So I've raised this issue before , and again during the Only War Beta , but perhaps the FFG Overlords will listen to me this time?
The 2nd edition beta changes Called Shot from a simple -20 modifier to an Attack Action, to it's own Attack Action.
The problems are as follows:
- You do not get the +10 bonus from single shots to mitigate the penalty
- You can not combine a Called Shot with an Aim Action on the same turn
Shooting someone in a specific location then, such as the Body, is now a full action BS-20 test.
Shooting a Body-sized target (ie a Gretchin) with a single shot, using Aim is now a full action BS+10 test.
Shooting a Head-sized target (ie a Servo skull) with a single shot, using Aim is now a full action BS+0 test. And mind you, a servo skull flies around more erratically than a man might move his head.
The difference is quite big (+30 or +20) and the reasoning is.... wonky.
Edited by Darth Smeg