Compiled Resources List

By Nate, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm making a full Clone Wars campaign using the Edge of the Empire stats for NPCs, starships, equipment, etc.

Does anyone know if FFG allows fans to use the dice symbol graphics? I want to make sure that what I'm publishing is operating within the intellectual property rights of FFG. (i.e., I don't want to get sued or otherwise be forced to take down the fan site).

Bump, bump bump bump, bump, bump.

One more for you...

Star Wars Soundboards:

If you have a laptop or desktop PC near at hand during a game, you can get some nice sound effects with these.

Thanks for the tip, Venthrac. That also brought to mind Wookieepedia, which ought to be included.


Nate, the link in your original post to "Enemy of My Enemy" directs to the wrong place. Thought I'd let you know.

Thanks again for doing this :)


I've switched to the direct download link for D20 Radio. Is that the correct one?



I've switched to the direct download link for D20 Radio. Is that the correct one?


That did the trick, thanks :)

Why isn't this pinned yet?

I PM'd Sam Stewart to ask for it, but I have not heard anything back yet.

If it's still not pinned by GenCon, I'll ask him in person :)

Edited by Venthrac

i am having trouble opening some of the list that is in the dropbox form. if i can get some help

Edited by sora23

I have a bunch of stuff linked in my signature. At the moment it's all for the Beta (plus updates) rules only, but as soon as I get the book in my hot little hands I'll be updating (may take me a week or two).

Gribble - just wondering how the document updates from the Beta to the Core ruleset were coming along. Can't wait to get them!

Most of Gribble's stuff is totally accurate even now. I was looking over the last update from beta and a lot of it aligns with the final release.

I've finished up my black and white (mostly) talent trees. Granted there are some super gorgeous ones floating about, so everyone has a dozen options to choose from. But, more is better right?

A few people have poked through them for errors, so they should be pretty good to go at this point. They include up to date page references on each talent and little bubbles to track ranks in ranked skills (maximum possible ranks are shown on the relevant talents).

I've opened up the folder on my Google Drive for general sharing as well. If I get asked to take them down I will, since they are all but identical in layout to the ones in the core rulebook plus or minus the style-width of a standard womp rat. But for the time being...cheers and happy gaming!

Link is in my sig below

Edited by Callidon

Well done Callidon! Very nice work.

hello there I like the talent tree callidon did up.

Another bump till we get pinned. And a HUGE THANK YOU! For all who have worked on this!

Force push to the the top! BUMP!

I've created a tool for tracking range, I created a thread but I'll put it here too...

Nice work and a novel idea. Do you have an photos of a constructed one? I'm a little confused in your third and fourth paragraphs. Be nice to see illustrations or photos of the device in mid-build, so as to follow more accurately.

CharlieBananas, I too am interested in seeing a finished version of it.

Also, I've added Caied's form-fillable character sheet to the list of resources.


I've added Rantine Station to the list of blogs.



I would be obliged if you added my blog to the list.

Thank you