Valar Midwestous: A meta for the rest of us

By Kennon, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

we are boring now, sad day

Wow, we did not post on this for a full year, that is the saddest thing I think I have ever witnessed. We do not rule, we is sad.

New member of the club here. I'll be showing up at least twice a month starting in February. Looking forword to meeting you all. Wes

Sounds good! Can't wait!

League nights starting up at Metagames in Springfield, MO on Feb 12th at 7 PM!

You know, we should really post on this more often.....

I know, right? I think we all act like it doesn't exist to be cool or something. XD

Regionals June 10th-12th at Meta Games. I know Dobbler has been posting it EVERYWHERE. As well as pimping it on the podcast. But I can't seem to think it'd hurt posting it here.

Can't wait to see you all there!

So here I am, for my normal bump post. So here is my "bump". Hope everyone is doing fine and dandy. I shall see you all eventually.

Hi Fox! How are you doing, buddy?

Not too bad. I'm on crutches, have been for like 3 weeks now. How are you doing good sir?

Ouch! Why are you on crutches? I'm doing good. Just been busy not being on crutches.

I tore my MCL and partially my ACL playing soccer a few weeks back. Doctor appointment in a couple days to determine if I will need surgery/if I can get off the stupid crutches. Been a great month. Last year started off pretty badly, and ended pretty sweet, and this year has started off not so fun, so I am hoping that means another sweet year coming up for me.

But he also told me I am probably not playing soccer/running or doing any physical strenuous activity until like March or April. Sad day for me

Man that sucks. I guess you are too awesome for even your own body. :P lol Does this also mean you won't be coming over tonight for some "strenuous activities"?

For the risk of sounding stupid asking, I'm going to anyway.

What do league nights entail?


HUGE shout out to Paul and Kat for teaching me more about the game and playing against me. I'm looking forward to playing more, a lil more seriously. :)

I believe league nights were where we played constructed decks for a tournament. I believe it was over a series of weeks, and there were prizes and such given out. Someone may correct me if I am wrong.

Also Josh, yeah, no "strenuous activity" for me for a while :(

Thank you!!!