PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

27 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Not yet, but I guess I'll go ahead and do that now.

Varactyls will move to cover and roll Initiative: Initiative (Cool) : 2eP+3eA 4 successes, 4 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-s.png a-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png

@EliasWindrider , how many B2s? Where are the droidekas? Is the tank's hatch open? Is the tactical droid in the hatch?

Many b2's... I'm thinking 1 phalanx 5 wide.

2 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Given that is the worst roll. The only opponent who could possibly go before any of you is the tactical droid... and without troops to command he could only fire the aat at you first which I don't want to do. (Not trying to kill pcs) so... all pc controlled characters will go before all npcs

11 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Given that is the worst roll. The only opponent who could possibly go before any of you is the tactical droid... and without troops to command he could only fire the aat at you first which I don't want to do. (Not trying to kill pcs) so... all pc controlled characters will go before all npcs

먹튀검증/먹튀사이트 * | Facepalm gif, Star trek, Cool gifs lol

6 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What she really used (I believe) was Jar'kai, which I think has more game-mechanical similarities to Ataru.

Doesn't the lore say jar kai was most similar to niman


Btw I'm planning to use these same stats for ventress on the next mission when it's 3 on one (Ker'see is present) and @Bellona the reason for questionable knight talents was to qualify for the jedi signature ability (it's the only counter to saberswarm).

@EliasWindrider :

Are the stationary droidekas at Medium range from the building where the team is hiding?

@P-47 Thunderbolt @RuusMarev :

So, what's the plan with regard to the Initiative slots?

Assuming "yes" was the answer to the question above, do we want the Jedi to Force Leap/double maneouvre to the stationary droidekas before Camo and Varactyl Squad start shooting up a 5-droid wide B2 phalanx?

2 minutes ago, Bellona said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt @RuusMarev :

So, what's the plan with regard to the Initiative slots?

Assuming "yes" was the answer to the question above, do we want the Jedi to Force Leap/double maneouvre to the stationary droidekas before Camo and Varactyl Squad start shooting up a 5-droid wide B2 phalanx?

That would be thematic for a Jedi :D (.. i wonder if jorin will be able to do it..hmmm)

1 minute ago, Bellona said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt @RuusMarev :

So, what's the plan with regard to the Initiative slots?

Assuming "yes" was the answer to the question above, do we want the Jedi to Force Leap/double maneouvre to the stationary droidekas before Camo and Varactyl Squad start shooting up a 5-droid wide B2 phalanx?

Let Camo go first for the extra Soak from Tactical Advance, then I'd suggest Force Leaping to the droidekas before Varactyl squad opens up on the B2s.

@EliasWindrider , I've still got questions before I can go: Where are the droidekas (both pairs)? Is the turret's hatch open? Is the tactical droid in the turret?

4 minutes ago, Bellona said:

@EliasWindrider :

Are the stationary droidekas at Medium range from the building where the team is hiding?

@P-47 Thunderbolt @RuusMarev :

So, what's the plan with regard to the Initiative slots?

Assuming "yes" was the answer to the question above, do we want the Jedi to Force Leap/double maneouvre to the stationary droidekas before Camo and Varactyl Squad start shooting up a 5-droid wide B2 phalanx?

Yes to medium

Let's call the two currently stationary droidekas A and B, and the two rollers C and D.

2 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

That would be thematic for a Jedi :D (.. i wonder if jorin will be able to do it..hmmm)

Jorin has the right upgrades to cover from Medium to Engaged as a Force Leap manoeuvre. He just has to produce two usable/LS pips on the Force dice.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Let Camo go first for the extra Soak from Tactical Advance, then I'd suggest Force Leaping to the droidekas before Varactyl squad opens up on the B2s.

Sounds like a plan to me. The Jedi will go in PC slots 2 and 3 this round.

15 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Let Camo go first for the extra Soak from Tactical Advance, then I'd suggest Force Leaping to the droidekas before Varactyl squad opens up on the B2s.

@EliasWindrider , I've still got questions before I can go: Where are the droidekas (both pairs)? Is the turret's hatch open? Is the tactical droid in the turret?

The stationary droideekas are at both sides of the intersection, one on this side of the b2's/tank one on the other side of the b2's/tank. 1 rolling droideekas on each side of the tank they're coming from behind the tank. The b2's are advancing in front of the tank, the tank is just hovering up to the intersection now. The aat's turret is open and the tactical droid is in it.

Edited by EliasWindrider
3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

The stationary droideekas are at both sides of the intersection, one on this side of the b2's/tank one on the other side of the b2's/tank. 1 rolling droideekas on each side of the tank they're coming from behind the tank. The b2's are advancing in front of the tank, the tank is just hovering up to the intersection now. The cat's turret is open and the tactical droid is in it.

Weird question here ... if the B2s are a phalanx, then once the fighting starts will they be approaching from the front of the procession?

4 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Weird question here ... if the B2s are a phalanx, then once the fighting starts will they be approaching from the front of the procession?

Yes, the b2's have mostly past you so you'll be attacling the back end of the phalanx and they'll turn around to attack back toward the tank.

Okay, then Camo's going to go for the tactical droid.

Incidental: Tactical Advance (2 Strain)
Maneuver: Move to Short range. (Upgrades difficulty of all checks targeting him once)
Incidental: Aim (True-Site System)
Action: Shoot at the Tactical Droid (turning 2 Boost into 2 Success): TX-KIA : 3eP+1eA+2eB+1eC+1eD 3 successes, 3 advantage, 2 Triumph
p-tr.png p-tr.png p-s-a.png a-s.png b-s-a.png b-s-a.png c-f.png d-f-f.png

Oh, boy. With Clanker Killer and Design Flaw, that's 5 Success, 5 Advantage, with 2 Advantage to spend on clones (First Among Brothers), and 2 Triumph.

First off, that's 2 Advantage for a second hit of 15, so 30-4*2=way over a tactical droid's WT, but here're the two crits anyway: Critical Injury : 1d100 35 Stunned (staggered until end of next turn) and Critical Injury : 1d100 71 91 is At the Brink (1 strain per action). But he's already incapacitated anyway.

Second Maneuver (2 Strain): Move into engaged range of the tactical droid corpse (so right up by the turret). Maneuver next turn gets me in and I can scrap the droids inside. (Upgrades difficulty of all checks targeting him a second time)

Going to use the two Advantage from First Among Brothers to give the Varactyls a Boost.
3 Advantage to gain +1 Ranged Defense.

That leaves 2 Triumph. I'll Upgrade Mireska's next check twice.

Dead Tactical Droid.
All attacks against Camouflage are upgraded twice, and he has +1 Ranged Defense.
Boost to the Varactyls.
2 Upgrades to Mireska's next check.
All allies have +2 Soak.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
13 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Dead Tactical Droid.
All attacks against Camouflage are upgraded twice, and he has +1 Ranged Defense.
Boost to the Varactyls.
2 Upgrades to Mireska's next check

The Theories of Being a Writer – A. M. Dunnewin

42 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Jorin has the right upgrades to cover from Medium to Engaged as a Force Leap manoeuvre. He just has to produce two usable/LS pips on the Force dice .

and there in lies poor Jorins problem... notorious bad luck with the dice gods... :D

Just now, RuusMarev said:

and there in lies poor Jorins problem... notorious bad luck with the dice gods... :D

Camo does not have that problem, at least where it pertains to his double-deeces. I think that's the third time he's rolled double-Triumphs while using them.

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Camo does not have that problem, at least where it pertains to his double-deeces. I think that's the third time he's rolled double-Triumphs while using them.

To be honest, Jorin just has some "growing up" to do... Once we're done with Christophis, he'll get an XP bump in skills :D

17 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

and there in lies poor Jorins problem... notorious bad luck with the dice gods... :D

Just you wait and see ...

*Ahem* ... That committed Force die has reduced my current FR to 3 ... and I'm starting to worry that the curse of Petranaki Arena is revisiting me (where it became clear that FR 3 was rather unreliable for my needs) ... :(

Manoeuvre: Force Leap to Droideka A ...

Force Leap manoeuvre to Droideka A : 3eF 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

... Nope, nothing happening during this manoeuvre! (This was a frequent problem in the arena on Geonosis.)

Manoeuvre 2: Force Leap to Droideka A (+2 Strain) ...

Force Leap manoeuvre towards Droideka A (2nd try) : 3eF 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png

1 LS pip to activate, +1 LS pip to extend range to Medium = Success!

*Player breathes a sigh of relief, particularly as she didn't want to waste those 2 lovely upgrades!*

Action: lightsabre attack (upgraded twice) on Droideka A (difficulty upgraded once) plus Flow power check

LSa attack (w. 2 upgrades) on Droideka A plus Flow power : 2eP+1eA+1eC+1eD+3eF 3 advantage, 3 Dark Side
p-a-a.png p-a-a.png a-s-s.png c-f-th.png d-f.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

Missing Setbacks : 2eS 0 successes
s--.png s--.png

(Thanks for the reminder - all that talk about the THTF reducing the Defence-based Setback distracted me)

*Player curses* Yep, it's a good thing that THTF was used on Jorin instead of Mireska! (Sorry about the wasted upgrades.) And not even some returned Strain from the Flow result. :(

Final Result (+1 Advantage from Fine-Tuned Emitter) : 4 Advantages, 3 Dark Side (DS pips not used).

1 Advantage spent to reduce Strain taken by 1 (leaving Mireska at 1/19 Strain).

2 Advantages spent to give Droideka A +1 Setback on its next check (this is not a Defence-related Setback, so it should stack with her Defence 4).

1 Advantage spent to give Jorin +1 Boost on his attack. @RuusMarev

Will of the Force talent ... Mireska failed a skill check, therefore one DS Destiny Point flips to the LS ... taking Camo's previous use of his THTF signature ability into account, that leaves us back at LS 2 and DS 6.

I'm rather annoyed at missing that first Force Leap; originally I had other plans for that second manoeuvre. :(


This kind of bad lightsabre attack luck - particularly vs. droidekas - is becoming an inconvenient habit for Mireska! :o

Edited by Bellona
Missing Setback dice in pool. Then I forgot that there was +1 Advantage and had to take that into account.

@Bellona , hate to break it to you, but you forgot 2 Setback.

..wait, did I need setbacks too?


Will you be attacking droideka A or B?

Edited by Bellona
Just now, Bellona said:


Will you be attack droideka A or B?

I think the one you didn't attack...