PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

15 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Ker'see can see through objects and the like, shall I make a roll to see what she can see first?

Sure! That'd be helpful.

33 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Ker'see can see through objects and the like, shall I make a roll to see what she can see first?

oh, there's Rota, and there is the dozen or so battledroids... oh, and that annoying woman with the red lightsabers is there ...

1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:

oh, there's Rota, and there is the dozen or so battledroids... oh, and that annoying woman with the red lightsabers is there ...

We still have three of those flak cannons online... :ph34r:

Farsight roll:

Farsight : 3eF 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
f-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds.png

With those two lightside will active the basic power and then one more to activate control to see through objects at medium range.

Did we do a post-combat Strain-recovery check (if needed)?

6 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Did we do a post-combat Strain-recovery check (if needed)?

I didn't but I didn't take any...

The Duchess didn't either...

15 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Did we do a post-combat Strain-recovery check (if needed)?

Jorin could use it :D 10/18

4 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

Jorin could use it :D 10/18

In the interest of "mother henning" Jorin, Mireska could always do a post-combat first aid use of Medicine on him - any Advantages will remove Strain* ...

... wait, what's the Difficulty for post-combat/first aid use of Medicine when there are no actual Wounds? Simple (zero purple dice), or not possible to do at all?

Alternatively, did Jorin suffer a Critical Injury? (I suspect not.) Removing a CI with a Heal power upgrade would also remove a good chunk of Strain.

Hmmm. Unless Heal can remove Strain even if there are no Wounds to heal/remove, it sounds like the post-combat recovery check is Jorin's best bet. He might want to get the Balance talent at some point (Knight, Ataru, Juyo, Sage, Padawan Survivor, FS Exile, FS Emergent, among others.).

* An earlier version of Mireska could also remove a good chunk of Strain by using mundane Medicine, but that's not as easy anymore because she had to toughen up a bit for lightsabre combat, i.e., re-train/re-spec.

6 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

And early on, it was the only ship the army had.. (at least on screen)

@EliasWindrider @P-47 Thunderbolt

I believe we have Varactyl squad and Camo being what was left from Jorin's first Master.. (Jorin, and these clones being the sole survivors) I propose the build up of this Recon Company is a re-activation of that original unit.

According to this; https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Pelta-class_frigate A Pelta might work.. I'm just not sure if they have ever shown a Pelta as a troop carrier/assault ship. (Closest was Phoenix Home in Rebels)

From what has been shown about https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Arquitens-class_light_cruiser the only Shuttle capacity was docked between the front forks, not a proper hanger.

Unless we say the assigned ship is about the size of an Arquitens or a very modified one with an expanded hanger/troop capacity (like the underside is filled in more like a Stardestroyer with a hangerbay and loading ramps like the Acclamator


The only problem is the 325 meter / 1,000 feet length.... (So tiny!)

I'm not worried about starting a ship because with these rules

We can put together something inline with official ships... if we can find something off wookieepedia we can stat it.

This is fast, the right size, no hanger but has docking clamp that shuttles could tow along with.

In legends it was used by the republic and empire, canon confirms it was used by the empire and new republic.


@MrTInce there are 2 droideekas with shields up and guns pointing at the door... there are 3 b1 minion groups with 6 droids in each just inside the door. The monastery goes down deep into the plateau and there's a hanger on the backside of the monastery overlooking a sheer drop, there's an old rigger transport in it along with some other vehicles. That's all you had time to see.

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

This is fast, the right size, no hanger but has docking clamp that shuttles could tow along with.

In legends it was used by the republic and empire, canon confirms it was used by the empire and new republic.


That's not going to work, it needs to be able to bring its own shuttles with it. It's just big enough for the 141 men, but that doesn't include any support staff and it doesn't have room for vehicles. Any troops it has would likely be marines for boarding actions. A Carrack just doesn't work as a hub ship for these purposes, that's not what it does.

It also can't account for Mireska's troops, who would need their own Acclamator anyway.

I'm amazed how these "big" ships are in fact tiny.. 350 meters / 1000 feet is about the size of a city block in the US... the Gozanti is about the size of a 747 or smaller.. saying a "ship" this size can carry a squadron of fighters is laughable.. :D

2 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

I'm amazed how these "big" ships are in fact tiny.. 350 meters / 1000 feet is about the size of a city block in the US... the Gozanti is about the size of a 747 or smaller.. saying a "ship" this size can carry a squadron of fighters is laughable.. :D

It's on external racks, and TIEs are pretty small. 5 fighters doesn't seem like a stretch to me.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

That's not going to work, it needs to be able to bring its own shuttles with it. It's just big enough for the 141 men, but that doesn't include any support staff and it doesn't have room for vehicles. Any troops it has would likely be marines for boarding actions. A Carrack just doesn't work as a hub ship for these purposes, that's not what it does.

It also can't account for Mireska's troops, who would need their own Acclamator anyway.

The carrack can enter atmosphere and land on the ground. Carrying A few at-rt's and speeder bikes works.... the crew of the carrack is quite large but it can be flown by as few as 2 people so your support staff can be part of the ship's crew. To me it seems practically perfect for rapid deployment of an advanced reconnaissance company, including speed (it was 8 under wet the same as an ir-3f which is 4 in ffg)

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

The carrack can enter atmosphere and land on the ground. Carrying A few at-rt's and speeder bikes works.... the crew of the carrack is quite large but it can be flown by as few as 2 people so your support staff can be part of the ship's crew. To me it seems practically perfect for rapid deployment of an advanced reconnaissance company, including speed (it was 8 under wet the same as an ir-3f which is 4 in ffg)

It needs shuttles because it needs to be able to disperse ARF trooper teams to various locations simultaneously, including into enemy territory where it'd be noticed but a shuttle might be able to slip through. For sending a team to Teth, for example, they used a shuttle. It'd have been impractical at best to send an entire Carrack. Or paradropping them into hostile territory. A Carrack isn't suited to that at all.

The idea is that the ARF trooper company typically operates in small teams, generally no greater than a platoon with an attached sniper squad or biker lance and typically only a squad with an attached sniper team. Then in some situations, the entire company deploys alongside a larger force, at which point they continue to operate in small teams, but based on the ground and operating in a single theater rather than based on a ship and operating scattered across many worlds.

And again, it can't hold Mireska's battalion, so you'll need an Acclamator anyway. You really, really need to be able to send out teams on shuttles or gunships, and you need to be able to carry the shuttles with you so you aren't reliant on having a shuttle nearby that you can call on. There are many impracticalities introduced by using a Carrack as a troop transport, something it was never intended for or, as far as I can find, used for.

12 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It needs shuttles because it needs to be able to disperse ARF trooper teams to various locations simultaneously, including into enemy territory where it'd be noticed but a shuttle might be able to slip through. For sending a team to Teth, for example, they used a shuttle. It'd have been impractical at best to send an entire Carrack. Or paradropping them into hostile territory. A Carrack isn't suited to that at all.

The idea is that the ARF trooper company typically operates in small teams, generally no greater than a platoon with an attached sniper squad or biker lance and typically only a squad with an attached sniper team. Then in some situations, the entire company deploys alongside a larger force, at which point they continue to operate in small teams, but based on the ground and operating in a single theater rather than based on a ship and operating scattered across many worlds.

And again, it can't hold Mireska's battalion, so you'll need an Acclamator anyway. You really, really need to be able to send out teams on shuttles or gunships, and you need to be able to carry the shuttles with you so you aren't reliant on having a shuttle nearby that you can call on. There are many impracticalities introduced by using a Carrack as a troop transport, something it was never intended for or, as far as I can find, used for.

I'm ok with a separate acclamator for Mireska's men.

3 shuttles could hitch a ride on the dorsal side with docking hatch access.

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

I'm ok with a separate acclamator for Mireska's men.

3 shuttles could hitch a ride on the dorsal side with docking hatch access.

It doesn't make sense. It really, really doesn't.

And why is it so important to you that they not also be on the Acclamator? Since they're attached to her battalion, wouldn't it make sense that they're on the same ship?

12 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It doesn't make sense. It really, really doesn't.

And why is it so important to you that they not also be on the Acclamator? Since they're attached to her battalion, wouldn't it make sense that they're on the same ship?

Want to be able to deploy your company for an engagement without having her battalion as backup. For scoping purposes.

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

Want to be able to deploy your company for an engagement without having her battalion as backup. For scoping purposes.

In that case, the company likely would not be deployed as a whole partly because they'd likely be spread across the area rather than all concentrated in a single place. But if more than a platoon was to be deployed, they'd probably just use multiple shuttles. Though they'd still need two shuttles for a single platoon.

They'd also need a CR-20 for each light vehicle section, since a CR-20 can carry 40 troops and 12 bikes. You'd have to stretch it a bit and say it can give up some of the troop capacity to carry 15 light vehicles, but that seems reasonable since it's only 15 troops. Then four shuttles is enough to carry the other three platoons.

So deploying the entire company at a time would be 2 CR-20s and 4 Nu-class Attack Shuttles, all of which can leave from an Acclamator. This gives greater flexibility than having them all on a single Carrack, which could only deploy the vehicles by actually landing on the planet since the shuttles can't carry them and the CR-20 needs to land in a hangar to load and off-load.

The other question is where Camouflage, Varactyl Squad, and Jorin are. Are they on the Carrack, separate from the other PCs? Are they on the Acclamator, separate from their troops?

I really think it makes much more sense from both the narrative(/realism) and practical angles to have them all on the Acclamator.

21 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

In that case, the company likely would not be deployed as a whole partly because they'd likely be spread across the area rather than all concentrated in a single place. But if more than a platoon was to be deployed, they'd probably just use multiple shuttles. Though they'd still need two shuttles for a single platoon.

They'd also need a CR-20 for each light vehicle section, since a CR-20 can carry 40 troops and 12 bikes. You'd have to stretch it a bit and say it can give up some of the troop capacity to carry 15 light vehicles, but that seems reasonable since it's only 15 troops. Then four shuttles is enough to carry the other three platoons.

So deploying the entire company at a time would be 2 CR-20s and 4 Nu-class Attack Shuttles, all of which can leave from an Acclamator. This gives greater flexibility than having them all on a single Carrack, which could only deploy the vehicles by actually landing on the planet since the shuttles can't carry them and the CR-20 needs to land in a hangar to load and off-load.

This is convincing, the rest not so much. Acclamator it is.


If Joirn attempted to open the doors with Move, what kind of dice pool would we be looking at?

10 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:


If Joirn attempted to open the doors with Move, what kind of dice pool would we be looking at?

Since you've got pull.... you just need enough force pips to rip a pair of sil 2 doors off their hinges so 3 (basic, strength, and magnitude) if you want to throw the doors down the hallway it's a ranged attack using discipline, difficulty depends on how close you are to the droids (potentially short) and I'm forgetting whether under the house rules the droideekas get a defense die for their shields. @P-47 Thunderbolt care to comment?

17 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Since you've got pull.... you just need enough force pips to rip a pair of sil 2 doors off their hinges so 3 (basic, strength, and magnitude) if you want to throw the doors down the hallway it's a ranged attack using discipline, difficulty depends on how close you are to the droids (potentially short) and I'm forgetting whether under the house rules the droideekas get a defense die for their shields. @P-47 Thunderbolt care to comment?

Droidekas get 2 Defense when their shields are active.

Camouflage's mild paranoia suggests keeping the doors intact. Would Move be the same with that objective?

19 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Since you've got pull.... you just need enough force pips to rip a pair of sil 2 doors off their hinges so 3 (basic, strength, and magnitude) if you want to throw the doors down the hallway it's a ranged attack using discipline, difficulty depends on how close you are to the droids (potentially short) and I'm forgetting whether under the house rules the droideekas get a defense die for their shields . @P-47 Thunderbolt care to comment?

The bolded text is correct, assuming that their shield projectors are activated (Misc thread p. 20).

ETA: Ninja'ed :D

Edited by Bellona