Compiled Resources List

By Nate, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Can't seem to access the attachment, just throwing up a " The page you are trying to access is not available for your account." message.

2 hours ago, Tom Cruise said:

Can't seem to access the attachment, just throwing up a " The page you are trying to access is not available for your account." message.

Strange - i just tried it and it seemed fine (if that was directed at my post?)

10 hours ago, robus said:

I took the liberty of reworking GM Hooly's excellent combat quick reference guides so that they're more stylistically compatible (and I think a bit easier to parse).

I hope people find these useful. I find they're great to get printed 2-sided and then laminated.

I've attached a PNG preview and the PDF of the two pages covering the 2 combat modes.

Star Wars Combat.pdf

Star Wars Combat.png

The link comes up with:

Sorry, there is a problem

The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.

Error code: 2C171/1

Here is a screenshot of the error on a mobile device.


9 minutes ago, Andreievitch said:

The link comes up with:

Sorry, there is a problem

The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.

Error code: 2C171/1

Ok I'all post a link to an external URL tomorrow. Thanks for the interest and sorry the attachment system doesn't seem to work :(

Just now, robus said:

Ok I'all post a link to an external URL tomorrow. Thanks for the interest and sorry the attachment system doesn't seem to work :(

Super keen to see! I will wait until tomorrow ;)

...or is that today, due to me being in Australia?

1 minute ago, Andreievitch said:

Super keen to see! I will wait until tomorrow ;)

...or is that today, due to me being in Australia?

Probably tonight for you :)

10 hours ago, robus said:

Here's a dropbox link to the PDF: Wars Combat.pdf?dl=0

Hopefully that works!

...and Bingo was his nameo! Thanks for this. Printed and ready to distribute for tomorrow night's game. I will let you know what the players think.

Here's something else I've been working on.... An Apple Pages '09 (version 4.3) template for EotE adventures:

Zip of the template:

The fonts try to be a true to the source as possible. It requires:

* Maqui Heavy
* Elektra Medium Pro (Bold & Regular)
* Symbol LT Book (Bold & Regular)
* ITCSymbol Book (Italic)
* Teuton Mager (Bold & Regular)
* EotE Symbol

It may work in the latest version of Pages - but I find that version to be a bit of a downgrade...

EotE Adventure Template.pages-2.jpg

On 4/5/2017 at 9:22 AM, robus said:

I took the liberty of reworking GM Hooly's excellent combat quick reference guides so that they're more stylistically compatible (and I think a bit easier to parse).

I hope people find these useful. I find they're great to get printed 2-sided and then laminated.

I've attached a PNG preview and the PDF of the two pages covering the 2 combat modes.

Star Wars Combat.pdf

FWIW, I get an error message when trying to download the PDF:

Sorry, there is a problem

The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.

Error code: 2C171/1

6 hours ago, coyote6 said:

FWIW, I get an error message when trying to download the PDF:

Sorry, there is a problem

The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.

Error code: 2C171/1

Yeah I think it's too large. I put a link Dropbox copy here: Wars Combat.pdf?dl=0

Edited by robus

I made a tracking tool in excel for GMs to manage the auction encounter in the Jewel of Yavin. The names are a bit changed up because I palette swapped some NPCs, but it should be clear who is who.

I posted this in a thread a long time ago that is buried now. Someone asked me to update the link, so I decided to post it here as well in case it is more generally useful. Very GM-specific, so not entirely sure this is the place. If there is a more appropriate venue just point me there. Thanks!

Dang, wish I'd known about this last week!

May I suggest a new player resource? An example of a game being played using EoE is four episodes of the Dice For Brains podcast starting with . This resource is specifically designed with brand new players in mind to show them how a game might sound while entertaining them with a story. It also honors the Star Wars IP by being clean so everyone can listen together. The rest of the four episodes can be found on the DiceForBrains website. Thank you.

as someone new to this thread and forum, I thought I would point out that there are a few links in the OP that are currently broken - sorry if this has been reported previously, still working my way through all the replies - and this isn't a complaint by any means, just providing feedback :)

Form-Fillable Character Sheet from Caied

Weapon Modifications Sheet from Bennxn

Adventures - "Hunter and Hunted"

A Tatooine Supplemen t

Reference Sheets from Gribble

One-Page Reference sheet

Combat Reference Sheet

Critical Cards

Talent Tree Reference

Star Wars Crawl Generator

BrashFink's Bennie Deck a la Savage Worlds

Really love how much community driven content there is!

On 5/1/2017 at 9:41 AM, robus said:

And finally a Force and Destiny template: and

No preview as FFG upload system is having some trouble at the mo... (But similar to the others)

thank you so much for these - as a non-Mac user, is there a way of taking advantage of these templates in Windows?

Edited by Bojanglez
2 hours ago, Bojanglez said:

thank you so much for these - as a non-Mac user, is there a way of taking advantage of these templates in Windows?

Sadly no - I can make a zip of the background assets though as a starting point.

Edit: Here you go: RPG

Edited by robus
On 4/6/2017 at 8:42 PM, Andreievitch said:

...and Bingo was his nameo! Thanks for this. Printed and ready to distribute for tomorrow night's game. I will let you know what the players think.

Did you ever get around to using it? How did it go?

23 hours ago, robus said:

Sadly no - I can make a zip of the background assets though as a starting point.

Edit: Here you go: RPG

On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 10:36 AM, Bojanglez said:

thank you so much for these - as a non-Mac user, is there a way of taking advantage of these templates in Windows?

Try these and see if this works.

I am relatively new to the game but am already falling heavily in love with it and have a bunch of ideas for modules and campaigns and as I also don't have a Mac, I converted what Robus created into PowerPoint (I use this a lot for work and personally find that way easier to create this kind of document in than Word). I also added some side bars to save people creating their own that float on each page.When I get more time I'll make the page backgrounds actually locked down backgrounds (and not just loose-flowing pictures).

Module Templates for PowerPoint, based on Robus' work


Edited by DangerShine Designs

I have found this rather awesome Galactic Standard Calendar resource which might be of use to those of us who like to know the dates!


The authors name is Lugus Porkins and it was posted here on 03 August 2015:

The authors sources and method are described on that page.

On 10/30/2016 at 3:50 PM, Squirrelsan said:

I created some data cards for the different lightsaber crystals, I thought they'd be a nice thing to give players when they get a lightsaber crystal as a sort of loot card. The full set is in a zip file here . Samples below. I haven't got my copy of Endless Vigil yet so you'll have to wait on those until my book turns up, unless someone wants to send me the info, but I've done FaD, KtP and SS. Also please point out any errors you spot so I can correct them.

Had a though--you're missing the Athiss cave crystal from the beta, and the training emitter, which is technically a crystal.