Watcha been playin'? - The general video game topic.

By papernaut, in UFS Off Topic

I figured I might as well get with the topic making, and I'm pretty bored, so I thought I might as well make one big topic in which we talk about games and whatnot. Topics include what you're playing, what you're waiting for and anything else that might concern video games.

To start off, I'm playing:

COD World At War: At first I was a bit down on this game, taking it for granted as COD4 in WWII, but then I's COD4 in WWII! I've been this game sooo much I should probably be doing something else, but hey more nazi's dead is a good thing, right?

The World Ends with You: I know that this came a long time ago, but I just got around to playing it. I've finished the story mode, and going back and getting all of Mr. H's reports and going to Another Day.

World of Warcraft: Man, I just don't know how it happened...someone asked me what I thought about it, and next thing I know, I'm a level 23 Blood Elf Hunter. Hit me up if you wanna play.

Fallout 3: I've kinda been putting this one off, because I'm trading my PS3 copy in for a 360 version for the downloadable content, but there isn't a version of this game that isn't fun, really.

And here's what I'm waiting for:

Valkyria Chronicles - Mr. Olexa himself recommended the demo to me, and the next time I find myself at a Gamestop with 60 dollars, you bet I'm gonna buy this game.

Left 4 Dead - My one problem with this game is getting four people I like to play this game with me or getting four people online who aren't total jerks, but the demo was amazing.

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - I should be picking this one up shortly.

Super watchamacallit Omega Code Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix 64 - Sagat! In HD! OMG!

Anyways, what are you guys doin'?

Bust a move! Although the DS version really isn't the same -_____-'

I have been playing:

Warriors Orochi 2 - wasn't going to get it at first, but found it cheap and out of habit bought it to find out more about the storyline. Kinda glad I did cause the 2P VS mode makes things a lot more interesting.

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (Hyper SFII and SFIII: 3rd Strike): Practicing with my new arcade stick for when SFIV comes out.

Should be getting Xbox Live in coming weeks, so I can play HD Remix with the peeps.

Also, for nostalgia reasons, I have been playing on Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors. An old Game Boy Color game.

Mostly Soul Calibur 4 though that'll change when SF4 hits.

Recently Ive been playing a few games...

Gears of War 2 - Hotness

Fallout 3 - Awesome game, except for the memory leak

Left 4 Dead - Dude you get to kill endless zombies and the multiplayer rocks house. Definatly recomend this game for anyone who has xbox 360

I rediscovered an OLD Favorate:

Balders Gate 2: Shadows of Amn

Otherwise i've been playin Civilizations: Revolution for Xbox

Papernaut: Sorry this is going to be direct. heheh: knock it off with the WoW. WAR is where its at. Or rather, where it SHOULD be at. PvP that matters, and a stats bolster to bump one up in level when one enters PvP lakes, scenario joins anywhere in world, gear you can use anywhere PvP or PvE. instances just as in WoW. guilds that gain levels themselves and whose banners when you carry them give your guild membors nearby bonuses. Keeps and castles to struggle over against the opposing side (combination of PvP and PvE). Quests with a plot, war is everywhere, and all of this adds up to the ultimate of a war: Seiging and then Ransacing the opponent's capitol city and, if your side of the whole conflict does well enough, capture the opponent's king/leader.

This is realm vs. realm. WoW is just a bunch of people running the same Raid over and over again so they can run that Raid over again, with no real goal to reach for. Everyone should be playing WAR, but WoW is one of those girlfriends, who you should realize has been treating you poorly, but whom you stay with because of past fond memories and everything you've invested in to your relationship with her, and because you guys are livng together and you have a shared group of friends, but whom you should dump and go see what else the world has to offer.

In other news, I've also been playing a bit of spectromancer and trying out some EVE and vangaurd, just to see what else is out there MMO wise. That and about 10 non video games (PK cards, WoW Minis (hey I can enjoy a game based on a game I don't agree with, right?) Mutant Chronicles, Vampire the Eternal Struggle, UFS, MtG, some strange RPG, and back to painting minis Warmachine and Warhammer).

Recently beaten:

Kirby SuperStar Ultra

The World Ends With you

Mother 3

Valkyria Chronicles (probably my favorite game I played this year.)

Currently Playing

Fallout 3

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo ( to get ready for HD Remix)

Currently Anticipating

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix and it will be out tomorrow darn it Omar

Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4

Street Fighter 4

Currently Playing

World Ends With You

Little Big Planet

Bioshock (PS3)

Chrono Trigger DS (As of 11/25)

Burnout Paradise (PS3)

Disgaea 3

Recently Beaten

Dead Space

Dragon Quest IV

Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood

MK vs. DC (Worst game of the Year so far for me, wanted to make me scoop my brains out to forget it.)

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm


Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Street Fighter IV

Resident Evil 5 (Friday the 13th.)

I just got a gamefly account so I will be playing games again since I got tired with my library. so soon I will be playing guitar hero world tour.

I got a new PS3 today so im playing LittleBigPlanet and Disgea 3 but i dont know what takes priority right now (havent played too much yet cuz of work)

but ive also been playing some Fallout 3 lately and Left 4 Dead

Recently been playing:

Lost odyssey

Monster hunter 2 ( I think its monster hunter freedom in English), just rediscovered my love for that game.

Okami, though I finished this a while back it is an absolute supberb game on the wii, anyone who has a wii and likes games such as zelda you owe yourself to play this game.

I do want to play the new sonic game that is upcoming even though people really hate the werehog stages I'm still giving it a go.

We only just got another 360 (we had to sell our old one to pay the rent ._.)

I actually want to get a wii so i can play Umbrella Chronicles, its amazing. i love it.

Recently Beaten - Bioshock -both endings, Portal (for the thousandth time xD) Halo 3

Currently Playing - Metroid Prime 2, Dead Space<3

Anticipating - SF4, RESIDENT EVIL 5!!! :D , Left 4 Dead (havent got it yet)

Resident evil1 remake will always have a special place in my heart

I'm a bit strange with what I play because sometimes I'll play something relatively old and unexpected (by my standards).

Currently playing:

Unreal Tournament 3

The Witcher (second time)

??? Anything that I've recently played because I might pick them up again

Recently Played:

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

Shining Tears 2 (something or other...)

Hellgate:London (lol, avoid)

Mass Effect (PC)


Final Fantasy XII

Anticipating Ownership:

Fable 2

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Randomly Return To:

Castle of the Winds: A Quest For Vengeance

Castle of the Winds: Lifthransir's Bane

Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap

Super Mario World

Need For Speed (entire franchise starting with Hot Pursuit 2 onward)

Good Stuff


Final Fantasy VIII

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

Monster Hunter (entire franchise)

Pokemon (entire franchise)

Divine Divinity

Beyond Divinity

Unreal Tournament 2004

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Dungeon Siege

Twisted Metal 2 and 4 (I think that I can atribute my in-game playstyle to what I learned here gran_risa.gif )

I just picked up (and by that I mean went on PSN and downloaded) HD Remix, and boy do I love it.

To vermillian - I'm mostly playing WOW because my brother said "you need to play this with me" and is paying for my account. If it weren't for that, i probably wouldn't have approached it.

Unfortunatly, I don't have too much time for games anymore, but I am playing:

Zelda: Twilight Princess

Sim City 4 (Old, but very good!)

Pokemon Pearl (replaying)

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (I love building sims....)

Occasionally, I throw in some Brawl and Endless Ocean.

I am working on getting a PS3, and when I do, I will be picking up Metal Gear Solid 4 ASAP. I've been dying to play that game. Silent Hill: Homecoming, Valkyria Chronicles, and Soul Calibur 4 are also games I want on the system.

I am also wanting Mario Kart Wii....

The game I anticipating the most is Empire: Total War. I love the Total War franchise, and this one looks amazing (Naval Batles!!!). It will most likely be consuming much of my time when it comes out!

Bioshock 2 isnt due out til next xmas ;_;

Downloaded the Yngwie Malmsteen pack.

To all of you playing GH:WT : When (and it's really just a matter of time considering Neversoft's love for difficult songs and all) these songs hit your game, I will feel for you. My arm hurts BAD and it's not supposed to be overcharted.

Imagine once Neversoft gets a hold of it. Through the Fire and Flames will be a cakewalk.

Persona 3 and Street Fighter Anniversary Edition.

Phoenix Guard said:

Persona 3 and Street Fighter Anniversary Edition.

Oh crap finals, P4's coming out AND I haven't finished P3FES yet...

So add SSF2HDR and Valkyria Chronicles to the list lol. thanks to everyone here i downloaded the demo for VC on Tuesday night.... then I bought the game on my way to work Wednesday lol. It really is amazing and im only on chapter 3 :P

<_< Thanks a lot guys.... making me buy games when i still have LBP and Disgea and like 40000 other games i need to beat

I am really glad to see some love for Valkyria Chronicles it is an amazing game.

Recently I've been playing Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3 (before my RRoD :*( ), LittleBigPlanet, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, Kirby Superstar Ultra (imported the above two, stupid UK release dates) and when my friends come over, Super Smash Bros Brawl and Soul Calibur IV.

I've been meaning to pick up Valkyria Chronicles, is it as good as it looks, for those who've played it? I'm also thinking of picking up The Last Remnant on 360 once mine comes back repaired. Anyone been playing that and can talk me into/ out of buying it?

ive chosen to play VC instead of sleep as of now. its 7am and ive been playing this game since like 1230. its kinda amazing

on another note hows Mirrors Edge, i was thinking of getting it but im not sure if i should just wait and get Prince of Persia, i mean im getting PoP but is Mirrors Edge worth getting if ima have that

Left 4 Dead...a lot. Its such an amazing game, and I have yet to run into any D-bags online!