The Next Expansion

By Anarchium, in General Discussion

would they,could they make side boards for the entire world? Lol

I guess I would have to play on the floor, then my dog would become PUGthulu!!!!

I guess next will be small box expansion and based on ... .

Lets see - we have Forsaken Lore (you learn) and Strange Remnants (you find), so next could be expansion focusing on mind effects or dimensional travel including Dreamlands (without sideboard).

Assuming the next expansion introduces 4 new investigators, I wonder if 3 of them will be female to make up for the 5/3 split of male/female investigators in UtP.

Here's hoping there's an announcement soon on the newest addition. Need. More. Eldritch.

I am assuming that upcoming expansion boards will be for the remaining expedition spaces: Amazon, Heart of Africa, Tunguska, The Himalayas. I suspect Heart of Africa could have the cult of the Bloody Tongue (Nyarlathotep). Tunguska could have Chaugnar Faun and Atlach-Nacha. Himalayas could have Hastur, or Hastur/King in Yellow could be a small expansion. Would like to see Daoloth and Tsathoggua.

Next expansion, I need my favorite character included please. Jenny Barnes has been idle far too long.

Instead of another side board I wouldn't mind an overlay board. Something that changes the landscape, I think there is plenty of room on the core board. In addition a mechanic that will open portals in the wilderness or maybe move a portal to the wilderness or the open sea.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the future we see stickers that add to the main board, a little like when Pandemic added a fifth virus. New locations would add a lot to the game; say 3 locations, stickers to add them, location decks, gates, etc etc

Overlay sounds better though. Those stickers will have to be very big to match the dimensions of the existing locations. Speaking of pandemic, a virus is small whilst a city is not so :)

When are they going announce a new expansion already???? This is a game that needs to be expanded constantly to keep interest. Why doesn't ffg want to take my money?

Under the pyramids appeared last year so my best guess that we should expect the next expansion to drop by near the summer vacation. Too many expansions at once hurts the business but one per year keeps the interest alive and the players engaged.

The seem to be doing one small box and one big box each year. The next up is another small box. I'd imagine that it would contain a new type of encounter deck like the Mystic Ruins. My guess will be that it will be some sort of undersea theme with Atlantis, Mu, and R'lyeh. Those sea spaces haven't had much in the way of development. Maybe with an R'lyeh Rising type of GOO or Adventure.

With most I agree that too much content can hurt a game, but this game requires new cards to stay fresh. I'd shell out $50 or $100 just for fresh cards for all of the existing decks. I'll literally buy anything they release for game. Heck at this point I just want some news. Come on ffg!

Overlay sounds better though. Those stickers will have to be very big to match the dimensions of the existing locations. Speaking of pandemic, a virus is small whilst a city is not so :)

Oh I wasn't thinking of big city stickers, more the smaller generic locations, only linked to a specific place. Space 3 for example is linked to Easter Island (or is it Space 7??) so you could do a small sticker with a train link that you stick above London, location 22 / Generic City. But it could also be linked to Scotland or Wales.

With most I agree that too much content can hurt a game, but this game requires new cards to stay fresh. I'd shell out $50 or $100 just for fresh cards for all of the existing decks. I'll literally buy anything they release for game. Heck at this point I just want some news. Come on ffg!

Yeah I was thinking the same. Small box expansions tend to add to the decks, but only the core box decks. A small box expansion without investigators / tokens / Great Old One, but say 15 new cards for every deck so far.

With most I agree that too much content can hurt a game, but this game requires new cards to stay fresh. I'd shell out $50 or $100 just for fresh cards for all of the existing decks. I'll literally buy anything they release for game. Heck at this point I just want some news. Come on ffg!

Yeah I was thinking the same. Small box expansions tend to add to the decks, but only the core box decks. A small box expansion without investigators / tokens / Great Old One, but say 15 new cards for every deck so far.

Whoa there! An expansion without an AO?! I hope not. That said, once they've introduced most, if not all, possible AO's I could see them releasing something like Forsaken Lore again (without an AO), just as a final boost to the game's stock. I suppose with regard to investigators they might downsize the additional numbers per expansion at some point, as there's plenty of those to choose from already.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking they're releasing one small and one big box expansion per year? Given that SR came out around August and UtP in December I figured there may be a bit of a break in the next announcement, but as zeromage said, I just want news!

Maybe they wanna take a bit more time to make sure they redress the balancing issues and get things just right.

Edited by Eldritch Mike

With most I agree that too much content can hurt a game, but this game requires new cards to stay fresh. I'd shell out $50 or $100 just for fresh cards for all of the existing decks. I'll literally buy anything they release for game. Heck at this point I just want some news. Come on ffg!

Yeah I was thinking the same. Small box expansions tend to add to the decks, but only the core box decks. A small box expansion without investigators / tokens / Great Old One, but say 15 new cards for every deck so far.

Whoa there! An expansion without an AO?! I hope not. That said, once they've introduced most, if not all, possible AO's I could see them releasing something like Forsaken Lore again (without an AO), just as a final boost to the game's stock. I suppose with regard to investigators they might downsize the additional numbers per expansion at some point, as there's plenty of those to choose from already.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking they're releasing one small and one big box expansion per year? Given that SR came out around August and UtP in December I figured there may be a bit of a break in the next announcement, but as zeromage said, I just want news!

Maybe they wanna take a bit more time to make sure they redress the balancing issues and get things just right.

Crazy right?! But I don't think it's totally insane to release a deck booster at some point. As for running out of GOOs at some point, might take a while longer than we think. FFG is already using expanded mythos, and technically Syzygy wasn't a GOO, it was an event to summon Azathoth. We might see more events and minor villains introduced, I mean who wouldn't want to chase the Whateleys around?

What do you think will be next in big expansion ?

I really would like to see Arkham (city) ! as additional board in next big expansion.

Or I think it would be great to have something totally new and fresh as “Other Worlds” something like it was in Arkham Horror.

But this time we could have more space e.g. 3 pare other world. I think one board could contain 4-5 totally different “other worlds”, with special carts for them.

I really like Mountains of Madness and Pyramids but this time I would like to see something different !

You really have 4 well known places when dealing with Lovecraft, right? Antarctica, Egypt, and the Americas (including Arkham and it's surrounding areas), and finally the Dreamlands.

as much as i would LOVE to see a dreamlands expansion, that kind of seems like it's own game, and i'm pretty sure we'll probably get Innsmouth for our next expansion, or hey maybe a huge Arkham map. Still, the places visited so far in Eldritch differ from those of Arkham Horror. Almost like they were going for the places we didn't see in AH, and the Investigators we didn't get to play with in the Core Set of AH.

Dreamlandsor the deep of Shadow out of Time.....

ooooh, i can see Australia being a sideboard, actually. as you hunt for signs of the Yithians in the sand, traveling across deserts, swamps, dry lands, man Australia itself is kind of a nightmare. :lol:

You really have 4 well known places when dealing with Lovecraft, right? Antarctica, Egypt, and the Americas (including Arkham and it's surrounding areas), and finally the Dreamlands.

as much as i would LOVE to see a dreamlands expansion, that kind of seems like it's own game, and i'm pretty sure we'll probably get Innsmouth for our next expansion, or hey maybe a huge Arkham map. Still, the places visited so far in Eldritch differ from those of Arkham Horror. Almost like they were going for the places we didn't see in AH, and the Investigators we didn't get to play with in the Core Set of AH.

I would love an Innsmouth expansion. Travel there from Arkham (via bus, of course), Dagon epic monster (or I suppose they could make him a GOO event), lots of Deep Ones, Hybrid Cultists, ohhhhhh now you've got me all excited.

as much as i would LOVE to see a dreamlands expansion, that kind of seems like it's own game, and i'm pretty sure we'll probably get Innsmouth for our next expansion, or hey maybe a huge Arkham map. Still, the places visited so far in Eldritch differ from those of Arkham Horror. Almost like they were going for the places we didn't see in AH, and the Investigators we didn't get to play with in the Core Set of AH.

It's extremely likely the next big box is Dreamlands. You may want to look at this post here on BGG: the coded messages found in Under the Pyramids seem to point in that direction. If we consider that:

- the first messages suggested Nyarly, and we have a Dark Pharaoh in UtP

- then we got messages pointing at Hastur, and here we have the Carcosa expansion

- the last coded messages are pointing at the Dreamlands, so, I'd not be surprised to see Dreamlands arriving after Hastur

I also think Dreamlands are very likely but I hope to see those not as a next big box, but as a big box after that. I would much rather prefer to zoom in around Arkham first.

(By "prefer" I mean "hate the least" of course. For the first year with EH I really hoped there will be no sideboards for this game.)

Edited by tsuma534

as much as i would LOVE to see a dreamlands expansion, that kind of seems like it's own game, and i'm pretty sure we'll probably get Innsmouth for our next expansion, or hey maybe a huge Arkham map. Still, the places visited so far in Eldritch differ from those of Arkham Horror. Almost like they were going for the places we didn't see in AH, and the Investigators we didn't get to play with in the Core Set of AH.

It's extremely likely the next big box is Dreamlands. You may want to look at this post here on BGG: the coded messages found in Under the Pyramids seem to point in that direction. If we consider that:

- the first messages suggested Nyarly, and we have a Dark Pharaoh in UtP

- then we got messages pointing at Hastur, and here we have the Carcosa expansion

- the last coded messages are pointing at the Dreamlands, so, I'd not be surprised to see Dreamlands arriving after Hastur

I'm glad you brought up the codes, Julia, i almost forgot about them until playing and seeing a code on one of the Old Journal unique assets. I'm really hoping for a dreamlands expansion. I'm completely jacked for The King in Yellow expansion too, but for the next small box i actually NEED to see a Mi-Go expansion. Arkham did it for me with gameplay and everything, but man.. this game really sucks you in to each story. Love it.

Assuming that Dreamlands are indeed next, some of the investigators are really fitting to such theme.
• Luke Robinson, the Dreamer - in AH he even started the game in Dreamlands

• Carolyn Fern, the Psychologist - " Over the past six months, she has been studying the dreams of her patients using hypnosis. One patient in particular gave her vivid and disturbing descriptions of his dreams, right up until he was murdered with a strange knife that closely resembled something from one of his nightmares. "
• Amanda Sharpe, the Student - " (...) she has begun to dream of the vast green depths of the ocean and terrible alien cities that lie in its darkest crevasses "

• "Ashcan" Pete, the Drifter - " His nightmares have been growing steadily worse over the last month, driving him all the way here "