PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Well, you put the inmates in charge of the Asylum :D :D :D :D

@Bellona @MrTInce @P-47 Thunderbolt

If @Von3679 continues to be unresponsive, you are free to permanently write him out of the campaign if you don't want to deal with it and I'm not able to post for a while.

I've been having to pm him to get him to respond in thread and at this point I consider character death to be an appropriate course of action. I've already given him his final warning in a pm.

Attack : 1eD+1eC+2eS+3eA+2eP 2 successes, 2 advantage
d-th.png c-f.png s-th.png s-f.png a-a-a.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png p-s.png p-a.png

2 advantage activates crit.

2 hours ago, Von3679 said:

Attack : 1eD+1eC+2eS+3eA+2eP 2 successes, 2 advantage
d-th.png c-f.png s-th.png s-f.png a-a-a.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png p-s.png p-a.png

2 advantage activates crit.

What do you want to do with the 2 advantage and you need to narrate it in the ic thread.

1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

What do you want to do with the 2 advantage and you need to narrate it in the ic thread.

In the post he said "2 Advantage activates crit."

That's one STAP down as the saber doesn't have enough damage to take one out by itself.


It would probably help communication if you set your preferences to follow the three threads for this campaign (Misc, OOC, and IC).

(The same goes for any play-by-forum-post campaign.)

Once Kain Eldar's turn is finished (including posting the results IC), then it's the single STAP (if it's still in one piece), then Mireska, then the rest of the STAPs.

Edited by Bellona
9 hours ago, Bellona said:

Once Kain Eldar's turn is finished (including posting the results IC), then it's the single STAP (if it's still in one piece), then Mireska, then the rest of the STAPs.

We took out two groups, so depending on how @EliasWindrider wants to handle the initiative slots, that would be PCs, then 2 groups of 3 and a group of 2.

The way I handle initiative slots is that the PCs get to target particular initiative slots by targeting the NPC(s) in that slot. If they eliminate the NPC(s), that slot is eliminated.

This stems from a more rigid interpretation of initiative order.

Gotcha. Wanted to clarify the dmg bfr i posted IC. Will do so now.

I'm putting this here just in case I'm not available to post when it actually is Mireska's turn ...

Mireska - starting at Speed 2 and Medium planetary range from KE - takes 2 manoeuvres to Fly/Drive to reach Close planetary range with KE. This gives her BARC +2 SysS and herself +2 Strain. (She'll need one more round to decelerate to Speed 0 so that KE can board the sidecar, unless Force-enhanced acrobatics and jetpack shenanigans are involved somehow.)

Not liking the risk of flying with SysS, she then takes the Damage Control action to remove the SysS from her BARC, combining it with the Flow power to regain her Strain ...

Damage Ctrl plus Flow power w. upgrade : 2eP+2eA+2eD+4eF 4 successes, 1 threat, 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png a--.png a-s.png d--.png d-f-th.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png

4 Successes are more than enough to remove the SysS from the BARC.

1 Threat could be taken as +1 Strain to Mireska, due to the thought of doing this literally on the fly (resulting in 3/18 ST).

4 LS pips are then more than enough to remove the Strain taken by Mireska, leaving her at 0/18 ST again. She managed to let the Force direct her hands to do what was needed to the BARC, and was greatly relieved when it worked.

Realising that she's now in the thick of things, she uses the Quick Draw incidental to draw and activate her lightsabre, thus having it ready to Reflect, etc. as needed. (Inspired in part by the Rutian twi'lek in the opening illustration of chapter VII/Starships and Vehicles on pp. 228-229 in the FaD CRB.)

According to our GM's reply on OOC p. 87, when asked about piloting a BARC with an activated lightsabre in one hand: " You'd get a setback on any pilot check you had to make, maybe more if it were a particularly crazy pilot check." (I'm assuming that "pilot check" refers to Piloting [Planetary]; please correct me it it's a more general-purpose Setback.)

@EliasWindrider :

It occurs to me that if an expert sniper or extremely lucky droid were to shoot at Mireska now, then it could result in in her dropping her lightsabre - at speed on an active battlefield. It would be almost impossible for her to recover it on the spot, and chances are that it would be already looted by the other side if she came back later with a large enough force to keep the CIS off her back while looking for it.

(In case you needed a good excuse to detach the lightsabre from Mireska without having Ventress actually kill her. Of all the Jedi PCs, Mireska is the least likely to survive such an encounter.)

Edited by Bellona

The most intact npcs will go before Mireska, and they will target Kain Eldar. Then Mireska then whatever NPCs are left, then top of the order.

@P-47 Thunderbolt I've lost track of the still available adversaries, what's the status of the NPCs?

7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

The most intact npcs will go before Mireska, and they will target Kain Eldar. Then Mireska then whatever NPCs are left, then top of the order.

@P-47 Thunderbolt I've lost track of the still available adversaries, what's the status of the NPCs?

2 full groups of 3 STAPs, 1 group of 2 STAPs.

Ker'see and Camouflage each took out a full group, Jorin missed, and Kain took out one member of a group.

Shooting at Kain Eldar : 2eP+2eD+3eS 0 successes, 4 threat
p--.png p-s-s.png d-th-th.png d-f-f.png s-th.png s-th.png s--.png

@Von3679 they missed you, how do you want to spend the threat?

@Bellona yeah pilot planetary would be appropriate, but you haven't announced anything needing a piloting check. The jet pack "shenanigans" for Kain Eldar to land on the moving stretcher would require an average pilot check from both of you, with a setback to each unless you deactivate your sabers first. Kain Eldar would need to spend an action for the pilot check. Mireska can make the check as an out of turn incidental.

@Bellona would you narrate the droids missing Kain Eldar when you narrate your turn?

Edited by EliasWindrider
6 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Shooting at Kain Eldar : 2eP+2eD+3eS 0 successes, 4 threat
p--.png p-s-s.png d-th-th.png d-f-f.png s-th.png s-th.png s--.png

@Von3679 they missed you, how do you want to spend the threat?

@Bellona yeah pilot planetary would be appropriate, but you haven't announced anything needing a piloting check. The jet pack "shenanigans" for Kain Eldar to land on the moving stretcher would require an average pilot check from both of you, with a setback to each unless you deactivate your sabers first. Kain Eldar would need to spend an action for the pilot check. Mireska can make the check as an out of turn incidental.

@Bellona would you narrate the droids missing Kain Eldar when you narrate your turn?

Yep, I'll do so. Just give me a few minutes to sort out the IC post. :)


... And done.

Edited by Bellona
IC post update.


if i’m looking at the right stuff, i can add 2 setback to the staps next attack?

17 hours ago, Von3679 said:


if i’m looking at the right stuff, i can add 2 setback to the staps next attack?


On 7/24/2020 at 6:59 PM, EliasWindrider said:

@Bellona yeah pilot planetary would be appropriate, but you haven't announced anything needing a piloting check. The jet pack "shenanigans" for Kain Eldar to land on the moving stretcher would require an average pilot check from both of you, with a setback to each unless you deactivate your sabers first. Kain Eldar would need to spend an action for the pilot check. Mireska can make the check as an out of turn incidental.

@Von3679 :

Do you want to try this next turn? The "moving stretcher" is a sidecar variant for transporting injured persons. (The characters already on Christophsis had no idea what KE's condition would be by the time that they reached his crash site.)

If the others agree, Kain Eldar can attempt the "landing" check at the top of the next round (and Mireska will try her check out-of-turn simultaneously with him). If we both succeed, then she can start flying away from the droids on her own turn (preferably taken right after KE's turn).

Edited by Bellona

@Bellona so... basically he lands on the sidecar?

49 minutes ago, Von3679 said:

@Bellona so... basically he lands on the sidecar?

That would be my understanding of what @EliasWindrider meant.

Since it's a sidecar with a stretcher attachment, my guess is that it doesn't have the optional light repeating blaster (personal scale) mounted on it.

6 hours ago, Bellona said:

That would be my understanding of what @EliasWindrider meant.

Since it's a sidecar with a stretcher attachment, my guess is that it doesn't have the optional light repeating blaster (personal scale) mounted on it.

Correct on both counts.

@Bellona , @EliasWindrider , @Von3679

Are we treating Jetpacks like the book says, or how Clone Wars/Rebels show them?

In CW and Rebels, you can have sustained flight over a pretty good distance. If our new friend has all their gear, we could all just leave the engagement, correct? Regroup and head back to the base...

13 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

@Bellona , @EliasWindrider , @Von3679

Are we treating Jetpacks like the book says, or how Clone Wars/Rebels show them?

In CW and Rebels, you can have sustained flight over a pretty good distance. If our new friend has all their gear, we could all just leave the engagement, correct? Regroup and head back to the base...

Works for me if our GM allows it. The stretcher business was mainly because we had no idea if the downed pilot would need it or not.

(If our GM mentioned some extra, jetpack-related [house] rules earlier, then I must have missed/skimmed over them - probably due to thinking that Mireska wouldn't find herself using one.)

1 hour ago, RuusMarev said:

@Bellona , @EliasWindrider , @Von3679

Are we treating Jetpacks like the book says, or how Clone Wars/Rebels show them?

In CW and Rebels, you can have sustained flight over a pretty good distance. If our new friend has all their gear, we could all just leave the engagement, correct? Regroup and head back to the base...

You can have sustained flight over pretty good distance, you can't travel to the other side of a planet with them the way you could with a speeder and as a narrative thing you don't want to use them more than you have to.

The house rules are that normally jetpack are for narrative movement. If you want to use them in a combat encounter (because unlimited number of personal range bands movement per round pretty overpowered) you flip one or two (I forget which) and every player controlled character can use them. But if everyone in the encounter has vehicle scale movement, I wave the dp flip.

5 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

You can have sustained flight over pretty good distance, you can't travel to the other side of a planet with them the way you could with a speeder and as a narrative thing you don't want to use them more than you have to.

The house rules are that normally jetpack are for narrative movement. If you want to use them in a combat encounter (because unlimited number of personal range bands movement per round pretty overpowered) you flip one or two (I forget which) and every player controlled character can use them. But if everyone in the encounter has vehicle scale movement, I wave the dp flip.

Well, if the DP flip is waived in this case, then we might as well just get the heck out of Dodge (without any jetpack acrobatics).