Compiled Resources List

By Nate, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

The form filable character sheet link no longer works. I have found a forum where somebody has done form filable character sheets, talent trees and vehicle sheets. They can all be found here:

Note: I am not the owner, creator or designer of these. Please credit the person who put these awesome resources together - Bastion Kain

Edited by arlo di'lya

I've added a link to Andynorton's adventure "Murder on the Merciful."


I think most of my links in the list are outdated. They have links to those ungrateful Dropbox clowns who ruined the public folder :D

BrashFink Bennie Deck:

Fistful of Dollars: Edge of the Union:

Edge of Sanity: Lovecrafian Halloween One Shot:

Edited by BrashFink
On 07/01/2018 at 4:39 PM, Yaccarus said:

I quite enjoyed this adventure: Primal Enterprise.pdf

I was going to do it again, so I spent a long time trying to dig it up on this post.

Can you sent me the native file ? I would like to translate your adventure in french !

thanks ?

Edited by lowang
6 minutes ago, lowang said:

Can you sent me the native file ? I would like to translate your adventure in french !

thanks ?

It’s not my adventure, just one that I found. That being said, if you head over to this website , it has a link to contact the original creator.

I'm looking for a compilation of Clone Wars equipment, droids, ships, everything really, official and unofficial, with stats and descriptions if possible.

2 hours ago, immortalfrieza said:

I'm looking for a compilation of Clone Wars equipment, droids, ships, everything really, official and unofficial, with stats and descriptions if possible.

you might have more luck posting this in the general forums, rather than just on this thread.

7 minutes ago, Bojanglez said:

you might have more luck posting this in the general forums, rather than just on this thread.

I will in a bit, just figured that this was worth a shot first.

I know there have been a few posts about this over the years but i haven't found what i have been looking for. does anyone have form fillable talent/force trees that are like bastions form fillable sheets? i asked him on Bastion's website but haven't got a response as of yet.

Is anyone else having trouble getting the first page of the thread to load since the recent forum update? I keep getting the “something went wrong” warning.

Nope. It opened just fine for me just now.

Perhaps it’s a phone thing, I’ll try on a pc later

Maybe...but I was on my phone when I tested.

A bulletin board for freight jobs, where you can join with your group. Currently under development, soon featuring player bases, npc management, bounty boards, a black market and galaxy wide eventy you can use in your game.
Also planned, but still a bit further in the future: more group interaction with other groups, give feedback from your own ingame events and make them available galaxy wide for the other groups.

Discussion, questions, feedback here in the forums .

On 4/7/2017 at 11:34 AM, robus said:

Here's something else I've been working on.... An Apple Pages '09 (version 4.3) template for EotE adventures:

Zip of the template:

The fonts try to be a true to the source as possible. It requires:

* Maqui Heavy
* Elektra Medium Pro (Bold & Regular)
* Symbol LT Book (Bold & Regular)
* ITCSymbol Book (Italic)
* Teuton Mager (Bold & Regular)
* EotE Symbol

It may work in the latest version of Pages - but I find that version to be a bit of a downgrade...

EotE Adventure Template.pages-2.jpg

I lover pages and got this downloaded, but however I am having trouble with the mask and background image in the latest version. It won't let me adjust the text. Thanks,

I found someones google doc that had the official and unofficial species, and updated it as well as added more. I have official Species on tab one, unofficial on tab two, and Career/Spec info on tab 3. I hope you like it. I worked pretty hard getting it put together. I did link images on the species list from things I found on the web already. Disregard the highlighted blocks on the specialization list, that is just a reminder to me to get the talent trees updated for my PC's or if I don't yet own the book. Please let me know if you see anything to correct or update. (The Lannik has one of the sources struck-through as I believe the other one was deemed the correct one).

Edited by Screenmonkey
I added a bunch of stuff, including a changelog. Updated to Include Unlimited Power and Fully Operational

I've added the Clone Wars sourcebook created by Emilejos.


The link for Form-Fillable Character Sheet from Caied  is dead.

Not sure if I missed it but, did not someone make a blog of sorts for deck plans and ships? I have been looking for some ships to offer my players at a given point. I am looking for some blank deck plans but am struggling to find the original source.

Nevermind! I found the site. It does not have floor plans but I am sure I can them when I need to!

Edited by Glorious Chief

I added Celofett's online shop generator.


Did anyone ever put together a list of all the talents (just the names), which career specializations have them, and the relevant sourcebooks?

For example, I'm creating a Consular/Healer character for FaD, but would like to track down any out-of-career specializations (even from EotE and AoR) which also offer ranks in Physician and Surgeon.

6 hours ago, Bellona said:

Did anyone ever put together a list of all the talents (just the names), which career specializations have them, and the relevant sourcebooks?

For example, I'm creating a Consular/Healer character for FaD, but would like to track down any out-of-career specializations (even from EotE and AoR) which also offer ranks in Physician and Surgeon.

I can try to add it to my Google Doc spreadsheet, but it will take a while. It is a good idea though.

Done! you will have to select the Talents by Career tab at the bottom.

Edited by Screenmonkey
Finished adding the information! Link added here