PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

19 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


@Bellona , do you have anything in particular you would like to do, or can Jorin ( @RuusMarev ) take Mireska's (well, I suppose it's Camo's, but Mireska's using it) slot and attack the droideka?

I'm going to go ahead and take Varactyl Squad's turn now since they are up before any hostile NPCs, and it makes it easier to wrap them into my narration without it feeling disjointed.

Sure, Jorin can take slot 3.

My plan for Mireska is that she'll take slot 4 and land on the landing platform in order to deal with Droideka A/Deka-1.

@EliasWindrider : I still didn't get clarification on whether or not the Droidekas already have their shields up.

ETA: Mireska will take slot 3 after all, due to RL timing logic.

Edited by Bellona
33 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Sure, Jorin can take slot 3.

My plan for Mireska is that she'll take slot 4 and land on the landing platform in order to deal with Droideka A/Deka-1.

@EliasWindrider : I still didn't get clarification on whether or not the Droidekas already have their shields up.

Their shields are not up until they get a turn.

On 11/7/2020 at 2:19 AM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


One thing I could do is use a Maneuver to get into cover, then trigger Tactical Advance. Then if you get into cover and leave it, you'll still get the +2 Soak.


(I think that you meant Prime Positions 2 there.)

Unfortunately it only works out to Short range, and if Mireska is focusing on another area's droids, then she'll be out of range.

8 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The bottom is the landing pad, the right and left sections are not raised, and B1e is standing right in front of the doors to the monastery. The entire courtyard is level, but the pathway to the monastery is lined by columns.


A couple more questions about the map layout ...

Does the thick black line runing across the map represent the edge of the cliff below the landing platform and monastery?

Is north towards the top of the map? (I'm asking because Poe's statement about securing the "northeast" in your IC post made it sound like that the top of the map is actually towards the east.)

Mireska will land beside Droideka A/Deka-1 on the landing platform. (I'm assuming that the closest that she can get to an enemy when landing is Short range.)

Incidental: use Quick Draw talent on lightsabre .

Incidental: activate lightsabre.

Manoeuvre: activate Centre of Being 3 talent (Supreme version: all attacks against Mireska increase the requirement for their Critical rating by +3 ; lasts until the start of her next turn).

Action: Draw Closer talent vs. Droideka A/Deka-1. Since the droideka is neither a Nemesis nor a named plot-important Rival, I'm assuming that it does not get an attempt to resist Mireska's roll.

Draw Closer, little Droideka!: vs. unprepared Droideka A/Deka-1 : 2eP+2eA+4eF+2eD 1 success, 2 Light Side, 5 Dark Side
p--.png p-a.png a-a.png a-s.png f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png d-th.png d-th.png

(Not a blinding success, but better than previous encounters ...)

Final Result (1 LS pip to move droideka into Engaged range, 1 LS pip to add +1 Advantage Success, LSa adds +1 Success and +1 Advantage) : 3 Successes, 1 Advantage vs. Engaged Droideka A.

3 Successes + 7 base damage = 10 damage plus Breach 2 (ignores Soak 5) = 10 Wounds taken by Droideka A/Deka-1.

1 Advantage spent to activate Sunder quality twice vs. Droideka A's built-in heavy blasters, bringing them from Undamaged through to Minor to Moderate damage. This means that Droideka A/Deka-1 now requires a Daunting has +1 Setback to its Gunnery check to make a Fire Sweep action (or +1 Difficulty Setback to use the heavy blasters in a non-Fire Sweep attack).

Incidental: activate Portable Plasma Shield. (Mireska's Defences are now 4/4.)

Mireska is now ready to use Reflect/Parry (also Improved versions), spend 1 LS destiny point for Peerless Interception if necessary, and Circle of Shelter/Guardian of the Republic if there are attacks made against any ally who happens to be within Engaged range.

Remaining troops in landing platform area:

  • Droideka A/Deka-1 ( Wounds = 10/12, its built-in blasters now have +1 Setback for Fire Sweep and non-Fire Sweep attacks )
  • Supervisor-1
  • B2a (6)
  • B1f (6)
  • B1g (6)
  • B1h (6)

Due to RL demanding my attention, I'll put up an "empty" IC post now to indicate where I'll add a proper description later this evening (my time).

ETA: Due to some unexpected free time, I'll work on the IC post now ... and it's done.

ETA: Corrected the Draw Closer LS pip expenditure. (I've got too used to using the Force-enhanced versions of various skills, that I didn't read closely enough on Force pip expenditure for Draw Closer.)

Edited by Bellona
ETA, then changed wording for clarification, then Draw Closer correction.
3 hours ago, Bellona said:

(I think that you meant Prime Positions 2 there.)

Unfortunately it only works out to Short range, and if Mireska is focusing on another area's droids, then she'll be out of range.

Prime Positions 2 is a passive, Tactical Advance allows you to leave cover and still get the bonus.

45 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Final Result (1 LS pip to move droideka into Engaged range, 1 LS pip to add +1 Advantage, LSa adds +1 Success and +1 Advantage) : 2 Successes, 2 Advantages vs. Engaged Droideka A.

2 Successes + 7 base damage = 9 damage plus Breach 2 (ignores Soak 5) = 9 Wounds taken by Droideka A/Deka-1.

2 Advantages spent to activate Sunder quality twice vs. Droideka A's built-in heavy blasters, bringing them from Undamaged through Minor to Moderate damage. This means that Droideka A/Deka-1 now requires a Daunting Gunnery check to make a Fire Sweep action.

Couldn't you take 2 Advantage from Light Side pips and trigger Sunder thrice, rendering the weapons inoperable with Major damage?

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Couldn't you take 2 Advantage from Light Side pips and trigger Sunder thrice, rendering the weapons inoperable with Major damage?

I need the first LS pip to activate Draw Closer, and without the Draw Closer I don't get to add any Force dice to the attack roll.

Just now, Bellona said:

I need the first LS pip to activate Draw Closer, and without the Draw Closer I don't get to add any Force dice to the attack roll.

Oh, I read "LSa" as being Light Side pips, nevermind.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Prime Positions 2 is a passive, Tactical Advance allows you to leave cover and still get the bonus.

So basically PP2 plus TA combine in order to create that result.

1 minute ago, Bellona said:

So basically PP2 plus TA combine in order to create that result.

Correct. It's quite a synergistic combination (by design, of course).

@RuusMarev , @P-47 Thunderbolt :

Slot 4 is up for grabs now (either Jorin or various clones).

3 hours ago, Bellona said:

A couple more questions about the map layout ...

Does the thick black line runing across the map represent the edge of the cliff below the landing platform and monastery?

Is north towards the top of the map? (I'm asking because Poe's statement about securing the "northeast" in your IC post made it sound like that the top of the map is actually towards the east.)

I've been scouring the internet so I could orient myself as well.. I think this will help

B'omarr Monastery (Teth) | Wookieepedia | Fandom

23 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Here's the map I threw together. Very basic and slapdash, but it should get the job done: Maps

Long range between the cannons on either side, Long range between the landing platform and the doors to the monastery, Medium between the edge of the landing platform and the entrance to the courtyard, Long between the entrance to the courtyard and the doors to the monastery proper.

@RuusMarev , here's a map.

Also, I don't know about the others, but I can't actually see that picture.

am I correct; Camouflage and V-squad are in the right side of the map, and Mireska is clearing the landing platform/southern part?

Just now, RuusMarev said:

am I correct; Camouflage and V-squad are in the right side of the map, and Mireska is clearing the landing platform/southern part?

Yes, and I should edit Mireska into the map.


Ok.. Jorin will land next to Mireska and attempt to Move the droideka (and any B1's in range if he can pull it off) off the platform to fall to their doom

Just now, RuusMarev said:

Ok.. Jorin will land next to Mireska and attempt to Move the droideka (and any B1's in range if he can pull it off) off the platform to fall to their doom

The clones don't have anything that can take out a droideka (aside from the flak cannon) and Camo requested Jorin's help with it.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The clones don't have anything that can take out a droideka (aside from the flak cannon) and Camo requested Jorin's help with it.

Actually, I forgot. It doesn't have its shield up yet, so the clones can handle it if you want to go with Mireska.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The clones don't have anything that can take out a droideka (aside from the flak cannon) and Camo requested Jorin's help with it.

oops, thats right.. then Jorin will just land next to (or on if the sheilds are still down) and slice and dice Deka-3

Just now, RuusMarev said:

oops, thats right.. then Jorin will just land next to (or on if the sheilds are still down) and slice and dice Deka-3

In case you missed it:

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Actually, I forgot. It doesn't have its shield up yet, so the clones can handle it if you want to go with Mireska.

(Sorry for the confusion)

Attacking the droideka would be just Average since its shield isn't up, and it has 5 Soak with a WT of 12.

Moving a droideka would be the same at any Move check.

Just now, RuusMarev said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt , @EliasWindrider Move is just Jorin's 3 Force dice correct?
