PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

3 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Are force users use their force dice for initiative, or is it using a force power that gives that bonus?

Normally a force power... I did something special last time.

@MrTInce the b1's are on STAPs (single trooper aerial platform.... it's the reason why anyone in 5he encounter with jetpack can use them without flipping a dp)

6 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@MrTInce the b1's are on STAPs (single trooper aerial platform.... it's the reason why anyone in 5he encounter with jetpack can use them without flipping a dp)

Updated. I take it our BARCs are equipped with weapons?

Edited by MrTInce
52 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Updated. I take it our BARCs are equipped with weapons?

Forward-mounted twin light blaster canon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4, Critical 4; Range Close; Linked 1).

Since it's a vehicle-mounted weapon and has a planetary scale range, I assume that the damage is actually 40+ on the personal scale. Maybe someone can tell me if it requires the Gunnery or the Ranged (Heavy) skill? (I suspect that it'll be Gunnery.)

(That's not including what's mounted on the sidecar, but only the Duchess is riding in one and I can't quite see her using those weapons. :D )

46 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Forward-mounted twin light blaster canon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4, Critical 4; Range Close; Linked 1).

Since it's a vehicle-mounted weapon and has a planetary scale range, I assume that the damage is actually 40+ on the personal scale. Maybe someone can tell me if it requires the Gunnery or the Ranged (Heavy) skill? (I suspect that it'll be Gunnery.)

(That's not including what's mounted on the sidecar, but only the Duchess is riding in one and I can't quite see her using those weapons. :D )

She's got 4 agility...

25 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

She's got 4 agility...

But no opposable thumbs ...


The Duchess growls in response to your negativity. Translates to: "I am one with the Force. The Force is with me"

7 hours ago, MrTInce said:

Updated. I take it our BARCs are equipped with weapons?


6 hours ago, Bellona said:

Forward-mounted twin light blaster canon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4, Critical 4; Range Close; Linked 1).

Since it's a vehicle-mounted weapon and has a planetary scale range, I assume that the damage is actually 40+ on the personal scale. Maybe someone can tell me if it requires the Gunnery or the Ranged (Heavy) skill? (I suspect that it'll be Gunnery.)

(That's not including what's mounted on the sidecar, but only the Duchess is riding in one and I can't quite see her using those weapons. :D )

Primary weapon requires gunnery

On 7/15/2020 at 5:55 PM, EliasWindrider said:

@Von3679 is out of the ship behind cover and being attacked by b1's on staps. Roll for initiative, your choice which skill, other players start at the far end of medium range (although range bands are going to go crazy because of vehicles, anyone with a jet pack can use it without flipping a dp).

@P-47 Thunderbolt @Von3679 (and @ShockHelix and @jhh3 if your characters are participating in this little outing)


Can one steer/control a BARC with just one hand and using one's feet on any pedals, thus leaving one hand free?

Edited by Bellona
11 hours ago, Bellona said:


Can one steer/control a BARC with just one hand and using one's feet on any pedals, thus leaving one hand free?

Sure but wwith setback(s) and/or upgrades depending on what you're trying to do?

1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

Sure but wwith setback(s) and/or upgrades depending on what you're trying to do?

Right now I'm just wondering if Mireska could steer the BARC and have one hand free to Reflect if needed.


How many B1 droid groups are there (if they're gathered as minion groups), and can we see more than just the B1s?

58 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Right now I'm just wondering if Mireska could steer the BARC and have one hand free to Reflect if needed.

You'd get a setback on any pilot check you had to make, maybe more if it were a particularly crazy pilot check.

57 minutes ago, Bellona said:


How many B1 droid groups are there (if they're gathered as minion groups), and can we see more than just the B1s?

The b1's are on STAPs flying around I'm thinking 3 minion groups of 4

@Von3679 @P-47 Thunderbolt please roll initiative ( @jhh3 if you're going to participate, roll initiative)

Sorry for going AWOL, I had a few really lousy days. I'm back now.

@MrTInce , Camo wouldn't put forth a best case scenario, so can you please change the post to the spoiler text? I kept it similar, but changed it to fit the character better.

Initiative (expecting something, so Cool): Initiative (Cool) : 2eP+1eA 1 success, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a--.png

Guess he kinda deserves it for my delay. 😕

Yay poetic justice!

"Best case scenario, the clankers don't care about one crashed ship and are busy regrouping for another offensive. Best case scenarios are unlikely."
1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Sorry for going AWOL, I had a few really lousy days. I'm back now.

@MrTInce , Camo wouldn't put forth a best case scenario, so can you please change the post to the spoiler text? I kept it similar, but changed it to fit the character better.

Initiative (expecting something, so Cool): Initiative (Cool) : 2eP+1eA 1 success, 3 advantage
p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a--.png

Guess he kinda deserves it for my delay. 😕

Yay poetic justice!

"Best case scenario, the clankers don't care about one crashed ship and are busy regrouping for another offensive. Best case scenarios are unlikely."

Done :)



Jorin's eyes dart quickly, surveying the situation. Masters, if I may... Camouflage, Ker'see and myself can provide cover, as Master Mireska retrieves our colleague.

Out of curiosity, did you mean cover or covering fire?

1 hour ago, Bellona said:


Out of curiosity, did you mean cover or covering fire?

Pew pew pew :)

I figured since the rest of us are more combat oriented, we could provide covering fire as our resident medic goes in for the pickup... hopefully we pull in their attention enough for Mireska to grab the downed Jedi..

On 7/15/2020 at 5:55 PM, EliasWindrider said:

... the crash site where @Von3679 is out of the ship behind cover and being attacked by b1's on staps.

... other players start at the far end of medium range (although range bands are going to go crazy because of vehicles, anyone with a jet pack can use it without flipping a dp).

I'm assuming that you mean the Medium planetary surface range band.

What is our approach speed: the BARCs' maximum (3) or less?

5 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Pew pew pew :)

I figured since the rest of us are more combat oriented, we could provide covering fire as our resident medic goes in for the pickup... hopefully we pull in their attention enough for Mireska to grab the downed Jedi..

Good plan.

Then I guess that Mireska will hold back a bit from the others, i.e., letting one of them take her rolled Initiative slot, and taking the last PC slot for herself. Which means that she takes Camo's slot, I guess. :)

Edited by Bellona


Will the Sense power upgrade which upgrades an attacker's difficulty pool also work against enemy pilots while the user is piloting a vehicle?

Also, for the first page of the OOC: Mireska now has 18 ST.

(I'm a total noob when it comes to vehicles and vehicular combat in this system.)

If my understanding is correct, then it will take Mireska 5 rounds to approach from planetary Medium to Close range of Kain (2 manoeuvres, spread over 2 rounds) and decelerate from max speed (3 to 0) so that she ends up next to Kain (3 more manoeuvres, likewise spread over 3 more rounds).

Assuming that nothing goes wrong and that Kain is mobile, then Kain could get into the sidecar on that 5th round, and Mireska could start accelerating away in round 6 (again, taking 5 rounds to reach her original starting point and speed).

The BARCs have only 4 SysST, so making a second maneouvre in a single round is inadvisable due to the +2 SysS cost. (Barring any talents/powers which reduce or negate SysS, none of which Mireska has.) So that leaves the actions free for other stuff, like activatng a Force power or firing a weapon.