Hi guys, I've created a few technique schools and decided to upload them here. I believe there are more to come in the future, probably. Also, anyone can upload his own techniques here!
Developed in Alberia by some of Lilium strongest warriors, Rage of The Woods connects it’s user nature’s powers and grants him a vast array of plants abilities. Although users of both sexes exist, nowadays most users are women, who seem to possess a mind more akin to the natural spirits of Alberia’s forests. Nevertheless some of the male users of this school are among the strongest and even some Lim Sidhe of the past have mastered it (some even trace its creation back to one of those).
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 345
The weapon held by the user of this technique (or his bare hands, if he’s unarmed) gains an unnatural ability to gain the shape of plant’s roots and entangle opponent’s weapons, making it very easy to attempt a Disarm maneuver. This technique removes Disarm Maneuver Attack Penalty and can be maintained for a reduced cost in following turns.
Level: 1
Effects: -50 Disarm Maneuver, Mantained
Disadvantages: -.
DEX3 (Mant.1) / AGI3 (Mant.1)
CM: 20
The flexibility of birches branches accompanies each and every defensive maneuver attempted by a fighter using this technique, whether he’s parrying or dodging attacks. This technique allows performing up to seven defenses without penalties in a single turn and can be maintained in following turns for a reduced ki cost.
Level 1
Effects: +6Additional Defenses, Mantained, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: -.
DEX4 (Mant.2) / AGI4 (Mant.2) / CON4 (Mant.2)
MK: 50
When performing this technique, the character concentrates his energies and summons excruciating brambles from the ground to entwine a single opponent. The real threat of this technique isn’t its damage potential, but its ability to keep an individual blocked on the spot. This technique is a 20m Distance Attack with a Trap effect with a Strength of 14. Damage is equal to double the character’s Presence plus his Power bonus, quantity which must be cut in half. If the target is trapped, the Trap can be maintained in following turns paying the maintenance ki cost.
Level 2
Effects: 20m Distance Attack (2XPresence+PowBonus Damage), Trap 14, Maintained (Trap Effect on Target), -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Half Damage.
DEX8 (Mant.3) / AGI8 / CON8 (Mant.3)
MK: 45
When using this technique, the user pronounces the forbidden curse of the Dryads taught in Lilium Temples and fuels it with his own spiritual power, after he’s suffered an injury. The curse is heard only by those nearby the user, who don’t feel any immediate effect but will discover that bad luck will haunt them for a while, making extremely easily for the user to hit them with following attacks. This technique can only be used in a turn immediately following one in which he suffered at least 10 points of damage. It makes an attack against all targets within 10m with a bonus of +40 to the Attack value. Such attack deals no Damage, but all attacks made by the user in the following hour directed against targets hit by this technique benefit from a +50 bonus to the Attack Ability.
Level 2
Effects: +40Attack, 10m Area Attack, Greater Seal, -5Ki.
Disadvantages: No Damage, Limit Condition (suffering damage).
DEX8 / AGI7 / CON8
MK: 70
Opposite to the final techniques of most schools, Rage of The Woods’ final technique is a strongly defensive one (and one of the most powerful ever developed). The skin of its user becomes as hard as the oak’s bark. Although this greatly reduces the fighter’s movements, his resistance to damage becomes almost complete and his defensive movements become even more refined, turning him into an unmovable bastion, while draining great amounts of his spiritual energy. This technique grants a natural AT value of 8 that cannot be reduced by any mean and a bonus of +50 to all his Block rolls. This ability can be maintained by spending a reduced amount of ki each turn.
Level 3
Effects: AT8 Unmodified Slowness, +50 Complete Block, Maintained, -5Ki.
Disadvantages: -.
DEX16 (Mant.5) / AGI16 (Mant.6) / CON16 (Mant.5)
MK: 160
This incredibly vast and complex technique school was created during the War of Chaos by a Dvergr weapon master who, after achieving the status of Avatar of Noah, decided to devote himself to the development of ki techniques based on the elements that are friends to his people: earth and fire. Although it’s mostly used by Dvergr fighters, who usually prefer it over other schools, its secrets were taught to few humans and Duk’Zarist deemed worthy within the centuries. Nowadays there’s probably no single user of Metallum capable of using all its techniques, since learning of each of them is pretty complex and their spiritual pressure for the user is very extenuating, but if one ever managed to reunite the entire school, he would indeed come into possession of a tremendous weapon. Although designed for duel combat, it includes a number of maintained techniques and those which cannot be maintained can be combined between themselves to obtain absolutely devastating effects. It’s said that the creator of Metallum was often seen not using a single technique, but those maintained for several minutes, only to unleash a single counterattack which never let an opponent survive. The names of the techniques given here are in Latin, since their Dvergr names are known only to them.
Techniques: 9 Total MK: 760
Argentum (also known as silver) is the metal of purity and protection and this technique makes the user more resilient to all kinds of physical detrimental effects, as well as magic. The use of this technique grants a +20 bonus to PhR, VR, DR, and MR, and can be maintained in following turns.
Level: 1
Effects: +20PhR (VR, DR), +20MR, Maintained.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth).
STR5 (Mant.1) / DEX5 (Mant.1) / CON5 (Mant.2) / WIL5 (Mant.2)
CM: 20
Cuprum (copper) is known for its red, fiery color and for its ability to conduct energy. Hence this technique turns the user’s weapon into an incandescent mass of metal which can parry spells and even send them back to the caster. This technique grants a single Attack the Fire Elemental Damage ability and the ability to block spells as described for Spell Impacts. This technique’s effects can be combined with those of other techniques from this school.
Level 1
Effects: Elemental Attack (Fire), Physical Shock, Combinable, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth).
STR3 / CON3 / WIL3
MK: 20
Ferrum (iron) is the prime metal of weapons metallurgy. The power of iron imbues this technique user’s weapon, making it cleave easier through weapons and armors of his opponents. This technique grants a single Attack a bonus of +10Breakage and negates up to 2 points of the target’s AT. This technique’s effects can be combined with those of other techniques from this school.
Level 1
Effects: +10Breakage, -2AT, Combinable, Maintained.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth).
STR4 (Mant.1) / DEX4 (Mant. 1) / CON4 / WIL4
MK: 20
Aurum (gold) is a metal that cannot be oxidized and resists the pressure of time, but is also one of the most malleable and ductile metals, allowing it to change shape as needed. By summoning his inner energies, the user of Aurum becomes covered with a golden spiritual armor that makes him impervious to most damage and he becomes also able to project a gold aura to protect those around him with all his ability. Unfortunately, upon ending using this technique, the character suffers from a state of strong exhaustion that will recover over time. This technique grants its user an AT value of 6, that cannot be reduced and allows him to perform a single Block per turn with an area of effect of 25m around him. The effects of this technique can be maintained over the time, and after the character stops maintaining it he suffers an All Action Penalty of -75 that is recovered at a rate of -5 per turn.
Level 2
Effects: 25m Area Block, AT6 (Unmodified), Maintained, -5Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth), -75All Action Penalty.
STR8 (Mant.2) / DEX8 (Mant.2) / CON8 (Mant.3) / WIL8 (Mant.2)
MK: 100
Orichalcum (brass) is an alloy of copper and zinc with small percentage of lead. It’s very heavy and thus this technique grants crushing effects to a single user’s blow, allowing an easy one-slash kill. Of course, dealing such a heavy blow requires spending a wide amount of physical brute energy. Orichalcum grants a single Attack the ability to inflict a Critical, regardless of the Damage inflicted, as far as it deals Damage (on Damage Accumulation beings it does not cause an automatic Critical, but all of their body is considered as a vulnerable point). In addition, add +150 to the level of the Critical inflicted by the affected Attack. Performing this technique requires spending 4 Fatigue Points in addition to the required ki. This technique’s effects can be combined with those of other techniques from this school.
Level 2
Effects: +150Critical (Automatic Critical), Combinable, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth), -4Fatigue.
STR10 / DEX10 / CON10 / WIL10
MK: 90
Platinum (platinum) is the most precious metal, which purity is even greater than silver and gold and an even better conductor than copper and gold. Platinum’s brightness gives complete combat clarity, making it impossible for its user to be taken by surprise, and its conduciveness allows him to absorb the ki energy of any ki technique he successfully parries. This technique makes its user immune to the penalty effects of Surprise Attacks and, if he manages to parry an Attack technique, it allows him to absorb up to 25 ki points used to perform it.
Level 2
Effects: Ki Absorption up to 25, Complete Prevision, -5Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth).
STR5 / DEX5 / CON5 / WIL5
MK: 90
Adamas (steel) is the universally used iron alloy and to date the most resilient and perfected one for weapon metallurgy in all its variants. By unleashing the power of Adamas, the character defensive movements become much more precise and his resistance to pain reaches incredible levels. The only downside of this technique is that in order to use it, the ki user must concentrate his spiritual energies in it, becoming unable to restrain it, once it’s ready, draining an enormous amount of ki each turn it’s maintained. This technique grants a bonus of +150 to the Withstand Pain secondary ability and +100 to all Block rolls. This technique has the Predetermined disadvantage and can be maintained in following turns at a reduced ki cost.
Level 3
Effects: +100Complete Block, +150Withstand Pain, Maintained, -5Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth), Predetermined.
STR 20 (Mant.6) / DEX 20 (Mant.6) / CON20 (Mant.6) / WIL20 (Mant.6)
MK: 150
Ninbusfulgor (mithril) is a strange metal with mystical properties that is extracted only by very deep veins and thus is known and used almost only by Dvergr. It’s sparkling beauty, incredible resistance and light weight make it the “perfect metal” under most aspects and this technique imbues it’s many properties in the weapon of the user, who must find an opening in the opponent’s defense (just like miners have to find the deep and rare veins) to unleash the most devastating of attacks. This attack is very impairing for the attacker himself, though, since he has to sacrifice both vital power and physical energy to perform it. Upon achieving a Counterattack, the user of this technique gains a +200 Attack bonus to it and multiplies its Base Damage by 4. Performing this technique requires spending 2 Fatigue Points and sacrificing 50 Life Points in addition to the required ki. This technique’s effects can be combined with those of other techniques from this school.
Level 3
Effects: +200Counterattack, X4Damage, Combinable, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth), -2Fatigue, -50Life Points.
STR 17 / DEX 17 / CON 17 / WIL 17
MK: 150
Sidereum (star metal) is a very rare alloy of meteoric origins. It’s definitely one of the most powerful existing materials for forging weapons and most legendary artifacts in Gaia are made with it. This technique allows the unarmed user to unsheathe from imaginary scabbards weapons made of ki with the same properties of the best weapons made of star metal and granting them the ability to inflict an enormous amount of damage. This technique generates two weapons made of ki. The weapons can be a combination of any two weapons from the Axe, Shield or Mace classes, but once a user chooses his weapons set, he will always summon the same. These two weapons have a +20 quality bonus and a +100 additional Base Damage bonus on all attacks. This technique can be maintained in following turns at a reduced ki cost. This technique must be used to literally unsheathe the created weapons, so it cannot be used by an already armed user and if the user attacks in the same turn he uses this technique, he will be subject to the usual -25 Attack Penalty.
Level 3
Effects: Physical Ki Weapons+20 (+1Additiona Weapon: choose once and for all any combo of Maces, Axes or Shields), +100Real Damage, Mantained, -3Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Earth), Conditioned (Unsheathe).
STR12 (Mant.4) / DEX12 (Mant.4) / CON12 (Mant.3) / WIL 12 (Mant.4)
MK: 120
Celestial Maidens is a group of techniques initially developed by the Sylvain (although it was followingly learned by other races as well), which use is strongly linked to the cult of Berils. In fact only aligning one’s self with the Maidens of Light it’s possible to execute the techniques. The varying power of this techniques is somehow associated to the increasingly demanding nature of the Berils, but their effects can all be considered strongly complementary, giving birth to a very armonious fighting style.
Techniques: 7 Total MK: 485
Michael is the savior, so it’s only to be expected that the technique associated to him generates a shielding aura that surrounds the user, making it easier for him to defend himself in combat. This technique generates a 500 Life Points Energy Shield, which can be maintained through following turns, regenerating 100 Life Points each time the Maintenance cost is paid.
Level: 1
Effects: 500 Life Points Supernatural Shield (100 Life Points Regeneration), Mantained
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX7 (Mant.2) / AGI7 (Mant.2) / POW6 (Mant.1)
CM: 20
Uriel is freedom and freedom means unrestrained movement. By entering in a state of brief communion with Uriel, the user of this technique becomes able to instantly move to an unexpected position. This technique allows an instantaneous transportation to anywhere within 100m of its user’s current position.
Level 1
Effects: Automatic Transport 100m, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX2 / AGI2 / POW4
MK: 20
Gabriel is the lady of peace and in her sacred places no weapon is allowed. By concentrating his spiritual energy, the character turns a small area around him in an hamlet of peace where no harm can be done for a limited amount of time. Of course aligning one’s thoughts to the concept of peace means he’s unable himself to perform any offensive action. This technique grants the ability to perform up to 11 Defense rolls in a single turn without suffering any penalty for additional defenses, and each of these defenses may be a Block with a bonus of +50 to the user’s ability and affecting an area of 10m around him. A character cannot perform any Attack action or maneuver in the same turn in which he uses this technique.
Level 2
Effects: 10m Area Block, +10Additional Defenses, +50Limited Block, -2Ki.
Disadvantages: No Attack, Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX7 / AGI7 / POW7
MK: 40
Mother Earth can perceive all that strives on Gaia and deny the lies derived from unnatural distortions of reality. Only those in an open environment can enter communion with Raphael and gain an extremely enhanced perception of everything around them, going as far as recognizing illusions with more ease. This technique grants both Radial Vision and Supernatural Vision to its user, as well as a +40 bonus to all MR and PsR checks for detecting any illusory effect. A character must be in an open ground environment to use this technique. This technique can be maintained in following turns at a reduced ki cost.
Level 2
Effects: Radial Vision, True Sight, Maintained, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Determined Terrain (Open Ground), Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX8 (Mant.1) / AGI8 (Mant.1) / POW9 (Mant.2)
MK: 40
To smite evil while sparing the innocents: this is Azrael’s rule, no matter the cost, even one’s own life cost. To ask the aid in battle of the queen of blades the user of this technique must hold high his weapon while burning his own life force. The weapon held by the user instantly is multiplied in a number of copies made of pure light that will hunt down all enemies around him, leaving untouched everyone else. The blows inflicted by this attack deal a tremendous damage of supernatural nature, consuming the enemies with pure righteous flames and can oppose offensive supernatural powers. This techniques allows dealing a single attack using the weapon’s Base Damage within an area of 50m around the user, allowing him to choose which individuals to affect with it. Hit targets must also make a PhR check against a difficulty of 160 and in case of failure, suffer damage equal to twice their failure level. This attack can also be used to parry any spell directed within the area of effect using the Spell Impacts rules. Performing this technique requires sacrificing 25 Life Points in addition to the required ki.
Level 2
Effects: 50m Area Attack (Target Selection), Elemental Attack (Light), Physical Shock, Supernatural State (PhR160, Double Damage, Attack), -2Ki.
Disadvantages: -25Life Points, Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX14 / AGI14 / POW14
MK: 100
Barakiel is the perfect goddess and her sentence cannot be but absolutely just. This technique is mastered only by very few fighters, since it requires communion with the concept of order and perfection itself. An user of the Perfect Sentence must concentrate his energy specifically for this purpose (often chanting prayers to Barakiel herself) and must choose previously the exact moment they want to use it and unleash the sentence once its ready. The effect is a defensive movement of unearthly perfection that cannot be thrown off-balance in any way and redirects the attack against the offender in a perfectly just sentence. This technique makes a character completely unaffected by Surprise Attack penalties and allows him a single defense with a Final Defense value of 440 that, in case of successful defense, reflects the attack back to the attacker with a Final Attack Value equal to the one scored against the user. On a successful defense, this technique can also reflect all kind of supernatural attacks and abilities and in case of attacks with an area of effect, choose the targets within the redirected area of effect. This technique has the Predetermined disadvantage.
Level 3
Effects: Zen Predetermined Defense, Reflect Attack (Target Selection, Reflect Supernatural Abilities), Complete Prevision, -5Ki.
Disadvantages: Predetermined, Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX21 / AGI21 / POW21
MK: 125
If only few people have learned to use Barakiel’s Perfect Sentence, even less have ever mastered or used Edamiel’s Void Vortex, created in the heat of one of the Sylvains’ worst battles as a last, desperate, and terrifying act of faith. Communion with Edamiel drains the users of this technique of most of their physical energies, as they summon nothingness to the world. The body of those desperate enough to invoke such powers emits a blinding light that expands to engulf everything in a 5km radius sphere. When the light fades, all that remains is…nothing, except for the exhausted user of the Vortex. This technique allows making a single attack against all living beings around the user and within 5km of him. Those hit by the attack suffer no damage, but must surpass a PhR check against a difficulty of 200 or are automatically killed. Performing this technique requires spending 6 Fatigue Points in addition to the required ki.
Level 3
Effects: 5km Area Attack, Supernatural State (PhR200, Death, Attack).
Disadvantages: -6Fatigue, No Damage, Elemental Binding (Light).
DEX26 / AGI22 / POW26
MK: 140
Developed long ago by the Fafnrs, this techniques are still mostly used by them, although other existing users exist. The principles of this school are linked to the two opposite elements Fafnrs are linked to: Fire and Ice. The combination of the two opposite principles allows this school to be fairly complete under all aspects of combat and although some techniques are pretty demanding in spiritual energies, their solid and efficient effects make the cost worthwhile.
Techniques: 5 Total MK: 370
Level: 1
One of the basic techniques of Song of Fire and Ice, based on the principle of fire, flaming Claws surrounds the user’s weapons (or hands, or more often claws) with burning flames that seem to add agility and effectiveness to his offensive maneuvers. This technique grants a bonus of +40 to all Attack rolls. This technique can be maintained in following turns at a reduced ki cost.
Effects: +40 Complete Attack, Mantained, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Water).
STR6 (Mant.2) / DEX6 (Mant.2) / POW6 (Mant.2) / WIL6 (Mant.2)
CM: 30
The other basic technique of Song of Fire and Ice, based on the principle of Ice, Frozen Shileds surrounds the user’s arms with Ice scales that allow him intercept incoming blows with greater efficiency. This technique grants a bonus of +40 to all Block rolls. This technique can be maintained in following turns at a reduced ki cost.
Level 1
Effects: +40 Complete Block, Maintained, -1Ki.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Water).
STR6 (Mant.2) / DEX5 (Mant.1) / POW5 (Mant.2) / WIL5 (Mant.1)
MK: 20
Concentrating greatly the inner energy, the Fire principle is once again used in this advanced technique to unleash a tremendous attack. A long line is traced in front of its user, earth separates and lava erupts abruptly from its interior, inflicting severe damage on all those fool enough to be there. This technique allows to inflict a single Attack on all targets within a single line 100m long, starting from its user. Targets hit suffer Damage equal to double the user’s Presence plus his Power Bonus plus 100. This technique has the Predetermined Disadvantage.
Level 2
Effects: 100m Distance Attack (2XPresence+PowBonus Damage, Line of Destruction), +100Damage.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire Water), Predetermined.
STR8 / DEX 8 / POW8 / WIL8
MK: 40
Developed to protect key points of battle formations, the Ice principle of Reflecting Igloo is used with subtly but amazing effectiveness, creating an energy hemisphere that not only protects those inside it, but also rebounds any attack directed against it. Unfortunately such impervious barriers can only be raised at a great cost of life force by those who summon them. This techniques allows the user to Block attacks within a 10m area around him using an Energy Shield with 1000 Life Points that reflects all attacks it blocks with a Final Attack value equal to that achieved by the attacker. This technique can be maintained through following turns, regenerating 100 Life Points each time the Maintenance cost is paid. Performing this technique requires sacrificing 25 Life Points in addition to the required ki.
Level 2
Effects: 10m Area Block, 1000Life Points Supernatural Shield (Regeneration 500), Reflect Attack, Mantained.
Disadvantages: -75 Life Points, Elemental Binding (Fire, Water).
STR18 (Mant.6) / DEX17 (Mant.5) / POW18 (Mant.6) / WIL17 (Mant.5)
MK: 80
Despite its great efficiency in small scale combat, the final technique of Song of Fire and Ice was, like Fire Sprout and Reflecting Igloo, designed for battlefield use, and to date it’s probably one of the best battlefield techniques ever developed, both due to its mass destruction potential and for its harmlessness toward friendly forces (a precaution taken due to the very low numbers of Fafnrs which had already big problems defeating far superior numbers, despite their superior capacities). By concentrating and summoning an absurd quantity of inner energy, the very few users of this amazing technique summon six consecutive alternate waves of fire and ice energies that consume completely everything within an area that can reach up to one kilometer, while nullifying each other on every selected spot. What remains is usually the companions of the user who will have to take care of him for a while, since the exhaustion caused by this technique is almost unbearable and leaves him an easy target for any survivor. This technique allows the user to make six continuous attacks (counterattack can only be performed against the last one of them) that affect all chosen targets that are within up to 1km of the user. The attack has a Base Damage equal to double the user’s Presence plus his Power Bonus, a quantity that must be multiplied by three. Targets that suffer a Critical from this attack have to add +200 to the Level of Critical suffered. Fatigue points spent to increase the Attack roll, will apply to all Attacks made with this technique. This technique has the Predetermined disadvantage and after performing this technique the user is subject to a -150 All Action Penalty that will recover at a rate of -5 points per turn.
Level 3
Effects: 1km Area Attack (2XPresence+PowBonus Damage, Target Selection), +5Continuous Additional Attacks (Sustained Fatigue Bonus), X3Damage, +200 Critical.
Disadvantages: Elemental Binding (Fire, Water), Predetermined, -150 All Action Penalty.
STR 31 / DEX30 / CON10 / POW31 / WIL30
MK: 200
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