XG-1 "Star Wing" Assault Gunboat Thread

By FTS Gecko, in X-Wing

Delivered (eventually!)


Would a tie panel texture on the wings REALLY ruin the aesthetic?

I mean, it's not like we're suggesting replace the missile pods with bomber hulls... :P

Delivered (eventually!)

Would a tie panel texture on the wings REALLY ruin the aesthetic?

I mean, it's not like we're suggesting replace the missile pods with bomber hulls... :P

When I saw that picture, I actually thought that the render was particularly inspired, by integrating a little of the TIE panel concept onto the lower wings. In the same vein that now we have a star destroyer-lookalike with Interceptor wings (the Imperial Raider), a transport with TIE cockpit (the Decimator), the gunboat could look like a Lambda with TIE fighter panel texture.

I think the Gunboat wouldn't look ugly with solar panel wings as long as the rest of the wing is kept on the dark metal color, instead of the clear grey or blue of the TIEs.

Delivered (eventually!)


Would a tie panel texture on the wings REALLY ruin the aesthetic?

I mean, it's not like we're suggesting replace the missile pods with bomber hulls... :P

might work if the panels didn't cover the entire wing, just, say, a diagonal section from the tip for about 1/3 of the span

I wouldn't be averse to the darker grey coloured section of the wings featuring the TIE panel texture. In moderation.

Let's be honest here, the Clawcraft and TIE/droid are the only two remaining variants that have panel designs non-ugly enough to warrant consideration.

You forgot the TIE Avenger, which looks better than both. ;)

Plus of course, the Chiss Clawcraft would be a Scum & Villany ship in any case.

A TIE Avenger I could live with. But not before the XG-1.

Edited by FTS Gecko

I wouldn't be averse to the darker grey coloured section of the wings featuring the TIE panel texture. In moderation.

The existing section really isn't a good shape for it. you know how the StarViper's black panel sections look wierd due to the high contrast? the same thing would probably happen.

with a different shape, though:


Keep the Gunboat design, but make the 5 wings patterned like solar panels. Size it like the K wing. Keep the shuttle nose, and let the lore on the generic pilots explain that Cygnus got to make something slightly smaller and more nimble than the shuttle.

I don't really see the point of that.

The Gunboat isn't a TIE. It's not made by Sienar. It doesn't have twin ion engines. Putting solar panels on the wings doesn't make it a TIE any more than putting solar panels on the Raider made that a TIE, or solar panels on that dumb police gunship made it a TIE.

Don't mess up what makes the Gunship interesting trying to force it into the TIE mold.

Anyone else notice that that I9 picture above looks like Buck Rogers' Thunderfighter?

Anyone else notice that that I9 picture above looks like Buck Rogers' Thunderfighter?

I-7, A-9 is the Vigilance.

That's because the Howlrunner is a ripoff of the Thunderfighter, which went through a couple of franchises (it was actually a BSG Viper concept at one point). But I guess anything McQuarrie is automatically SW.

Explains it...

Would a tie panel texture on the wings REALLY ruin the aesthetic?

I mean, it's not like we're suggesting replace the missile pods with bomber hulls... :P

Personally, I think so. They wouldn't look the same at all; it would be like SFS designed the thing, and it would likely also lack those awesome red stripes.

Has the XG-1 been used in the new canon? If they were going to use it, they would have by now.

You mean the "new canon" that currently consists of just the six existing films, the Clone Wars and Rebels TV series and "Star Wars: A New Dawn"? Considering that "new canon" has only been in existence for 14 months, and Rebels and A New Dawn have been the only additions during that time, I think it's very premature to make statements like "if they were going to use it, they would have by now.".

Not that this "new canon" has any bearing on what FFG do with the X-Wing Miniatures Game in any case; FFG has been plumbing the Star Wars: Legends material for ideas since Wave 3, and show no sign of stopping any time soon.

In fact, didn't the XG-1 Assault Gunboat appear in the Edge Of The Empire sourcebook "Fly Casual" recently?

Edited by FTS Gecko
This is hypocrisy at it's finest. Calling the Oppressor fanboyish, while praising the Assault "Add more wings to the Lambda!" Gunboat is pure nonsense. As is referring to it as "sleek" when it's the farthest thing from.

Anyway, the Hunter looks fine. The Oppressor would look much better if the top panel wasn't further back than the side panels. It would look much better if all 3 panels were aligned.

I'm not talking about the size of the vehicles. I'm talking about the scale of warfare at which they operate. And yes, there is a distinct difference on that scale at which ground walkers and space shuttles operate.

Now take all of that math you just did, and throw it out the window, because the TIE Interceptor is made of a science-fiction space metal you have no idea of stress limits of. Yes, it's lightweight, but only compared to OTHER spaceships ALSO made of science-fiction space metals.

You should already know that whatever it's made of is far stronger than anything we use, otherwise, just flying through the atmosphere being shaped like it is should tear it's wings off.

Stop trying to apply real physics to a fake ****ing made up spaceship.

Hypocrisy? No. The Gunboat has a purpose for those wings: they're to give the ship more maneuverability in an atmosphere, which makes sense when you consider that TIE Fighters operate poorly in atmosphere compared to the X-wing.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion of the Hunter, I suppose. But I'll never like it.

Your mention of scale previously indicated you were talking about size in the context you mentioned it. Please be consistent.

And actually, the scale of warfare has absolutely no meaning, so I don't even know what you're talking about.

Actually, the math I did has nothing to do with stress limits of the material, which is actually a completely different equation. It's just a simple torque formula that would apply equally to any universe, regardless of its advanced materials. And if you're going to bring up the atmosphere issue, keep in mind that the TIE Interceptor's wing design would actually work in its favor maneuvering through an atmosphere since they're curved and would withstand rolls and pitch and yaw changes very well since there's much less of them than the TIE Fighter and thus less surface area for wind to act upon. But we're not talking about that; we're talking about whether resting on them is possible. And while it is *possible*, it's still a dumb idea because of the torque that would be presented on the wing joints.

Wait, you're arguing for it being heavier than I said it was? You think it's greater than 10 tons? Wow... that would mean the forces acting on the wings are even stronger. And the TIE Fighter and Interceptor are not indestructible; in fact, they vaporize on contact with any hard object at even lower speeds like the roughly 100MPH they were traveling at in TESB during the asteroid field chase, so we know that their materials are relatively fragile compared to whatever the Millennium Falcon is made from. So if its heavier than what I said it was, then this exacerbates the problem.

Lol, people usually say that last bit when they know they've lost the argument and have no real ammunition left. :P

Edited by Millennium Falsehood

Mmmm. Lego.




Edited by FTS Gecko


For my Son of course...

Also an aside:

Hey, FFG. This thread's been going on longer than a year now, and most of us Imperial fanboys want this like way more than the egg carton.

Just an FYI.

Also an aside:

Hey, FFG. This thread's been going on longer than a year now, and most of us Imperial fanboys want this like way more than the egg carton.

Just an FYI.

I like the Interdictor better than the Gunboat. I'm most pleased with FFG.

Also an aside:

Hey, FFG. This thread's been going on longer than a year now, and most of us Imperial fanboys want this like way more than the egg carton.

Just an FYI.

It'l probably drop with a Defender buff (not a fix exactly, the defender isnt hurting bad) in the same wave the T70 buffs the Xwing.

And actually, the scale of warfare has absolutely no meaning, so I don't even know what you're talking about.

Well, that's your problem. It's not that complicated of a concept.

It's like the different between X-Wing Miniatures, and Armada. Both are about space ship combat. You can find TIE Fighters in both games, but one is on the scale of starfighter combat. The other is on the scale of fleet actions.

Stop trying to apply real physics to a fake ****ing made up spaceship.

people usually say that last bit when they know they've lost the argument and have no real ammunition left.

Or they say it when the other person is shooting ammunition that has absolutely no basis on the discussion. As with ANY application of real physics when trying to debate Star Wars.

If you try and use real science to debate a thing that completely ignores real science, you automatically ****ing lose. Next, let's have a discussion where you try and argue how aerodynamics applies to Quiddich.

Edited by DarthEnderX
I like the Interdictor better than the Gunboat. I'm most pleased with FFG.

Hence why DariusAPB said "most" - you're one of those rare exceptions that proves the rule.

Also, it's a TIE Punisher, not an Interdictor. Not that those two ships occupy anywhere near the same design space anyway - if anything, the Punisher competes with the TIE Bomber.

Edited by FTS Gecko

If a 4 forward is red, I don't think it would have a 4 k-turn, only sorta "complaint" I have about it.

You could mitigate the lack of k turn maneuverability with a tail gunner or turret. Gunboats should be piquet support ships (a gun platform) and not intended to engage in dogfights.

Hence why DariusAPB said "most" - you're one of those rare exceptions that proves the rule.

I'm a pretty big TIE fanboy, and I'd never even really heard of the TIE Punisher until the model was announced, because I missed Galactic Battlegrounds.

Also, it's a TIE Punisher, not an Interdictor.

It used to be called a TIE Interdictor.

Edited by DarthEnderX

Aerodynamics could ABSOLUTELY apply to quiddich.

As soon as we have jetpacks that'll absolutely be a thing.

Hence why DariusAPB said "most" - you're one of those rare exceptions that proves the rule.

I'm a pretty big TIE fanboy, and I'd never even really heard of the TIE Punisher until the model was announced, because I missed Galactic Battlegrounds.

Missed is a bit of a strong word there... I have it, but if i want to play AOE2 I just play AOE2...

Edited by DariusAPB

Missed is a bit of a strong word there...

Didn't play?

You could mitigate the lack of k turn maneuverability with a tail gunner or turret. Gunboats should be piquet support ships (a gun platform) and not intended to engage in dogfights.

Don't confust the ship's name with it's actual canon profile and loadout - you can see the XG-1's vital stats (and long, proud service record) on the Wookie .

Tail gunners are best left to Firesprays and even more obscure TIE variants. ;)

I'm a pretty big TIE fanboy, and I'd never even really heard of the TIE Punisher until the model was announced, because I missed Galactic Battlegrounds.

Me neither. I cringe inwardly every time I look at the model, to be honest; welding multiple TIE Bombers together to create a TIE SUPAR-BOMBAH is one of the laziest, least inspiring designs I've ever seen.

It used to be called a TIE Interdictor.

Not any more though. And to me, Interdictor will always mean this:


(and yes, I know that this particular beast was also known as an Immobilizer...)