PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Maneuver: Coordinate and Confuse (B1f/Mireska)
Action: Shoot at Mireska: Shooting at Mireska : 2eP+1eD+4eS 0 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-a-a.png p-tr.png d-th.png s--.png s-f.png s--.png s--.png
Forgot to upgrade: forgot a die : 1eC 2 failures
Recover a Strain (wound), pass on a Boost, and negate her defensive bonuses. I believe this is all Defense, and so will not be rolling any Setback for her 4/4 Defense. Narrated as PPS being deactivated.

Mireska's defences are from two different sources (PPS = +2/+2, armour = +2/+2). I don't think that the Triumph would negate both sources at once (the text in the table says "or", not "and").

Just now, Bellona said:

Mireska's defences are from two different sources (PPS = +2/+2, armour = +2/+2). I don't think that the Triumph would negate both sources at once (the text in the table says "or", not "and").

However, it also says "the... ...bonuses" not "a... ...bonus" so the "like X, Y, or Z" doesn't mean it is a choice between the options. If it said "negate bonus from X, Y, or Z" then it would have that effect.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

However, it also says "the... ...bonuses" not "a... ...bonus" so the "like X, Y, or Z" doesn't mean it is a choice between the options. If it said "negate bonus from X, Y, or Z" then it would have that effect.

The "bonuses" (plural) could be referring to both Melee and Ranged Defences.

Just now, Bellona said:

The "bonuses" (plural) could be referring to both Melee and Ranged Defences.

If you take out the parenthetical statement, it says "Negate the target's defensive bonuses until the end of the current round." When read like that, it is pretty clear. I think the parenthetical statement is simply clarifying exactly what "defensive bonuses" qualify.

Initiative order:

  1. Mireska - 8s2a
  2. Camouflage - 4s2a
  3. Chee'Okee - 4s1a
  4. Varactyl Squad - 3s3a1T
  5. Sgt. Poe (5 wounds, crit) - 3s1a
  6. Sgt. Raven - 3s1a
  7. Ker'see - 2s1a
  8. Clone minion group 1 (6) - 2s1a
  9. Clone minion group 2 (4, 4 wounds) - 2s
  10. B1a (5, 4 wounds) - 2s
  11. Jorin - 1s4a1T
  12. Clone minion group 3 (2, 2 wounds) - 1s2a
  13. B1 Supervisor-1 - 1s1a
  14. B2a (4, 7 wounds, Disoriented) - 2a
  15. B1b (4, 1 wound, Disoriented) - 2a
  16. B1 Supervisor-2 - 1a
  17. B1e (6) - 1a
  18. B1f (6, Disoriented) - 1a
  19. B1g (6) - 1a
  20. B1h (6) - 1a
  21. B1j (6, Disoriented) - 0s
19 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Initiative order:
(Revised for adjusted NPC order)

  1. Mireska - 8s2a
  2. Camouflage - 4s2a (Jorin)
  3. Varactyl Squad - 3s3a1T
  4. Sgt. Poe - 3s1a
  5. Sgt. Raven - 3s1a
  6. Clone minion group 1 (6) - 2s1a
  7. Clone minion group 2 (4, 4 wounds) - 2s
  8. B1a (5, 4 wounds) - 2s
  9. Jorin - 1s4a1T (CMg 3)
  10. Clone minion group 3 (5) - 1s2a (Last allied initiative slot, Camouflage)
  11. B1 Supervisor-1 - 1s1a
  12. B2a (5, 2 wounds, Disoriented) - 2a
  13. B1f (6) - 1a
  14. B1g (6) - 1a
  15. B1h (6) - 1a
  16. B1 Supervisor-2 (1 wound) - 1a
  17. B1b (4, 1 wound, Disoriented) - 2a
  18. B1e (6) - 1a
  19. B1j (6) - 0s

Varactyl Squad:
Maneuver: Draw droid popper
Action: Droid Popper vs. B2b(6): Droid Poppers : 3eP+1eA+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s.png p-s-a.png a-a.png d-th.png
It's enough. Wipes out the B2 squad.

Pass on a Boost with the remaining Advantage.

Sergeant Poe:
Maneuver: Retrieve rifle
Action: Shoot at B1c: Shooting at the B1s : 2eP+1eA+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p--.png a-s.png d-f.png d--.png
Forgot a die: forgot a die : 1eB 0 successes, 2 advantage
Passes a Boost to Raven and takes a Free Maneuver to Aim.

Sergeant Raven:
Maneuver: Move to Short
Action: Shoot at B1c: Shooting at the B1s : 2eP+1eA+1eB+1eD 3 successes, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p--.png a-s-a.png b-s-a.png d--.png
Niiiicce... 13 with Pierce 1 is 10 wounds, and a crit moves it to 15 wounds. So two kills and 5 wounds.

CMg1 (6):
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Auto-Fire: Auto-Fire : 3eP+2eA+1eB+3eD 2 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-s.png p-tr.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png b-s-a.png d-f-f.png d--.png d-f-f.png
Yeah! 11 with Pierce 1 does 8 wounds which is two kills, and a second hit for 2 Advantage, which is another two kills and eliminates the group.
Pass on a Boost with 1 Advantage and an Upgrade with the Triumph

CMg2 (4):
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Auto-Fire vs. B1i: Auto-Fire : 3eP+1eA+2eB+2eD 6 successes, 3 advantage
p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-a-a.png b-s-a.png b-s.png d-th.png d-th.png
15 with Pierce 1 does 12 wounds, and a second hit for 2 Advantage brings that up to 24, which is 4 kills and 4 wounds.
With the remaining Advantage, they'll pass on a Boost.

B1a (5):
Maneuver: "pick up blasters"
Action: Shoot at CMg3: Shooting at the Clones : 2eP+2eA+3eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s.png a-s.png a-a.png d-th.png d-f.png d--.png
11 damage=6 wounds, killing one and leaving 1 wound.

CMg2 (4):
Maneuver: Disengage
Action: Shoot at B1i: Shooting at the B1s : 3eP+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png p-a-a.png b-a.png d-th.png
13 damage with Pierce 1 deals 10 wounds, enough to eliminate the remaining droids in the group.
With the 2 Advantage, they'll pass a Boost to Camouflage.

Incidental: Tactical Advance (2 Strain)
Action: Blast the other J-1 (Clanker Killer=1 Success): Flakker : 4eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-a-a.png a-a.png a-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png
2 Success, 3 Advantage, and FAB 2.
6 Planetary-scale damage, then spend 2 Advantage to trigger 6 Planetary-scale damage to everything in Short range, easily eliminating both the cannon and the B1s.
He'll pass on a Boost with 1 Advantage and a Boost to Varactyl Squad with FAB.
Maneuver to pick up his pistol, Maneuver to dismount (2 Strain).
Upgrades attacks against him once via Tactical Evasion.

Maneuver: Coordinate and Confuse (B1f/Mireska)
Action: Shoot at Mireska: Shooting at Mireska : 2eP+1eD+4eS 0 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-a-a.png p-tr.png d-th.png s--.png s-f.png s--.png s--.png
Forgot to upgrade: forgot a die : 1eC 2 failures
Recover a Strain (wound), pass on a Boost, and negate her defensive bonuses. I believe this is all Defense, and so will not be rolling any Setback for her 4/4 Defense. Narrated as PPS being deactivated.

B2a(5) (Disoriented):
Maneuver: Disengage
Action: Shoot Mireska: Shooting at Mireska : 3eP+1eA+1eB+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p--.png p-s-a.png a-s.png b-a.png d-f.png
Forgot Disoriented: forgot a die : 1eS 0 successes
And I actually forgot to increase the difficulty for damaged weapons: forgot a die : 1eD 0 successes, 2 threat
Hits for 12. 12-(2+3+4)=3, 3-Soak=-1. 3 Strain for first Reflect in a round.
Effortless Counter and Activate Quality (Linked) (not using Critical Counter since it specifies "when spending Despair") deals 12 damage past Soak on the Supers, downing 1 and almost a second.
Passes on a Boost with the last Advantage.
I actually had to go back and correct this by adding the difficulty, but it actually didn't change anything since Linked doesn't do anything in this situation (though I had still triggered it since it made since and Mireska can have her fun).

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at Mireska: Shooting at Mireska : 3eP+2eA+2eB+1eD 3 successes, 5 advantage
p-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-s-a.png a-a-a.png b--.png b--.png d-f.png
12-(2+3+4)=3, 3-Soak=-1.
Boost to next, drop lightsaber. O_O uh oh...

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at Mireska: Shooting at Mireska : 2eP+3eA+1eB+1eD 2 successes, 6 advantage
p-s-a.png p-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png a-a-a.png b-s.png d-f.png
11 damage. 11-Soak=7.
Crit for 6 Advantage: Critical Injury : 1d100 43 43 - Bowled Over: Target is knocked prone and suffers 1 Strain.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at Mireska: Shooting at Mireska : 2eP+3eA+1eB+1eD+1eS 9 successes
p-s-a.png p-s-s.png a-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png b-s-a.png d-th.png s-th.png
O_O Oh shazbot. 18-4=14 wounds past Soak, which incapacitates at 23 wounds and deals another crit: Critical Injury : 1d100 81 81+10=91 - At the Brink: Target suffers 1 Strain each time she performs an Action.

Supervisor-2 (1 wound):
Maneuver: Coordinate and Confuse (B1j/Jorin)
Action: Shoot at Jorin: Shooting at Jorin : 2eP+1eD+1eS 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-a-a.png d-f-th.png s-f.png
Recover a Strain (Wound) with the Advantage, knock the saber out of Jorin's hands with the Triumph.

This one was late because I got interrupted and then was confused when I came back. That's why the timestamp is funky.

B1b(4) (Disoriented):
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at Varactyl Squad: Shooting at Varactyl Squad : 2eP+1eA+1eB+1eD+2eS 2 successes
p-s-s.png p-s.png a-s.png b--.png d--.png s-f.png s-f.png
11-7=4, hits Anakkona for 4 wounds.

Maneuver: Move to Short from the clones
Action: Shoot at CMg3(4): Shooting at the Clones : 2eP+3eA+1eB+1eD 2 successes, 4 advantage
p--.png p-s-a.png a-a.png a-s.png a-a.png b-a-a.png d-th.png
Hits for 11 damage and crits with 3 Advantage. 11-5=6 wounds, with a crit that's 11. 12 wounds total on the minion group, so they lose two clones.
Passes on a Boost with the remaining Advantage.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at Jorin: Shooting at Jorin : 3eP+2eA+1eB+1eD+1eS 5 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s.png p-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png b-a.png d-th.png s-f.png
14-(Soak+2)=8 wounds and a Setback to his next action.

@Bellona /Mireska: 21 Wounds, 4 Strain (first Reflect, Bowled Over), 2 crits (Bowled Over, At the Brink). Guess you aren't too happy with me taking over now, huh? <_<
I don't have the Magnetic Weapon Tether rules, but I'm pretty sure it's not an OOT Incidental. If it is, then this needs some adjustment.
I feel kinda terrible for incapacitating Mireska, but I hope the IC post did it justice. :)
@RuusMarev /Jorin: 8 Wounds. Setback to his next action, and disarmed.

It's an incidental not an oot incidental.

Besides, if the Supervisor didn't even hit her, then how would he deactivate things, etc.?

I'd suggest that it gains one of the Defence bonuses instead.

And please not that Critical ratings on weapons being used against her need 3 more Advantages than normal.

2 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Besides, if the Supervisor didn't even hit her, then how would he deactivate things, etc.?

A Failure showed on the Setback dice from the PPS, so it makes sense that it would have hit the item and that that would be the reason it fails to deal damage. Same as I can narrate a character deflecting blaster bolts on a failed combat check.

3 minutes ago, Bellona said:

I'd suggest that it gains one of the Defence bonuses instead.

Well it didn't. I picked a proscribed option from the RAW list, and it made narrative sense.

4 minutes ago, Bellona said:

And please not that Critical ratings on weapons being used against her need 3 more Advantages than normal.

Yep, I applied it. The only time a crit was triggered with Advantage, it took all 6 Advantage generated.

@Bellona @P-47 Thunderbolt in general.... causing a jedi pc to drop a lightsaber just before you shoot them is bad form for a GM. This is supposed to be a cooperative RPG rather than player vs GM, the assumption is that the players are supposed to win and the GM is supposed to facilitate it. The exception being when the PCs are supposed to lose an encounter for narrative reasons. Having a PC drop a saber because of their own despair on their own turn just costs them a maneuver (2 strain) or lets them use something like magnetic weapon tether. Also I think the the negation of defense is for the next attack only (I didn't check that). Shutting down a portable plasma shield is NOT cool and not RAW

In case it wasn't clear... this is the GM overruling @P-47 Thunderbolt in favor of @Bellona

4 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Also I think the the negation of defense is for the next attack only (I didn't check that). Shutting down a portable plasma shield is NOT cool and not RAW

No, it says "until the end of the current round." Shutting down the portable plasma shield was simply the narrative explanation, not a mechanical thing.

5 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

causing a jedi pc to drop a lightsaber just before you shoot them is bad form for a GM. This is supposed to be a cooperative RPG rather than player vs GM, the assumption is that the players are supposed to win and the GM is supposed to facilitate it.

You think I was gunning for @Bellona ? I wasn't at all hostile. PCs winning doesn't mean that the PCs emerge unscathed, and incapacitation isn't "loss." I considered pulling my punches in some regards,* but decided against it since there was something of a conflict of interest since I'm a player and reinforcements are arriving momentarily anyway and could easily get her back on her feet before the droids even get another chance to act if she were to by incapacitated. I figured allowing the potential for incapacitation was reasonable, particularly as you then have the interesting narrative of the gunships swooping in to save her at the last minute.

As far as forcing the PC to drop a lightsaber just before shooting them, there were five units gunning for her for a total of ~25 droids. She was surrounded and vastly outnumbered. The first used a Triumph to negate her defenses, narrated as deactivating the shield. The second attacked, but dealt no damage and took damage from Effortless Counter. Then the third managed to disarm her and two more fired at her, one rolling ridiculously well.
In that situation, the outcome was narratively appropriate and barely affects the game itself. I thought it added a very interesting narrative opportunity. And before you ask me to put the shoe on the other foot, I have. I've worn that shoe myself. I enjoy the narrative situations that can stem from such situations. In my narration, I tried to balance the varying concerns involved and leave the door open for explaining a quick recovery.

This isn't to argue your ruling, just to defend myself here since you are directly calling my motives and actions into question. My actions were both RAW and appropriate, and there was no malice involved.

*Meaning choosing to select less effective advantage options generally. If there were other targets, I would likely have spread around who was getting targeted more. However, she was the only one on the landing platform and it would not have made sense for them to ignore her.

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

No, it says "until the end of the current round." Shutting down the portable plasma shield was simply the narrative explanation, not a mechanical thing.

You think I was gunning for @Bellona ? I wasn't at all hostile. PCs winning doesn't mean that the PCs emerge unscathed, and incapacitation isn't "loss." I considered pulling my punches in some regards,* but decided against it since there was something of a conflict of interest since I'm a player and reinforcements are arriving momentarily anyway and could easily get her back on her feet before the droids even get another chance to act if she were to by incapacitated. I figured allowing the potential for incapacitation was reasonable, particularly as you then have the interesting narrative of the gunships swooping in to save her at the last minute.

As far as forcing the PC to drop a lightsaber just before shooting them, there were five units gunning for her for a total of ~25 droids. She was surrounded and vastly outnumbered. The first used a Triumph to negate her defenses, narrated as deactivating the shield. The second attacked, but dealt no damage and took damage from Effortless Counter. Then the third managed to disarm her and two more fired at her, one rolling ridiculously well.
In that situation, the outcome was narratively appropriate and barely affects the game itself. I thought it added a very interesting narrative opportunity. And before you ask me to put the shoe on the other foot, I have. I've worn that shoe myself. I enjoy the narrative situations that can stem from such situations. In my narration, I tried to balance the varying concerns involved and leave the door open for explaining a quick recovery.

This isn't to argue your ruling, just to defend myself here since you are directly calling my motives and actions into question. My actions were both RAW and appropriate, and there was no malice involved.

*Meaning choosing to select less effective advantage options generally. If there were other targets, I would likely have spread around who was getting targeted more. However, she was the only one on the landing platform and it would not have made sense for them to ignore her.

Causing a jedi to drop a lightsaber is not the same thing as causing another character to drop a gun.

So meet in the middle, shield down for 1 round but Mireska doesn't drop the saber.

6 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

So meet in the middle, shield down for 1 round but Mireska doesn't drop the saber.

Fine. I'll have them add 2 Boost with the 4 free Advantage, one to each of their compatriots on the landing platform.

forgot a die : 2eB 0 successes, 1 advantage
b-a.png b--.png

Pushing it up to 7 Advantage, so it'll pass on a Boost.

forgot a die : 1eB 0 successes

Oh wait, it's at 7 Advantage and it can't spend 6 on a crit since it doesn't get past Soak.
I'll just dump three more Boost on the roll: forgot a die : 3eB 1 success, 2 advantage
b-a.png b--.png b-s-a.png

So the end result is Mireska takes 6 wounds and a Setback to her next check. I'll edit the post when I get a chance.

Just a head's up from me that RL will be taking me away from the keyboard for most of this evening (my time).

On 11/10/2020 at 4:28 PM, Bellona said:

Just a head's up from me that RL will be taking me away from the keyboard for most of this evening (my time).

... And the same again this evening (C.E.T.).

Isn't there still an active canon in the north-eastern courtyard? Or did Sgts Poe and Raven and their men clear that side out?

And how many droids are left on the landing platform?

Basically, how up to date is the map link now? :)

Edited by Bellona
46 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Basically, how up to date is the map link now? :)

Only difference is whether Mireska is incapacitated or not.

16 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Only difference is whether Mireska is incapacitated or not.

She's not.

On 11/10/2020 at 1:00 AM, EliasWindrider said:

So meet in the middle, shield down for 1 round but Mireska doesn't drop the saber.

On 11/10/2020 at 1:13 AM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Fine. I'll have them add 2 Boost with the 4 free Advantage, one to each of their compatriots on the landing platform.

forgot a die : 2eB 0 successes, 1 advantage
b-a.png b--.png

Pushing it up to 7 Advantage, so it'll pass on a Boost.

forgot a die : 1eB 0 successes

Oh wait, it's at 7 Advantage and it can't spend 6 on a crit since it doesn't get past Soak.
I'll just dump three more Boost on the roll: forgot a die : 3eB 1 success, 2 advantage
b-a.png b--.png b-s-a.png

So the end result is Mireska takes 6 wounds and a Setback to her next check. I'll edit the post when I get a chance.

Our GM ruled that she didn't drop the lightsabre.

When trying to parse the results for her keeping the lightsabre in her hand, I get:

B1f (6) didn't get past the Reflect/PI/Soak,

B1g (6) didn't get past the Reflect/PI/Soak,

B1h (6) did get past the Reflect/PI/Soak: 10 Successes = 19 damage - 9 (5 from Reflect 3, 4 from PI/FR) - 4 Soak = +5 Wounds to Mireska, and +1 Setback to her next check (from the 2 Advantages).

So Mireska survived with 7/17 Wounds and 5/17 Strain, still standing, and will have +1 Setback on her next skill check.

Edited by Bellona
Correct to include armour's portion of Soak.
7 hours ago, Bellona said:

B1h (6) did get past the Reflect/PI/Soak: 10 Successes = 19 damage - 9 (5 from Reflect 3, 4 from PI/FR) - 2 Soak = +7 Wounds to Mireska, and +1 Setback to her next check (from the 2 Advantages).

Isn't Soak 4? So 5 wounds?

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
Number typo
1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Isn't Soak 4? So 5 wounds?

You're correct on that point. I'd mentally categorised the armour's Soak as being part of the nullified defences, but of course Soak is not the same as Ranged Defence and Melee Defence.

I'll correct the OOC post to reflect that.

@EliasWindrider , should I handle the gunships now?

How many new clone troops are we introducing? If a full platoon plus the other half of Poe/Raven's platoon, that's 2 lieutenants, 6 sergeants, and 48 troopers for a total of 56 clones plus two Jedi and an overgrown kitty.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@EliasWindrider , should I handle the gunships now?

How many new clone troops are we introducing? If a full platoon plus the other half of Poe/Raven's platoon, that's 2 lieutenants, 6 sergeants, and 48 troopers for a total of 56 clones plus two Jedi and an overgrown kitty.

Isn't there some travel time involved (going from orbit to landing), and still one cannon not destroyed/under Republic control?

8 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Isn't there some travel time involved (going from orbit to landing), and still one cannon not destroyed/under Republic control?

The idea was for them to come at a set point, giving us X time to neutralize the Separatist defenses. We've destroyed one cannon, commandeered one, occupied another, and taken out the crew of the fourth so that the Separatists can't use it.

We agreed that the other PCs would enter combat on round three, the gunships landing at the end of round two.

7 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The idea was for them to come at a set point, giving us X time to neutralize the Separatist defenses. We've destroyed one cannon, commandeered one, occupied another, and taken out the crew of the fourth so that the Separatists can't use it.

We agreed that the other PCs would enter combat on round three, the gunships landing at the end of round two.

Only two rounds to neutralise all four cannons on this side of the monastery?!?

Then the drop team was d*** lucky that Mireska threw herself into the meatgrinder.

Edited by Bellona

Top of Round 3 (although GAR gunships might arrive/land at end of Round 2?)

Mireska ...

Incidental: Flip PPS back on and otherwise regain her defences.

Action: Heal power with upgrades on herself.

That hurt!: Heal power check w. upgrades : 4eF 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png

Those 3 LS pips are more than enough to bring Mireska down to 0/17 Wounds taken and 0/17 Strain suffered.

(Since that +1 Setback would be meaningless on a Heal power check, I'm "saving" it for Mireska's next skill check.)

Incidental: Possibly call Jorin for some assistance over her earbud comlink, unless the gunships arrive and their position indicates that it would be better for her to vacate the landing pad post-haste (in which case she'll use a manoeuvre to go to the south-eastern courtyard to check on Jorin).

Force Leap to Jorin's location : 4eF 3 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png

That should be good enough to get there.

OOT: technically, Mireska's Peerless Interception is still good for +2 rounds (Rounds 3 and 4).

When the gunship arrival question has been dealt with and posted IC, I'll make my own IC post.

In the mean time, I'm going to make and eat dinner. :)

Edited by Bellona
Went for post-healing option 2, and added Force Leap results.