Going over older entries looks like I fumble fingered an entry: the Nickname for submission 7085 should read "ArkhamRel" (as opposed to it's current value of ArkahamRel)
Eldritch Horror Statistics
The latest expansion introduced 2 Mythos cards with the effect "Draw another Mythos card, if this was the last Mythos card,
Investigators lose the game
Neither of the End-conditions present in the form reflect this scenario 100%.
Does this warrant a new lose condition "Defeat by Mythos card effect" (or something similar) or do we just use the "Defeat by Mythos depletion" option?
It's a defeat by Mythos depletion: investigators are asked to draw from the Mythos deck, but they can't. The condition expressed on said Mythos card is just a (not needed) repetition of what's already stated in the rulebook (it's not the first time in Eldritch)
It's a defeat by Mythos depletion: investigators are asked to draw from the Mythos deck, but they can't. The condition expressed on said Mythos card is just a (not needed) repetition of what's already stated in the rulebook (it's not the first time in Eldritch)
It's not 100% equal to what the Rules Reference says.
The effect would be "if this was the last Mythos card, the Mythos Phase ends, if the Investigators have not won, Investigators lose the game".
The effect on the card specifically robs you of this window of opportunity to win. That's why it is slightly different then defeat by Mythos depletion.
So, even if investigators had the last mystery passed they cannot trigger the win condition so that they lose for bad luck because any other existing card in the game would have allowed for a legitimate win? Another fantastic Eldritch moment where good strategy is overly punished by idiotic luck-based effects. Wow. It's getting worse and worse with each and every expansion
I would consider this a loss by Mythos depletion. The card just could have said "draw another Mythos card" and then, implicitly, the investigators would lose the game if there weren't any more.
I would consider this a loss by Mythos depletion. The card just could have said "draw another Mythos card" and then, implicitly, the investigators would lose the game if there weren't any more.
I so much wish it would. And a simple reminder: (You lose if you can't draw a Mythos card.)
Redundant redundancy is redundant.
We began playing Hard-Only and just submitted our results today.
Eventhough we lost, there is hope, investigator. I am writing this as my hotel door is being teared down by these civilians who think their Idiot God is their, salvation. To my luck, I know a very peculiar guy named Dexter and trust his ability to save me. I hope he does. Will everything I've found just vanish? No... Never.. Is there something under my bed. I am starting to feel, horror.. Whoever gets this, push on!
Statistics Name
Eldritch Bakırköy: Nightmare Mode On
Against all odds, we were triumphant. The shameful serpent people were right to betray Yig, but foolish enough to fear him and reunite with him to stand against humanity. Through sheer power of will, we ended this horror. Maybe you will encounter a black shaman woman one day, maybe you will be able to recognize her by her injured leg. If you do, learn everything you can from her. Maybe you will get to know of two very influencial people, who will aid you and provide you with whatever you need at these times of desperation. Maybe you will get to meet a magical woman and hear her whisper across the world and maybe you will be acquainted with the most daring man who will unearth artifacts, find crucial information about the greatest enemy. Have
no fear
! You are
not alone
! Whatever your situation in your
own world
is. Keep on fighting on and taste the sweetest victory known to mankind.
Eldritch Bakırköy: Nightmare Mode On
Can Anybody post the new Dreamland content for Tibs? I still do not have my copy, so I cannot do that.
Is Dreamlands out already!?
Is Dreamlands out already!?
Surprise! Seems that you've been busy lately.
I have: I've begun PhD thesis work.
I haven't played EH in over two years, and haven't used any expansions beyond the very first one (although i have purchased the two that followed). I still have some number of expansions yet to collect :-/
Edited by TibsWell, I for one would be quite happy to learn that a new expansion appeared out of nowhere. Have a nice work on your thesis.
Yo Tibs. New stuff
Expansion Name
- The Dreamlands
- Amanda
- Carolyn
- Darrell
- Gloria
- Kate
- Luke
- Vincent
- William
- Focused Training
- Lurker Among Us
- Otherworldly Dreams
- Twin Blasphemies of the Black Goat
- Web Between Worlds
- Written in the Stars
- Drawn Through the Gate
- Doorways to Tuonela
- Nightmarish Dreams
- Scavengers
- Render of the Veils
- Song of Spheres
Epic Monsters
- Atlach-Nacha
- Doppelganger (this epic monster is already present in the roster from another expansion)
- Render of the Veils
- Sleeper of N'kai
- The Brood
Ancient Ones
- Atlach-Nacha
- Hypnos
I hope I did not miss anything this time.
Edited by RunkoHopefully this gets updated soon. I haven't started playing with my Dreamlands expansion yet since I'm going through them in order (starting MoM tonight!), but I really want to see the data for new investigators and AO difficulty.
Hey thanks Runko!
The input form's been updated. I'm going to add the components to the site right now.
Have at it, folks.
Tibs: Thanks for updating the form.
Just entered my latest games and managed to fumble finger both entries, but in different ways.
Row 7710 (vs. Hypnos). Nickname should be ArkhamRel
Row 7711 (vs. Atlach-Nacha). Game used Wilson, Not William.
Twin Blasphemies of the Black Goat introduces a new lose condition.
Defeat by Prelude
During Step 5 of setup ("Determine Ancient One"), set aside 2 Ghoul Monsters .
During Step 9 of setup ("Resolve Starting Effects"), if Shub-Niggurath is the Ancient One , search the Mystery deck for the Spawn of Shub-Niggurath Mystery instead of drawing a random Mystery.
After resolving setup, each investigator improves
. If playing with the
Forsaken Lore
expansion, spawn the
Epic Monster
The Amazon
. Then, if Shub-Niggurath is not the Ancient One, spawn the
Epic Monster on the Amazon.
During this game, the Nug and Yeb Epic Monsters each have toughness equal to
+ 4.
While resolving the Nug Epic Monster's
effect, if a Ghoul Monster cannot be spawned,
Investigators lose the game
Maybe enlist the role of the investigators ( the explore, the mariner, the soldier etc.) will let the people to add theri playing investigators easely, I simply cant't remember all the first names!
Really Nice work ,man!. Can you add an option to see if players are ignoring the "Reshuffle a complete mistery back in the deck" and numbers on how often that happens?Im just curious and I think it is an interesting s tatistic .
Went to submit my game from last night...only to find that some dastardly Ancient One seems to have devoured the Cities in Ruin stuff. (Hope that gets added soon!)
Yo @Tibs
New stuff
Cities in Ruin
- "Ashcan"
- Bob
- Rita
- Roland
- Apocalypse Nigh
- Fall of Man
- The Price of Prestige
- You Know What You Must Do
- Exploring the Crater
- Mission Dolores
- Return to G'Harne
Epic Monsters:
- Ancient Cthonian (this Epic monster is present 4 times)
- Shudde M'ell
- Worldrender
Ancient Ones:
- Shudde M'ell
- Defeat by devastation
Hi guys. It looks like since the forums changed, my email notifications got deactivated.
I'll add the new stuff ASAP.
Edit: form should now be updated. Thanks again, Runko.
Edited by Tibs