PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

2 hours ago, Bellona said:

I thought that she was coming in on the LAAT/i (a.k.a. Lartie?) with Duchess a few rounds later?

That makes sense. She'll do that.

@SuperWookie do you want to show up in a star fighter just before they launch for the assault on teth? If so make you ic debut NOW or you'll probably be sitting on the sidelines for several weeks. Appearing now does not prevent you from continuing to tweak your build.

Edited by EliasWindrider

I invested into Astrogation, Piloting (Space), and Enhance to be an "emergency" pilot, so showing up in a starship of any kind would make sense. Does the party already have a transport?

1 hour ago, SuperWookie said:

I invested into Astrogation, Piloting (Space), and Enhance to be an "emergency" pilot, so showing up in a starship of any kind would make sense. Does the party already have a transport?

So far a venator. Military cap ships that may get driven off by a separatist fleet. General speaking it has to be able to transport O(40) characters.

Edited by EliasWindrider
4 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

... it has to be able to transport O(40) characters.

What does the bolded section mean?

11 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

So far a venator.

Though right now it's an Acclamator.

What's our to-do list before we get to the monastery?
Currently, my list is:

  1. Chee'Okee arrives and is quickly integrated into the strike force (would be more convenient if this was later and she arrived a la Obi-Wan, but oh well), presumably the second wave rather than the shocktroopers. (Shallow backstory of where/how/why? Where she came from, how she knew to be here, and why she's here)
  2. Narrate the first gunship launching, proceeding to target at high altitude, then drops the troops before jetting away.
  3. Narrate landing (since trusting our lives to a single throw of the dice is a terrible idea).
  4. Enter combat.

Anything missing or incorrect?

@SuperWookie , you've got a very low WT and Soak. In combination with Reflect or Parry, you are only blocking 7 damage. A single dual hit from a droideka deals a minimum of 13*2 damage, which would deal 12 wounds. I'd counsel you to pick up some better armor, if it's an option, or otherwise increase your durability.
Also you have your WT and ST listed under the "current" box rather than the "threshold" box. You'll want to move that so you can easily toggle how many wounds or strain you've taken.

I am looking at armor mods now. I only have 2.9 k credits left. I thought having a Ranged 2 defense would be pretty solid, but I guess not :)

Looks like Armor Insert (fully modded) will only be 650 for an extra +1 Defense, +1 Soak. (as suggested by GM). That will bring me up to 3 Ranged and 4 Melee base with my lightsaber out.

RE: Introduction to the thread, I took 2 ranks in Leadership and Knowledge: Warfare, so I was thinking that she could have taken a few courses on military warfare in order to better assist with the war effort. Her purpose being to lead some clones and be a Jedi officer.

1 minute ago, SuperWookie said:

RE: Introduction to the thread, I took 2 ranks in Leadership and Knowledge: Warfare, so I was thinking that she could have taken a few courses on military warfare in order to better assist with the war effort. Her purpose being to lead some clones and be a Jedi officer.

No, I mean why are you here , on Teth, now, coming a little late.

4 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

Looks like Armor Insert (fully modded) will only be 650 for an extra +1 Defense, +1 Soak. (as suggested by GM). That will bring me up to 3 Ranged and 4 Melee base with my lightsaber out.

The Defensive 1 on your lightsaber doesn't stack with Defensive Training 2, so unless there's something I'm missing, your total Defense with lightsaber out should be 3/3 (Defensive 2, Deflection 2, 1 Defense from Armor Insert). After successfully modding the Armor Insert (which still requires a check), it'd be 4/4 (Defensive 2, Deflection 2, 2 from Armor Insert).

GM said in the Misc thread that they do stack, but only up to 4.

1 minute ago, SuperWookie said:

GM said in the Misc thread that they do stack, but only up to 4.

He was talking about total Defense. I'm talking about Defensive Training. Defensive Training explicitly states, "(this replaces any ranks in Defensive the weapon already has)."

As a rule of thumb, if the description says "Gains" it replaces rather than increases the stat in question.

8 hours ago, Bellona said:

What does the bolded section mean?

on the Order of 40. It's a common math notation, e.g. the computational complexity of the quick sort algorithm is O(N*log(N)) where N is the number of elements to be sorted.

13 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

No, I mean why are you here , on Teth, now, coming a little late.

I am reading the IC thread now. Just to save time, it looks like the group is just about to enter the stronghold to save the Hutt child?

EDIT: Well the Lorrdian Gemstone defaults into +1 Defensive, so it's a freebie upgrade. I'll set myself down to 3 melee defense then. It will give me something to do with advantage results later on I guess since I am not at a cap :)

Edited by SuperWookie
Just now, SuperWookie said:

I am reading the IC thread now. Just to save time, it looks like the group is just about to enter the stronghold to save the Hutt child?


Just now, EliasWindrider said:

on the Order of 40. It's a common math notation, e.g. the computational complexity of the quick sort algorithm is O(N*log(N)) where N is the number of elements to be sorted.

So it's the equivalent of "approximately" or "about" or "circa"?

@SuperWookie , one more thing. You may want to list -Setback, +Boost, or certain talents in the column next to dice in the skills section. It'll help you remember talents like Researcher. Here's an example of what I'm talking about: https://swsheets.com/c/hapwd23yl-arc-65--camoufl

I am thinking that Chee'Okee will arrive in a Delta-12 Skysprite, having been rerouted at the last minute to assist with the rescue effort. It's an unarmed starfighter, but has a passenger seat, so she could have been on her way back from escorting a dignitary safely to <plot device / destination>

My plan would be to simply radio to the party in the IC thread that she has been sent to assist.

Just now, SuperWookie said:

I am thinking that Chee'Okee will arrive in a Delta-12 Skysprite, having been rerouted at the last minute to assist with the rescue effort. It's an unarmed starfighter, but has a passenger seat, so she could have been on her way back from escorting a dignitary safely to <plot device / destination>

My plan would be to simply radio to the party in the IC thread that she has been sent to assist.

Perhaps intended as a backup courier for the huttlet? (given the passenger space, I mean)

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

That would be elegant, sure. Would be a good reason for them sending someone who isn't a full-fledged fighter as well.

In the game she is originally from (an NPC I made), she was simply a teacher to young padawans, so caring for a child would be up her alley.

1 minute ago, SuperWookie said:

That would be elegant, sure. Would be a good reason for them sending someone who isn't a full-fledged fighter as well.

In the game she is originally from (an NPC I made), she was simply a teacher to young padawans, so caring for a child would be up her alley.

From what very little that I know about Rotta the Hutt, Chee'Okee is going to need all the patience in world (and the Force to boot). :D

16 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

He was talking about total Defense. I'm talking about Defensive Training. Defensive Training explicitly states, "(this replaces any ranks in Defensive the weapon already has)."

As a rule of thumb, if the description says "Gains" it replaces rather than increases the stat in question.

@SuperWookie , @P-47 Thunderbolt is correct I should have looked closely at the details, I'll let you have an artisan to have fully modded your armor inserts which would put you at 2/4... you can trade in your crystal for a free ilum crystal have a whole lot of credits and buy a portable plasma shield attachment https://star-wars-rpg-ffg.fandom.com/wiki/Portable_Plasma_Shield?mobile-app=false from I think collapse of the republic, it tales 2 hp, you have 1 but jedi can have an artisan add 2 hp each to 2 items. Use superior for your third hp to boost soak by a point.

27 minutes ago, Bellona said:

So it's the equivalent of "approximately" or "about" or "circa"?

Near equivalent at least how I was using it here.. there are technical details you don't need to worry about.

2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

@SuperWookie , @P-47 Thunderbolt is correct I should have looked closely at the details, I'll let you have an artisan to have fully modded your armor inserts which would put you at 2/4... you can trade in your crystal for a free ilum crystal have a whole lot of credits and buy a portable plasma shield attachment https://star-wars-rpg-ffg.fandom.com/wiki/Portable_Plasma_Shield?mobile-app=false from I think collapse of the republic, it tales 2 hp, you have 1 but jedi can have an artisan add 2 hp each to 2 items. Use superior for your third hp to boost soak by a point.

Actually the Portable Plasma Shield would be redundant since Defensive Training already buffs Defense to 4/4.

@SuperWookie , since any time your lightsaber adds Defense, Defensive Training will apply, I'd suggest going ahead and listing Defensive 2 in the weapon qualities section. Or you could list it as "Defensive Training 2" if you want to remember the source.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Actually the Portable Plasma Shield would be redundant since Defensive Training already buffs Defense to 4/4.

@SuperWookie , since any time your lightsaber adds Defense, Defensive Training will apply, I'd suggest going ahead and listing Defensive 2 in the weapon qualities section. Or you could list it as "Defensive Training 2" if you want to remember the source.

Defensive training is only melee defense... the difference between defensive and deflection is melee vs ranged.

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

Defensive training is only melee defense... the difference between defensive and deflection is melee vs ranged.

He's already got Deflection 2 on the lightsaber.