X-Wing moving to Atomic Mass Games

By PhantomFO, in X-Wing

1 minute ago, DR4CO said:

Good sir, have you met our Lord and Savior, Dash Rendar?

Sorry, /another/ 4 die turret, probably on an agile small base with high initiative and plenty of linked actions

Is this just development or does this include actually publishing the games? Nothing to do but wait and see what comes next. I suspect things can be expected to continue with regards the upcoming X-wing and Armada products this year especially the second wave of Clone Wars Armada? As long as we get those second wave Armada ships I can roll with whatever comes after.

Is this Marvel Crisis game any good?

You know what? Barnes and Noble this past summer had a firesale on all of their Xwing stuff. Deep discounts. The manager at my local Barnes and Noble told me all the stores were doing a "reset" with xwing. Xwing has now been moved to a side shelf instead of having its own prominent space. Funny that this announcement was close to the summer sale. I wonder if they knew changes were coming . . . . .

2 hours ago, Marinealver said:

Game over

Asmodee is terrible at holding licenses.

Yeah, none of the CCGs I played ever held up to a large corporate shift.

The new guy always has "better ideas."

2 hours ago, Vykk Draygo said:

But it’s still all owned by the same company.

Then why say anything??

We could all simply be surprised at the new logo on the next wave.

1 hour ago, gamblertuba said:

Cards don't have points. Cardboard all has the lines. The dials are probably fine. Honestly, a soft reboot would only require new points. Maybe pick a few cards to toss out and replace when future squadron packs hit. For example, when the scum pack drops, include a new version of Boba and relegate the old version. Not saying they will or should but they could.

I mean, this would be the polite way to do it. Reissues might have some new components that tournament players can chase, but leave the casual players a way to opt in or not.

3 hours ago, dezzmont said:

I wouldn't mind a 3rd edition if they handled the updates the same way say... 40k does them.

A big reason 2.0 was so traumatic is that it was trying to be a 're-launch' and had a large discontinuity with the previous edition, like the conversion kits intending to be 'holdover' products. If they make 3.0, they need to position the kits less like a 'if your a vet here is how you keep your content in the game at the bare minimum' product, and more as a 'EVERY player needs a conversion kit' product. Akin to a codex from 40k, this would allow them to package mechanics and plastic separately and would help with the reprint problem a lot. The way 2.0 handled reprints made backstock a huge problem, while 40k can just print as stock runs out because the plastic is relatively rules agnostic. Then just release new cards that come after the kit in card packs, rather than bundled with plastic, and you get a model that allows for pretty seamless edition updates.

The specifics super matter here. Another 2.0 'relaunch' would be devastating, but a rules reboot with a bunch of new 30 dollar conversion kits that are far more comprehensive than the previous set isn't the end of the world.

No. NO. N-O. N-to-the-O. NO!!! Do NOT operate like 40K!!!

I came to X-Wing 1.0, and stuck around for 2.0, specifically to get AWAY from 40K and everything else GW. Do NOT go down the plastic-crack, pimped-model-of-the-month, stupid-rules-designed-solely-to-push-stupid-units, don't-give-a-bleep-about-breaking-the-game path!

If they do, good-bye X-Wing.

2 hours ago, Nyxen said:

Sorry, /another/ 4 die turret, probably on an agile small base with high initiative and plenty of linked actions

And it will probably have a unique pilot that’s only found only in organized play and that pilot will be super duper must have.

Basically attack wing.

We discussed this at our local play group today, and are collectively calling this as best case zero change (most likely)

Wouldn't be surprised if Asmodee moves everything out of FFG and shuts the studio down just to get out of the mess that is now Minneapolis. Also the pandemic has killed in person played gaming, they must be hurting and they weren't exactly doing great before. Consolidation should be expected.

With that said, these miniature games aren't rocket engineering. Getting people who can design these games isn't that difficult. I am sure they held on to some key people and as stated before, FFG has had plenty of turn around throughout the years.

This is them not losing their license. Maybe not as big of a deal as people think. Hope the FFG brand doesn't disappear though.

The quality should increase but so will the price, their stuff so far has been expensive in comparison to FFG. Here you’re looking at 2-3 times the amount for a single hero.

AMG is also a property fo Asmodee, as FFG ? Well, at least, they keep it ''in the big family''...

I do hope that:

- the same/new team that will develop X-Wing will listen to what to community asks at least as much as they did recently

- this forum will stay. It would be a big transition for all of us going to a new exchange platform of discussion

- they will make a big update on their website. Actually, the website of AMG is strictly reserved for Marvel Crisis Protocol.

- there will be a place to share new announcements for the products

- the minis will be kept as pre-painted. I am not the most talented, and I love the actual artwork of most of the ships :)

- there will be objectives-based casual and OP games

- a scenario/campaign pack as HOTAC will spawn !

Edited by Silver_leader
11 minutes ago, NulEnvoid said:

The quality should increase but so will the price, their stuff so far has been expensive in comparison to FFG. Here you’re looking at 2-3 times the amount for a single hero.

Yeah, but it's also a system where there is no reason to buy multiples of the product, unlike X-Wing.

A few thoughts:

ffg did great with 1.0 and 2.0. I loved their creativity (esp after they got past silly obvious powercreep) the tie advanced fix, while not totally successful, was a great idea and really fun.

this new studio if it only has one big credit or one year of experience does not sound confident enough to create any of these games.

off nearly no information, this is a very risky move. But we will have to see if the new studio and team will take it to new heights. Certainly possible.

how to react to this: it’s really silly to stop buying now. You probably want to buy the good nice stuff that still is created by the old team. And products for quite a few months should be stuff that the old team has created. Around 3-6 months from now is when you should start using some caution if stuff starts getting weird.

(On the other hand, I’m not super keen on how they made the LAAT and Tri fighter from a design perspective but we shall see)

also if there is an expensive 3.0 reboot, that might honestly kill the game in a real dead game way for me. Yes sure it might be better but it won’t be worth paying for again.

Edited by Blail Blerg
1 hour ago, PhantomFO said:

Yeah, but it's also a system where there is no reason to buy multiples of the product, unlike X-Wing.

It was more in reference to Legion and its heroes

I played the Transformers CCG and it got cancelled, atributed to Covid.

So I'm pretty glad this is a sideways shuffle for the X-Wing Miniatures game and not a cancellation announcement.

My thoughts:

This is possibly very good for the affected games, and their players. More than anything, it seems like a bit of a corporate shuffle. That sucks for a lot of people who likely got downsized, and good luck to them. But the new game makers have a gigantic opportunity (and incentive) to keep these extremely lucrative games strong and fresh. The marketing and release schedules for Armada, at least, have been shamefully slow for years now... to the point where at least one poster in this very thread is under the impression that “Armada is dead,” (which is a bit of a meme over in the Armada forum). Changes are probably necessary for the continued health of that game (which I dearly love), and I can’t imagine the new company would just let it languish. At minimum, it can’t get much worse for Armada, which averages about one hype article every six months, a strategy article every year or so, and an official errata/rules review every two years (!) or so. As for X-Wing, it’s much more successful and popular than Armada. I can’t imagine they’re just gonna let it die. You don’t just take the gift of a huge installed player base like this game has and not try your level best to knock it out of the park with high-quality new releases, and news/strategy content to match.

It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if FFG knew for some time they were gonna lose their minis division, and wanted to finish big with the recent slew of new ships and the upcoming launch of Clone Wars Armada. So they finished strong, and will likely bank a good deal of the profits for their efforts. But the new guys would be fools to let these games sputter and die. And hopefully, they’ll actually hire a marketing department to give us a lot more content and info, which has definitely been a weak point at FFG for a very long time.

Chin up, people. The sky might be falling, but this also might really work out fantastically well.

I spend a lot of money un X-Wing (first and second edition), and I still love it. I don't want a lot of changes.

A third edition like the second is too much because I think the last edition was a mess. The kits, the reedition fails, the app...

If they don't change the miniatures, cardboard, dials and base ships, they could do a (light) third edition without risk.

Initiation packs like Heralds are fine. You don't need that, but they are very interesting for new players.

Actually the only problem is the card pool. All the pilots/ships information, rules and upgrades on books? Is not a bad idea while I can still play with my collection.

A slow replacement of pilots/upgrades with each new release? It's ok if they are on card packs too.

Another conversion kit for everything? No, please.

I can play a limited format for a while (I love Hyperspace), with the most iconic ships of each faction and go wide with each new pack, without the rush of the second edition kits and releases.

10 hours ago, FlyingAnchors said:

That’s unconfirmed at the moment, right?

I’m pretty sure OP doesn’t survive the move, which is a super hard blow, because atomic mass games has no OP that I’m aware of.

This is why i said "Apparently", because i cannot confirm it. All i can do is point to a Reddit post from someone claiming to be a former FFG employee.

I am going to take a wait and see approach here I think, I've heard good things about Crisis Protocol (even if it doesn't interest me personally) from a number of people. However, I am not buying another new edition of X-Wing, if they go to a 3rd Edition then I'm done.

8 hours ago, gamblertuba said:

Cards don't have points. Cardboard all has the lines. The dials are probably fine. Honestly, a soft reboot would only require new points. Maybe pick a few cards to toss out and replace when future squadron packs hit. For example, when the scum pack drops, include a new version of Boba and relegate the old version. Not saying they will or should but they could.

I have sometimes wondered whether they might be better off making the bases completely generic by removing the pilot names and ship icons, and then having little name plates that go in the bit that currently holds the numbers instead. It'd save a lot of cardboard, though it might be a little fiddly.

Anyhoo, on the actual move, I'm a little concerned because shifting stuff between companies is always a bit of a risk - it might not work out, or might go in a different direction that I don't like. However, from what I've heard people generally like Crisis Protocol, and FFG's distribution in Australia has been rather erratic of late (even pre-covid!), so maybe having all their miniatures under the same company will make it easier for them to manage.

3 hours ago, Koing907 said:

I played the Transformers CCG and it got cancelled, atributed to Covid.

So I'm pretty glad this is a sideways shuffle for the X-Wing Miniatures game and not a cancellation announcement.

My understanding is that Hasbro killed the Transformers CCG because it was a competitor product to MtG, because cards.

As for this change: until I see evidence to the contrary, I am going to assume that this is Asmodee shuffling people/product lines between internal structures and nothing substantial will change about how X-wing is developed, supplied and supported (except we might see that improved squad builder now...). I strongly doubt Asmodee would want to compromise the Star Wars cashcow with an ill-advised and rushed 'new' edition at this point.

Hopefully this will fix the distributor issues for the FLGS. That has been a mess of Asmodee's own creation. I wonder how much blame for the sales not there has been misplaced on the minis design teams.

Edited by Frimmel

wish they would come out and say WHY they are doing this.. I am old school.... If it aint broke don't FIX it.... I dont think it was broke, but i have no clue what's going on behind the curtains... Now if this was Wiz kids lol then yes it would be great because STAW IS BROKE..

Does anyone know how well X-wing was selling during the months prior to Covid?

13 minutes ago, Sixter said:

Does anyone know how well X-wing was selling during the months prior to Covid?

The Card Packs were reased at end of January. So I assume they were good sellers, and it was going well.

13 minutes ago, Sixter said:

Does anyone know how well X-wing was selling during the months prior to Covid?

According to ICV/2 the Spring 2020 top non-collectable miniatures sales were:


Warhammer 40K

Games Workshop


Age of Sigmar

Games Workshop


D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Minis



Star Wars Legion

Fantasy Flight Games


Pathfinder Deep Cuts


By comparison, Spring 2019 was:


Warhammer 40K

Games Workshop


Age of Sigmar

Games Workshop


D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Minis



Star Wars X-Wing

Fantasy Flight Games


Star Wars Legion

Fantasy Flight Games

Should we even expect these games to continue? Going by the rumored layoff it seems they've kept the minions who would best be able to get the products past the point of cancellation to market while dismissing those most responsible for creating new products. By my reckoning there are four X-wing products, four Legion products, and six Armada products that we should expect by the end of the year. The only other things claimed are an additional four Armada products that have not had a particularly formal announcement but which may be past the point of cancellation. These may well mark EOL for all of these games.