The whole Soul Eater every turn is looking really nice to me still.
On to the Break of Dawn - Discuss the Set IV Card of the Day Here!
I agree with Ecomics here.
Although Wisdom does have its advantages as well. An extra card per turn, as well as no limitation on how long it sticks around is very good. The magic though is lackluster unless we get a way to force Phil off the field.
Ecomics21 said:
The whole Soul Eater every turn is looking really nice to me still.
Yeah, I know it'll be one of the cards I'll depend on a lot. The only thing is it can be easily countered by a single challenge that is won by the opponent.
Wisdom looks awesome but I'm not really a heavy magic user, so the only benefit would be the drawing 1 card.
Card_Breaker said:
Ecomics21 said:
The whole Soul Eater every turn is looking really nice to me still.
Yeah, I know it'll be one of the cards I'll depend on a lot. The only thing is it can be easily countered by a single challenge that is won by the opponent.
Wisdom looks awesome but I'm not really a heavy magic user, so the only benefit would be the drawing 1 card.
That extra draw can be really useful. Plus with the double magic damage you'll be able to clear Heartless at twice the rate which in effect gives WR decks a double boost.
Hey, I am curious as to who is Joe here on the forums (The Joe that won the clash of the titans tournament)
Also, do we get to know who played which decks?
Yes but every aggro deck will run Phil. I was thinking about running Wisdom with my Valors but it would be pointless. I might run Master form from the next set.
Vertically Challenged said:
Hey, I am curious as to who is Joe here on the forums (The Joe that won the clash of the titans tournament)
Also, do we get to know who played which decks?
Darkwing Duck.
Congrats to him!
Greg pulled a Patriots:P
But does anyone find it weird that after a swiss tournament which usually determines the winner they had a playoff that was single elimination? Usually swiss is used to determine the winner and usually dont they up the number of games played in a match not go down?
I got a question about Wisdom Form:
Since Sora (Wisdom Form) can double the magic damage during battle on its own, can the affect stack up on doubling worlds as well?
Fate said:
I got a question about Wisdom Form:
Since Sora (Wisdom Form) can double the magic damage during battle on its own, can the affect stack up on doubling worlds as well?
Since the World card text reads "Any other doubling effects increase the damage multiplier by 1" then I presume you can, but you'll only get triple damage, not quadruple; unless you add in a third multiplier.
Card_Breaker said:
Vertically Challenged said:
Hey, I am curious as to who is Joe here on the forums (The Joe that won the clash of the titans tournament)
Also, do we get to know who played which decks?
Darkwing Duck.
no sir that is not me. those who have traded with me know my name is Anthony but Joe is in fact my little brother and does not have an account on these boards. at least not to my knowledge. and swiss is done to determine top 4 or top 8 depending on how many people are in a tourny then it goes to single elimination from there.
Darkwing Duck said:
Card_Breaker said:
Vertically Challenged said:
Hey, I am curious as to who is Joe here on the forums (The Joe that won the clash of the titans tournament)
Also, do we get to know who played which decks?
Darkwing Duck.
no sir that is not me. those who have traded with me know my name is Anthony but Joe is in fact my little brother and does not have an account on these boards. at least not to my knowledge. and swiss is done to determine top 4 or top 8 depending on how many people are in a tourny then it goes to single elimination from there.
Ah, okay. I couldn't tell from reading your thread. I assumed it was you. Well, congrats to your brother then!
Darkwing Duck said:
Card_Breaker said:
Vertically Challenged said:
Hey, I am curious as to who is Joe here on the forums (The Joe that won the clash of the titans tournament)
Also, do we get to know who played which decks?
Darkwing Duck.
no sir that is not me. those who have traded with me know my name is Anthony but Joe is in fact my little brother and does not have an account on these boards. at least not to my knowledge. and swiss is done to determine top 4 or top 8 depending on how many people are in a tourny then it goes to single elimination from there.
well thats obviously how they did it in this tournament but traditionaly swiss is used to accomidate a large group of people when there isnt enough time to run a traditional bracket tournament....I went and read up on it a bit and usually thats how it works but one 'downfall' to this method is there isnt an exciting finish to the tournament with a final matchup... Sometimes in swiss one person can have so many wins that it doesnt matter if he loses the last game or not, he will still win. Because of this 'dilemma' a common fix is to have a single elimination tournament at the end for an exciting but not neccessarily accurate finish.
I dont mean to offend anyone or take anything away from your win, Im just curious as to why this is the way it was run
All in all your brothers deck is obvviously very good and deserves to win because it beat another very good deck and clearly had the matchup. Id like to play you sometime
Traditionally, swiss elimination cuts you down to the final 8 or so and then single loss elimination takes over.
Topic. You are off it.
Well, in all fairness I think the CotD is over...not a whole lot more to talkabout in this thread...*sigh* if only I could still lock threads...*sad face*
Well then.......................................................................
Roxas said:
Traditionally, swiss elimination cuts you down to the final 8 or so and then single loss elimination takes over.
thats how ive always come to know swiss. every swiss tourny ive been to MTG or RAW DEAL has been played exactly like that.
Exactly, I used to run Naruto tournies the exact same way.
I personally believe that's how they should be ran.
I think it depends what your after, in any face to face tournament I agree, you need a exciting finish!
however I do beleive this gives an inaccurate reflection of the most consistant player/team/deck, whatever
Ideally a round robin would give you the most accurate representation, but this is rarely possible due to time
next I'd say a double (or triple, but those are just crazy) elimination touney gives more accurate results however again these are tough due again, to time constraints
then swiss
and finally a single elimination bracket
So for something like this its a matter of taste, accuracy vs. excitement
And OMG I can't wait for set 4.... c'mon boxes, hurry up!!!!!!!!!
edit: does anyone know if each individual match was a best of 3 or just one game?
Hey I was wondering cause I wasnt sure if anyone had a complete ruling on this from the last set with agrabah lv3 but now with wisdom soras effect would it double the effects of gravity to hit twice? And maybe Simbas effect when you play him to allow Proud Roar to happen twice? And for Aero to discard two cards
Gtrogi- it was 1 match best 4 records go to top 4 then single elimination.
Kiro10- its damage not effect so no. effect would be to broken.
Kiro13 said:
Hey I was wondering cause I wasnt sure if anyone had a complete ruling on this from the last set with agrabah lv3 but now with wisdom soras effect would it double the effects of gravity to hit twice? And maybe Simbas effect when you play him to allow Proud Roar to happen twice? And for Aero to discard two cards
Learn to READ...
Wisdom says DAMAGE is doubled, nothing else.
As entertainin as it would be to have a double magic castin Sora ('I play Stop!' "Twice?" 'Um... yeah! I stop'd this challenge so hard it prevents you from challengin me next turn! Yeah!'), I prefer him the way it's written, where the magic damage is doubled. A doubled lvl 3 Simba would wipe out too many cards, Gravities would be a pain to play, Aero would cause both aggro 'n world racin to hate losin certain cards.. it would be a disaster!
Though, it would be a hillarous deck to try out! That would truly be a JoaT styled deck: ready for everythin!
Think how even more horrible Mushu would be! You'd have to pay twice as much life to get twice the attack boost. lol.
Tink would heal 4...Aggro players would scream.