PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

4 hours ago, Bellona said:

@EliasWindrider @RuusMarev

According to the lightsabre crafting tables at the back of Endless Vigil , the only example given for a defensive lightsabre template is the guard shoto ( Keeping the Peace ). The regular shoto (FaD CRB) is among the examples given for a precision lightsabre template.

(The guard shoto has a lot of defensive bonuses, but it requires Agility 4 to wield without suffering the Unwieldy penalty.)

How close are we keeping to the examples given on that template table?

There are normal size precision lightsaber (e.g. light foil) and defensive lightsaber

But if you wanted a narative "shoto" you'd make one of these.

@RuusMarev there is an error on the webpage, book says damage for defensive saber is normal -1 = 5 for the defensive lightsaber, but it gives you +1 to melee defense, there is no mention of unwieldy associated with the defensive lightsaber.

43 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

There are normal size precision lightsaber (e.g. light foil) and defensive lightsaber

But if you wanted a narative "shoto" you'd make one of these.

@RuusMarev there is an error on the webpage, book says damage for defensive saber is normal -1 = 5 for the defensive lightsaber, but it gives you +1 to melee defense, there is no mention of unwieldy associated with the defensive lightsaber.


Mentioned in Gear and Gadgets:

Guard Shoto Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 (R) 9700 10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4


Rereading the tables, it has examples of Precision as shoto, foil, dagger... I assumed the -1 damage was due to the shorter blades.. The description in the table was the same for both, except for Accurate/Defense stat so I assumed it was basically like Ahsoka's standard shoto style..

But the cost of the template seems to go more towards the Guard Shoto.. do we want to treat Jorins shoto as a defensive variant of the Precision, with the weapon qualities listed in the crafting table or make it the Guard (Tonfa) style with the extra Weapon qualities? (once an actual crystal is installed, for breach and sunder) I planned on having Jorin build the Guard/Tonfa variant later on, but I'm ok with saying he got one now, and deal with the inevitable hardships of attempting to use a weapon he isn't quite ready for.. ( the way my dice rolls have been going, I assume he isn't going to do so well and he's going to have an interesting time with failures, disadvantage and despairs :) )

22 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:


Mentioned in Gear and Gadgets:

Guard Shoto Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 (R) 9700 10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4


Rereading the tables, it has examples of Precision as shoto, foil, dagger... I assumed the -1 damage was due to the shorter blades.. The description in the table was the same for both, except for Accurate/Defense stat so I assumed it was basically like Ahsoka's standard shoto style..

But the cost of the template seems to go more towards the Guard Shoto.. do we want to treat Jorins shoto as a defensive variant of the Precision, with the weapon qualities listed in the crafting table or make it the Guard (Tonfa) style with the extra Weapon qualities? (once an actual crystal is installed, for breach and sunder) I planned on having Jorin build the Guard/Tonfa variant later on, but I'm ok with saying he got one now, and deal with the inevitable hardships of attempting to use a weapon he isn't quite ready for.. ( the way my dice rolls have been going, I assume he isn't going to do so well and he's going to have an interesting time with failures, disadvantage and despairs :) )

Sabers crafted using the crafting table uses crafting table stats not non crafting stats for specific lightsaber types.

If you craft a "defensive lightsaber" you get "defensive lightsaber" stats whether it's narratively a guard shoto or something else. The separate stats for a guard shoto have nothing to do with the "defensive lightsaber" stats.

The stats for a defensive lightsaber are damage -1, defensive (+1 melee defense), 1 enc, 3 hp

You should be using oggdude's generator for crafting, it implements the rules with high fidelity, the only discrepancy I'm aware of is the alchemical crafted protective amulet omits that it protects you from drowning and dying in a vacuum.

Edited by EliasWindrider
12 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Sabers crafted using the crafting table uses crafting table stats not non crafting stats for specific lightsaber types.

If you craft a "defensive lightsaber" you get "defensive lightsaber" stats whether it's narratively a guard shoto or something else. The separate stats for a guard shoto have nothing to do with the "defensive lightsaber" stats.

The stats for a defensive lightsaber are damage -1, defensive (+1 melee defense), 1 enc, 3 hp

Good with me :)

(Didn't think it would, just thought it was odd that the two were almost identical in stats and description, but one cost more.)

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

You should be using oggdude's generator for crafting, it implements the rules with high fidelity, the only discrepancy I'm aware of is the alchemical crafted protective amulet omits that it protects you from drowning and dying in a vacuum.

Oggdude fixed the Protective Amulet in the latest version (possibly after some prodding from me when he asked for bug reports just before releasing that version), so now there's only a spelling error in that description. :)

On 6/10/2020 at 3:03 PM, Bellona said:


By the way (in case there was any doubt), Mireska did follow through on her promise to heal the sniper prisoner's blindness once the Jedi group returned to the GAR garrison. That was part of Mireska's block of time spent in Medical after their return. (Before the lightsabre crafting.)

Do you want me to roll for Critical Injury removal? She'll have two opportunities: one with a mundane Medicine skill check, one with an otherwise successful combined Heal power/Medicine skill check (i.e., the Heal power has to be properly activated before the accompanying Medicine check is possible).

Bump ...

1 hour ago, Bellona said:

Bump ...

No roll needed

@P-47 Thunderbolt you're going to need to hotwire the ship to get it airborne, 2 purple 2 black mechanics.

Master Artisan and Gearhead: Hotwiring the C-9979 : 2eP+2eA+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-a-a.png a-s.png a-s.png d-f-th.png s-th.png

Since this would be after Balyeg is up here, can I spend the Triumph to lock the door?

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Master Artisan and Gearhead: Hotwiring the C-9979 : 2eP+2eA+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-a-a.png a-s.png a-s.png d-f-th.png s-th.png

Since this would be after Balyeg is up here, can I spend the Triumph to lock the door?

Balyeg should be closing the ramp over the span of 2 rounds and firing out to keep the droids out.

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

Balyeg should be closing the ramp over the span of 2 rounds and firing out to keep the droids out.

I'm talking about the door we just came through. Locking it to keep the droids out. What ramp are you talking about Balyeg closing? Can't we control it from the bridge?

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm talking about the door we just came through. Locking it to keep the droids out. What ramp are you talking about Balyeg closing? Can't we control it from the bridge?

Sure you can lock the door you just went through, if you have a maneuver you haven't used.

Does it make sense to you to have the controls for a ramp anywhere but next to the ramp?

19 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Sure you can lock the door you just went through, if you have a maneuver you haven't used.

Does it make sense to you to have the controls for a ramp anywhere but next to the ramp?

What ramp are you talking about? If you're talking about the ship's "maw," earlier you said we could close it from the bridge,* and yes it kinda does actually. In such an automated ship, it makes sense for the nerve center to have those controls, especially if under attack from the outside where getting someone close enough to close it might be hard.

Alright look, here's my current understanding of the situation, so tell me where I'm wrong:

Camo and Varactyl Squad are in the bridge.
Condor and Balyeg Squad are just outside the bridge, holding off the droid Phalanxes.
The droid Phalanxes are either just outside or just inside the bay.
It'll take 2 turns to close the bay doors.

I was thinking Balyeg was going to join us in the bridge so that Condor can fly the darn thing, so I was wanting to use the Triumph to lock the door once they joined us since that roll is for the turn after the one I just posted IC.

*Quoted verbatim: " No to that use of triumphs,you're going to need to get to the cockpit to close the bay doors, you're locked out of the in bay controls."

22 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What ramp are you talking about? If you're talking about the ship's "maw," earlier you said we could close it from the bridge,* and yes it kinda does actually. In such an automated ship, it makes sense for the nerve center to have those controls, especially if under attack from the outside where getting someone close enough to close it might be hard.

Alright look, here's my current understanding of the situation, so tell me where I'm wrong:

Camo and Varactyl Squad are in the bridge.
Condor and Balyeg Squad are just outside the bridge, holding off the droid Phalanxes.
The droid Phalanxes are either just outside or just inside the bay.
It'll take 2 turns to close the bay doors.

I was thinking Balyeg was going to join us in the bridge so that Condor can fly the darn thing, so I was wanting to use the Triumph to lock the door once they joined us since that roll is for the turn after the one I just posted IC.

*Quoted verbatim: " No to that use of triumphs,you're going to need to get to the cockpit to close the bay doors, you're locked out of the in bay controls."

I forgot I said that so ok to bridge controls.

My understanding was that balyeg was at the maw and 2 maneuvers (due to difficult terrain I didn't spell out the reason for this previously) away from the bridge. And the phalanx are 2 maneuvers from the ship. So it is possible for the front lines to get inside the maw just before it closes.

Okay, if Balyeg is holding off the droids for two rounds, then I'll have Varactyl squad go out and join them. Would one maneuver get them into range, or would it have to be two?

I'll use the Triumph to upgrade Condor's next check, and 2 Advantage from First Among Brothers to give Condor a Boost.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Okay, if Balyeg is holding off the droids for two rounds, then I'll have Varactyl squad go out and join them. Would one maneuver get them into range, or would it have to be two?

I'll use the Triumph to upgrade Condor's next check, and 2 Advantage from First Among Brothers to give Condor a Boost.

2 maneuvers

Then they'll just take the one for now, advancing cautiously.

4 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Then they'll just take the one for now, advancing cautiously.

That makes it @ShockHelix 's turn, if I followed things correctly.


Well, before I take my turn, I guess let's figure out what that crit is going to be. Condor will take it at +20(And the 6 dmg with it), and I'll have the non-crit hit go to Titan, putting him to 6/10 on his WT. Concerning the generated threat, since it comes from two rolls, I would prefer one of the groups get a boost to their next attack for the advantage they got, and the 2 threat from the crit attack be used for a free maneuver so they can start moving back towards the bridge if that's allowed?

Edited by ShockHelix
2 hours ago, ShockHelix said:


Well, before I take my turn, I guess let's figure out what that crit is going to be. Condor will take it at +20(And the 6 dmg with it), and I'll have the non-crit hit go to Titan, putting him to 6/10 on his WT. Concerning the generated threat, since it comes from two rolls, I would prefer one of the groups get a boost to their next attack for the advantage they got, and the 2 threat from the crit attack be used for a free maneuver so they can start moving back towards the bridge if that's allowed?

Because you're squaded up directing a hit to a minion kills the minion (aor gm screen adventure rules)

You can get the free maneuver.

If you move back towards the bridge, you will lose line of sight to the droids, you can't shoot them, they can't shoot you and the front lines will get inside the ship just before the doors shut.

Crit on condor : 1d100+20 23

Off balance, setback to next attack

Edited by EliasWindrider
11 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Because you're squaded up directing a hit to a minion kills the minion (aor gm screen adventure rules)

You can get the free maneuver.

Right, I keep forgetting that. Both hits to Condor then, and I'll instead use the free maneuver so he can stimpack himself, and then for their turn I'll use an incidental to dismiss Balyeg being squadded up, and have both Condor and Balyeg take 2 maneuvers to get to the bridge like you mentioned. I'll forgo the action for Balyeg to have the 2nd maneuver, and have Condor take two strain, leaving him with an action when they get to the Bridge.

Questions concerning the bridge - Are there any droids left alive in there, and can I shut the door to the bridge at this point with Condor's action?

14 minutes ago, ShockHelix said:

Right, I keep forgetting that. Both hits to Condor then, and I'll instead use the free maneuver so he can stimpack himself, and then for their turn I'll use an incidental to dismiss Balyeg being squadded up, and have both Condor and Balyeg take 2 maneuvers to get to the bridge like you mentioned. I'll forgo the action for Balyeg to have the 2nd maneuver, and have Condor take two strain, leaving him with an action when they get to the Bridge.

Questions concerning the bridge - Are there any droids left alive in there, and can I shut the door to the bridge at this point with Condor's action?

We killed the droids, but you can't shut the door yet because the Varactyls are still out there. However, the droids won't be able to get into sight range on their next turn, so for all intents and purposes we're done here. We can just all book it for the bridge and take off, correct?

3 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

We killed the droids, but you can't shut the door yet because the Varactyls are still out there. However, the droids won't be able to get into sight range on their next turn, so for all intents and purposes we're done here. We can just all book it for the bridge and take off, correct?

I have nothing that I haven't already said to add to that. 😈

3 hours ago, ShockHelix said:

Right, I keep forgetting that. Both hits to Condor then, and I'll instead use the free maneuver so he can stimpack himself, and then for their turn I'll use an incidental to dismiss Balyeg being squadded up, and have both Condor and Balyeg take 2 maneuvers to get to the bridge like you mentioned. I'll forgo the action for Balyeg to have the 2nd maneuver, and have Condor take two strain, leaving him with an action when they get to the Bridge.

Questions concerning the bridge - Are there any droids left alive in there, and can I shut the door to the bridge at this point with Condor's action?

Will that put you over your wound threshold before the stimpack has been administered? Also ad the second stimpack, it'll only heal 4 wounds.

5 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Will that put you over your wound threshold before the stimpack has been administered? Also ad the second stimpack, it'll only heal 4 wounds.

I was accounting for the reduction in healing since it's the 2nd stimpack, but hadn't accounted for the stimpack not working before damage was calculated. If it doesn't work as an immediate incidental, I believe it puts Condor 2 over wound threshold. I believe I could avoid him being incapacitated via taking a rank of Toughened, so he doesn't exceed his wound threshold, if that's acceptable to you.