THE MANDALORIAN, in a Civilized Age

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion

No spoilers, but, first episode of the second season...yeah, they didn't mess around. Started the season off with a really strong episode.

Agreed 100%.


I don't think the joke below is necessarily a spoiler, but read at your own risk just in case.


I'm glad we finally have a good sequel to Tremors.

I loved how the crystal container stolen by the sheriff looked awfully familiar...

12 hours ago, oreet said:

No spoilers, but, first episode of the second season...yeah, they didn't mess around. Started the season off with a really strong episode.

I thought it was a mediocre episode. The big reveal was great, but the episode itself felt kind of formulaic.

To be fair, I didn’t really love the first season until it was all out and I could watch it in one sitting, so I may revise this view on a second watching down the road.

42 minutes ago, Mokoshkana said:

I thought it was a mediocre episode. The big reveal was great, but the episode itself felt kind of formulaic.

its the set-up. All first episodes are like this. 1st season had these as well.

If they stick to the same formula, there'll be some floaters and some slow episodes. I actually liked the one-off where they assault the prison ship.

The last episode will have an epic battle and some "big reveal" to make you want to check out season3

11 hours ago, buckero0 said:

its the set-up. All first episodes are like this. 1st season had these as well.

If they stick to the same formula, there'll be some floaters and some slow episodes. I actually liked the one-off where they assault the prison ship.

The last episode will have an epic battle and some "big reveal" to make you want to check out season3

I loved the prison ship episode as well. Such a fun bunch of rogues.

12 hours ago, Mokoshkana said:

I thought it was a mediocre episode. The big reveal was great, but the episode itself felt kind of formulaic.

To be fair, I didn’t really love the first season until it was all out and I could watch it in one sitting, so I may revise this view on a second watching down the road.

Agreed. I was incredibly underwhelmed. It wasn't a bad episode by any stretch of the imagination; it was a great filler episode. Not what I would expect from a highly anticipated season opener. Honestly, this is the kind of story that is usually handled in a tie-in comic, since it is a fun romp, and helps set up the true opener, but doesn't really advance the plot significantly. Oh well, maybe they're just being really subtle about the arc for the season, and it turns out that the graboid.... I mean, krayt was a hugely important Sith Lord or something.

Edited by Alpha17

Well, with all the characters they're going to pack in the season (Greef and Cara, Ahsohka and Boba Fett, Moff Gideon) They really won't have a whole lot of these type of episodes this season. They had to do something before the big ramp up when Moff Gideon finally tracks them down. The last 2 will be the big fight. there's only 7 more episodes to go.

Deep kotor cuts.

Loved it

This show is, generally, going to BE “filler” episodes. It’s pretty clear they’re going for an X-Files / Clone Wars style progression where some episodes are connected to the “mythology” and others are going to be “encounter of the week” episodes.

I’m personally much more excited about this approach, as it gives individual episodes more potential to surprise and it moves us away from the JJ Abrams nonsense approach where the audience is given a mystery box filled with clues that lead to nothing, questions that never get answered, and teases for a payoff that ultimately doesn’t arrive.

6 hours ago, KalEl814 said:

This show is, generally, going to BE “filler” episodes. It’s pretty clear they’re going for an X-Files / Clone Wars style progression where some episodes are connected to the “mythology” and others are going to be “encounter of the week” episodes.

I’m personally much more excited about this approach, as it gives individual episodes more potential to surprise and it moves us away from the JJ Abrams nonsense approach where the audience is given a mystery box filled with clues that lead to nothing, questions that never get answered, and teases for a payoff that ultimately doesn’t arrive.

Absolutely agreed. It's bizarre to me that so many people are apparently so bamboozled by Peak TV received wisdom that they seem to believe "good" and "rigidly serialized" are synonyms. Frankly I'm hoping fervently that the "main plot" ends up being maybe a season's worth of episodes spread out across at least four(and preferably as many as they can make without the quality dipping too much) seasons. I like Mando, I like The Child, I like the side characters, and I like the "Wolf & Cub meets Western" formula. I assume the people who're making these comments like those things as well - so why are they so keen to rush to the end of the story and not see any more of it? They've lucked into a perfect framing device for exploring the Star Wars setting that allows them to functionally ignore the contentious Sequels for potentially a decade or more while also reinserting loads of EU material in a curated way, without having to piss off any specific group of fans, and which has managed to capture the "watercooler" zeitgeist in a way Star Wars hasn't managed for years - they'd have to be mental to chuck all that away by resolving the "main plot" within two or three seasons.

The world needs more mostly-episodic shows, not less.

They can do the "tight" highly serialized approach where it makes more sense like Obi Wan and other character or event focused shows.

I enjoyed it! I would love to see so many of the races from this episode in Legion.

12 hours ago, Sharkbelly said:

I enjoyed it! I would love to see so many of the races from this episode in Legion.

Ja Ja Ja!!!!

13 hours ago, Sharkbelly said:

I enjoyed it! I would love to see so many of the races from this episode in Legion.

Tusken infantry, Tusken snipers, Tusken cavalry, and now there's even Tusken artillery!

5 hours ago, L_A_D said:

Tusken infantry, Tusken snipers, Tusken cavalry, and now there's even Tusken artillery!

Sounds like a sub-faction, or At least the beginnings of a scum faction

I enjoyed the episode, however much like the prison episode i found the aliens looked awful. Those gamoreans looked like Halloween costumes and the makeup on the weequay bartender was pretty bad

8 hours ago, Darth evil said:

I enjoyed the episode, however much like the prison episode i found the aliens looked awful. Those gamoreans looked like Halloween costumes and the makeup on the weequay bartender was pretty bad

Hmm. I actually thought they did a better job with the "main" aliens' makeup than they did last season. The makeup in the prison break episode were really bad, but the Gamoreans especially looked pretty good considering how mobile/active they were.

33 minutes ago, Alpha17 said:

Hmm. I actually thought they did a better job with the "main" aliens' makeup than they did last season. The makeup in the prison break episode were really bad, but the Gamoreans especially looked pretty good considering how mobile/active they were.

The Gamoreans looked kind of weird, but they weren't too bad considering. I think since they weren't going to put blood an gore on them from the Vibro axes, they maybe could have "hidden" some of the weirdness with some fur or something.

It didn't detract from the show for me.

Weequay always look pretty ragged, were they not dusty enough for you?

The Gamorreans had really skiny arms with no texture of any kind. At least they didn't look like fat clown like in TCW

I watched it again and didn't think it was that bad. The gammoreans just should be a bit thicker or heftier. They were too scrawny or skinny. I always imagined them to be fatter and more muscle, like a wild boar, not a puppy who just got out of the bath

On 11/2/2020 at 8:19 PM, buckero0 said:

I watched it again and didn't think it was that bad. The gammoreans just should be a bit thicker or heftier. They were too scrawny or skinny. I always imagined them to be fatter and more muscle, like a wild boar, not a puppy who just got out of the bath

Jabba's Guards were well payed and fat. It would be a pretty cushy job most of the time. Parties, dancing girls, spice. No one would dare try to assault the mighty Jabba, whose criminal empire spanned worlds, whose life spanned centuries.

The Gamorreans we see in The Mandalorian are pit fighters on a backwater world in a seedy run down club. They might even be slaves for all we know. They're scrappers, fighting for the amusement of others, just trying to survive from one night to the next.

43 minutes ago, KommanderKeldoth said:

Jabba's Guards were well payed and fat. It would be a pretty cushy job most of the time. Parties, dancing girls, spice. No one would dare try to assault the mighty Jabba, whose criminal empire spanned worlds, whose life spanned centuries.

The Gamorreans we see in The Mandalorian are pit fighters on a backwater world in a seedy run down club. They might even be slaves for all we know. They're scrappers, fighting for the amusement of others, just trying to survive from one night to the next.

Agreed. I got the impression that when Gor Koresh referred to one of the Gamorreans as "my Gamorrean," he meant literally the Gamorrean he owned.