capn trade thread -Wants: the game to come back

By capncrunch, in Agrabah Bazaar

Sorry, i do not know how to PM people. I would say do that for sure.

yea need to update came in 1st in the highlander by me

the green ranger was the best ranger ever i will fight anyone who disagrees with that FACT.

p.s. needed to update a little

hey i can probably trade you all the rares you need minus the kairi promo, but make me a reasonable offer if you rinterested

Would you do my Ansem for your jafar genie and simba lv3?

a couple things i just want to amke sure but you do not have a cloud anymore right??? you traded it away or did you have two and now only one becasue i would be interested in that as well. as for the trade i feel ansem and jenie jafar are the same value As for the simba its in my deck but i would still trade it but i didnt see a haves list with your rares and i dont expect you to do a r for a sr. let me know how you feel about it okay

sorry, no more cloud, whats a rare you would like?

Ill throw in behemoth. So MY Behemoth and Ansem for YOUR Simba level 3 and Jafar

jafar genie*... if you want to do this, email me at [email protected]

and what would you want for your foil pinochios?

Could you switch Jafar genie for Aerith, then ill do it, ignore my post on my thread

I do have an extra Ansem, but honestly, I highly stress the fact that I only need Aladdin lvl 1 SR. Trading anything else would just hurt me. Try to get the card, and heres a good deal. I'll give you Ansem, if you give me:

Aladdin lvl 1 SR
*2 SRs from Set 4 when you get them, my choice unless they are really, really valuable, or SRU (in which those won't count or will for more than 1)

What would you want for Ultima?

how much wood could a chip and dale chuck if a chip and dale could chuck wood- try saying that 5 times fast oh yea updates

I've got several promos. Email me if you need any:

[email protected]

Im intreated in Ultimite Weapon and Fairy Godmother.

Hey There Capn,

I talked to Porcupine, I am going to pick up the cash from him when I get the chance. You know what I mean, wanted to keep you informed is all.

Thanks again for the trade, and be sure to keep me updated so I can ship out the rest of your cards as well.


vice - my ultima is kind of in a trade right now but i havent heard back from the other person so yea... and my Fairy godmother ill trade but i am going to need a NH one for my deck. let me know what you have or are willing to trade. for them. you have second dibs right now on the ultima but first dibs on the Fairy godmother. if you respond soon enough i have a tourny this weekend i could try and get another fairy godmother but im not going ot trade for one if i dont hear back from you or anything okay.

I recieved your delivery today.

Thank again!


"listen to the woman john just calm down, just calm down" needs to make some updaters

gots some updating to do wow i was on page 5 probbly. have to save up for some set 4 stuff

What would you trade for your Cloud? I got a SR King Triton Lv 2.

1. donald lvl 4
2. ansem
3. SR leon
4.look at my list for any other SRs that i have.


aladdin lvl 3 x1
Aeroga lvl 5 x1

If you do not trade with DW or Fate for whatever reason, I am interested in Cloud.

I have The King or Ansem.

Hey cap I thought you were gonna trade/sell with me O_O;; lol