Compiled Resources List

By Nate, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Just out of curiosity, has anyone reproduced the example charts for expending Advantage/Triumph and Threat/Dispair as a cheat sheet for the players? Seems to me, keeping somethig like that handy would be a great resource for the players.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone reproduced the example charts for expending Advantage/Triumph and Threat/Dispair as a cheat sheet for the players? Seems to me, keeping somethig like that handy would be a great resource for the players.

I came onto the boards today to look for exactly this. It seems like the biggest stumbling block for my new group is remembering what cool things you can do with the non-success results. Anyone have anything worth sharing?

Just out of curiosity, has anyone reproduced the example charts for expending Advantage/Triumph and Threat/Dispair as a cheat sheet for the players? Seems to me, keeping somethig like that handy would be a great resource for the players.

I came onto the boards today to look for exactly this. It seems like the biggest stumbling block for my new group is remembering what cool things you can do with the non-success results. Anyone have anything worth sharing?

I was just going to photo copy the left most panel of the GM screen. Lots of good player info on there.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone reproduced the example charts for expending Advantage/Triumph and Threat/Dispair as a cheat sheet for the players? Seems to me, keeping somethig like that handy would be a great resource for the players.

has it at the bottom, well advantage/triumph not threat/despair

osu4fan, yes I saw that already. But as you point out, it only has the bennies half.

My apologies, Naglareph (not Gaglareph).

I've added Nashable's expanded starship repair rules.


Apologies accepted captain Nate.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone reproduced the example charts for expending Advantage/Triumph and Threat/Dispair as a cheat sheet for the players? Seems to me, keeping somethig like that handy would be a great resource for the players.

has it at the bottom, well advantage/triumph not threat/despair

also some tips for skills would be nice, flipping through the rulebook after each skill-check is very cumbersome. But still, thanks for the combatsheet.

Man this threads needs a sticky like I need a shower!

i've been putting a blog together with some gear, items, etc... some homebrewed stats, some from the core rulebook.
you can check it out here

I have just completed a "Bennie Deck" in the vein of rewards (benefits) used in Savage Worlds.

You can have a look HERE.

Edited by BrashFink

I've added the links above from Osu4fan, Kainrath and BrashFink.


Someone made the "box" for insertion into a Word document that has a vehicle's silouette, speed, etc. Where did this go?

I've added the links above from Osu4fan, Kainrath and BrashFink.


The link I posted was a previous link in the thread that you already have in the OP. I was just linking it to help answer the question and I had nothing to do with the creation of that sheet. Sorry for the confusion.

I've added the links above from Osu4fan, Kainrath and BrashFink.


The link I posted was a previous link in the thread that you already have in the OP. I was just linking it to help answer the question and I had nothing to do with the creation of that sheet. Sorry for the confusion.

Duly noted.


Please pin this already.

I've made a collection of rules regarding Health and Recovery, to gather everything into one clear place. House rules are marked as such, and include things like fixes for perceived errors/oversights in the Core Rules, as well as improvements to recovering strain (something my players have complained about many times).

Just out of curiosity, has anyone reproduced the example charts for expending Advantage/Triumph and Threat/Dispair as a cheat sheet for the players? Seems to me, keeping somethig like that handy would be a great resource for the players.

has it at the bottom, well advantage/triumph not threat/despair

also some tips for skills would be nice, flipping through the rulebook after each skill-check is very cumbersome. But still, thanks for the combatsheet.

I did make a copy of spending advantages and despair for combat and starship combat tables from the rule book for my players to refer to. My next project, when I get time, is to get the information from the skills advantages and despair on a quick cheat sheet.

I can't thank you all enough for all the hard work you have been putting into these tools. These are amazing. Also, thank you for continuing to update the list with the new resources as they are made available! This is an amazing treasure trove!

We need this pinned please.

I agree with Troy70.

Please pin this thread. The community is making some very helpful tools.

I've added Stan's combat tracker to the list.


Judging by a conversation I had with one of the devs at GenCon, this thread is not going to be pinned. If you want it to remain highly visible, you'll need to keep it bumped. I cannot tell you exactly why this is so, though I have some ideas.

Suffice it to say, it's probably fortunate the thread still exists at all.