Ahhh some video game talk.... this is totally my area of expertise...
I'm currently re-playing Chrono Cross... while going through Persona 3 FES... almost at the end of that one and about to fight the final boss... but then there's the other game right after that... The Answer.
The Final Alliance (Team Thread)
I'm in the middle of playing more games than I should. I finally finished my 2nd run through of KH2 a few months ago. I'm finallly close to finishing KH by myself for the first time (about the 3rd run through). As soon as I get Re:CoM back from my friend, I'll be continuing with that. I'm also in the middle of Persona 3: FES, Persona 4, FFIX, FFVIII, and one of the Naruto games for the XBOX360 (I can't actually remember which one it is, there's so many @.@).
Two questions for you Sora, are you going to play/have played FFX2? And is it necessary? Oh, and is FFX a good one of the FF collection to play? Ok, I guess I actually had three questions. XD
actullay i think its the best one yet im almost past it too so in getting ready to play kh 2.
Hmmm... the best FF game in your opinion eh?
Well then... good to know... I also play video games for the music quality... man the amount of Video Game Music that I have on my MP3 Player right now... I have Sonic, Chrono Trigger, lots of Legend of Zelda and Megaman music... and a few from some other games...
Video Games Music Rocks....
Sorry I'm really trying to be more active. Everyone sound like they're having fun though anyways.
I spent all last week playing 358/2 Days, realy good game in the end.
i have a Nintendo i just don't know where to get 358/2 at all.
oh and used to be a big fan of sonic and their music rocks really.
people we really need to be more active
Wow. I've been busy with school, but I didn't think it would be THIS dead when I got back. I mean, come on. The last post was the 15th! We really need more people...
yeah really and ive been on here everyday and i have nobody to talk to hopefully
Hello anybody its almost holloween man.
and now it's the day after.
Yup nobodys been on in a long time except you.
Correction...no one's POSTED anything.
I'm on here everyday thank you.
sorry but iam too.
oh i dont mean like on the website a meant like a post.
sora09 said:
oh i dont mean like on the website a meant like a post.
*Mutters something about internet fallacies and wanders off*
Trothael said:
sora09 said:
*Muerytters sometdghing abortuut interdyfnet fallacruies antrud wanderturs ofruf*
your qutoeting what
sora09 said:
Trothael said:
sora09 said:
*Muerytters sometdghing abortuut interdyfnet fallacruies antrud wanderturs ofruf*
your qutoeting what
Quick Truffles, let us leave this Team Black Hole before our brains are lost forever! lol.
Great scott, Lulz Boy! You're right!
Internet-man, away!
sorry for what ever i did i guess
Ummm... did we just have an inter Team Invasion here... wow I didn't think it would happen...
Black Hole Team... heh... I like the sounds of that... maybe we should have a Team name change...
You call it an invasion.
I call it posting with style!
*Buzz Lightyear pose*
a name change i like it/,