Happy to do a narrative wrap-up.
Happy to do a narrative wrap-up.
The discussions continue on for a short while into the evening, but with the important posts largely settled, it is clear the two main factions are not interested in determining who takes the posts of bodyguard to the garrison's officers. The one extended debate is over the final decision for the garrison's ambassador, but whilst the Phoenix clan do make an effort to nominate one of the Dragon, the earlier nomination of Asahina Midori had clearly gathered too much momentum, and with Kitsuki Fuji and the other Dragon clan backing the nomination, the matter is ultimately settled in favour of the Crane. Matters are finished a few minutes before sunset, and Hirohide beckons over one of the attendants, whispers briefly to him, and dismisses him with a gesture. The attendant bows, and departs from the hall.
Some time later, one of the attendants remaining in the room nods - having caught a prompt from somewhere not readily visible or obvious to the guests. Seppun Hirohide stands, and the guests do likewise. He asks the officers and their aides to join him next to the dais, and you all form up in front of it; Khenbish in the centre, with Tsume Ron and Sayaka either side of him, and then Asahina Midori, Bayushi Katsu and Umeko off to the left, by the edge of the balcony. The various officer's yojimbo stand behind them; Yasuki Keigonin behind Khenbish, Matsu Tomuko behind Ron, Yokoi behind Sayaka and Hakane behind Asahina Midori.
The low murmur of conversation gradually fades out as attendants light lanterns around the room, filling the hall with the faint waft of some expensive incense - jasmine and something else slightly elusive. A pair of junior-looking attendants led by an elderly, well-dressed heimin servant let themselves in by a servant's door next to the dais, bow, and stand waiting, the juniors carrying trays on which lie several silk-wrapped bundles. The older servant directs his charges to place the trays on stands next to the dais, then again bows deeply to Seppun Hirohide.
"Thank you, Ryu-san." Says the magistrate. "Are papers prepared?"
"They are being prepared now, Seppun-sama," the servant responds, "Formal warrants for the honoured samurai will be ready for collection from the Room of Law after the investiture."
Hirohide nods, apparently satisfied, and withdraws to the side of the room.
This is the end of the intrigue scene, so if you're on more than half your composure, reset to that value.
Yes, if you recognise Ryu's name from the beginner game, that is him, for reasons which should be pretty obvious if you think about it.
With that, the doors opposite the balcony are slid open, revealing a tall, thin figure wearing armour lacquered in a deep green. Seppun Hirohide bows, and everyone in the room either takes their cue from the Imperial samurai or is already bowing themselves. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the servant Hirohide called Ryu discreetly unhitch a silk banner, which unrolls down the wall with a soft thump to show the mon of the Emerald Champion and Commander of the Imperial Legions, as Doji Satsume himself approaches and takes a position stood on the dais.
"You all honour the Imperial Legions with your service," Satsume begins, "and if your posting is to a remote garrison on the Empire's border rather than the comforts of Otosan Uchi, it is no less worthy - and no less vital - for that. I expect Shiro Damebare to be held with the same devotion you would render the Mikawu Kabe itself. Yobanjin brigands have raided the Emperor's lands and killed the Empire's subjects through the pass at Fubuki n Gake. That ends, now, with you."
"Thank you, Seppun-san, for your wise choices. We shall proceed."
Ryu leans forward - careful not to step onto the dais or even the woodwork pattern edging it - unwraps the first bundle and offers its contents to his lord. The Emerald Champion reaches out with his right hand without apparently deigning to look, and picks up a pair of finely crafted sode shoulder-guards, lacquered in a plain gray. Picked out in gold thread in the centre is a mon of a single snowflake. To the champion's left, Ryu begins unfolding the next bundle, revealling a near-identical item with detailling in silver thread.
"Shinjo Khenbish-san of Khanbulak; step forwards."
Khenbish tries to appear calm and confident, but he feels the weight of the room's attention. So much has happened, and he's still sorting through the emotions. He's cautiously hopeful and proud, but also wary of the many mysteries still surrounding the outpost. He internally resolves himself to be equal to whatever challenges the posting presents as he steps forward.
"Shinjo Khenbish-san," the Emerald Champion continues, "you are hereby made Castellan of Shiro Damebare and placed in command of the Imperial Legion forces within the valley of Fubuki no Gake."
He offers you the sode , along with an official chop seal showing the same stylised snowflake mon.
"This is no small responsibility, Shinjo-san, but I am certain Seppun Hirohide-san has chosen wisely in assigning it to you."
With that gesture, you are formally granted the post.
Whilst you may wish to respond, and/or go through rhe traditional refusals, Shinjo Khenbish is now 'officially' castellan.
Khenbish tries to set aside the customs of Khanbulak, which come to him so naturally, and instead follows the norms of the rest of the Rokugan, as best he remembers them. He accepts the sode and chop seal as graciously as he knows how. He speaks humbly and thanks the Emerald Champion on behalf of everyone assigned to the castle for the opportunity to serve the Emperor. He also drops a comment about how the strength of the Imperial Legion is that the different clans set aside their differences and combine their individual strengths to become something greater than the sum of their parts. It's meant to be equal parts inspirational, aspirational, and subtly pleading of the other samurai.
Is it possible the status bonus is actually supposed to be a minimum? Something seems a little strange with the title status modifiers. For example, the highest status I can have is 10 points lower than the lowest status my yojimbo can have.
These sode are awesome!
Doji Satsume and Khenbish exchange bows and then the Unicorn samurai retires to one side of the dais. The crab, Yasuki Keigonin, falls in behind Khenbish and takes up a stance one pace behind and one to the side of the new Castellan, with his back almost to the wall of the audience chamber.
The Emerald Champion repeats the process with Tsume no Doji Ron, handing her the second set of sode and commending her to her duties as the Senior Gunso of the bushi assigned to Shiro Damebare. The Crane bows deeply, thanking the Emerald Champion and Seppun Hirohide for their faith in her, before withdrawing to stand next to Khenbish, Matsu Tomuko following her with a face like stone. As she does so, Doji Satsume speaks again.
"Shinjo Sayaka-san of Khanbulak, step forwards."
To no-one's particular surprise at this point, the third bundle Ryu opens and proffers to his lord proves to contain another set of sode , this time with the snowflake mon picked out in a rich copper thread.
No, that's correct. Remember that the title is normally for a daimyo's steward. In this case your 'daimyo' is nominally the Emerald Champion, it's just that Satsume-sama is unlikely to ever visit unless the faecal matter hits the rotary air impeller.
Castellan gives primarily a glory award, like many of the Courts of Stone titles. The status award only exists to ensure a putative ronin or ji-samurai character is at least on par with other great clan samurai; most characters won't get it.
Note that even though your social status for most purposes remains only equal to or lower than some others, for the specific business of the garrison, you're still in command, because Hirohide and Satsume said so. It could just have easily been the other way around, with the castellan and junior gunso reporting to the senior, but they've chosen to make 'ownership' of the fortress the key defining element of the whole debate, for what are presumably political reasons.
It just means that some characters are more inclined to be stroppy subordinates than others (such as Shiba Rei or Kitsuki Fuji), and you may have to therefore consider the use of Courtesy rather than Command if the situation allows it, or else face a higher-than-normal TN, just the same as if a legion detachment had a veteran clan samurai commanding a young section leader who was a junior officer but also a full-blood Seppun.
This is one reason the ceremonial quality of the sode may matter when dealing with outsiders; based on appearances and family connections of the various garrison members, someone may well assume someone else is the commander (especially if they're told Tsume Ron is 'the Gunso' without the context that the Gunso reports to the Castellan); the sode support your argument and reduce the TN of associated checks if you ever have to pull someone (including her!) up on that.
Shinjo Sayaka (5 strife)
Sayaka steps forward, intent on imatating Tsume-san's bows. Never before had she met such an important person, and she was feeling unsure how to deal with it. Still, she had been drilled in Rokugani traditions since she before she could remember. The self-doubt is washed away as memory and training takes over and she elegantly presents herself before the Emerald Champion.
" Doji-sama, you have honored my brother, my family and me. This gift is far to fine to be fitted to my armor. "
Sayaka will refuse twice before accepting it, probably claiming how it will be covered in dust when she rides the second time.
Sayaka and Doji Satsume proceed through the traditional refusals, before the Shinjo accepts the sode and bows.
"Shinjo Sayaka-san," the Emerald Champion continues, "you are hereby made Second Gunso of the Imperial Legion Bushi assigned to Shiro Damebare. A trustworthy officer on which a commander can rely is one of the most precious resources they can possess. See that you act as such and you will more than justify any honour you are given ."
At that, you are formally granted the post, and withdraw to join Tsume Ron and Khenbish, with Yokoi shadowing you.
The Emerald Champion then calls forward and recognises Asahina Midori as the garrison's Ambassador. An elegant omamori amulet is produced by Ryu and given to the Crane shujenga, along with a chop seal.
Ryu begins unwrapping a second omamori amulet, as Doji Satsume looks at Umeko and speaks again.
"Agasha Umeko-san of Shiro Agasha, step forwards."
Khenbish - please check Aesthetics/Scrutinise (Air) at TN2
Sayaka is now 'officially' junior gunso.
Umeko will stand up and attempt to arrange her clothing and hair to cover the most obvious scars before carefully stepping up towards the front.
When appropriate, she will say "Thank you, I look forward to getting to know the kami of this new assignment."
Edited by Tonbo KarasuThe Emerald Champion presents Umeko with the amulet, which turns out to be a finely-made omamori to the Fortune of Wisdom, Fukurokujin. Once again, the snowflake design is discreetly incorporated - this time as a repeating pattern in the the soft silk cord from which it hangs.
"Agasha-san, you are hereby assigned to the Shiro Damebare garrison as the priest of the garrison's shrine. Your responsibilities are to both the Kami of Fubuki no Gake and to the spiritual needs of your fellow soldiers in the garrison. See that you discharge both with equal skill."
With that exchange, Umeko makes her way to the side of the room with the others - the first individual called forward by Satsume not to be accompanied by a new yojimbo.
The Emerald Champion makes one final presentation - to Bayushi Katsu, naming him Advisor to the Castellan. There is the momentary suggestion of a flicker of disapproval on the Crane Champion's face as he officially nominates the Scorpion courtier to the Advisor's post, but it passes so quickly you are not entirely certain it was there at all.
With that done, the Emerald Champion addresses the remaining samurai in the room. "I hereby name each of you as members of the Shiro Damebare garrison of the Imperial Legions. Whilst the other members of the garrison may bear no specific titles, it is for the good of all of you - and for the good of the Empire - that you apply yourself to whatever duty is required, to the very utmost of your ability. The Legions will accept nothing less. You will march for Fubuki no Gake at midday tomorrow."
To an exchange of formal bowing, Doji Satsume leaves the room, with Ryu in tow, leaving the audience hall once again in Seppun Hirohide's hands. The magistrate resumes his former seat in front of the dais, but makes a dismissive gesture, indicating that people no longer need stand on ceremony, whilst attendants bring more drinks. The formal investiture over, the crowd quickly shifts to mingling and general conversation between the various samurai, and some people start slowly drifting away, or moving to the balcony to watch the very last glimmerings of twilight fade away over the horizon.
Umeko is now 'officially' priest.
This is the end of the investiture and pretty much the end of the scene; it will break down into assorted narrative opportunities, but essentially people will start drifting off to their rooms in the Invited Guests quarters, either one by one or in groups depending on who you're talking about.
I believe I gain an extra +1 Glory for being dressed in Resplendant Ceremonial clothing.
Would it be possible to go and chat with whoever is the most stylishly dressed person about fashion and clothes? I'm going to guess it's either a Crane or Scorpion.
You will increase the glory award by +1 then, for a net +4.
The best-dressed person in the room is probably Asahina Midori, the new ambassador.
She's currently trying to process going from a bodyguard of two Crane samurai veterans to a single ronin she doesn't know, and to boot has been given a posting that may well require her to trek all over the supposedly bandit- and yobanjin-infested northern mountains, so right now a friendly face would probably be a good thing....
...even if it belongs to the person from the 'other' faction who won the priestly posting she would clearly have preferred.
Second place is a matter of personal taste, but is broadly a four-day the between yourself, Bayushi Katsu, Seppun Hirohide, and the unnamed, slightly overweight Isawa you spotted earlier when looking for other shujenga.
Shinjo Sayaka (5 strife, 35 Status, 56 Honor, 60 Glory)
With the ceremonies behind them, Sayaka relaxes a bit, but her heart still races.
What had just happened? Had the Emerald Magistrate themselves pronounced her brother Castillian and her Gunso in place of all these other Samurai? In a strange way, she felt like she had been played. Rokugani tradition meant you everything said had been worded true, but the deeper meaning of it would have to be meditated on.
She snaps briefly back to the conversations she had been embroiled in. She'd never had a yojimbo before, nor had any in her family. Did this mean she was old now? Shouldn't she feel different? And be married? Have children? "Yes." she answered a question. She hoped it was correct. Focus. She found the spot. Not the with the overwhelming sound of hooves across an endless steps her siblings would talk about, but rather in the garden of her mind, an endless labyrinth with flowers arranged by meaning, season and color, all the while basking in sunlight. She imagined kneeling down and taking in the scent of jasmine - and with that focus returned. But she'd soon need to do something about this stress, and arraning flowers would be far better than the alternatives.
Sayaka also has the Ceremonial Clothes, so I took the liberty of adding an extra glory!
I think Sayaka will spend most of the time talking to her Yojimbo to ensure he feels comfortable. On the matter of Doji no Tsume Ron, Sayaka will be satisfied with paying her deepest respect. If her senior wishes to speak to her, that's a different matter, and Sayaka will not deny that opportunity.
If that's a new experience, then that's probably a good idea. Umeko and Khenbish both spoke to Yokoi and Tomuko in the courtyard, but Sayaka hasn't really met the Lion clan samurai. Since there's a non-trivial chance he's been essentially planted on her as a military aide as well as bodyguard, getting some time to talk might be good.
Since he's your yojimbo and would be expected to follow wherever you go unless you specifically dismiss him, getting somewhere where you can talk privately is also comparatively easy to achieve without comment.
Sounds like the plan of the eve then, befriending her yojimbo.
Khenbish's list of things he wants to do includes:
If I can only accomplish two of these things, I think I should focus on the first two. The Room of Law seems like a must, and Katsu should be able to give me some basic information about Keigonin.
Glory should be 57 now (44+10+3). Strife is 5.
Umeko will head over towards Midori and attempt to engage in small talk, although she's quite bad at first impressions (it isn't what anyone would call a 'friendly' face). Hopefully, there will be a number of topics of conversation the two can engage on. Nice as it would be to drop in a comment about how quickly her Phoenix 'allies' supported someone else for the role she seemed to want, I don't believe I am asubtle enough courtier to do that without being obvious, and now is not the time.
21 hours ago, Zantosa said:As a cultural question, how is this seen from a “proper” perspective? Sayaka is of marriageable age and being left without a chaperon might pose some questions, or does a yojimbo count as one, or is it a non-issue?
A Yojimbo is an 'honour guard' as much as bodyguard, that is, they shouldn't be in that post if they weren't a respectable individual who could constitute a suitable chaperone. There are plenty on in-setting examples of a Yojimbo being of the opposite sex to their ward.
Honestly, whilst Sayaka is young, nervous and a bit inexperienced, and has been brought up in the way she has, but I'm not sure that Rokugani culture as a whole treats the concept of chaperones as strictly as she does.
Since gender is largely ignored in relationships and marriage, for example (with examples of both same-sex lovers and same-sex openly married couples), it follows that a person being female is not, logically, sufficient to make them a suitable chaperone for another female.
Sayaka is a fairly senior military officer now, with subordinates and everything, so unless she's going to be joined at the hip to a close family member for her entire term of service (and the only one really available is the commander whose proxy she's supposed to be acting as), this is something she's going to have to learn to deal with - and Yokoi, as the cadre's designated grizzled old 'Sergeant Whatsisname', might be the person to (politely) give her the sizeable reality check the character may need.
17 hours ago, MonCalamariAgainstDrunkDriving said:Khenbish's list of things he wants to do includes:
- Checking out The Room Of Law
- Talking to Bayushi Katsu
- Talking to Tsume no Doji Ron about his military history and how things will be different
- Talking to his Yasuki Keigonin
If I can only accomplish two of these things, I think I should focus on the first two.
If you head to the Room of Law and ask your advisor to accompany you, that kind of works by default. Keigonin will come too - because he comes unless you tell him not to - so that should give you a chance to talk to them in (semi) privacy.
21 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:Umeko will head over towards Midori and attempt to engage in small talk, although she's quite bad at first impressions (it isn't what anyone would call a 'friendly' face). Hopefully, there will be a number of topics of conversation the two can engage on
Clothes clearly being the obvious one. Call it Charm (Water), either design or courtesy, at TN2 to break the ice. Either way, you can use your Fashion advantage.
You can also make a TN2 Aesthetics/Scrutinise (Air) check as you approach her. Khenbish was also asked to make this check but @MonCalamariAgainstDrunkDriving seems to have forgotten.
Umeko offers a detailed and gushing account of just how impressed she is by the amazingly fashionable clothes that Midori is wearing, while simultaneously ignoring any comment that the Crane may try to slip into the conversation. She leaves the meeting feeling very pleased with herself (0 strife
) and starts to consider what supplies would be needed to re-dedicate a shrine - shimenawa, probably; incense; hm, she'll need to consult to find out which of the fortunes were
covered there. Tomorrow will need to do some preparation.
The attempt to make a good first impression:
Well, it makes me feel good about myself, although it doesn't help Midori.
Spotting something subtle
I think that's remaining completely oblivious.
Oh, ok! Thank you for the clarification!
Sayaka in reality isn't as "proper", she just doesn't want to do something strange at an important time such as this. It's probably bygone customs and misinformation about how Rokugani actually society works (playing that Unicorn card again!) that has left her with the impression that it's important. Sayaka herself sees it as a pointless practice, and is neither as chaste or prude as she thinks Rokugani society expects her to be!
Asahina Midori and Umeko talk politely about fashion trends for a while, Umeko enjoying the chance to talk to someone else knowledgeable on the subject, but it's clear the discussion is going nowhere else, and after a while the Crane shujenga makes polite excuses and goes to speak to the second Crane bushi who arrived with her, with the ronin Hakane in tow.
Sayaka, whilst the two talk, turns to Yokoi, who is waiting respectfully a pace behind her. Glancing around the room, and with the risk of eavesdroppers warring with her understanding of Rokugani customs and the risk of scandal, tries to decide if she can justify talking privately with the Lion jisamurai.
Khenbish, meanwhile, indicates a desire to investigate the Room of Law, which Bayushi Katsu informs him is within the same part of the castle, on the southern face of this tower. The two samurai, followed by Keigonin, make their way out of the audience hall and into a plain but scrupulously lean corridor running down the side of the hall. In comparison with the richly coloured murals of the hall, the walls are plain - the wood unpainted other than an expensive, hard-wearing lacquer, and the paper sections decorated only with faint repeating traceries of the mon of the Ruby and Emerald Champions. Underfoot, a carefully balanced nightingale floor squeaks softly.
" So, Shinjo-sama, " asks Katsu, " how may I advise the Castellan tonight? "
Umeko - that may have been a bit of a bust, but at least you burned off your strife. I'l let you approach one other person during the evening before most people will have left.
1 hour ago, Zantosa said:It's probably bygone customs and misinformation about how Rokugani actually society works (playing that Unicorn card again!) that has left her with the impression that it's important. Sayaka herself sees it as a pointless practice, and is neither as chaste or prude as she thinks Rokugani society expects her to be!
It's also a sense of seeing 'mainstream' Rokugani society from the outside and seeing it as more monolithic than it really is.
A young samurai of marriagable age being chaperoned in the capital (which is full of both temptations, political rivals and high-status witnesses) is one thing, and not unlikely.
At, say, Kyuden Shika, which has a 'certain reputation' as the place young, attractive people go to...erm....socialise, it's quite another; bringing a chaperone would likely produce questions of " well, why the heck are you here , then? Bloody spoilsport. "
At a military garrison in - let's not mince words - the backside of nowhere - it's likely no-one else cares any more than she does, but she needs to find that out for herself.
Am I correct in thinking that you said there was a Yasuki here who was already associated with a Quartermaster role? If so, then they would be the person that Umeko approaches now, given the topic that is currently on her mind.
Yasuki Keigonin? He's now Khenbish's yojimbo, which means by the time you're done talking to Midori, he'll have left with him.
"Bayushi-san, I want to thank you for supporting my bid for castellan. I'm sure my new yojimbo would like to thank you for supporting him as well. Though honored, I'm perhaps a little confused. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting before. To what do I owe your support? If your motivation was simply to block someone else from the appointment, please feel free to speak freely. I wouldn't hold it against you."
Sorry about the forgotten check! And sorry about the slow posting rate in general. Between the holidays and switching work projects, I know I haven't been as present recently. And realistically, my posting rate might continue to be a little slow the rest of the month, but I'm sure I'll pick up the pace again in January.