visiting the graveyard.

- When in battle with enemies, you may roll 2 dice and choose either as the result


- Gain +5 Craft

- Draw 2 spells if your Craft allows. You must always have 1 spell; upon casing your last spell, immediately draw a new one

- When you attack a character, you may choose to attack in Psychic Combat. You cannot do this if you are attacked

So I've kind of "dumbed" the classes down a bit because I think we are getting into a lot of abilities between that and the skeleton; but made them a very clean upgrade path and unified them with the other class idea.

You could actually go a step further and remove the upgrade ability completely from the Skeleton character card and instead place "Character Restrictions" on the class cards. In this case they would look something like this...

Black Knight

- Gain +5 Strength

- Take a sword and shield from the purchase deck. If you do not have a sword or shield, you can replace them for free by visiting the graveyard.

- When in battle with enemies, you may roll 2 dice and choose either as the result

Training: Graveyard

Requirements: Discard 21 Points of Trophies

Restrictions: Skeleton and Ghoul only

Edited by chemical22

much better, still a little weak. consider how the "save 21 points of trophies for extra reward" would woirk if a general rule available to all characters. early in the game (your S+C lower than 10) you'd need 5 points for it to be worth it if it wasn't for the option of mixing trophy types, with that it's 4. So really the ability is now +1 strength/craft and some abilities. Once transformed the lich is ok, weaker than wizard but stronger than average char, the death knight though is weaker than or as weak as the warrior.

And that'd be my second concern: i would ALWAYS choose lich in this scheme, it's much stronger.

to balance i'd increase skeletons fate to 4 (or 3) and make death knight's dice ability either "start of turn if you have no spell draw a spell" or "y ou may roll 2 dice during battle and add them together to determine your attack roll ."

if one were to balance the original skeleton: I's a bit less than half as powerful as the average character. The way to balance a weak character is to increase his reward when he (against the odds) manages to get some progress; somewhere between 2 or 3 times the reward would balance a char at this power.

to get S/C=5 he needs to get, on average ca 3S1C or 2S4C, so once he attains the new form the bonus, while keeping those stats gained, should be average character stats + the equivalent of ca 3S1C or 2S4C *150% because the reward is postponed(*200% if also need the 6 on graveyard)

Edited by Rawsugar

Thought i'd try my hand at some unique characters. let me know your thoughts!





Edited by kain7th

I agree with both you guys; for the Skeleton I was mearly upgrading 'Djeryv's' 2nd Edition Skeleton character. But I agree with the adventure card class upgrade idea and was thinking of making the Skeleton S3 C3 too. Perhaps Rawsugar is right with that it is still only an average character. So maybe making both upgrade classs an additional ability or a stat boost.

One thing I think could work better is that for the Skeleton to upgrade to Death Knight he must discard 21points of Strength; and 21points of Craft for the Lich character.

Otherwise I think chemical22's idea is awesome!!! :D

Kain7th - Your new characters...

Medusa - I like the character, she seems a little tough with her Petrify ability and a craft 5. However I do like her and will give her a playtest for sure. Thinking after that maybe her Craft could be 4. We shall playtest :)

Gremlin - Lovely idea but I feel he is weak with S1 and C2. Perhaps rework so he is tougher somehow. Would love to use his ability to destroy the wand or battleaxe! :lol:

Berserker - His movement ability; does it mean that regardless of what you rolled you must move to another character even if you don't roll high enough. Or does it mean that if possible you must stop and fight characters/enemies. A little rewording on that but otherwise I like him. He is a tough mother!!! ;)

Cyclops - So with his toss boulder ability he would be on a 50% chance a Strength 9 against enemies off the bat! Tough!!! do you think perhaps a little too tough? I like the theme of the character though for sure!

Lovely characters buddy :D They have been downloaded ;)