Faces of the Empire OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

You are out of the fight. You're incapacitated, but alive. The Boost can go to the minion group though (all 2 of them).

Okay, I'll make it a rule for all Minion PCs. Difficulty=excess damage (which is what I did in your case).

For a Maneuver, he'll run over to the Mandalorian, and for a second Maneuver he'll stimpack said Mando.

The Mando's turn:

He lost his free maneuver, so he'll just do an action: Shooting at the Stormtrooper in the Doorway : 2eP+1eA+1eB+1eD+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png b-a.png d-th-th.png s-th.png

The sergeant is unconscious from strain/wounds exceeding his threshold, so now the one remaining stormtrooper goes:

Maneuver: Move to the door.
Action: Fire at the Kyuzo: Shooting at the Kyuzo : 3eA+3eD+2eS 1 success, 1 threat
a-a-a.png a-a.png a-s.png d--.png d-th.png d-th-th.png s-th.png s--.png

Putting the Kyuzo right at his WT, so not dropping him.

Aftermath: Almost the entire squad was killed, only TK-920 (gravely injured and almost dead), Sergeant TK-829, and one other stormtrooper survived.

Result of the battle: the rebels failed to disrupt the Imperial supply shipment, but managed to escape (though quite injured).

For his heroic actions and leadership in the heat of battle, TK-920 was given a field promotion to the rank of sergeant.

Thoughts? How do you think it went, how horrible a GM was I, etc.

Anything I/we should do to improve future episodes?

Who is interested in continuing into the next episode?

TK-236-A is ready! :D

Are we moving to a whole new location or keeping with the same outpost? Either way I'll introduce a new minion character since dear TR-920 is moving up the ranks.

4 minutes ago, rogue_09 said:

Are we moving to a whole new location or keeping with the same outpost? Either way I'll introduce a new minion character since dear TR-920 is moving up the ranks.

Same outpost (for now), TR-920 is temporarily out as a result of injury, but you might be able to reprise his role as a sergeant at a later time.

We should all play as minions until everyone survives to promotion once, then have a Sergeants session.

Might get a little weird, but okay.

We keep it going*! We all play as Sergeants until everyone has a Rival that survives (a SurvRival, if you will). Then we get promoted to Nemeses. Eventually we'll become Inquisitors and finally, someday, we get to be fully statted PCs! Every Minion's dream.

*i do not actually think we should do this

12 hours ago, rogue_09 said:

We keep it going*! We all play as Sergeants until everyone has a Rival that survives (a SurvRival, if you will). Then we get promoted to Nemeses. Eventually we'll become Inquisitors and finally, someday, we get to be fully statted PCs! Every Minion's dream.

*i do not actually think we should do this

(TV announcer voice) "Is there enough letters in the alphabet for everyone to make it to Nemesis? Stay tuned, same Trooper time, same Trooper channel!"

"Will TK-236-K survive this adventure so he can pick up his kid after school, or will TK-236-L ?"

Name: Xarovit Nuruodo

Designation: TN-1156

Personality: Industrious, Kindly, Generous

Egads, another nice one. I think Xaro is as green as green can be. A farm kid from Esseles who's all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. His "Esseles Nice" demeanor led to some ridicule in training--all of which went over his head--but he's a quick learner and a steadfast squad mate.

Is a new patrol happening?

I'll contact the others and see...

@Edgehawk @penpenpen are you still interested?

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'll contact the others and see...

@Edgehawk @penpenpen are you still interested?

I'll give it another go, if it's happening.

Alright, @Edgehawk , @RuusMarev , @rogue_09 I'm ready, so if you want to play, please list your new stormtroopers! I've already got yours, rogue_09.

@penpenpen , are you interested?

If penpenpen isn't, we can go ahead and start.

TK-236-A is decanted and flash memories are stable!

TK-5417 “Shiny” reporting. Named for his disposition, but also the fact that he still acts like a boot, though he completed training months ago. Famous for saluting non-coms and spending an inordinate amount of time polishing his laminate.

18 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Alright, @Edgehawk , @RuusMarev , @rogue_09 I'm ready, so if you want to play, please list your new stormtroopers! I've already got yours, rogue_09.

@penpenpen , are you interested?

If penpenpen isn't, we can go ahead and start.

No time, sorry.

Alright, here is the set up for your second mission:

You are stationed in the main Imperial outpost on Lok. Below is a basic outline as best as I can manage:

exr room|l.| rec | mb |TT| |
___________ | _ | _____ |Barrc | | Barracks|
_____________ ____________ | |
BR |CC| | Reactor | | Barracks|
| | | | | |
wk. | | ____________ |Barracks |
________| A | | Mess | | |
strg | | | | |Barracks |
________ |___| __________________ | |

Hmm... that wasn't so bad.

exr room=exercise/training room (weight lift machines, boxing mats, etc.)
l.=locker room
rec=recreation room (holovid screens, tables, etc.)
mb=Medbay (currently occupied by Sergeant Gore and Sergeant Quest, currently awaiting med evac.
BR=briefing room
CC=command center
Mess=mess hall/kitchen
Reactor=generator room
TT=twin turbolifts

Rebel activity: ambushed 2 patrols, attacked the space port.
The mission: Patrol 25-Psi.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

You are patrolling in a giant "d" shape, from the turbolifts down past the mess, then up around back above the mess and up to the turbolifts.

Are we still just patrolling and keeping alert, or is that an order to move outside? Should we make a Perception check to see if anything is amiss in the corridors?

You are supposed to keep on doing what you are doing, but I'll grant a Boost to all Vigilance checks (including initiative) because you are now on alert.

I'll call for a check when it's needed.

You are all currently at the intersection between the stem and the circle of the "d" to the right of the mess hall and reactor room.