Sorastro, you should contact Fantasy Flight and have them bring you to GenCon and give some painting workshops for the attendees.
And I'll be happy to buy your first and last drinks at GenCon.
Sorastro, you should contact Fantasy Flight and have them bring you to GenCon and give some painting workshops for the attendees.
And I'll be happy to buy your first and last drinks at GenCon.
I think I went a bit overzealous with my Nuln Oil on the Stormtroopers. I hope the White Scar makes them look decent again!
In Sorastro I trust!
I did the same this weekend with my Nuln Oil overzealousness. It took a few more coats of the white, but the seemed to come out pretty well. Just have patience and use multiple coats and don't try to cover with white in one go.
I think I went a bit overzealous with my Nuln Oil on the Stormtroopers. I hope the White Scar makes them look decent again!
In Sorastro I trust!
I did the same this weekend with my Nuln Oil overzealousness. It took a few more coats of the white, but the seemed to come out pretty well. Just have patience and use multiple coats and don't try to cover with white in one go.
Definitely, I persevered and have managed to make them seem okay. I'm a first time painter and unfortunately very anal. I became very frustrated at the fact that I couldn't make the troopers look "clean" until I realised you do need to keep applying a few coats till it looks smart. My hands are so shaky though! Will need to go over the black undergarments at the joints again.
The faces are tricky to do too. I shall put pics up in due course and hopefully get some helpful feedback to aid me in improving my technique and methods.
Hello painters!
Definitely, I persevered and have managed to make them seem okay. I'm a first time painter and unfortunately very anal. I became very frustrated at the fact that I couldn't make the troopers look "clean" until I realised you do need to keep applying a few coats till it looks smart. My hands are so shaky though! Will need to go over the black undergarments at the joints again.
Well done for persevering! I don't know about you, but I find my hands shake more in the morning due to my coffee consumption! (I also usually rest my hands on the table to help keep them steady.)
Thanks Arem for your comment about my voice; It made me laugh as that's the second comment I've had that has likened me to a Sith! (Maybe I should see someone about that!?) If I ever have the opportunity to attend GenCon I will happily take you up on that offer of a drink!
Thanks Fizz; I was more than a little surprised when I saw that FFG had put a link to my channel on their Facebook page. I don't know who to personally thank at Fantasy Flight for putting it up but I'm incredibly grateful for the extra boost it's given to my channel.
Well, I'll end on a little update; I'm having an insanely busy week at work but I'm chipping away at the next tutorial and aiming to release it next week.
Happy painting!
Reminder, consider painting one of the Imperial Officers as an Imperial Security Bureau officer.
There are Agenda cards for them in the game.
And as an Easter Egg, the first villain characters ever fight in the first Star Wars adventure by West End Games is an Imperial Security Bureau officer.
I just want to say your videos are impressive and I intend to paint my models in a week or two when I got some time. I would love to see you continue putting out videos for Imperial Assault, and branch out to any other games where the models interest you.
What will be next?
Darth Vader?
Okay so I'm just starting out myself and will be posted some of what I have done. Any hints on when you put down a grey army painter and then it seems like everything seems grey even bright red?
I'm using the Army Painter colors, and my Vaders look smashing, but the Storm troopers I had to do a airbrush of white and the grey still is there. Suggestions for a newbie??
PS same thing with the Emperors Guards, I used their bright red, and so far even after two coats, I can see grey still.
Hi fellow painters!
I just want to say your videos are impressive and I intend to paint my models in a week or two when I got some time. I would love to see you continue putting out videos for Imperial Assault, and branch out to any other games where the models interest you.
Thanks Bodha. I'm hard at work on the editing and composing for Episode 5 which won't be long now. I'm also planning ahead and have loads of figures I'd love to cover once I've completed the IA series...
What will be next?
Darth Vader?
All I'll say at the moment is that the next few videos will complete the Imperial faction
Okay so I'm just starting out myself and will be posted some of what I have done. Any hints on when you put down a grey army painter and then it seems like everything seems grey even bright red?
I'm using the Army Painter colors, and my Vaders look smashing, but the Storm troopers I had to do a airbrush of white and the grey still is there. Suggestions for a newbie??
PS same thing with the Emperors Guards, I used their bright red, and so far even after two coats, I can see grey still.
Hi Reklawyad. Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I can only offer limited advice as I've never actually used the Army Painter colors, but I can only guess that if you keep applying thin layers you must eventually cover up that pesky grey. This is why I like the Citadel base colors as they have a high pigmentation and give a good solid color in just one or two coats.
In general I would also suggest a white primer for lighter colors as you'll find it much easier to get a bright base color down.
I hope this helps; Good luck!
Congratulations on your 2000th subscriber Sorastro, excelsior!
I'd like to echo what folks are saying about Sorastro's videos - they are VERY well produced. He's done such an awesome job with shot quality and camera angles that I'm having a rough time with my own figures because my mind's eye believes them to be twice as large as they actually are. In other words, he makes this painting stuff look really easy.
I wasn't going to try to paint my own stuff, but this video series inspired me to try. Just finished priming my troopers last night. Excited about getting into it.
Sorastro, please keep up the great work. From someone who produces videos and music, your talent is not lost on me - I literally can't wait for the next episode in the series.
AAAAAAHHHHHH! Sorastro put his newest video up. I'll let you all go and see it for yourselves, but the paint job looks great.
Edit: At one point, it looked to me like the uniforms were going to come out a lot greener than I would aim for, but by the time your highlights were dry it looked great. And I definitely like the gloveless hands over the gloved hand.
I wasn't going to try to paint my own stuff, but this video series inspired me to try. Just finished priming my troopers last night. Excited about getting into it.
What he said.
Thanks for the tips, I'll post pictures of my minis here soon. It looks like I just need to go over the minis more with paints to get the result I want. I'm hesitate on doing a black wash on the storm troopers entirely, but to get them to "pop" I think I will need to. I've already primed then did a full airbrush white coat and now on one or two of the minis I see a little extra detail has been lost nothing major luckily.
It's sad but I would think the troopers would be easy compared to Vader or the droids, but I seem to have the most trouble with the troopers and Vader and the droids seem easy to me!
Okay I've gone over the Royal Guard at least four times now and I'm still seeing grey underneath the red robes. Almost thinking of stripping the minis and starting over with a white primer instead of grey.
Edited by Reklawyad
Sorastros, you rock dude, I have already finished my heroes and Nexu and 2 Royal guards before I saw your videos, so i wont get to use your tips for them, but I followed your guide on the probe droid and it came out great! I will post a pic of him when I base him. I am going to use some different grey variations (one lighter and one darker) to get some different tints for the remaining two that still need painting. My stormtroopers and commanders I will be using your guidelines for one I get more primer. Thanks for the great videos. Had I a better cam I would love to make some videos as well but alas, I am poor
Feel free to check out my paint thread. Keep up the great work and continue to guide us in the force!
I just wanted to say thank you for all of the comments since my last post! Forgive me if I don't reply to each post individually; It's only because I'm so busy on the next episode (which I've made pretty fast progress with), but I do read and appreciate every one.
Reklawyad - have you tried using Mephiston Red to kill the grey?
Happy painting!
I've yet to sit done and start my first ever painting following your guides. Perhaps I'll have time this weekend to get started!
Thanks again for all the advice on YouTube regarding brushes and paints.
Ordered all the paints from Games Workshop, just went for their sprays from there as well to save on shipping and getting my order at different times. However I just realised that 'Incubi Darkness' is definitely not grey. Hopefully I can exchange it for something more useful.
Edited by Muz333So far I've only picked up the Mega Set from Army Painter for colors. So far I've done about 4-5 coats of their Real Red or True Red, and it seems to have helped.
I'm trying to tackle the storm troopers now, and each time I go to do the wash, I kept getting ahead of myself and forgetting something, so I picked up some Simple Green and soaked the minis in a bath for 24 hours, and with a little elbow grease they came out fine. Sadly I tried Vallejo paint on Primer (as it's currently quite cold in Ohio) and thought I would get some great results. Sadly I'm almost out of white as I screwed up trying to get the Matte White from Army Painter to work right.
I was hoping their white would be like their black and come out in drops, sadly I does not so I've had to guess at mixing the water, and so far I've guessed wrong making the mixture way to thin.
I decided I'm going to start over yet again, order some more white, and wait for some warmer weather. Luckily it's my own set I've been experimenting on and not my buddies set, his set is coming along fine, while I keep trying to tweak the process on mine. I should have known better!!
Thanks for checking in.
These videos are amazing! I tried painting my troopers on my own without any guides. They turned out to look like troopers who had been rolling around Tattooine too long. I may need to make an attempt to repair them.
I just started following your videos for the Royal Guards and I'm really pleased with the results (they aren't perfect and this is a bad picture but here's an in progress one from last night, the guard in the far right is complete:
Thank you for your videos they are inspiring and very helpful!
Any tips for someone who painted a mini and would now like to repaint or paint over it?
I may just try drybrushing the highlighted ares to clean up my troopers but for now they are pretty battle worn.
Edited by KennedyHawkThese videos are amazing! I tried painting my troopers on my own without any guides. They turned out to look like troopers who had been rolling around Tattooine too long. I may need to make an attempt to repair them.
I just started following your videos for the Royal Guards and I'm really pleased with the results (they aren't perfect and this is a bad picture but here's an in progress one from last night, the guard in the far right is complete:
Thank you for your videos they are inspiring and very helpful!
Any tips for someone who painted a mini and would now like to repaint or paint over it?
I may just try drybrushing the highlighted ares to clean up my troopers but for now they are pretty battle worn.
I used Simple Green I got from Lowe's and put my storm troopers in a bath for 24 hours and then went to scrubbing them with a toothbrush afterwards and they came out pretty much back to original with no loss of detail. This was viable as I primed with Army Painter Grey and it's not really a "primer" as others are, it's more of a color spray in a can.
You could also try pealing the paint with a hobby knife but that might take forever.
Thanks for the further comments; KennedyHawk - I've never actually tried stripping paint from a mini before so I think I'll leave that for others with more experience with that to advise on.
I've updated my first post will a little shot which includes the AT-ST. I can't remember having so much fun painting a miniature (if one can call it that!?). The video editing was a lot of work as it's the longest in the series so far but the tutorial is now complete and uploading as I type. I hope you like watching it as much as I enjoyed making it!
I love your photo of the AT-ST with the army. Great focus/depth of field.
Best AT-ST paintjob ever!
I love your photo of the AT-ST with the army. Great focus/depth of field.
Thank you Leveton! I like to try and capture a cinematic feel in my shots so I'm glad you like it
Best AT-ST paintjob ever!
Thank you Starkiller! That's very kind, but it's really not that hard - I like to think that anyone following the steps in the tutorial should be able to produce similar (or better?) results
Hi Sorastro. I have to thank you for the great videos. They motivated me to paint my mini's though I had zero experience before. I did not realize it would be so calming and fulfilling to just focus on painting. Also, my kids love painting so we now spend tons of time painting. They even expanded to painting their Skylanders as well as any plastic toy they could find. My son and I especially love your tutorials and he came running excited when I said episode 6 AT ST was uploaded. Thanks for inspiring myself and others on this board.
I worked a trade show in Atlanta last week and Games Workshop was there. I did mention I got into the hobby from your videos and that you use their product even list it at the end.