Sure, I'm more than willing to wait as long as it takes
Team Organization XIII - The Disbanded [Team Dead]
yo team! ya'll seem to have gotten lazy since I been gone...sept Troth, he's got a valid excuse
any new news? anything at all?
I got 500$ for graduating a year ago since my grandparents forgot. So now I am buying some more kh cards and Sonic Unleashed. I was thinking about Rechain but I thought cards stay the same price and games eventually go down in price so i buy cards now and games later when they get cheaper, but Sonic games are an exception since Sonic is my favorite.
im just waiting for xmas to come so i can buy my box
Aye, things are relatively slow around here for the time being. We need to get motivated and such...
I'm trying to fix that main post, but it's hard now that I don't have access to my computer ¬.¬
as a suggestion for the main post, why not just not put the ranks up here and just on the other site? I mean editing is a beezy, and anyone that wants to join has to come to the other forums anyways. it'll further encourage use of the other site in the least
This is ironic. In KH Re: CoM, I have all the Organization cards except Demyx... and I was the old Demyx of the team. Well, time to go to Atlantica to go collect my prize.
i might go and pick that up this weekend
I was bored so I broke down and bought Re: CoM I only played for a little and I think I left off on the 4th floor. Its okay so far but I dont really want to hear the storyline for like the 10th time but yet i want to see it cause its 3d now lol.
yo! I'm back from my vaca! what's up?
now is it me, or is something wrong with the other forums? I keep trying to log in, but after a second it'll kick me back to the "you're a Guest and have to login" screen.
welcome back devil. and to answer your question...well i really cant answer that
whyz'at? lemme take a couple guesses:
a) You can't log into the other forums either
b) You lost the address for the other forums
c) and interdimensional worm-hole has sucked in the planet Knorvax in the Nerulian galaxy, thereby making access the your keyboard impossible
Cusadesac oui fyrd du ryda...
Happy January, everyone.
My situation still hasn't changed, so seeing as I'll be absent more than likely, I'm going to have to shift more power to Devil and Dylan for the duration.
devilmonkey said:
whyz'at? lemme take a couple guesses:
a) You can't log into the other forums either
b) You lost the address for the other forums
c) and interdimensional worm-hole has sucked in the planet Knorvax in the Nerulian galaxy, thereby making access the your keyboard impossible
the answer is c. but reall i just have not had time to go there. or here for that matter
YO EVERYONE HOWS IT HANGING I HAD A BLAST AT MY NEW YEARS EVE PARTY GETTING HIT WITH BY STICKS FROM LITTLE KIDS AND THAN SOME RANDOM LITTLE KID AT THE END HIT ME WITH A SCOOTER! Fun time fun times..... Not really lol the only thing that made it better was this girl I was talking too after all the little kids got locked in the garage lol. Those parents were smart cause I was about to knock some heads off in a little lol.
sounds like you had a blast. i played drunken monolopy. nintendo edition. and then KH RE:CoM
Happy January peps! nice to see the teams still relatively active.
I spent the X-mas season in the Mid-West with my grandparents, but mostly my cousin whop has a PS3 and 360. Went skiing a few times, did absolutly nothing on New Years cuz I was tired blah blah blah...
neways...other then rpg 's response, anyone else having trouble with the other site?
well so far i dont see anything wrong when i long in and it doesnt seem like it kicks me off right away.
Look a new character I would post the image but tecnically i guess its considered mature so yea, but anyways its the Anti-Kiro aka Kami. Kami sounded like a cool name and the fact it still started with a "K" and it means God in japanese so that adds to this characters ego even more since he changes his name in the alternate universe to it. Yea I decided to do an alternate universe later cause whats any sci-fi oriented thing without an alternate universe scenario. Pictures not so great since I had to actually take a picture with a camera cause my scanner doesnt work... But the copier does so i can make the pages as long as they need copies. Which I decided to go with his fur being Blue and the rings color black instead of purple, not sure about the clothes yet. The reason why could easily be explained in later series and wit other characters i still need to scan. Though when this character gets into the comic i feel like it will be truly funz lol though thats a ways away lol. And I am almost done coloring the Dylans pick and after I will get the Yaketa so devil monkey will be happy then lol.
I'm too impatient to wait for 358/2 Days to reach NA... Should I get the Japanese version? I know my cousin is going I'll be able to play multiplayer with her if I do...
Well since you seem to play a lot of games in other languages and are use to "I can figure out what I am doing... Eventually." I dont cause i am like "I dont know......." Though if you really want it i would get it if I were you but I am just being patience unless you ca be patient enough to wait for the english one.
If you understand Japanese well enough to play the game, go ahead and get it. Otherwise, I'd say get "My Japanese Coach" instead and let that tide you over until it comes out.
Also, it appears the other forums hates my computer as only my home one can't stay logged in. Other then that tho...HOWS IT BEEN TEAM! feels like I'm ignoring the team recently. I hop on the internet for 5 or so minutes and if I check this site I post on a couple of threads, but find myself not posting here.
The inactivity has returned
And somehow I feel it's my fault. We need to remedy this.
I would like to join the may I?
Well, there's an entry exam for you to take. Pretty much it.