PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Just now, Bellona said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt

Mireska would like to go first at the top of round 3, unless there's a good reason for Camo to go before her?

Only to try and pass on Boosts and stuff, so you may as well go first.

This is after Mireska, but I was already halfway done:


Action: Shoot the Heavy Laser Cannon at the B2s: Vengeance!!!! : 1eP+3eA+3eD 1 success, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png d-f.png d-th.png d--.png

70-6=64, with an Autocrit pushes it up to 71, which is exactly enough to take out 10 B2s, pushing them back a range band (Medium range).
Improved Scrap 'em! incidental (2 strain) adds 2 Boost to anyone targeting the B2s this round.
2 Advantage from First Among Brothers adds a Boost to Varactyl squad (with a forgotten Boost from last time means they get 2 Boost).
5 Advantage from 3 Advantage and Design Flaw. Setback to the B2s, and Camo will recover 3 Strain.

Maneuver: Disengage the tow for the shield generator.

P.S. DANG IT! I forgot you could spend a Triumph to push a Phalanx back. That might've saved the Varactyls. Oh well, too late now. And I guess it wouldn't make much narrative sense anyway. Sad.

B2s to Medium range (with no Maneuver)
1 Boost to next
2 Boost to Varactyl Squad
1 Setback to the B2s
2 Boost to all attacks against the B2s

Top of round 3

Mireska takes the first PC slot this round.

If allowed, she passes the 2 Triumphs back to their respective rollers (Camo and Jorin).

Manoeuvre: To the rescue! ...

Force Leap from Droideka A to Varactyl squad : 3eF 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

... She flips a Destiny Point from LS to DS, and take +1 Conflict and +1 Strain in order to use 1 DS pip for that Force Leap.

(This is why she's nowhere near becoming a "LS Paragon" despite being a Healer ... when the chips are down, she's willing to be expedient in the cause of saving lives.)

Incidental: drop lightsabre.

Unfortunately, one cannot un-commit Force dice until the end of one's turn, so Mireska still has only 3 Force dice for the next step. Unless our GM is willing to throw me a bone due to incredibly bad dice luck and lets me un-commit that fourth Force die prior to the following roll? @EliasWindrider

Action: Use Heal's Mastery upgrade to bring Fury back to life ...

Bring him back! (Heal Mastery upgrade) : 3eF 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

(Seriously?!? Five out of the last six Force dice rolls have been only DS pips! Orakos apparently really hates me right now. :( :( :( )

... or maybe I could be permitted to use the previous roll as a second attempt at a Force Leap manoeuvre instead (excusing the first manoeuvre as a failed one where no DS pips were used), and thereby be allowed to make one more attempt to get something useful out of those %?#¤ Force dice?

Incidental: use Magnetic Weapon Tether to bring lightsabre back to her hand, ready to use Parry/Reflect/Improved Reflect, Circle of Shelter, and Guardian of the Republic.

... Typical dice luck: 5 more LS pips than really needed on the Initiative check, then nothing but DS pips for at least 5 out of the following 6 rolls. :(

Mireska ends her turn standing by Varactyl squad and with 7/17 Wounds, 7/19 Strain, and Conflict 1.

The Destiny Pool is currently LS 1 vs. DS 7.

Edited by Bellona
Added end of turn summary.

Colin Trevorrow's Episode 9 script leaks: ohnotheydidnt — LiveJournal

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Droideka A:
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Be a terrible dance partner: You're a terrible dance partner : 5eA+2eC+4eS 1 success
a-s-s.png a-a-a.png a-a.png a-s.png a-s-a.png c-th.png c-th-th.png s-f.png s-f.png s-th.png s-f.png

Steps on her foot for 6 damage, 2 past Soak (I doubt you'd want to Parry that).

Droideka B:
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Flop on Jorin: Footstomp : 5eA+1eC+1eD+2eS 2 failures, 4 advantage
a-a-a.png a-a.png a-s.png a-a.png a-s-a.png c-f.png d-f-f.png s-f.png s-th.png

Nope, but it'll push him away with the Advantage. Since it can't take Move maneuvers or knock him prone, I'll say it takes all 4.

Droideka C (stupid auto 'mojis)
Maneuver: Move to Short
Maneuver: Deploy

Droideka D (stupid auto 'mojis)
Maneuver: Move to Short
Maneuver: Deploy

Action: Shoot at Varactyl Squad: Poor clones... : 3eP+2eA+1eD+1eS 1 success, 2 advantage
p--.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png a-a.png a--.png d-f-f.png s--.png

Aww... just barely got what it needed... 😢
(I gave them one extra skill rank by mistake, but sadly the last green die was blank, so it changes nothing. Now if only they also had one less rank in the characteristic, they would have missed. :P )

11*2-7*2=8, dropping Fury and Who gets hit? : 1d4 1 Hawk.
Fury: Critical Injury : 1d100 89
I'm getting XCOMed. 70% chance of survival and they both roll high!?
Hawk: Critical Injury : 1d100 41
At least he survived...

@Bellona , unless you want to do the Force-heal-y revive thing (which would be appreciated, but I'm not asking you to do it if you think something else would be better. The clones would love you forever, just sayin' ;) ), Fury is dead. There's only 1 spillover wound, not enough to really worry about healing. Best thing Mireska can do is just defend them at this point.

Poor Camo. He's standing there going "Shoot me! The guy stealing your tank!" and they're ignoring him. 😢

You haven't been adding +10 for each one that drops

16 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

You haven't been adding +10 for each one that drops

It's +10 on the individual soldier. If you look at the sheet you'll see how I've been accounting for it. If it's +10 on the group, then it'll get to a point where every single one that drops is dead, regardless of the result.

49 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It's +10 on the individual soldier. If you look at the sheet you'll see how I've been accounting for it. If it's +10 on the group, then it'll get to a point where every single one that drops is dead, regardless of the result.


23 hours ago, Bellona said:

Top of round 3

Mireska takes the first PC slot this round.

If allowed, she passes the 2 Triumphs back to their respective rollers (Camo and Jorin).

Manoeuvre: To the rescue! ...

Force Leap from Droideka A to Varactyl squad : 3eF 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

... She flips a Destiny Point from LS to DS, and take +1 Conflict and +1 Strain in order to use 1 DS pip for that Force Leap.

(This is why she's nowhere near becoming a "LS Paragon" despite being a Healer ... when the chips are down, she's willing to be expedient in the cause of saving lives.)

Incidental: drop lightsabre.

Unfortunately, one cannot un-commit Force dice until the end of one's turn, so Mireska still has only 3 Force dice for the next step. Unless our GM is willing to throw me a bone due to incredibly bad dice luck and lets me un-commit that fourth Force die prior to the following roll? @EliasWindrider

Action: Use Heal's Mastery upgrade to bring Fury back to life ...

Bring him back! (Heal Mastery upgrade) : 3eF 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

(Seriously?!? Five out of the last six Force dice rolls have been only DS pips! Orakos apparently really hates me right now. :( :( :( )

... or maybe I could be permitted to use the previous roll as a second attempt at a Force Leap manoeuvre instead (excusing the first manoeuvre as a failed one where no DS pips were used), and thereby be allowed to make one more attempt to get something useful out of those %?#¤ Force dice?

Incidental: use Magnetic Weapon Tether to bring lightsabre back to her hand, ready to use Parry/Reflect/Improved Reflect, Circle of Shelter, and Guardian of the Republic.

Sorry no bone for you.

@P-47 Thunderbolt

I've finished Mireska's round 3 IC post, so you can now do Camo's IC post.


It's Jorin's turn. Good luck with the dice! :)

ok... I'm going to try something. Jorin will Force throw Droideka B into A... (it says Ranged Attack + Force dice, but doesn't say what kind of "Range Attack".. please help)

29 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

ok... I'm going to try something. Jorin will Force throw Droideka B into A... (it says Ranged Attack + Force dice, but doesn't say what kind of "Range Attack".. please help)

First make sure that Jorin has at least one Strength upgrade, so that he can affect Silhouette 1 objects (like a droideka).

Use the Discipline skill for the ranged attack (it's in the long description of the Control: Hurl upgrade). The difficulty is based on the Silhouette of the object being thrown.

A Silhouette 1 object will do 10 damage. (Presumably increased by the Successes on the ranged attack roll?).

You'll need 1 pip to activate the basic version of the power, +1 for a Silhouette 1 object.


Droidekas are Rivals, but they're not named Rivals so I don't expect them to be able to resist the Force power.

Also, you might want the Control: Pull upgrade too, depending on what our GM rules.

Edited by Bellona
Just now, Bellona said:

First make sure that Jorin has at least one Strength upgrade, so that he can affect Silhouette 1 objects (like a droideka).

Use the Discipline skill for the ranged attack (it's in the long description of the Control: Hurl upgrade). The difficulty is based on the Silhouette of the object being thrown.

A Silhouette 1 object will do 10 damage. (Presumably increased by the Successes on the ranged attack roll?).

You'll need 1 pip to activate the basic version of the power, +1 for a Silhouette 1 object.

Is a Droideka Sil 1?

Just now, RuusMarev said:

Is a Droideka Sil 1?

I've been told that unless a stat block indicates otherwise, that a monster/foe/whatever is assumed to be Silhouette 1.

By the way, if you want to hit multiple targets with multiple objects, use the Autofire rules.

Using Move to move an object in order to hit a target like this follows all the rules for ranged attacks, including Ranged Defence (on the target's side) and Aim (on your side).

Jorin Force Push droideka (AIM) : 2eA+2eP+2eF+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph, 3 Light Side
a-s.png a-s-a.png p-tr.png p-s.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png b-a.png d-th.png

Ok, if I understand this, One Pip activates my power, then One Pip to affect one target. Can I spend my 2 Pips to send Droideka A & B into C and D?

4 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

Jorin Force Push droideka (AIM) : 2eA+2eP+2eF+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph, 3 Light Side
a-s.png a-s-a.png p-tr.png p-s.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png b-a.png d-th.png

Ok, if I understand this, One Pip activates my power, then One Pip to affect one target. Can I spend my 2 Pips to send Droideka A & B into C and D?

(Lucky you not having to deal with their Defence values!)

I believe that such an action falls under the Autofire rules. In that case you need to roll one more Difficulty die.

I'm not sure if you also need to use 2 Advantages to activate the Autofire quality. Personally, I wouldn't think so as you've already "paid" for the Autofire activation by using an extra Force pip to send a second object flying, but others might disagree. Maybe the Triumph can be used to activate the Autofire instead?

By the way, is your Boost the one from Camo or from using a manoeuvre to Aim?


Errrr, you do recall that without your Breach 1 lightsabre, that you have to get through Soak 15 to deal damage to a shielded droideka?

14 minutes ago, Bellona said:


Errrr, you do recall that without your Breach 1 lightsabre, that you have to get through Soak 15 to deal damage to a shielded droideka?

... well it works in CW, and I'm all alone, I figured if Jorin could pull this off, it would look awesome as Droideka's crashed into each other and gave us some breathing room :D (and they cause +10 damage to each other, correct?)

You need a magnitude target to affect multiple targets, autofire rules do not apply. You purchased pretty much the whole move tree if memory serves so your 3 pips is enough. You have 4 magnitude upgrades so you can affect 5 targets 4 of those can be the 4 droideekas and you can float them to be next to each other, the 5th target can be the sil 3 shield generator so 30 +4 damage that you smoosh the droideekas with and break.


Edited by EliasWindrider
28 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

You need a magnitude target to affect multiple targets, autofire rules do not apply.

If Jorin had been using Move on 2 droidekas (objects) in order to hurl them at 2 other droidekas (targets), then I believe that the following sentence from the Control: Hurl upgrade would have been applicable: "If the player wants to use multiple objects to hit multiple targets, he may do so by using the rules for hitting multiple targets with the Auto-fire quality."

As it stands, your idea of using the shield generator itself is very elegant! ("Go big or go home!" sounds like an appropriate rule of thumb for using Move. :D )

42 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

You need a magnitude target to affect multiple targets, autofire rules do not apply. You purchased pretty much the whole move tree if memory serves so your 3 pips is enough. You have 4 magnitude upgrades so you can affect 5 targets 4 of those can be the 4 droideekas and you can float them to be next to each other, the 5th target can be the sil 3 shield generator so 30 +4 damage that you smoosh the droideekas with and break.


Are you saying that Jorin can hurl 4 Droidekas into the shield generator?

1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:

Are you saying that Jorin can hurl 4 Droidekas into the shield generator?

Jorin can hold the 4 droidekas together in a clump, then hurl the shield generator at them for that huge amount of damage.

O_O yes, yes please! Let's do that!!

let's throw "I need a hero" on the speakers as Camouflage watches :D

Jorin is growing!

3 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

O_O yes, yes please! Let's do that!!

let's throw "I need a hero" on the speakers as Camouflage watches :D

Jorin is growing!

You got a very lucky dice roll 3 white pips on 2 dice. And success.

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

You got a very lucky dice roll 3 white pips on 2 dice. And success.

I dont question the Digital Dice Gods, for they are fickle and by their grace heap great gifts upon us in our dire need.

1 hour ago, RuusMarev said:

I dont question the Digital Dice Gods, for they are fickle and by their grace heap great gifts upon us in our dire need.

Looking forward to seeing your ic post. After you break the shield generator the shield will come down and you'll have to deal with ventress.

She got a crap initiative check, no triumph, 8 success and 5 advantage (the corrupted crystal gives her a free ds pip on force power checks) btw she showed up with a force die committed to sense defense

Initiative : 5eP+4eF 4 successes, 5 advantage, 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-s-s.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s.png p-a-a.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png


She'll take a droid slot at the end of this round and her own slot near the beginning of next round. Btw she has adversary 3 (I think I forgot to put it on her character sheet)

Draw closer on Mireska : 5eP+4eF+2eC+4eS 2 successes, 6 advantage, 1 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ds.png c--.png c--.png s--.png s--.png s-th.png s-th.png

Oops I forgot to remove a setback for custom grip (drop the one off the end) and add a boost

Missing boost : 1eB 1 success

So 15 damage minus 4 for parry equals 11 and 9 advantage, on top of the 7 Mireska already has that will bring Mireska to 18 which is 1 over threshold which renders Mireska unconscious, 2 will be used for djem sum disarming Mireska and the other 7 for a crit +30 +10 for vicious

Crit on Mireska : 1d100+40 47

Head ringer +purple to intellect and cunning checks until the end of the encounter

She'll come up on a speeder bike jump off it in a flip maul style with one saber ignited, reach out her hand draw Mireska over to her twirl sabers with Mireska for a bit (parry) disarming her flipping it up into the air and catching it as a maneuver and bashing Mireska over her head with the saber and as Mireska collapses at her feat say "I felt a disturbance in the Force, I can only assume it was you, or maybe it was your apprentice, you didn't put up much of a fight."

Edited by EliasWindrider