Ceodryn said:
Hi Neil,
Again more feedback from using the ruleset, from nice to have to more important:
Nice to have: Would it be possible to code "encumbrance limit"? It's obviously a GM's role to code the items within the library, but could the sum of enc be compared to a character STRx5 (+5 for Dwarfs) and show an icon when encumbred (like you do for fatigue and stress). The cherry on the cake would be to add then a misfortune dice to STR, TO, AG checks
- Nice to have: In the inventory tab, it would be great to have a note about the exchange rate: 1g = 100s; 1s = 25b
- Nice to have: A useful mini to have for the future: the tension meter of party
- Nice to have: The transformation of the "dices symbol references" into dice symbol (ex: (S) or ÿ for success) is not working in the "story" section of FG2. It may not be possible given the "story" is formatted text.
- More important: Would it be possible to give diseases, mutations to NPCs? The same way it is now for criticals and conditions.
- More important: Would it be possible to give actions to NPCs/Creatures groups in addition of a given creature? (My understanding of the rules is that a group of creatures shares a pool of actions, and once an action is used, it has to recharge for a creature of the same group to use it. It would faciliate management of the group is actions could be added to the groups instead of a given creature. Leaders could still have special actions available only to them)
I started building an adventure using the ruleset (The Oldenhaller contract, easy to work with, and everyone knows it). It works very well, and I hope to play test it soon with players. I am looking forward to the next release of the ruleset.
Thanks again for your work!
All good suggestions Ceodryn - I have added them to the list.
Progress has slowed a little as work is very busy, but I will get a new release out as soon as I can.