PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

(not to put another option out there... but.. We could do a mix of canon and our paratrooper option; Mireska and Ker'see use gunships to land troops at the base of the mesa and advance up, Jorin can get his Survivor minions with Camouflage and his squad and deploy from above with jetpacks)

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Maybe send in some shock troops on jetpacks, enough to clear an LZ for the gunships to swoop in? If they only use their beam weaponry, they'll keep collateral damage to a minimum.

or this... :D

@EliasWindrider What would a Jorin squad look like? (mechanically)

I guess I could take a peak at Camouflage's...

Just now, RuusMarev said:

@EliasWindrider What would a Jorin squad look like? (mechanically)

I guess I could take a peak at Camouflage's...

When Camo was made, he had a choice between a minion group of buffed minions or two regular minion squads and a Sergeant.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

When Camo was made, he had a choice between a minion group of buffed minions or two regular minion squads and a Sergeant.

I was thinking we might integrate Sergeant Poe with an extra squad, but I wasn't sure if that could happen.. (And I'm pretty sure Jorin's squad would fall pretty easily)

@EliasWindrider , how many could we send in with jetpacks?

Jedi get 1 squad of 6 standard clone minion (stats out of book, with possibly different gear)

Clones get 2 standard squads (a sergeant in the second squad) or 1 buffed minion squad (number, stats, gear are a negotiation). Buffed minions roll crits on a buffed minion critical hit table which is currently 1-80% survives but incapacitated, 81+% dead. We've talked about adding bleeding out, the end is nigh, and some other crits to the buffed minion critical hit table

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@EliasWindrider , how many could we send in with jetpacks?

20 + Varactyl's

Edited by EliasWindrider
Just now, EliasWindrider said:


+Camo and Varactyl squad? Or are they included?

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

+Camo and Varactyl squad? Or are they included?

Check the edit

Jorin makes that 19, which could be three groups of 6 clone minions + a sergeant.

What's Havoc's status? Not ready for the fight yet, right?

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Jorin makes that 19, which could be three groups of 6 clone minions + a sergeant.

What's Havoc's status? Not ready for the fight yet , right?


45 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Jorin makes that 19, which could be three groups of 6 clone minions + a sergeant.

With 3 normal minion squads, do they upgrade their weapons? Like repeating blaster (machine gun in a rifle squad in real life?) - not like an EWEB, but like (real world) M60... is that the Rotary blaster in this case?

1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:

With 3 normal minion squads, do they upgrade their weapons? Like repeating blaster (machine gun in a rifle squad in real life?) - not like an EWEB, but like (real world) M60... is that the Rotary blaster in this case?

There are different ways to do it.

RAW, I believe, is that minion groups must have all the same weapons (any outliers would be in their own group). Some say that as long as the skills are the same, they can choose a particular weapon to fire. I fall into the RAW camp, but have some sympathies with the other way of doing things.

However, a Z-6 isn't the best weapon to bring when jetting in. Too heavy. Heaviest weapon we see clones use in combination with a jetpack is the DC-15A, if I remember correctly.

Then again, Paz Vizla is using an LRB hooked to his jetpack.

Perhaps we use the Clone Heavy Weapons Specialist statblock from Kualan's Heroes on Both Sides, if @EliasWindrider is willing. I'll post the stats here if he is (low-end Rival).

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

There are different ways to do it.

RAW, I believe, is that minion groups must have all the same weapons (any outliers would be in their own group). Some say that as long as the skills are the same, they can choose a particular weapon to fire. I fall into the RAW camp, but have some sympathies with the other way of doing things.

However, a Z-6 isn't the best weapon to bring when jetting in. Too heavy. Heaviest weapon we see clones use in combination with a jetpack is the DC-15A, if I remember correctly.

Then again, Paz Vizla is using an LRB hooked to his jetpack.

Perhaps we use the Clone Heavy Weapons Specialist statblock from Kualan's Heroes on Both Sides, if @EliasWindrider is willing. I'll post the stats here if he is (low-end Rival).

Isn't there a clone carbine with autofire. That's about as far as I'll go... and you get the ascension gun attachment.. maybe some ion grenades and some explosives as a door opener and a vibro knife.

5 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Isn't there a clone carbine with autofire. That's about as far as I'll go... and you get the ascension gun attachment.. maybe some ion grenades and some explosives as a door opener and a vibro knife.

Yep, that's the DC-15A.

So switch Frags for Droid Poppers, each squad gets a demolition charge, and Vibroknives come standard.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Yep, that's the DC-15A.

So switch Frags for Droid Poppers, each squad gets a demolition charge, and Vibroknives come standard.

Don't forget the ascension gun attachment.

3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Don't forget the ascension gun attachment.

Right. Or the jetpacks.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Right. Or the jetpacks.

yes... mustn't forget those......

Jet packs ain't like Dustin crops boy, get the coordinates wrong and you'll fly into a star and that'll end your trip real fast... wait that's a hyperdrive.... but you still need the jetpack

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

Jet packs ain't like Dustin crops boy, get the coordinates wrong and you'll fly into a star and that'll end your trip real fast... wait that's a hyperdrive.... but you still need the jetpack





Actual quote was

"Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?

I kinda see Jorin flailing around like Ezra Bridger in Rebels, after he gets a jetpack.. I'd share gif's, but for some reason the internet is failing...oh wait!

A Close Read of Star Wars Rebels: “Twin Suns” – Part 4 – Tatooine |  DilDev's Blog

@P-47 Thunderbolt what kind of armor is Camouflage referring? I doubt Jorin will be able to do much Jedi stuff in full clone gear... Chest-Back and a Helmet?

Just now, RuusMarev said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt what kind of armor is Camouflage referring? I doubt Jorin will be able to do much Jedi stuff in full clone gear... Chest-Back and a Helmet?

He's referring to clone gear, but sealable armor should be enough, I'd guess.

37 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

He's referring to clone gear, but sealable armor should be enough, I'd guess.

Body glove and Helmet should be good with his recon armor I would think..

@EliasWindrider ?