PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

35 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@EliasWindrider , I'm waiting on your lead for handling the Teth scouting mission. So orders, source of orders, timing, etc.

You know more about it than I do so propose something for me to modify.

11 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@RuusMarev I thought that you were going to find crystals for 2 sabers.

Oh... did I mis-read? I thought I would only get one on this mission?

Jorin Temporary Saber : 1eA+2eP+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage
a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png d--.png

ugh.. so It doesn't take long to build, but it's nothing special... yet.

(Jorin will reforge en route to Teth, once he "passes" his trials-this mission-, and he spends his xp on Sentinel careers...and skills... and a specific Force ability... :D )

10 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

You know more about it than I do so propose something for me to modify.

The ARF scouts, in a Nu-class Attack Shuttle, tracked a group of four bounty hunters (Gran, Rodian, Nikto, and 4A-7 look-alike, because they got lazy and reused head molds) to Teth, then confirmed the presence of "two battalions of droids guarding the monastery."
I think this was just before the final droid assault (with the shield generator).
Then Anakin and the 501st show up to Teth in an Acclamator and pick up the shuttle, then begin the assault.
During this time, Obi-Wan was on Tatooine, negotiating with Jabba. Given our lack of a face and the desire to not split the party too much, I imagine this part would be cut out.
After the initial attack on the Monastery, the Jedi and remaining clones encounter 4A-7 who claims to be "the humble caretaker" and directs them to the detention level.
Then the Jedi rescue Rotta, Dooku gets the footage he needs, Obi-Wan leaves Tatooine, Dooku arrives in Jabba's palace.
The droids come back to Teth in C-9979 landers and a Munificent, releasing both infantry and starfighters. They storm the monastery, killing almost all of the clones ( 😢 ). When Anakin and Ahsoka attempt to escape to the Twilight, they are confronted by first two Droidekas and then Asajj Ventress. And there was a DSD-1, I believe, that came up at them from below. They escape by hitching a ride on a Can-Cell, making it to the Twilight.
Then Obi-Wan arrives in the system with reinforcements. While the Venator battles the Separatists in orbit, Obi-Wan escorts the gunships to drop reinforcements on the plateau itself.
Obi-Wan then goes into the complex to battle Ventress, resulting in a drawn-out battle that Ventress eventually escapes.
Anakin and Ahsoka make the jump to hyperspace, arriving in the Tatoo system where they are ambushed by two Magnaguards in Rogue-class starfighters, shooting them down.

Here's what I'd suggest for Camo's side of things:
First large droid attack was with the shield, which we destroyed. But since Loathsome is still alive, it just flips which wave had a shield generator. Even though it isn't a great situation, Loathsome has to attack because there are Republic reinforcements incoming so he needs to take the ground in case the blockade is broken.
Before the second wave, the party receives orders to go to Teth, which they cannot do at this juncture. So Camouflage volunteers that since he and his men aren't going to be of much use in a line battle, they should go ahead and scout it out. They leave in a shuttle, still before the reinforcements arrive. How they slip the blockade is up to you.
They arrive on Teth and track the bounty hunters. In their time on Teth, they make a couple Stealth, Survival, maybe Perception checks, maybe have an encounter with local wildlife (probably the Hunting-Fly or something invented, as they can't take a Jungle Rancor). Then they report back to the Jedi with their findings. Then they either prepare for the Jedi's arrival on the ground, or they leave and rendezvous with the Acclamator in orbit.
Then the assault begins.

4 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Oh... did I mis-read? I thought I would only get one on this mission?

Yeah you were supposed to get 2. But this second crystal was your second freebie... I was going to let each player *find* (vs buy) 2 crystals. Bellona is going to get ventress' corrupted crystal on teeth which purifies to what she wanted which I think is a Solari. Go back and edit to finding 2.

Edited by EliasWindrider
7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Bellona is going to get ventress' corrupted crystal on teeth which purifies to what she wanted which I think is a Solari.

Definitely not a Solari (DoH), please! It's too expensive (even though that's a moot point if it's taken as loot), it uses too many hard points (3), and it has one huge drawback for Mireska - and Ventress, for that matter (it can't be used if the bearer's Morality falls below 50). ... Not that I'm planning on Mireska plunging to the depths of Morality, but it's still not an ideal crystal for her.

I have my eyes on a Lorrdian (FaD CRB) for Mireska. It's cheaper, uses only the usual 2 hard points, and has better mod options (particuarly if she ends up putting it into a shoto or guard shoto later on.


4 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Definitely not a Solari (DoH), please! It's too expensive (even though that's a moot point if it's taken as loot), it uses too many hard points (3), and it has one huge drawback for Mireska - and Ventress, for that matter (it can't be used if the bearer's Morality falls below 50). ... Not that I'm planning on Mireska plunging to the depths of Morality, but it's still not an ideal crystal for her.

I have my eyes on a Lorrdian (FaD CRB) for Mireska. It's cheaper, uses only the usual 2 hard points, and has better mod options (particuarly if she ends up putting it into a shoto or guard shoto later on.


My mistake. I must have mis remembered your previous posts.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


Then Anakin and the 501st show up to Teth in an Acclamator and pick up the shuttle, then begin the assault.
During this time, Obi-Wan was on Tatooine, negotiating with Jabba. Given our lack of a face and the desire to not split the party too much, I imagine this part would be cut out.


@EliasWindrider :

Count me as +1 for not wanting to split the party. Dividing the group between two planets is not my idea of player fun.

Just now, Bellona said:

@EliasWindrider :

Count me as +1 for not wanting to split the party. Dividing the group between two planets is not my idea of player fun.

Though what about sending the Varactyls ahead to scout out Teth?

That's technically splitting the party, though I don't think it'll involve much action on either end until they meet back up.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Though what about sending the Varactyls ahead to scout out Teth?

That's technically splitting the party, though I don't think it'll involve much action on either end until they meet back up.

So long as no combat is expected, it's okay by me.

It's certain specific combats that I'm definitely not looking forward to, as I'll comment in a following post ...

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Here's what I'd suggest for Camo's side of things:
First large droid attack was with the shield, which we destroyed. But since Loathsome is still alive, it just flips which wave had a shield generator. Even though it isn't a great situation, Loathsome has to attack because there are Republic reinforcements incoming so he needs to take the ground in case the blockade is broken.
Before the second wave, the party receives orders to go to Teth, which they cannot do at this juncture. So Camouflage volunteers that since he and his men aren't going to be of much use in a line battle, they should go ahead and scout it out. They leave in a shuttle, still before the reinforcements arrive. How they slip the blockade is up to you.
They arrive on Teth and track the bounty hunters. In their time on Teth, they make a couple Stealth, Survival, maybe Perception checks, maybe have an encounter with local wildlife (probably the Hunting-Fly or something invented, as they can't take a Jungle Rancor). Then they report back to the Jedi with their findings. Then they either prepare for the Jedi's arrival on the ground, or they leave and rendezvous with the Acclamator in orbit.
Then the assault begins.

5 minutes ago, Bellona said:

@EliasWindrider :

Count me as +1 for not wanting to split the party. Dividing the group between two planets is not my idea of player fun.

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Though what about sending the Varactyls ahead to scout out Teth?

That's technically splitting the party, though I don't think it'll involve much action on either end until they meet back up.

I'm ok with the Varactyl's going to teth now, and there aren't any incredibly severe threats the PCs will be facing in the meantime.

@EliasWindrider , what's the situation with Slick? Are we just not going to cover that on Christophsis?

11 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@EliasWindrider , what's the situation with Slick? Are we just not going to cover that on Christophsis?

The group decision was to not deal with slick's betrayal on christophsis.

Was the connection between asaj and rotta's kidnapping known before the republic invasion of teth (was she involved in the act of kidnapping rotta)

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

The group decision was to not deal with slick's betrayal on christophsis.

Was the connection between asaj and rotta's kidnapping known before the republic invasion of teth (was she involved in the act of kidnapping rotta)

It was not known until after the initial attack, when the Republic deduced that the Separatists were involved as there were too many droids for them to be fringers. Then Ventress showed up and sorta removed all doubt.

And yes, she was involved in kidnapping Rotta.

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

Yeah you were supposed to get 2. But this second crystal was your second freebie... I was going to let each player *find* (vs buy) 2 crystals. Bellona is going to get ventress' corrupted crystal on teeth which purifies to what she wanted which I think is a Solari. Go back and edit to finding 2.


49 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:


There are 2 subsequent posts where you refer to crystal as a singular... and you might want to edit the parts gathering, and you can craft a second saber now if you want.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


The droids come back to Teth in C-9979 landers and a Munificent, releasing both infantry and starfighters. They storm the monastery, killing almost all of the clones ( 😢 ). When Anakin and Ahsoka attempt to escape to the Twilight, they are confronted by first two Droidekas and then Asajj Ventress. And there was a DSD-1 , I believe, that came up at them from below. They escape by hitching a ride on a Can-Cell, making it to the Twilight.
Then Obi-Wan arrives in the system with reinforcements. While the Venator battles the Separatists in orbit, Obi-Wan escorts the gunships to drop reinforcements on the plateau itself.
Obi-Wan then goes into the complex to battle Ventress, resulting in a drawn-out battle that Ventress eventually escapes.
Anakin and Ahsoka make the jump to hyperspace, arriving in the Tatoo system where they are ambushed by two Magnaguards in Rogue-class starfighters, shooting them down.


(Underlining is mine.)

@EliasWindrider :

I have some general comments/worries about those underlined Ventress encounters ...

Basically, I'm still not that sanguine about Mireska facing Ventress several more times in the near future.

When I made Mireska, there were supposed to be at least two other Jedi in the party who actually were duellist types (Korren Mayvus, Randi Quade, plus Tinari Wen to a lesser extent), not to mention ranged death in the form of Ker'see and the various clone officers and squads. Plus Shin Ethan (v. 1 and 2) and Kain Eldar later on. That's why I didn't focus on Mireska becoming a duellist.

Which is why I said some pages earlier OOC: in a straight up duel between Mireska and this version of Ventress, Mireska will be pasted - without question.

With that in mind, if Mireska is to survive frequent confrontations with Ventress without either fudging or deus ex machina, then she's going to have to stick with the clones and try to protect them while they try to take Ventress down/drive her off from range. It won't be cinematic, but there's no point in Mireska even trying to duel Ventress alone. And if there are other Jedi involved in the combat, then the chances are good that Mireska will be the one knocked out of the fight by round two ... every single time.

(Alternatively Mireska gets rebuilt with neither Healer nor Doctor, but instead with Niman and Peerless Interception, while still sinking 240 XP into the Heal tree and 50 XP for Medicine 4 so that she can still pass narratively as a Healer/Doctor. But that's a rather drastic solution.)

My conclusion is that those lovely, long cinematic fights should not be expected to include Mireska, or else she's going to end up very dead very quickly.

13 minutes ago, Bellona said:

(Underlining is mine.)

@EliasWindrider :

I have some general comments/worries about those underlined Ventress encounters ...

Basically, I'm still not that sanguine about Mireska facing Ventress several more times in the near future.

When I made Mireska, there were supposed to be at least two other Jedi in the party who actually were duellist types (Korren Mayvus, Randi Quade, plus Tinari Wen to a lesser extent), not to mention ranged death in the form of Ker'see and the various clone officers and squads. Plus Shin Ethan (v. 1 and 2) and Kain Eldar later on. That's why I didn't focus on Mireska becoming a duellist.

Which is why I said some pages earlier OOC: in a straight up duel between Mireska and this version of Ventress, Mireska will be pasted - without question.

With that in mind, if Mireska is to survive frequent confrontations with Ventress without either fudging or deus ex machina, then she's going to have to stick with the clones and try to protect them while they try to take Ventress down/drive her off from range. It won't be cinematic, but there's no point in Mireska even trying to duel Ventress alone. And if there are other Jedi involved in the combat, then the chances are good that Mireska will be the one knocked out of the fight by round two ... every single time.

(Alternatively Mireska gets rebuilt with neither Healer nor Doctor, but instead with Niman and Peerless Interception, while still sinking 240 XP into the Heal tree and 50 XP for Medicine 4 so that she can still pass narratively as a Healer/Doctor. But that's a rather drastic solution.)

My conclusion is that those lovely, long cinematic fights should not be expected to include Mireska, or else she's going to end up very dead very quickly.

One reason I'm building Jorin up... he'll have some more Sentinel Talents en route to Teth : Shein and Sentry... with the Dedications and extra Force dice, hopefully that'll turn the tables a bit...

@EliasWindrider , I'd suggest just restatting Ventress more like an NPC, balanced to hold her own against the PCs without being as overwhelming as she is now. Then perhaps have a "win condition" of something like half-WT, so when she takes that much damage (or close to it) she tries to escape.

1 hour ago, Bellona said:

(Underlining is mine.)

@EliasWindrider :

I have some general comments/worries about those underlined Ventress encounters ...

Basically, I'm still not that sanguine about Mireska facing Ventress several more times in the near future.

When I made Mireska, there were supposed to be at least two other Jedi in the party who actually were duellist types (Korren Mayvus, Randi Quade, plus Tinari Wen to a lesser extent), not to mention ranged death in the form of Ker'see and the various clone officers and squads. Plus Shin Ethan (v. 1 and 2) and Kain Eldar later on. That's why I didn't focus on Mireska becoming a duellist.

Which is why I said some pages earlier OOC: in a straight up duel between Mireska and this version of Ventress, Mireska will be pasted - without question.

With that in mind, if Mireska is to survive frequent confrontations with Ventress without either fudging or deus ex machina, then she's going to have to stick with the clones and try to protect them while they try to take Ventress down/drive her off from range. It won't be cinematic, but there's no point in Mireska even trying to duel Ventress alone. And if there are other Jedi involved in the combat, then the chances are good that Mireska will be the one knocked out of the fight by round two ... every single time.

(Alternatively Mireska gets rebuilt with neither Healer nor Doctor, but instead with Niman and Peerless Interception, while still sinking 240 XP into the Heal tree and 50 XP for Medicine 4 so that she can still pass narratively as a Healer/Doctor. But that's a rather drastic solution.)

My conclusion is that those lovely, long cinematic fights should not be expected to include Mireska, or else she's going to end up very dead very quickly.

1) I'm not opposed to a rebuild... (allowing a rebuild in the first 2 sessions was intended because you didn't have the feedback of play to grow her to the current state) I'd say drop healer and keep doctor (doctor has pressure point which is massively effective especially with ranks in brawl [via well rounded]/the enhance brawl upgrade)

2) it'll be 3 on 1 (Ker'see/Jorin/Mireska) saber swarm and Hawkbat swoop is potent and it will force ventress to use peerless interception

3) there's going to be some deuce ex machina involved so that ventress loses one saber

13 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@EliasWindrider , I'd suggest just restatting Ventress more like an NPC, balanced to hold her own against the PCs without being as overwhelming as she is now. Then perhaps have a "win condition" of something like half-WT, so when she takes that much damage (or close to it) she tries to escape.

Without peerless interception, an npc won't survive being ganged up on by multiple opponents. she wouldn't have survived the first encounter (being Ker'see's sniper target without it). How she disabled Jorin so quickly was largely due to improved reflecting Ker'see's sniper fire at him.

The victory condition is fine.

Edited by EliasWindrider
On 10/2/2020 at 10:09 PM, EliasWindrider said:


2) it'll be 3 on 1 (Ker'see/Jorin/Mireska) saber swarm and Hawkbat swoop is potent and it will force ventress to use peerless interception

3) there's going to be some deuce ex machina involved so that ventress loses one saber

On 10/2/2020 at 10:13 PM, EliasWindrider said:

Without peerless interception, an npc won't survive being ganged up on by multiple opponents. she wouldn't have survived the first encounter (being Ker'see's sniper target without it). How she disabled Jorin so quickly was largely due to improved reflecting Ker'see's sniper fire at him.

The victory condition is fine.

Good points all.

On 10/2/2020 at 10:09 PM, EliasWindrider said:

1) I'm not opposed to a rebuild... (allowing a rebuild in the first 2 sessions was intended because you didn't have the feedback of play to grow her to the current state) I'd say drop healer and keep doctor (doctor has pressure point which is massively effective especially with ranks in brawl [via well rounded]/the enhance brawl upgrade)


Hmmm. I was only half-serious about the re-build idea, but if it's an acceptable solution then I will look more closely at that option. Any further posts on that topic will be in the Misc thread.

1 hour ago, Bellona said:

Good points all.

Hmmm. I was only half-serious about the re-build idea, but if it's an acceptable solution then I will look more closely at that option. Any further posts on that topic will be in the Misc thread.

It is an acceptable solution for now, and again after teth but not after that.

The reason is you have this "high level"/"high xp" character that you didn't play all the way from knight level (150 earned xp) so you didn't have the feedback of playing the character to guide the build... so I'm allowing rebuilds for the first 2:

1) genosis

2) christophsis & teth

Sessions. So you can adjust your character build to play like you want it in response to feedback from actual play. But that window is going to close soon. @P-47 Thunderbolt @RuusMarev have christophsis & teth as their first session and I forget what the next/their second battle will be.

@P-47 Thunderbolt do you want to narrate an incoming holo transmission with new orders for Varactyl squad?

I figured the Jedi would get the message, go "we're a bit busy" and Camo would volunteer (or be ordered by the Jedi) to go ahead to Teth. For that, I'll either need clearance from @Bellona and @RuusMarev to voice their characters, or it'll require their involvement.

As a side note, the party is currently pretty close to the core group of the movie: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Mireska Tanohdi, Anakin Skywalker/Ker'see, Ahsoka Tano/Jorin, Captain Rex/Camouflage.

Does Jorin have a Jedi Master, or is that being handled loosely?