PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game


Armor Tally

Yeah, basically Star Wars dog tags. Plastoid slug with data on the clone.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

@Bellona , I strongly suggest you read the Republic Commando series if you can get your hands on it. It's really good and covers much of this. It's also really sad. Poor clones... 😢

7 hours ago, Bellona said:

*curses as she accidentally wiped the post just as she was finishing it*

Trying again ...

By my reckoning, the following are suffering Critical Injuries: Mireska, Jorin, Havoc, and Hawk (one each).

As soon as the group has reached a place of relative safety in the sewers, Mireska will un-commit her Force die and start using her Heal power to remove Wounds, Strain, and CIs. (It's my policy to remove CIs as fast as possible.)

@RuusMarev /Jorin:

Heal, incl'g CI removal on Jorin : 4eF+4eP+3eD 2 successes, 1 advantage, 2 Light Side, 4 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png d-th-th.png d-th-th.png d-th.png

10 Wounds healed, 10 Strain removed, Critical Injury removed. (When using Heal to remove a CI, the difficulty is always Hard/3 - unlike when using Medicine to do the same.)

Mireska reduces her own Strain by 1.

Is Jorin at 8 Wounds / 8 Strain, given he was pretty much over both thanks to Ventress?

Just now, RuusMarev said:

Is Jorin at 8 Wounds / 8 Strain, given he was pretty much over both thanks to Ventress?

He was only over WT, not ST. Probably at 0 Strain and I think he was just a couple points over his WT, so -15 would put him at 5.

12 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


Armor Tally

Yeah, basically Star Wars dog tags. Plastoid slug with data on the clone.

I always pictured them as security tags you sometimes find in books...

Why would a bookstore do this? : Fantasy

no idea on this book, found it on the net

Edited by RuusMarev
Just now, RuusMarev said:

Is Jorin at 8 Wounds / 8 Strain, given he was pretty much over both thanks to Ventress?

Honestly, I wasn't tracking Jorin's Wounds/Strain during the combat (which occurred during a spate of extreme busyness in RL).

I can have Mireska give Jorin a second zap of Heal if you want ... probably a good idea, come to think of it.

Just now, RuusMarev said:

I always pictured them as security tags you sometimes find in books...

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:

I always pictured them as security tags you sometimes find in books...

Why would a bookstore do this? : Fantasy

Nice poetry! :)

What the title of that collection?

Just now, Bellona said:

Nice poetry! :)

What the title of that collection?

No clue, I did a image search on 'security tag on book" and this came up :D

Topping up Jorin's health ...

Heal on Jorin (topping up) : 4eF 3 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds.png

12 Wounds healed, 12 Strain removed.


@P-47 Thunderbolt

What about Camo?

Like I said before, I wasn't really tracking anyone's Wounds/Strain during the battle. Does Camo need to be topped up in case we run into problems before getting back to the garrison?

Just now, Bellona said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt

What about Camo?

Like I said before, I wasn't really tracking anyone's Wounds/Strain during the battle. Does Camo need to be topped up in case we run into problems before getting back to the garrison?

Nope, he's fine. I think he was at 10 Wounds and 8 Strain, so Mireska took care of all his injuries.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Nope, he's fine. I think he was at 10 Wounds and 8 Strain, so Mireska took care of all his injuries.

And that included the "10+successes/whatever" from Ventress using Camo as a bludgeon on Jorin?

Just now, Bellona said:

And that included the "10+successes/whatever" from Ventress using Camo as a bludgeon on Jorin?

Yes. I think he was actually at 9 wounds, 5 from the Supers and 4 from Ventress.

Jorin will collect the arm/glove armor from Fury when there is an appropriate time.

13 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

To clarify:
They have to roll 70 or below to survive. A "failed" roll (71+) results in the NPC's death. All rolls that don't result in death add +10 to future rolls for that NPC.

The +10s stick around until the NPC in question dies. They are not crits, and thus cannot be removed by medical treatment. They are an abstraction of luck: how long until the NPC gets hit somewhere vital?

If @EliasWindrider is willing to allow it though, I wouldn't object. :D

Sure why not.

7 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Sure why not.

So how exactly does that work?

We get one chance to heal it, and if we succeed it removes the +10, but if we fail it's permanent? Or does it work like a normal crit? What difficulty is the crit?

Hawk's "crit" was healed by Mireska, but she failed on Havoc's.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

So how exactly does that work?

We get one chance to heal it, and if we succeed it removes the +10, but if we fail it's permanent? Or does it work like a normal crit? What difficulty is the crit?

Hawk's "crit" was healed by Mireska, but she failed on Havoc's.

(I don't know if the following is useful, but I'll put it here in case it's useful.)

The following is how regular CIs are treated:

If removed by the Heal power upgrade, then all CIs have the same difficulty (Hard/3). If Medicine is used, then the difficulty is based upon what result was rolled for the CI itself.

I've been treating Medicine skill checks and Heal upgrade power checks as being only similar in effect, but not identical (particularly as the Heal power upgrade for CI removal does not list any limits to its use, unlike how the basic version of Heal equates a successful use with a stimpack application). In effect, Mireska has been getting two opportunities to remove a CI at each allowed interval (post-encounter, thereafter on a weekly basis), one via her Force-assisted Heal power and one via her mundane Medicine skill.

Based on the above, I've been expecting to get a second chance to remove Havoc's CI (using the Medicine skill) either back at the garrison if we screenwipe to that point, or somewhere between the current location and the garrison if we're in danger of getting into another combat encounter.

@EliasWindrider @P-47 Thunderbolt

What are our chances of getting a crafted cybernetic arm for Havoc, possibly via the Temple crafters and/or Mireska's contacts with the Healers and MedCorps?

While there are a number of interesting crafting results for cybernetics (SM p. 85), the one that would be most useful is the 2 Triumph result "Ion-Shielded". Otherwise it would be counter-productive if our droid-fighting soldiers drop an ion/EMP grenade too close to Havoc and his new arm suddenly becomes a useless hunk of metal.

Mireska would be willing to do the actual installation procedure (hard Medicine check).

Ion-Shielded would be nice, but I was expecting just a standard prosthetic.

I'm okay with either one, really. They both have pros and cons. If it has that weakness, then it's a reminder that it isn't just his arm. If it doesn't, it simplifies matters in such a contingency.

So.. past arrangements for Fury and Havoc, what's the plan? (Did we take out the Separatist General, or is he still out there?-I'm sure I missed a post or two, so I wasn't sure..)

44 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

So.. past arrangements for Fury and Havoc, what's the plan? (Did we take out the Separatist General, or is he still out there?-I'm sure I missed a post or two, so I wasn't sure..)

Sadly Ventress's arrival ruined our chance to take out the general.

4 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Sadly Ventress's arrival ruined our chance to take out the general.

Yeah, that's what I gathered.. :(

Do we still need to worry about the CIS general now that the shield generator is gone?

Or was the infamous "I surrender" tea party in TCW just a distraction for Anakin, Ahsoka, and the others to take out the shield generator?

16 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Do we still need to worry about the CIS general now that the shield generator is gone?

Or was the infamous "I surrender" tea party in TCW just a distraction for Anakin, Ahsoka, and the others to take out the shield generator?

Yes.. Thematically speaking, I guess now that the shield is down, our cannons can pummel the droids whenever they get too close, so I'm not sure if they'll be so eager to attack...