Index of useful links

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Here are some links that I find useful for the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures game. Some of them are general purpose, some are here because I view them myself on occasion, and some are here because I frequently get asked where such-and-such a thread of mine is. Thanks ffgjosh for pinning this thread!

For newer players, the categories are generally listed in order of importance for getting a good understanding of the game. If you have suggestions on other sections or topics to add, list them here and I'll likely add them!

(I will go back and try to collect all of the FFG sponsored strategy articles soon)


Core Rulebook


Tournament Rules

Epic Tournament Rules


BG's Guide To Mission Control by Babaganoosh

Strategy Guides: Movement

Maneuver Guides by Piqsid

Earning Your Wings! A Guide For Understanding Movement. by Osoroshii

Understanding the pinwheel formation by Klutz

Echolocation by randolph (bug/comment thread here )

Flight School - Lambda 101 by SableGryphon

Flight School - Lambda 102 by SableGryphon

Strategy Guides: General

Turn Zero (asteroid placement) by Paul Heaver , 2013 and 2014 World Champion

Mastering Ship Placement by Paul Heaver

Battle Plans by Paul Heaver

Assembling Your Squadon by Paul Heaver

In Defense of the Lambda-class Shuttle by Richard White

A Champion's Perspective part 1 and part 2 by 2014 North American Champion Rick Sidebotham

Squad Builders

Voidestate's Squad Builder

(Yet Another) Squad Builder

Fab's Squad Generator

Maneuver Reference Cards

Handy all-ships-in-one maneuver reference card, including Wave 5. by Malmer

FFG X-Wing Miniatures Game Maneuvers Guides by Hexis

Individual ship reference cards through wave 4

3rd Party Templates and Tokens

Game Aids

Laser Line tool at Harbor Freight (in-store, near the circular saws)

Critical Hit guide

wiki with all expansions and cards listed

Card list by expansion at

X-Wing card list by type (compiled from above list on afewmaneuvers) by David Rulf (behind NOVA FB group)

Tournament Software

Cryodex Tournament Software


Podcasts: 100% X-wing

Scum and Villiany

Nova Squadron Radio

The Kessel Run

Winging It

X-wing Podcast with Ben Curry and Ben Johnson

Sanctioned X-wing Podcast (only 1 episode)

Podcasts: mostly all X-wing

The Sabacc Table: A Star Wars Gaming Podcast

The Jodo Cast


Tournament Results

2014 Worlds Results

2014 Nationals Results

2014 Miscellaneous Large Tournaments Results

2014 Regionals Results

2014 Store Championship Results

2013 Worlds Top 16

Vassal (online X-wing module, unofficial, not FFG supported)

Installation instructions and FAQ by Mu0n

Vassal files for X-wing miniatures module

Repaints and Scratch Builds



Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors. by Rodent Mastermind

Gozanti Cruiser (and others) by TRamsey

1/270 Scale CR-90 Corvette and EF76 NEBULON-B ESCORT FRIGATE plans in 1/270 scale. by Boomer_J

Kenner Blockade Runner - re-paint by bulldoguk

Imperial Customs Corvette Kit Bash by Viceroy Bolda

Smugglers Alliance/Convoy - More YT-1300 Customs by ZombieHedgehog

Even more Custom YT-1300's by ZombieHedgehog

Star Destroyer tabletop, done in MDF. Detailed in cardboard + other stuff. (WiP) by DarkFather


MathWing: Ship jousting values and more by MajorJuggler

BTL-A4 + Ion Cannon Turret analysis by MajorJuggler

MathWing: Accuracy Corrector by MajorJuggler

MathWing: Fixing the TIE Advanced by MajorJuggler

Custom Scenarios

Dagobah Dave's Death Star Trench Run Mission by Dagobah Dave

4x4 Death Star Trench Mat for Dagobah Dave's Scenario by ziggy2000

Unofficial X-wing Galactic Campaign by Dagobah Dave

NOVA Squadron's league (slight variations on deployment & overall objective)

House Rules

House Rules: technical balance fixes for casual play by MajorJuggler

Custom Space Terrain + Rules by Ravncat

Celestial Phenomenon Obstacle Generator


List of common starships with scale

You should add Litko Game Accessories ( ) to "3rd Party Templates and Tokens".

CorSec Engineering ( ) has templates, bases & mats, but highest on my wishlist are their customizable replacement dials .

The replacement dials look cool. I'm curious what people that have purchased them think. A little pricey when including shipping. Probably cant' use them in tournaments?

Probably cant' use them in tournaments?

No, can't be used in tournaments.

This thread now has over 100 likes! I'm glad that people find it helpful.

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions to add to the list. :)

Congrats on accomplishing what no one has ever done (getting a thread pinned). Great collection of work from some of the best minds in X-Wing. I'm honored to be included among such wonderful work from the community.

Huge Ship rules for Epic play have been linked! Somehow I missed these....

What an excellent list of resources. These will be really helpful. Keep up the good work.

I have added X-wing Slang Glossary by Mr Froggies right near the top of the index. It is an excellent thread, go "like" it, and if you have any other acronyms / slang then please post there on his thread.

None of them have dates?

Just looks like a list of retailers.

Really hoping perth Australia hosts a few.

None of them have dates?

Just looks like a list of retailers.

Really hoping perth Australia hosts a few.

As per FFG's article, the dates are determined by the store, so any stores you are interested in, you will need to check their calendars or contact them directly.

Perhaps you'd like to add this app as an Android Squad Building app.

Greetings and thanks for mantaining this thread!

Bump, and if anyone has any suggestions on other useful links, list them below!

A compiled list of all known optional Pilot Abilities and Upgrades. It should be completely up to date with what we all currently know. If anything is missing, let me know and I'll add it.

Are you planning on putting descriptions for each one?

Bump, and if anyone has any suggestions on other useful links, list them below!

A compiled list of all known optional Pilot Abilities and Upgrades. It should be completely up to date with what we all currently know. If anything is missing, let me know and I'll add it.

Are you planning on putting descriptions for each one?

In what way do you mean descriptions? Descriptions of the abilities themselves or why they are optional?

Descriptions of the abilities -- I'm just thinking the list of "stuff" might be more helpful if you could see what they all do. Especially for newer players, it would be a nice consolidated list of all the effects in the game.

Descriptions of the abilities -- I'm just thinking the list of "stuff" might be more helpful if you could see what they all do. Especially for newer players, it would be a nice consolidated list of all the effects in the game.

This can be done. To be perfectly clear I really only intend to include the effects that are optional, for now at least. I could add in more at a later time. For now I'll get to work on listing out the effect text of each card.


Amazing list of links and resources...many thanks!

Would it be possible to add The Big X-Wing Trade Thread to this front page?

I also think the X-Wing Micro Hangars are worth an add.

Thanks for this amazing resource.

Done! I added the trade thread under Community (might change where it is later, but that seemed like the best fit for now), and the Micro Hangers are under Customization (now broken out from Repaints and Scratch Builds).