New Custom Desgned Unit Cards - Looking For Suggestions!

By WatchItPlayed, in Dust Warfare

Ah, good catch on the Axis walkers. Fixed.

I've changed up my Dropbox folder to organize new releases, so that old link from earlier in the thread should be dead. Now, check here for links to the cards:

As before, I do not have the final PSD's of Rodney's core set cards. I contributed a bunch to those, but he wisely modified them all to be consistent with his (so I don't have any finals).

Sorry I'm going slower on these. I've been busy with work, holidays, kids, etc. I'll aim to do a couple per night.

Outstanding work! I saw one of the template PSDs. It is a lot of very time consuming work just to make one card out of it. I think we will all understand if it takes some time.

Thanx for working on the new units! And one correction for you:
-Supercharged description should say Laser not Phaser

Thanks for the catch! Editing is very welcome. Fixed.

Okay, I finished all the units from Hades. Next, upgrade cards!

Kevin, you are the man. Thank you!


great work! I would like to translate them into german. Is it possible to get some of the psd files?

I included PSDs for all the cards I worked on. This should give you a headstart on getting all the weapon lines in. Many of the Core Book cards were further edited, so be aware there may be errors or old pics in there.

I'm going to need to take down the PSD folder after a few weeks to free up Dropbox space. The jpegs will still be available here:

Someone may have mentioned it already, but all three Command Sections for the axis state that they are a Command Section of Assault Platoon, instead of Sturmgrenadiere, Schwer andBlutkreuz.

Otherwise I love the cards and use them all the time.



hey Kevin your links are not woking for me.

Thanks, its good now.

<sigh> Joy of joys.

Anybody know where the permission info is for us to print these cards? Wal-mart is having fits over printing these things, Considering that they have dust logos and such on them.

And no, the fact it's "obvious" that it's for personal use does not matter. I need actual permission to print for personal use. Heck, even the unit sheets they provide on the support page doesn't say they can be printed. Kinda awkward.

**** Mister Smith! Those are awesome! Even more awesome when I saw you used the Chef I painted for his unit card!

Thanks!!!! :D

Found a couple of more errors, sorry. Stefan is listed as Soldier 3 when he is actually Soldier 2. Also the Red Guards Command unit has the wrong miniature marked as the leader - the Medic is the leader (I asked about this as a rule question and Zach confirmed that the Medic is indeed the leader).

All of the rest.

Took down the PSDs today. Fixed the Red Command, but Rodney has the Stefan PSD, so he'll need to fix that.

I sent my cards to be printed on Wal-Mart online and they didn't have any problems.

All of the rest.

Updated the Karl Marx and the Russkie teams to reflect the FAQ changes.

SSU Teams didn't make it (still showing as modified 25 days ago). But, thanks for being so quick on making updates!!

Oops should be fixed


Thanks for the awesome cards. I have a few questions.

Is the Bazooka Joe card correct? It has the Fire for Effect Special Order lised on it. Where is it found in the book, or expansions, or FAQs that he has this ability. It came up in a game last week, and all sources except my card don't have this listed.

Also, do all of these links go to the same drop box with all of the most current corrected versions, or is it possible to grab an old un-corrected card from an old link?

Is there another unified location, with say a .ZIP file for all of the cards in JPEG format?

It was a project downloading every PSD one by one, flattening them, and batch converting them all to 4x6 (with a photoshop action). And now I am worried about the accuracy of the cards that I have.

I would be more than willing to put all of the checked for accuracy cards in one place in an easy to download and print format if has not happened already.


Its not an ability Bazooka Joe has it just there for reference for when Joe leads a Combat Platoon. The Platoons command section always has acces to the order.


BJ only gets that ability if he's leading a platoon, just like the Boss. That's why Joe's card says, "…the Command Section of a Combat Platoon…."

The links go to two Dropboxes, Rodney's and mine. There shouldn't be many PSDs that you need to collapse. There should be a jpeg for every unit in the game. PSDs are included so people can use Rodney's card template. It should not be possible to grab an obsolete jpeg.

There are no ZIP unified locations that anyone has told me about.

Here are all the cards from Zverograd and Hades.