Starfighter Creation Thread

By LibrariaNPC, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

For a Silhouette 4, change Defense to 1/-/-/1 because it shouldn't actually have ratings for port and starboard at all.

Thanks for the advice Happy, made the edit to the stat.

Thought I'd take a stab at stating out a ship, here's what I have. If there are any tweak let me know, other wise I just took what I could from the CRB and made it as fair as I could.

Nu-Class Assault Shuttle
Era: Rise of the Empire
Hull type: Shuttle
Ship Class: Nu-class attack shuttle
Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Navcomp: Equipped
Sensor Range: medium
Ship's Complement: Pilot; Gunner
Encumbrance Capacity: 300
Passenger Capacity: 30
Consumables: 2 days
Cost/Rarity: 85,000 credits (50,000 used)/5
Customization Hard Points: 2
Silhouette: 4
Speed: 4
Handling: 0
Defense: 1/-/-/1
Armor: 4
Hull Threshold: 30
System Threshold: 15
Weapons: 2 Medium laser cannons
2 Light laser cannons
*1 Escape pod
*edit changed defense stat.

Interesting write-up, but here are a few concerns:

1) Why does it have Medium Range Sensors? The majority of ships that size are only at Close, with a very few exceptions (like the Citadel-class light freighter). As I see this as closer to the Lambda, or possibly even the Sentinel, I think the sensors should match.

2) The ship appears to be a predecessor to the Sentinel, but is superior in Hull and Handling. Perhaps tone the Hull down closer to 25, perhaps no more than 27? (A player told me the Sentinel has 25 HT, but Armor 5 to make up for it).

3) Just a question on the crew: does it have one gunner or two?

4) A question on weapons: are two of the cannons on turrets of some nature? If so, that may be worth mentioning.

Otherwise, pretty good write-up!

Hey Libraria, after reading your post I see where you are getting at

1) part of it I was looking over wiki's and the ships in the books, and thought it was closer to the citadel. I can see where it's closer to the Lambda and the Sentinel. I can change that stat

2) Yeah toning down the Hull makes sense, then upping the armor by one

3)it's just one gunner and one pilot

4)>.< i just realized that I didn't full put the descriptions on them thanks for point that one out.

once I change the state, if you want to throw it in with the list of ships you have you can ^.^

Edited by SynysterDreamer

Hey Libraria, after reading your post I see where you are getting at

1) part of it I was looking over wiki's and the ships in the books, and thought it was closer to the citadel. I can see where it's closer to the Lambda and the Sentinel. I can change that stat

2) Yeah toning down the Hull makes sense, then upping the armor by one

3)it's just one gunner and one pilot

4)>.< i just realized that I didn't full put the descriptions on them thanks for point that one out.

once I change the state, if you want to throw it in with the list of ships you have you can ^.^

1) Glad to he of help there!

2) You don't really have to raise the Armor there, as I think having this as an in-between Lambda and Sentinel would make more sense, thus why I mentioned it. The Hull is my only real concern.

3) Thanks for clarifying!

4) No problem on that! It's what I do, and I've had people call me out for it, so don't feel bad!

And I'll keep it in mind for the Freighter chapter when I finally finish that up. Ugh, work, but yay for working on a manuscript.

Yeah, resist the urge to make things super powerful, especially if you like it. Google Matt Ward sometime to find out what happens when you don't learn a little restraint when dealing with material you love.

I don't think I've seen the TIE Advanced x1 or the TIE Avenger done here...if you're still looking for fighters, perhaps consider them? I might want to throw them at my players soon.

I don't think I've seen the TIE Advanced x1 or the TIE Avenger done here...if you're still looking for fighters, perhaps consider them? I might want to throw them at my players soon.

I didn't stat them up as I didn't know if they would appear in Age of Rebellion. Now that I have confirmed it, I won't feel bad for statting them.

Those are actually pretty easy, now that I think about it. Perhaps after I get the first part of this report done I'll get started on them and perhaps type up the Uglies (I wrote them out in my notebook, but not online yet).

Alright folks, I'm back!

I've hit a point in my report that I could take a break and stat up some ships. I just put the finishing touches on the TIE Avenger, and will begin posting everything shortly.

I don't feel as though they are perfect, but that's what feedback is for!

But first, here's my "Treatise on Uglies"

A Treatise On Uglies

“Uglies” are ships that are built from various parts that one would have on hand. You will be hard pressed to find one in the open market, but you may find a good number of them piloted by pirates or other groups who are unable to afford “proper” craft. That isn’t to say that Uglies are worthless ships, but rather they are unreliable due to their nature.

The two biggest advantages to an Ugly are also their biggest drawbacks: they are cheap and have unknown capabilities.

If one wishes to build an Ugly, they will need, at the very least, a hull from one vehicle, the engines of another, and parts to “complete” the ship.

I will be honest, I doubt there will ever be clean mechanics for this, as many Uglies defy all normal rules. That said, here’s a few guidelines to get started.

First, choose two or more ships to put together. Determine where the different parts would meet; for example, there are two combinations of Y-Wings and TIE Fighters based on which wings and cockpits are being used.

Second, assign the statistics of the vehicle. Use the following concepts:

Speed : Use the Speed of the ship that you’ve pulled the engines from. Reduce it if the vehicle is much heavier and/or is forced to split power to systems it never had.

Handling : Take the lowest Handling of the two vehicles. As most Uglies are variable, some can be more agile (at the cost of other abilities), but most are less agile, and therefore subtract another 1-2 to Handling.

Hull and System: This one is up for debate as you have two options. The first is to use the Hull of the “primary” ship (i.e. the fuselage); the second is to guess a number between the two Hull values. System Strain should be the lowest of the ships involved, with another -1 to -3 taken away due to the “quality” of the vehicle.

Cost/Rarity : The cost is always variable, as you are basically purchasing a collection of flying scrap with some working components. The ships are worth as much or as little as you please, but can have that can rise up to 90% of a single ship’s cost.

Encumbrance, Passengers, and Consumables : Again, this is variable, but use the values of the cockpit of the ship you are using. Make adjustments as needed.

Hard Points : Once built, Uglies do not have any Hard Points.

Weapons : Weapons are one of the most versatile part of an Ugly, as there are no “defaults.” The easiest weapons to mount are those on the parts of the ship you are using, but others can be added, even if they are “too big” for the ship. . .at a penalty, of course.

Other Abilities: Uglies are prone to having a good number of tricks available to them in exchange for reliability issues. A simple way of doing this is to remove a system it would normally have (such as weapons, shields), weaken a system it would have (engines, maneuverability), reduce armor/Hull, or cause a setback die to all checks made with the ship in exchange for something it would normally not have. Examples have included powerful shields, heavy weapons not available to a ship of its size, or engines that can outpace a TIE Interceptor.

The following Uglies are “Tried and True” and tend to not vary very often from one to another, even though they are not factory built. They have guidelines and tend to do the job that they are required to do: be cheaply produced fighters that can be built in your own backyard!

TYE-wing Ugly

Parts : TIE cockpit and cannons, engine nacelles of Y-Wing.


Era: Rebellion

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class: Ugly

Manufacturer: Various groups

Hyperdrive: None

Navcomp: None

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 4 (65kg)

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: Variable (Two days)

Cost/Rarity: Variable; up to 40,000 credits / 4

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 4

Handling: -1

Defense: 0

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 6

System Threshold: 7


Two Forward Mounted Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

X-TIE Ugly


Parts : X-Wing fuselage and engines, TIE wings. Torpedoes remain, often replaced by cannons. X-Wing shields.

Era: Rebellion

Hull type: Starfither

Ship Class: Ugly

Manufacturer: Variable

Hyperdrive: Class 1

Navcomp: N/A – Astromech Socket

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Astromech.

Encumbrance Capacity: 10

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: Variable (One week)

Cost/Rarity: Up to 75,000 credits / 5

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 5

Handling: -2

Defense: 1/1

Armor : 2

Hull Threshold: 8

System Threshold: 7


1 Forward-mounted proton torpedo launcher ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 3, Slow-Firing 1)

1 Forward Mounted light laser cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close])

X-ceptor Ugly

Parts : X-wing fuselage, missiles, shields, and hyperdrive. Interceptor solar panels with cannons.

Era: Rebellion

Hull type: Starfither

Ship Class: Ugly

Manufacturer: Variable

Hyperdrive: Class 1

Navcomp: N/A – Astromech Socket

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Astromech.

Encumbrance Capacity: 10

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: Variable (One week)

Cost/Rarity: Up to 90,000 credits / 5

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 5

Handling: 0*

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold : 9

System Threshold: 8


4 Wingtip-mounted medium laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

2 Forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc ; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 6, Slow-Firing 1; Linked 1)

*Note: You can argue a +1 out of this, especially if it is a “good quality” ship.

Y-TIE Ugly


Parts : Y-Wing fuselage, cannons, and shields, TIE wings, engines, sensors, and cannons (replacing ion cannons). Faster than Y-Wing.

Era: Rebellion

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class: Ugly

Manufacturer: Variable

Hyperdrive: Class 1

Navcomp: NA – Astromech Socket

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Astromech; Gunner (available in BTL-S3)

Encumbrance Capacity: 10

Passenger Capacity: 0 (1 if using BTL-S3 without a gunner)

Consumables: One Week

Cost/Rarity: Up to 45,000 credits / 4

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 5

Handling: -1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 8

System Threshold: 7


2 Forward mounted medium laser cannons ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

2 Turret-mounted medium laser cannons (Fire ArcTurret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)*

2 Forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers (2 Forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc ; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 8, Slow-Firing 1; Linked 1)

*Note: if the turret is locked to “forward firing,” combine the two laser cannon sets and changed Linked 1 to Linked 3

Z’ceptor Ugly


Parts : Z-95 fuselage, engines, shields, hyperdrive, and two wingtip cannons. Solar panels, cockpit and 2 cannons from TIE Interceptor. Astromech mounted to the front.

Era: Rebellion

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class: Ugly

Manufacturer: Variable

Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: N/A; Imbedded Astromech

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Imbedded Astromech

Encumbrance Capacity: 8

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: One day

Cost/Rarity: 25,000-40,000 credits/5

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 4

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/0

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 8

System Threshold: 7


4 “wingtip” mounted medium laser cannons ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

Twin Light Laser Cannon Turret ( Fire Arc Turret; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Now that we got the Ugly mess out of the way, let's move on to two of the sleek TIE fighter designs that were requested:

TIE Advanced x1


Era: Rebellion

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class: Twin Ion Engine Advanced x1

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

Hyperdrive: Class 4

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 13 (150kg)

Passenger Capacity : 0

Consumables: 5 days

Cost/Rarity: Not Available For Sale (Estimated at 96,000 credits)/8 ®

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 5

Handling: +2

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 9

System Threshold: 9


2 chin-mounted medium laser cannons ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 2)

Cluster Missile Launcher (as Concussion Missiles) ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short]; Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 8, Slow-Firing 1)

Note: Fluff dictates that this has a very advanced sensor and targetting package. I would give each weapon Accurate to denote this, but it is optional.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

TIE Avenger


Era: Rebellion/New Republic

Hull type: Starfigjter

Ship Class: Twin Ion Engine Avenger Starfighter

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 8

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: Five Days (note: no life support)

Cost/Rarity: Not available for sale (Estimated at 220,000 credits)/9 ®

Customization Hard Points: 1 (0 with tractor beam projector)

Silhouette: 3

Speed : 6

Handling: +3

Defense* : 2/1

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 9

System Threshold: 9


4 Wingtip Mounted Medium Laser Cannons ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

2 general-purpose warhead launchers ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short]; Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 16, Slow-Firing 1; Linked 1)

Optional: Light Tractor Beam Projector ( Fire Arc Forward; Range [Close]; Tractor 2)

This craft includes an ejector seat, unlike most other TIE fighters.

Creator’s Note : Going by fluff, the Avenger should have 2/2 shields, possibly even 2/1, as it is stated to have double that of an X-Wing. As the AoR Beta has the TIE Defender at 1/1, that may be the “correct” approach.

Of course, fluff is what I’m really going by, and just because I disagree with official stats doesn’t make me right or FFG wrong.

Also note that the fluff dictates that the Avenger is faster than a normal TIE and about as maneuverable, thus the stats I have listed here. It’s a beast of a ship, not going to lie.

And that's the last of what I have in my request bin. I'll still take more requests, but for the time being I'll get back to my report (about six more pages of notes to type) and, if I don't get more requests, I'll probably get back to the freighter chapter since my copy of Stock Ships has been looking rather lonely lately.

Bumping for great justice.

Seriously, it's been here for a bit, and I'm still looking for more suggestions for oddball ships that may never see the light of day from FFG.

And if anyone is still playing The Old Republic, I heard that there are new starfighters there, and if I can just some information on them, I might be able to start statting those up as well. . .

Eh, more of a freighter guy myself, but thank you for doing the V-19. I always liked that fighter for some reason.

Eh, more of a freighter guy myself, but thank you for doing the V-19. I always liked that fighter for some reason.

You're welcome!

At the moment, I have twenty freighters statted, at least three of which I am confident are in an upcoming book so I may remove them.

I also have six more that I haven't statted yet beyond a few scattered comparison notes, so I am hoping to get those done soon. I would like a few more before I post them, but I really don't know how many more are "unpopular" enough to stat (i.e. I don't want to post every CEC ship out there as they've been done many a time).

So if you have any requests in that regard, feel free to inbox them to me and I'll add them. If you want them sooner rather than later, I can chug them out as soon as I'm on the computer again and send them back.

It's been WAY too long, and I know I'm doing a bit of Thread Necromancy here (I know, an evil art to be sure), but I wanted to add a new ship here before starting the posts for my Freighter Creation Thread (I have about 40 ships ready to go there).

This ship is a request from one of my new players: The Chir'daki .


“Death Seed”


Era: Rebellion / New Republic

Hull type: Ugly

Ship Class: Chir’daki

Manufacturer: Twi’leks

Hyperdrive: Class 1

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 8

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: 1 day (no life support)

Cost/Rarity: Not available for sale

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 5

Handling: +2

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 7

System Threshold: 7


Four wing-mounted medium laser cannons (Fire Arc: Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

I have a request if you have the time, a ship I'd love to throw at my players, the Agggressor Class Assault Craft. The most famous one was piloted by IG-88 and named the IG-2000. Of course this is a highly modified version of it. Here's the vital info the IG-2000:

I am sure someone requested this, but the Star Furies from B5, The White Star (Though something to do) & the White Star Battleship (Excalibur & Can't remember the 2nd one)

I have a request if you have the time, a ship I'd love to throw at my players, the Agggressor Class Assault Craft. The most famous one was piloted by IG-88 and named the IG-2000. Of course this is a highly modified version of it. Here's the vital info the IG-2000:

I'll add this one to my freighter thread I have going, as it is surely more of a freighter than a fighter (even though it has those capabilities, like the Helix). Keep in mind that a ship like this is going to be pure conjecture as we only ever see a modified version in action.

I am sure someone requested this, but the Star Furies from B5, The White Star (Though something to do) & the White Star Battleship (Excalibur & Can't remember the 2nd one)

I don't think anyone has requested something from outside of Star Wars yet, so no worries.

I can try to stat up the Star Furies, but they will be pure guesswork and based off of whatever I read as I haven't gotten around to watching the series.

I'll try to get the Furies and the Vipers from Battlestar Galactica squared away today if time permits.I won't go after the capital ships yet as I am awaiting Age of Rebellion so that I can do them proper justice. That, and I have plenty of freighters and a few more fighters still on my docket. . .

Edited by LibrariaNPC

Alright, I've had a nightmare of things with my move, BUT I was able to stat up the Starfury for you!

SA-23E Mitchell-Hyundyne Starfury


Series: Babylon 5

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class:

Manufacturer: Mitchell-Hyundyne

Hyperdrive: Not equipped

Navcomp: N/A

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 8

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: 1 day

Cost/Rarity: Not available for sale (Estimated at 220,000 credits/8 ®)

Customization Hard Points: 8*

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 4

Handling: +2

Defense: 0

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 10

System Threshold: 8


4 Copeland JC466/A Pulse Discharge Cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

2 Copeland JC44 Pulse Discharge Cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close])

* The Starfury has eight points to install extra weapons and ammunition, thus the high number of hard points and high credit cost for a fighter. Only weapons may be mounted on these points.

Creator’s Note : I have NEVER seen an episode of Babylon 5, so I can’t really help you with this one. I’m doing pure conjecture based on what I am reading, but it seems to be reasonably fast and agile; I didn’t make it Speed 5 as there seems to be faster ships that are nowhere near as heavily armed.