2 hours ago, Odanan said:Yep, it is clear now.
Poe's white/orange X-Wing + what? 2x A-wings? Or the Scavenged YT-1300? (since it was not re-released in 2nd ed.)
Lots of Ep. 9 characters included, I suppose.
There is about 0% chance they named a Resistance pack "Collaborators" unless they picked a random word from the dictionary.
It's just a small leak, not a comprehensive list of all future releases, there may be any number of unannounced products between now and the release of those three packs. In fact, if you look at the product numbers, the next wave is SWZ69-71, then the card packs SWZ72-78 which is the highest I found, then there are four free spots and the leaked packs at SWZ83-85.