PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Unless there's a reason not to, I suggest that Mireska go first and tackle the B2s on the landing platform.

Don't see why not. They are at Short range.

(I'll update the dead 'deka and any dead B2s after Mireska's turn)

Top of Round 2

Mireska ...

Manoeuvre 1: activate Centre of Being 3 talent (Supreme version: all attacks against Mireska increase the requirement for their Critical rating by +3 ; lasts until the start of her next turn).

Manoeuvre 2: move towards B2a (6 members). Cost = +2 Strain

Action: Attack with lightsabre (suffering +1 Difficulty upgrade and +1 Setback due to previous round) plus Flow power.

Taste my Will, B2s!: LSa attack plus Flow power : 2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD+1eS+4eF 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-s.png p-s-a.png a--.png a-a.png c-d.png d--.png s-th.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png

(Well, that's a mixed bag of results! :o )

Final Results ( LSa adds +1 Success and +1 Advantage) : 2 Successes, 2 Advantages, 1 Despair.

Flow power: 3 LS pips spent to reduce Strain by 3.

2 Successes + 7 base damage = 9 damage plus Breach 2 (ignores Soak 6) = 9 Wounds taken by B2a. Their WT is 7, so their number is reduced to 5 (and one of the survivors has 2 Wounds?)

2 Advantage spent to activate Sunder quality twice vs. the B2 group's integrated wrist blasters, bringing them from Undamaged through Minor to Moderate damage. This means that B2a group now has +1 Difficulty to use their blasters. (This is assuming that one can Sunder a minion group's weapons. I'm imagining a cartoon style situation where, with her lightsabre held out at an angle, she runs past a line of them as they hold their wrists out to attack and she shortens all their wrist blasters by some centimetres.)

@EliasWindrider and/or @P-47 Thunderbolt : How do you want to spend the Despair?

(I have counters ready for some of the potential results.)


1 Despair: Mireska drops her lightsabre.

Incidental: she uses her magnetic weapon tether to bring it back into her hand.

IC post on its way, and I'll make a new post in this thread when the IC post is finished. :)

... And I forgot to add: Mireska ends her turn in Round 2 with 2/17 Wounds and 2/17 Strain.

Edited by Bellona
GM ruling on Despair result, and Mireska's counter.
3 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Top of Round 2

Mireska ...

Manoeuvre 1: activate Centre of Being 3 talent (Supreme version: all attacks against Mireska increase the requirement for their Critical rating by +3 ; lasts until the start of her next turn).

Manoeuvre 2: move towards B2a (6 members). Cost = +2 Strain

Action: Attack with lightsabre (suffering +1 Difficulty upgrade and +1 Setback due to previous round) plus Flow power.

Taste my Will, B2s!: LSa attack plus Flow power : 2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD+1eS+4eF 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-s.png p-s-a.png a--.png a-a.png c-d.png d--.png s-th.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png

(Well, that's a mixed bag of results! :o )

Final Results ( LSa adds +1 Success and +1 Advantage) : 2 Successes, 2 Advantages, 1 Despair.

Flow power: 3 LS pips spent to reduce Strain by 3.

2 Successes + 7 base damage = 9 damage plus Breach 2 (ignores Soak 6) = 9 Wounds taken by B2a. Their WT is 7, so their number is reduced to 5 (and one of the survivors has 2 Wounds?)

2 Advantage spent to activate Sunder quality twice vs. the B2 group's integrated wrist blasters, bringing them from Undamaged through Minor to Moderate damage. This means that B2a group now has +1 Difficulty to use their blasters. (This is assuming that one can Sunder a minion group's weapons. I'm imagining a cartoon style situation where, with her lightsabre held out at an angle, she runs past a line of them as they hold their wrists out to attack and she shortens all their wrist blasters by some centimetres.)

@EliasWindrider and/or @P-47 Thunderbolt : How do you want to spend the Despair?

(I have counters ready for some of the potential results.)

Drop the saber.

2 minutes ago, Bellona said:

2 Advantage spent to activate Sunder quality twice vs. the B2 group's integrated wrist blasters, bringing them from Undamaged through Minor to Moderate damage. This means that B2a group now has +1 Difficulty to use their blasters. (This is assuming that one can Sunder a minion group's weapons. I'm imagining a cartoon style situation where, with her lightsabre held out at an angle, she runs past a line of them as they hold their wrists out to attack and she shortens all their wrist blasters by some centimetres.)

This could be considered as damaging the weapons of one or more of the droids, preventing them from participating in the minion group's attack. While you are technically increasing the difficulty rather than downgrading their dice pool, the net effect is comparable. Then if you take them from Moderate to Major, you could narrate it as having cut off the rest of their blasters.

5 minutes ago, Bellona said:

@EliasWindrider and/or @P-47 Thunderbolt : How do you want to spend the Despair?

(I have counters ready for some of the potential results.)

I would have the droids spend a Free Maneuver to move out of Engaged range. But that's not my job unless @EliasWindrider wants me to do it.

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

Drop the saber.

Thank you for the swift reply!

I'll add it into the OOC post plus the counter (magnetic weapon tether incidental), then work on the IC post.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

This could be considered as damaging the weapons of one or more of the droids, preventing them from participating in the minion group's attack. While you are technically increasing the difficulty rather than downgrading their dice pool, the net effect is comparable. Then if you take them from Moderate to Major, you could narrate it as having cut off the rest of their blasters.

I would have the droids spend a Free Maneuver to move out of Engaged range. But that's not my job unless @EliasWindrider wants me to do it.

I'll take your suggestion re the Sunder on the B2 minion group.

Our GM ninja'ed you with the Despair result.

Map updated.

Just now, Bellona said:

Thank you for the swift reply!

I'll add it into the OOC post plus the counter (magnetic weapon tether incidental), then work on the IC post.

If you don't get to uses your gear/attachments they're not valuable... it's like having the spare clip talent and the GM no longer using despair talent to cause you to run out of ammo.

@P-47 Thunderbolt and @RuusMarev

Mireska's IC post is done.

So far she seems to be surviving the landing platform foes (and might draw the agro of the central droids).

Remember that she has Peerless Interception activated (good for 3 more between turn phases), so we might as well let her get the most out of it - i.e., let her deal with those droids alone unless she calls for help. The rest of the drop team have their hands full already.

Edited by Bellona

Camo (when his turn eventually comes around) will be busy blowing up the southwestern J-1.

Varactyl Squad will be holding off the droids encroaching on the southern side, and the other clones will be busy trying to take out the droids on the northwestern J-1.


Can one use Draw Closer against an entire minion group?

3 minutes ago, Bellona said:


Can one use Draw Closer against an entire minion group?

No... it's limited to sil 1 opponents and a minion GROUP is sil 2.

... And I forgot to add: Mireska ends her turn in Round 2 with 2/17 Wounds and 2/17 Strain.

7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

a minion GROUP is sil 2.

I know squads are sil 2 (well, 1 silhouette larger than their largest member), but are Minion groups? I couldn't find anywhere it said that.

@SuperWookie :

Did you roll one Force die to add to the Destiny Pool when you joined?

@EliasWindrider :

Right now the pool is standing at LS 4 vs. DS 3 (after Mireska activated Peerless Interception), but I believe that that's without Chee'Okee's contribution.

Edited by Bellona

Using that as the rule... a squad is a subset of minion group

12 minutes ago, Bellona said:

@SuperWookie :

Did you roll one Force die to add to the Destiny Pool when you joined?

@EliasWindrider :

Right now the pool is standing at LS 4 vs. DS 3 (after Mireska activated Peerless Interception), but I believe that that's without Chee'Okee's results.

Did @SuperWookie roll for destiny

8 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Did @SuperWookie roll for destiny

Not yet, as far as I can tell. (I checked Misc and OOC, plus Orokos.)

Destiny : 1eF 2 Light Side

If a jetpack is only being used for exiting a transport and making a controlled drop (avoiding obstacles/incoming fire) to the surface below, and is then abandoned immediately on the ground* afterwards, does one count the jetpack's encumbrance for the actual flight time?

I'm trying to figure out if I should have included the JT-12C's Encumbrance 2 value when I calculated Mireska's total Encumbrance for the HA(LO) drop.

* (At least until the GAR's clean up crew comes along.)

Edited by Bellona
14 hours ago, Bellona said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt and @RuusMarev

Mireska's IC post is done.

So far she seems to be surviving the landing platform foes (and might draw the agro of the central droids).

Remember that she has Peerless Interception activated (good for 3 more between turn phases), so we might as well let her get the most out of it - i.e., let her deal with those droids alone unless she calls for help. The rest of the drop team have their hands full already.

Jorin and the clones are up next ...

4 hours ago, Bellona said:

If a jetpack is only being used for exiting a transport and making a controlled drop (avoiding obstacles/incoming fire) to the surface below, and is then abandoned immediately on the ground* afterwards, does one count the jetpack's encumbrance for the actual flight time?

I'm trying to figure out if I should have included the JT-12C's Encumbrance 2 value when I calculated Mireska's total Encumbrance for the HA(LO) drop.

* (At least until the GAR's clean up crew comes along.)

If you don't drop it, the 2 enc counts but you might as well keep it on until your med kit comes with Ker'see.

3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

If you don't drop it, the 2 enc counts but you might as well keep it on until your med kit comes with Ker'see.

While Ker'see does have Mireska's backpack along in her LAAT/i, I had originally described Mireska prepping for the drop with the physician's kit strapped to her front/side (away from the jetpack's flames).

Then I remembered today that of course jetpacks have their own Encumbrance value, and figured that everyone must have dumped theirs either the round before combat began or during the first round of combat (unless they're strong enough to carry it without a problem).

If Mireska had to dump hers during her first round, then I can just +2 Strain to her retroactively for that second manoeuvre.

51 minutes ago, Bellona said:

While Ker'see does have Mireska's backpack along in her LAAT/i, I had originally described Mireska prepping for the drop with the physician's kit strapped to her front/side (away from the jetpack's flames).

Then I remembered today that of course jetpacks have their own Encumbrance value, and figured that everyone must have dumped theirs either the round before combat began or during the first round of combat (unless they're strong enough to carry it without a problem).

If Mireska had to dump hers during her first round, then I can just +2 Strain to her retroactively for that second manoeuvre.

What is in Mireska's bag?