PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

3 hours ago, Bellona said:

Then I guess that Mireska will hold back a bit from the others, i.e., letting one of them take her rolled Initiative slot, and taking the last PC slot for herself. Which means that she takes Camo's slot, I guess. :)

I'm good with that. :D

3 hours ago, Bellona said:

I'm assuming that you mean the Medium planetary surface range band.

What is our approach speed: the BARCs' maximum (3) or less?

I'd suggest 2, that seems like a good cruising speed. We're unlikely to have been going at top speed. But it doesn't really make a difference since 2 and 3 are in the same speed bracket.

Medium planetary is between roughly 50-100 kilometers according to the book, so I think he meant Medium on the Personal-scale (that would mesh with the "on vehicles, so range bands might get a bit crazy" line). Especially as the droids are using Personal-scale weaponry with a shorter max range.

@EliasWindrider , are we determining difficulty off of range or Silhouette? If Silhouette, it'll be Average all around.

3 hours ago, Bellona said:

Will the Sense power upgrade which upgrades an attacker's difficulty pool also work against enemy pilots while the user is piloting a vehicle?

Per a dev answered question, no (the attack targets the vehicle, not the character). But the dev also states that it is a reasonable houserule for small, fast ships like a Speed 3<, sil <3.

2 hours ago, Bellona said:

(I'm a total noob when it comes to vehicles and vehicular combat in this system.)

If my understanding is correct, then it will take Mireska 5 rounds to approach from planetary Medium to Close range of Kain (2 manoeuvres, spread over 2 rounds) and decelerate from max speed (3 to 0) so that she ends up next to Kain (3 more manoeuvres, likewise spread over 3 more rounds).

Assuming that nothing goes wrong and that Kain is mobile, then Kain could get into the sidecar on that 5th round, and Mireska could start accelerating away in round 6 (again, taking 5 rounds to reach her original starting point and speed).

The BARCs have only 4 SysST, so making a second maneouvre in a single round is inadvisable due to the +2 SysS cost. (Barring any talents/powers which reduce or negate SysS, none of which Mireska has.) So that leaves the actions free for other stuff, like activatng a Force power or firing a weapon.

Presuming it is Medium planetary...

If Mireska takes the strain for a second maneuver, she could take the Damage Control action (Average since you'd be at 1/2 threshold) to reduce the current System Strain. With 4 Intellect, it ought to hold you up decently. And since you have to get to 5 System Strain to actually incapacitate the vehicle, you've got some wiggle room.

At a speed of 2, it takes 2 Maneuvers to go from Medium to Close, maybe a third to move within Close and get up to Kain Eldar depending on how the GM rules it. With 2 Maneuvers to decelerate to 0, that's 5 total.

At 3 Move maneuvers:
Round 1: Take 2 Move Maneuvers (Medium-Close) and maybe take a Damage Control check (2 Strain).
Round 2: Decelerate (2-1), maybe shoot or perform Damage Control.
Round 3: Move to Kain Eldar and Decelerate. This should put the bike at no higher than 2 System Strain, so additional strain for an action is not likely to be necessary.

At 2 Move maneuvers:
Round 1: 2 Move Maneuvers (Medium-Kain) and Damage Control action (2 Strain).
Round 2: Decelerate twice (2-0) and maybe take a Damage Control action for another 2 Strain.

If it's Medium Personal-Scale...

High speed works against you, and your only concern is how fast you can decelerate. If the GM would allow Kain to board while you are moving, slowing to speed 1 and moving close enough might be sufficient.

Round 1: 1 Move Maneuver, Decelerate. Maybe Damage Control (2 Strain).
Round 1, Kain: Athletics check? To board while moving?
Round 2, if no: Decelerate, Action.
Round 2, Kain: Maneuver to board.

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Per a dev answered question, no (the attack targets the vehicle, not the character). But the dev also states that it is a reasonable houserule for small, fast ships like a Speed 3<, sil <3.

My main line of reasoning here is that the BARC doesn't enclose the character completely (ditto for the STAPs, IIRC), unlike a starfighter or a freighter, for example.

1 minute ago, Bellona said:

My main line of reasoning here is that the BARC doesn't enclose the character completely (ditto for the STAPs, IIRC), unlike a starfighter or a freighter, for example.

It would be reasonable, in my opinion, but it still technically doesn't apply. The language is pretty specific.

@Bellona . Go with @P-47 Thunderbolt answers.

Regarding sense, characters are not being targeted vehicles are. Which means you can be thrown clear in the event that you're speeder bike is destroyed.... so no sense.

However called shots could be made to target the pilot instead of the STAP/bike.

If you have the circle of shelter talent i'll let you use it to protect your bike.

Planetary medium. 2 maneuvers to get there, 2 to decelerate.

Here are initiative checks for the b1's on STAPs

Initiative : 1eA 1 success, 1 advantage

Initiative : 1eA 2 successes

Initiative : 1eA 1 success

Initiative : 1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage

Initiative 1eA 1 success

Initiative order for your convenience:

1. Ker'see 6s3a
2. Jorin 5s2a
3. Mireska 5s1a
4. STAP group 2s
5. Camouflage 1s3a
6-9. STAP groups

7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Bellona . Go with @P-47 Thunderbolt answers.

Regarding sense, characters are not being targeted vehicles are. Which means you can be thrown clear in the event that you're speeder bike is destroyed.... so no sense.

However called shots could be made to target the pilot instead of the STAP/bike.

If you have the circle of shelter talent i'll let you use it to protect your bike.

Planetary medium. 2 maneuvers to get there, 2 to decelerate.

Okay, so we're at Speed 2. :)

Called shots? I can't find them in the FaD CRB ... is that a talent or something else found in another book?

One last question about the pilot vs. vehicle stuff: what about the Protect power (which helps oneself or an Engaged ally in its basic form)?

1 minute ago, Bellona said:

Called shots? I can't find them in the FaD CRB ... is that a talent or something else found in another book?

It's in the chapter on combat, the section about Maneuvers, under Aiming. I don't know if it's in FaD (though I assume it would be), but here it is from EotE: "If the character spends one maneuver aiming to [make a Called Shot], his next combat check suffers [2 Setback]. If he spends two consecutive maneuvers aiming, the combat check suffers [1 Setback] instead."

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It's in the chapter on combat, the section about Maneuvers, under Aiming. I don't know if it's in FaD (though I assume it would be), but here it is from EotE: "If the character spends one maneuver aiming to [make a Called Shot], his next combat check suffers [2 Setback]. If he spends two consecutive maneuvers aiming, the combat check suffers [1 Setback] instead."

Yep, now that you've explained what it does I can find it under the Aim manoeuvre in FaD.

(Neither the description nor the index use the term "called shot", which is why I was confused.)

1 minute ago, Bellona said:

Yep, now that you've explained what it does I can find it under the Aim manoeuvre in FaD.

(Neither the description nor the index use the term "called shot", which is why I was confused.)

The term is used elsewhere in official materials, but it is strange that it isn't in the CRBs.

@MrTInce , @RuusMarev , the STAPs' weapons are Long range on the personal scale, so the only way they will get into range is if we take 2 Maneuvers to move to Close. However, we can't really just sit back since that's 5 groups targeting @Von3679 (who has yet to roll initiative, which makes the strategizing portion of this difficult). With a pool of YY, they'll be rolling against 3 Setback plus unknown difficulty, possibly upgraded if Kain commits Force dice with the sense power to upgrade the difficulty.

Minimum difficulty is probably 1eC+1eD+3eS, which makes success a distant prospect. With 6 Soak and 2 ranks of Reflect, he'd probably take 3-6 damage and 3-6 strain at a maximum.

On the other hand, the BARCs have 1 armor (funnily enough, same damage reduction as Kain, except that Pierce doesn't apply) so any successful attacks against them to nothing unless the droids are both successful and roll a Triumph.

So, what's the plan? Rush in, or hang back? Biggest worry for the BARCs right now is System Strain, but even that is unlikely to be an issue if handled correctly.

Then again, if we rush in we'll probably take out 2-3 groups in the opening salvo, reducing the chances that they'll hit anything.

Camo and Ker'see are statistically almost guaranteed to take out two entire groups. Jorin is less likely to, but a hit would take out two of the three.

Ker'see, still bitter from her last fight, will rush in.

3 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Initiative order for your convenience:

1. Ker'see 6s3a
2. Jorin 5s2a
3. Mireska 5s1a
4. STAP group 2s
5. Camouflage 1s3a
6-9. STAP groups

Can @Von3679 roll for initiative NOW!

3 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@MrTInce , @RuusMarev , the STAPs' weapons are Long range on the personal scale, so the only way they will get into range is if we take 2 Maneuvers to move to Close. However, we can't really just sit back since that's 5 groups targeting @Von3679 (who has yet to roll initiative, which makes the strategizing portion of this difficult). With a pool of YY, they'll be rolling against 3 Setback plus unknown difficulty, possibly upgraded if Kain commits Force dice with the sense power to upgrade the difficulty.

Minimum difficulty is probably 1eC+1eD+3eS, which makes success a distant prospect. With 6 Soak and 2 ranks of Reflect, he'd probably take 3-6 damage and 3-6 strain at a maximum.

On the other hand, the BARCs have 1 armor (funnily enough, same damage reduction as Kain, except that Pierce doesn't apply) so any successful attacks against them to nothing unless the droids are both successful and roll a Triumph.

So, what's the plan? Rush in, or hang back? Biggest worry for the BARCs right now is System Strain, but even that is unlikely to be an issue if handled correctly.

Pierce works against the character scale weapons on STAPs

3 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The term is used elsewhere in official materials, but it is strange that it isn't in the CRBs.

It's used in the gunslinger tree I think.

3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Pierce works against the character scale weapons on STAPs

Yes, but it doesn't work against Armor unless you are adopting the minor houserule I use that Pierce ignores .1 Armor.

2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

It's used in the gunslinger tree I think.

Yes, I think the talent is called "Call 'em."

It is also used in AoR FiB on the Built-in Blaster Sight.

Not sure where else.

33 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Can @Von3679 roll for initiative NOW!

Should the first three PCs go ahead and take their turns?

I suspect that Mireska will end up tending to yet another suddenly-knocked-unconscious Jedi if @Von3679 doesn't show up soon.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Yes, but it doesn't work against Armor unless you are adopting the minor houserule I use that Pierce ignores .1 Armor.

Yes, I think the talent is called "Call 'em."

It is also used in AoR FiB on the Built-in Blaster Sight.

Not sure where else.

1 breach ignores 1 armor isn't a house rule. And @Von3679 has soak not armor.

Staps against Barcs are hoping for crits.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Should the first three PCs go ahead and take their turns?


1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

1 breach ignores 1 armor isn't a house rule. And @Von3679 has soak not armor.

Staps against Barcs are hoping for crits.


I know. What exactly are you confused about?

I was saying that Kain's Soak+Reflect=10. 10 Soak=1 Armor.

So the BARCs and Kain reduce the same amount of damage, except that Pierce applies against Kain's Soak but not against the BARCs' Armor, which means Kain's adjusted Soak+Reflect is 9, while the BARCs' Armor remains the same.

So will take two maneuvers to get in range and will shoot with the weapon of droids she can see.

Gunnery against droids : 6eA+2eD 3 successes, 2 advantage
a-s.png a-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png d-f.png d-f-th.png

Will use two advantages to activate linked 1 for a total of 14 damage.

Just now, MrTInce said:

Will use two advantages to activate linked 1 for a total of 14 damage.

You do enough through straight damage to down all three in the group. (2*3=6, 7>6)

Jorin will follow Ker'see's example, 2 Maneuvers to get in range and fire.

Jorin Gunnery : 3eA+2eD 1 failure, 4 advantage
a-a-a.png a-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

And the expected result :D

(I picture B1's panicking at the incoming fire.... " Ayeeee, Jedi!" )

4 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Jorin will follow Ker'see's example, 2 Maneuvers to get in range and fire.

Jorin Gunnery : 3eA+2eD 1 failure, 4 advantage
a-a-a.png a-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

And the expected result :D

(I picture B1's panicking at the incoming fire.... " Ayeeee, Jedi!" )

On what are you spending the 4 Advantages? :)