Thanks you for replying me. I was seeking for something similar and you juste proov results could be very good with that
i will get one myself.
Thanks you for replying me. I was seeking for something similar and you juste proov results could be very good with that
i will get one myself.
1 minute ago, Krakus said:Thanks you for replying me. I was seeking for something similar and you juste proov results could be very good with that
i will get one myself.
No worries, Early days using it so far, but yeah, I'm pretty impressed so far for the price
4th and final (for now) squad finished! Also had a my desert theme gaming mat and a ton (don't tell the missus) of terrain arrive today, much more hobbying to be done
Clone army almost complete, a few more bits to go (another BARC and the P1 upgrades), but thought I would take a few "completed so far" shots...
Cut, glued and primed 18 B1's, and almost finished off a few of bits of terrain so far this weekend
Edited by 54NCH32
On 1/28/2020 at 3:23 PM, 54NCH32 said:
What techniques and tips can you provide us for the crispness of your lines on the white and the black areas?
As always man, you do fantastic work.
Wow! That squad looks fantastic. And the terrain is awesome!
Droids squad 3 mostly finished today. Another primed and ready to go
Bit of paint work here and there this week and Droid squads 3 and 4 done! Grievous is up next.
Edited by 54NCH32
Also managed to get some MDF crates spayed and dry-brushed up recently. Quick and fun to make and paint.
Edited by 54NCH32
Finally got round to Grievous! Just got base to finish off.
Edited by 54NCH32
Great detail. I love the eyes!
And the little bit of reflected light from the 'sabers. Awesome!
Edited by Sharkbelly4 hours ago, Sharkbelly said:Great detail. I love the eyes!
And the little bit of reflected light from the 'sabers. Awesome!
Cheers, I tried not to go overboard with the glow, plus I finally managed to put my Vallejo fluorescent green to use!
Getting Grievous and the droids squads varnished tomorrow, but also managed to get the Droidekas mostly done over the weekend.
Nothing fancy, leadbelcher spray, Gore Grunta contrast, and some detailing on the eyes. I removed the third eye / tentacle (didn't like it aesthetically) and the blaster pipes (as they looked fiddly). Hopefully be working on the bases this week, while I prep Dooku for some paint.
Droids squads 3 and 4 all finished...
...and General Grievous done!
Excellent paint apps mate
Just finishing the droidekas, but also got some more terrain sprayed up this week, so I decided to finish up the barricades, while I wait for the wash on the wheely boy bases to dry...
Edited by 54NCH32
Wheely bois done!
3 months and around 70 minis later, my 2 CW armies are done (for now).
Count Dooku was the last one (picked him up in mid November!)
Great job on the army! Where'd you get the terrain? It looks really good!
10 hours ago, 54NCH32 said:3 months and around 70 minis later, my 2 CW armies are done (for now).
Count Dooku was the last one (picked him up in mid November!)
Wow - beautiful job my friend! That's a tough gradient on the saber, and you nailed it - and you've also made me want to go back and up the OSL on his leg because yours looks so perfect. GORGEOUS!