Two droideekas roll into medium range, and abruptly stop... activating their shields and pointing their heavy blasters at the heroes.
PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: IC
“ Fire! Fire! ” Condor yelled the second the droidekas were in range and Balyeg Squad began sending lasers downrange. A few glancing hits bounced off the rolling droids, and Condor landed a solid shot on the left one. Sparks flew from the laser burn on the droideka, but it wasn’t enough to stop them. He scowled as he watched them unfurl and put their shields up. “ Cover! ”
Binary and the rest of Mireska's short squad of clone troopers take aim and fire from their prone position behind cover, letting off a barrage of blasts at the the droidekas. The droids' shields hold out against the troopers' fire, and the droids themselves take no damage from the barrage.
M's CTs shooting w. aim at shielded droidekas, Medium range
0 successes
... No joy. The Orakos dice are not with me so far in this combat ...
Calling on the force Ker'see leaps forward to one of the droidekas. The grenade launcher briefly discarded as she knows her saber is more important right now.
She brings the blade down and it crackles against the shield before overcoming it and then cutting through the droid beneath it.
Something goes wrong as the blade catches something and it explodes. The jedi is knockdown and the lightsabre is knocked from her hand.
Remembering the droids that were coming so she quickly jumps up and flicks her wrist activating the magnetic tether the lightsabre jumps to her hand.
Mireska Force Leaps to Ker'see and the remaining droideka.
She knows that this will be a difficult combat, so she calls upon the Force to assist her blows. I'm going to have to improve my combat skills if I'm to survive this war.
Seeing a possible opening in the droideka's defences, she tries to take advantage of it but fails. Yes, I'll d efinitely will have to improve!
Manoeuvre: Force Leap to Medium range ...
Force Leap manoeuvre
2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
2nd manoeuvre: Engage the droideka (cost = 2 Strain).
Flip a LS Destiny Point to upgrade Mireska's attack on the droideka.
Action: Lightsabre combat check against the shielded droideka with +1 Boost from Ker'see ...
'Sabre attack (upgraded) on shielded droideka
2 failures, 1 threat
Result: 1 Threat - 1 Advantage (Personalised Design) = 0 Threat.
... A blank Proficiency and a blank Boost twice in the same round of combat?!? Orakos does not like me today!
Incidental: Convert a DS Destiny Point to the LS (Will of the Force talent, activated by failed skill check).
(Basically there are no changes to the Destiny Pool by the end of Mireska's turn.)
Forgot to add automatic +1 Advantage. And the extra manoeuvre to engage the droideka.
On 11/12/2019 at 5:51 AM, EliasWindrider said:Commander Wraith and his clones ambush the droids and decimate the 6 super battle droids before they get a shot off. The b1 battle droids return fire
Shooting at Wraith : 2eP+3eA+2eD+2eS 2 successes, 2 advantage
(11 damage incoming)
Shooting at Alpha squad : 2eP+3eA+2eD 3 successes, 4 advantage
12 damage incoming
Advantage used to put 3 black dice on the next characters to shoot at battle droids in this encounter
After weathering the hail of blaster fire from the droid's counterattack, Wraith and his clone troopers return fire, dispatching the remainder of their mechanical adversaries.
Quickly surveying the field of battle, Wraith’s eyes settle on the crumpled form of CT-9923(?), one of their freshly decanted troopers and the replacement for a brother lost on Geonosis.
Pointing at the blaster scarred body of his new brother, Wraith says, “SGT, disperse 9923’s supplies to the men. Alpha squad, pick him up. We aren’t leaving a fallen brother behind for these Clankers.”
“You heard the Captain,” Scrap says as he collects the man’s gear, tossing a grenade and a stim to each squad before stepping aside for a member of Alpha Squad to hoist the fallen soldier onto his shoulders, holding him in a fireman’s carry.
”Ready to go, sir.”
“Double time, brothers, engineering isn’t going to take itself.”
Edited by AnomalousAuthor
On 11/20/2019 at 11:51 PM, Bellona said:Mireska Force Leaps to Ker'see and the remaining droideka.
She knows that this will be a difficult combat, so she calls upon the Force to assist her blows. I'm going to have to improve my combat skills if I'm to survive this war.
Seeing a possible opening in the droideka's defences, she tries to take advantage of it but fails. Yes, I'll d efinitely will have to improve!
Manoeuvre: Force Leap to Medium range ...
Force Leap manoeuvre : 4eF 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
Flip a LS Destiny Point to upgrade Mireska's attack on the droideka.
Action: Lightsabre combat check against the shielded droideka with +1 Boost from Ker'see ...
'Sabre attack (upgraded) on shielded droideka : 2eP+1eB+1eD+1eC+2eS 2 failures, 1 threat
Result: 1 Threat - 1 Advantage (Personalised Design) = 0 Threat.
... A blank Proficiency and a blank Boost twice in the same round of combat?!? Orakos does not like me today!
Incidental: Convert a DS Destiny Point to the LS (Will of the Force talent, activated by failed skill check).
(Basically there are no changes to the Destiny Pool by the end of Mireska's turn.)
In response the droideeka sprays blaster fire wildly but effectively, with bolts catching Mireska Ker'see, and condor.
Mireska uses her lightsabre to reflect part of the damage, then calls upon the Force to move her back to the blast doors, next to Elsee, the CTs, and the ARCs.
She calls upon the Force to heal herself, and it responds quickly in a shimmer of teal light.
OOT: Reflect to reduce the incoming damage ... 12 damage - 4 (Reflect) - 4 (Soak) = 4 Wounds taken, 3 Strain suffered.
Manoeuvre: Force Leap ...
Force Leap manoeuvre back to blast doors
4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
... is successful.
Action: Heal on herself ...
Heal power on herself
3 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
Heal result is 8 (Intellect 4 + Medicine 4) Wounds healed and 8 Strain removed.
There are enough LS pips left over to do something useful if anyone else organic is considered to be within Engaged range. Is anyone else wounded and within Engaged range of Mireska now?
As the wild blaster fire comes in from the droid, Balyeg gets their heads down behind cover. As Condor tries to hit the ground again, a bolt takes him in the shoulder, and he falls backwards, groaning from the pain as he quickly gets back up. Seeing his commander go down, Boomstick swings out of his own cover and fires a grenade at the Droideka as Mireska leaps away. Aim true, the grenade explodes over the Droideka, it's shield shorting out. Condor quickly takes the opportunity for payback and opens fire on the droideka, blasting off one gun, then the other, before finally destroying its head as the droid collapses in a heap of scrap metal.
Lowering his blaster with a sigh, the barrel still red hot, he flexes his arm in pain and lets out a bitter laugh. "Medic?" he grunts, clearly getting tired of being shot.
Edited by ShockHelix"I hope that a healer will be acceptable?" Mireska asks somewhat rhetorically as she lays a hand on Condor's shoulder.
Once again that faint teal light glimmers, and Condor's wounds heal up.
Heal power on Condor
1 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
Result: up to 8 Wounds healed (4 Intellect + 4 Medicine), up to 8 Strain removed ... enough to bring Condor to full health?
That counts against the 5 daily stimpack limit.
Mireska then looks around, making a quick visual assessment of the rest of the bridge team. Ker'see needs some healing too.
She moves over to Ker'see. "If you don't mind," she says as she reaches out and lays her hand on Ker'see's shoulder. It takes her a bit longer than normal to collect and marshal the necessary threads in the Force, but once she has them the Force flows quickly through her hands and into Ker'see in a rush of healing teal energy. Ker'see's wounds are gone, as is the stress from the recent combat.
"That's better." Mireska then looks at the shaped charge still lying unused on the floor near the blast doors. "Since we didn't need to blast our way through the doors after all, Binary, I think that you can safely retrieve this item." She knocks it gently with her foot, and sends it rolling over to Binary, who picks it up and checks it over, before stowing it away in his backpack.
Apologies if the prose became too purple in the middle there!
Heal power on Ker'see ...
Mireska uses Heal on Ker'see
4 Dark Side
... no joy.
Since none of the Force points were used, I don't count this as a successful Force power activation and Heal application, and therefore this (the first attempt) does not count against the daily limit for stimpacks.
Second attempt at the same ...
Mireska uses Heal on Ker'see (2nd attempt)
3 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
Result: up to 8 Wounds healed (4 Intellect + 4 Medicine), up to 8 Strain removed. (I could even heal some more than that or remove some conditions with that result!
... enough to bring Ker'see back to full health.
This (the second attempt) counts against the daily limit for stimpacks.
"Hey you, get in position already," a B1 battle droid says, gesturing frantically at a much larger B2.
"Who me?"
"Yes, you. Get in position, corporal. Those clones'll be here any sec..."
Blaster bolts sizzle past the lead battle droid, shredding the B2 and two others standing beside it.
"What the..." the B1 swivels its head around, bringing its blaster rifle up in response only to be cut down by a hail of blaster fire from further down the hallway. It and another droid drop without firing a bolt.
Using Wraith and Alpha Squads volley of blaster fire as cover, Beta Squad rushes into the intersection of the halls and takes cover across from Alpha. Bringing their own rifles to bear, they fire, transforming two more B1s into a sparking pile of charred metal.
Intent on getting his share of the action, Sgt. Scrap dives to the ground beside Wraith, but lands harder than expected. His lungs aching, he fires off target and scores the hall just beyond the startled droids.
Edited by AnomalousAuthorwording
Condor gave Mireska a nod in thanks, flexing his shoulder. While he’d been skeptical at having such a large number for the boarding party, he was thankful now that the Jedi were here. It might have been easier to stay undetected, but Mireska’s ability to heal was incredible.
Boomstick came over and shook his head with a chuckle. “ We should just paint a target on your chest boss. ”
” Very funny. We still have those clankers on the other side of the door. ” Condor looked around for the droid they’d brought along, whistling for it once he’d spotted it. “ Elsee! Can you open this door, just enough to crawl under? ”
The droid made a whirring noise and rolled over to the console as it began to slice the door controls?
” Breach and clear? ” Boomstick asked, pulling out his two remaining grenades and offering one to Condor.
He took it with a nod, heading towards the door. “ Just like the simulations. Balyeg! Troopers! Firing line! ”
As the clones lined up single fire in front of the door, the droid slid it open, leaving a large enough gap for them to see the feet of the droids. In tandem, Condor and Boomstick pulled the pins and rolled the grenades under the door. One of the B1’s had just enough time to call out the grenades before they detonated, tearing through the remnants of their ranks.
” Elsee, open it up ,” Condor ordered, and as the door fully opened, the firing line of Clones troopers fired on the few droids who hadn’t been completely destroyed by the blast, making short work of them.
The b2's return fire at wraith and some how manage to miss the open target, but the confused b1's are emboldened by what they thought was a successful attack
Attack Wraith
0 successes, 3 advantage
The b1's hit by alpha and beta squads return fire at alpha squad and score a hit
Shoot at alpha squad
1 success, 4 advantage
(10 damage incoming, 4 setback on next clone attack)
The other b1's fire at beta squad with deadly accuracy
Shooting at beta squad
4 successes
(13 damage incoming)
Edited by EliasWindrider23 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:The b2's return fire at wraith and some how manage to miss the open target, but the confused b1's are emboldened by what they thought was a successful attack
Attack Wraith : 1eA+2eP+2eD+2eS 0 successes, 3 advantage
The b1's hit by alpha and beta squads return fire at alpha squad and score a hit
Shoot at alpha squad : 1eA+1eP+3eB+2eD 1 success, 4 advantage
(10 damage incoming, 4 setback on next clone attack)
The other b1's fire at beta squad with deadly accuracy
Shooting at beta squad : 2eP+3eA+2eD+2eS 4 successes
(13 damage incoming)
CT-9925 had never seen combat before today, never stared down the barrel of a blaster and seen an actual adversary intent of killing him on the other side. He had trained often enough, sure, but it had never been real. Never had one of his brothers, one of his batch-mates, been gunned down in front of his eyes. Now, he had experienced both. He doubted he'd ever truly get used to it, especially with the weight of his fellow trooper pressing down on him, but he had his duty and his new brothers, under Captain Wraith's command, to steady his nerves and give him direction. He was prepared for this day to come and had anxiously counted the moments from the time his brothers first were dispatched to Geonosis and his batch were called up to replace those brothers who had made the ultimate sacrifice for the republic in that opening battle. Being assigned to Alpha Squad was the greatest honor of his short life, and he wouldn't let them down no matter what.
Rushing down the corridor with the weight of Two-Three pressing down onto his shoulders, Two-Five steeled himself as the figures of another large group of clankers emerged as they rounded the corner of a t-junction in the separatist ship. He could make out twelve b1s and another six B2 super battle droids as the clone troopers took up firing positions in the hall, Wraith silently motioning for Alpha Squad to take cover against the closest corner and provide covering fire as Beta Squad crossed the hall to the other side. The droids hadn't seen them yet.
Taking position alongside Cog, Tacher, Det, and Wrecker, Two-Five set the lifeless form of his fallen brother against the bulkhead and took up his rifle. That was when all **** broke loose with the captain training his blaster on the group of droids and slagging three supe's in the process. Now, it was their turn to scrap some clankers. Taking his place behind Wrecker, who kneeled at the corner and took aim at the B1s, Two-Five sighted a B1 and pulled his trigger, dropping the lead droid in a shower of sparks and waft of acrid smoke. That was for Two-Three.
Coming up from behind him, Hot Shot tapped Two-Five on the shoulder, signaling him to advance slightly in the corridor and take a knee, rushed across the hall to the the cover of the other corner. Reflexively, Two-Five followed his training and advanced, taking a knee and firing again.
More droids fell under the clone assault as Beta Squad joined their blaster fire to his own. But it wasn't enough. The droids took up position and returned fire.
In his peripheral vision, from the heads up display within his helmet, Two-Five saw Wraith deftly sidestep a volley of blaster fire as the B2s unleashed a deadly barrage of plasma and was awed. He had never witnessed an ARC in action before. It was unreal. Coolly standing in the center of the hall, the captain blasted away, avoiding blaster fire that would have dropped him or his batch-mates. He seemed untouchable to Two-Five in that moment.
And, it was in that moment that blaster bolts struck Two-Five in the chest, driving him back against the metallic floor of the corridor. Sprawled out, he glanced down towards his chest and saw the smoke rising from a burning scorch mark and tasted the bitter tang of blood on his lips. He had bitten his lip, but his armor had held. His mind swimming and heart pounding, Two-Five felt the firm grasp of Cog and Tacher against his arms as they pulled him out of the line of fire and into the hall before Wrecker leaned out from cover, blasting away at the clankers.
Alpha takes aim returns fires at B1s at medium range
0 successes, 1 threat
forgot to add three boosts
0 successes, 1 advantage
Zilch, nada, nothing.
Taking aim at the B2s, Wraith pulls the trigger of his prototype DC-15A Blaster Carbine.
Autofire attack on super battle droids at medium (boost from aim and auto advantage from swc)
3 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
forgot to increase difficulty for auto fire
0 successes, 2 threat
17 damage. Two hits. Passes advantage from Superior Weapon Cust. to next ally.
Beta Squad takes aim at undamaged b1 group and fires.
Attacks B1s at medium range (boost from aim and wraith adv)
3 successes, 2 advantage,
1 Triumph
(I screwed up and forgot to have one of Beta Squad die before rolling, we'll erase the triumph die result to reflect this)
12 damage. 2 boosts to Scrap's attack from advantage.
Scrap aims and fires at the same B1 group as Beta.
Fires at B1 Group at medium (1 boost from aim and 2 from Beta)
2 failures, 6 advantage
Miss but tons of advantage. 6 boosts to next clone attack.
Edited by AnomalousAuthor
The b2's are reduced to sparking piles of scrap by wraith's barrage of fire. The remaining b1's identifying wraith as the biggest threat and their fire on him.
Shoot at wraith
0 successes, 1 advantage
Shooting at wraith
1 success, 2 advantage
The first group misses the second hit (10 damage incoming, 3 setback to the next clone who attacks)
@AnomalousAuthor your turn
Blaster fire sizzles just past Wraith, singeing his shoulder pauldron as the remaining cluster of battle droids turn their full attentions towards the ARC trooper standing before them.
“Blast that clone,” a B1 yells over the din of battle.
”We’re trying, we’re trying,” comes the response from a nearby droid as it takes aim at the trooper in the open. Pulling its trigger, a bright red blaster bolt streaks toward the armor clad figure in the sterile corridor.
Sidestepping a fresh volley of blaster fire, Wraith grunts as he pivots into a blaster bolt that slams into his shoulder. Gritting his teeth, he growls to himself, “kriff it, I’m done with these clankers.”
Closing the distance, Wraith rolls forward into a kneeling firing position, plasma bolts streaking through the corridor all around him, and takes aim at the dumbfounded droids.
Wraith spends one maneuver closing to short range and suffers two strain to take the aim maneuver (kneeling position).
Autofire at both B1 groups at short range (7 total boosts from aim and Scrap's crazy advantage)
3 successes, 10 advantage
17 damage, 11 Advantage total. 6 total hits. 1 boost to next allied check. 72 damage after soak (not even counting pierce 1). That should be enough to finish off both minion groups I believe.
Edited by AnomalousAuthor
Condor and his ARCs toss their grenades through the partially opened blast doors. Droid voices saying "Uh-oh!" can be heard several times over in the brief moment between the grenades landing and the resulting explosion. Elsee then raises the doors completely, and the clones finish the job by shooting any surviving 'droids.
After the B1s have been destroyed, the bridge team quickly moves through the blast doors.
"Good work, Elsee! Once you're through yourself, please shut the doors again and scramble the control panels." Mireska directs the droid over her shoulder as she hurries after Ker'see. "Then catch up with us when you can. We're likely to need your help again."
They make their way towards the bridge, following Ker'see's terse instructions according to her Farsight visions. Condor brings up the rear, keeping an eye open for rear ambushes as he jogs along.
At last the bridge team finds the turbolifts to the bridge - unfortunately, some B1s have had enough time to set up defensive positions to guard the lifts. As the team approaches, the vanguard can see that they are coming to a four-way intersection, one where turbolifts form the left-hand exit. In front of the 'lifts, partially obscured by the door niches, is one group of 'droids. Taking cover by the corners of the right hand exit (a corridor leading directly away from the 'lifts) is another group of B1s. In front of the bridge team and near the mouth of the third exit straight ahead, are two long lines of 'droids. The rear line of 'droids has some cover due to the kneeling front line.
Edited by BellonaKer'see steps forward to line up her shot with the grenade launcher. Only four shots left, she muses to herself. Best make these count. She looks upon the droids in front of her and considers the line up and tries to use it to her advantage. With the shot the ion grenade makes the distance and crashes in front of one group sending a wave of ion energy into them. The slowest fall instantly but the others knock into another group scattering them before those in the blast finally succumb to the energy and collapse.
The devaronian allows a moment of pride before pulling out a saber ready to defend.
As Balyeg Squad gets into range, the clones begin firing into the droids. Moving forward, Titan provides them with cover from his large shield, while the other commandos do their best to suppress the droids, a few shots taking down two of the clankers as the commandos move into defensive positions.
Mireska's CTs take cover where they can, and unleash a barrage of blaster fire from their DC-15A carbines. One of the B1s drops, shot to pieces, and another one looks a bit wobbly on its feet.
"D***," mutters Binary, "We really need Jinx and Niner along to make a proper dent in these clankers."
"Truth, vod ," Rain answers him as he checks the line of fire for the next barrage.
Manoeuvre: Take Cover (= Ranged Defence 1) ... but see the Threat at the bottom of this spoiler.
4 CTs using Ranged - Heavy with Autofire ...
M's 4 CTs Autofire at kneeling droid group
2 successes, 1 threat
Result: 9 + 2 Successes = 11 damage with Pierce 1
11 damage - 3 (Soak 4 - Pierce 1) = 8 Wounds vs. WT 5
That reduces the remaining kneeling droid group by 1 minion ... maybe passing the remaining 3 points of damage on to another member of the same group?
1 Threat = the CTs lose the benefit of the Take Cover manoeuvre (Rain leaning out a bit too far)
Mireska looks worriedly at the droids ahead, then assumes a defensive stance with her activated lightsabre. She focuses briefly on the threads of the Force around her, then deftly weaves them into a protective barrier of shimmering teal and gold, one visible only in the Force itself - for now.
Success, finally! But it's taken a bit more out of me than I expected.
Mireska then sends a dazzling smile over to Condor *. "Lieutenant, I believe that you're saving the best for last ...?"
* @ShockHelix Please check the bottom of the spoiler.
Incidental: Activate lightsabre (if it wasn't already).
Action: Protect power (with upgrade) on herself.
Protect power on herself
3 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph, 6 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
It actually worked this time! *does a happy dance*
The Discipline check was successful and enough LS pips were rolled, therefore the Protect power is activated as follows ...
2 LS pips spent to activate the basic form of Protect, 4 LS pips spent on the Strength upgrade.
3 Willpower + 3 Successes + 4 LS pips = 10 damage reduced from one energy-based attack that hits Mireska before the beginning of her next turn.
1 Threat = 1 Strain suffered
1 Triumph = +1 Upgrade to Condor's next check
Mireska is ready to use Reflect 2, Circle of Shelter, and Guardian of the Republic.
The droids return fire but are unable to land a hit on the intrepid jedi and clones
Shooting at Ker'see
0 successes, 2 threat
Shooting at Mireska
1 failure
Shooting at Mireska
1 failure
1 failure
Shoot at condor
0 successes, 1 advantage
Shoot at condor
1 failure, 2 advantage
Condor had drawn his Hand Blaster's and jogged along behind the rest, keeping an eye on their rear. Just because they'd had Elsee lock down the door didn't mean no one could follow, and he didn't trust that there weren't any other ways for the droids to ambush them. Better safe then sorry. He was late as they came upon the next hallway, with Ker'see already firing upon a group. He watched them explode as he slid into cover, his men already having taken up positions of their own. That was good. They'd slipped up giving away the assault, but they were doing better. Maybe it was just nerves after all.
As Mireska asked for his participation, he couldn't determine whether the Jedi was trying to tease him, or was actually ordering him to deal with the droids. It was nice to see how nonchalant she was about the firefight. Perhaps he'd been overcautious. He'd taken a few hits certainly, but the Jedi's ability to heal was remarkable. He slid back down behind the box he'd taken cover behind. He'd made a modification to the pistols in his down time. With a flip of a switch, it was easy enough to overcharge the actuators on the hand blasters. " At your orders General. "
He headed out of cover, jumping over the box and beginning to fire as he moved. The blasters began to spin up, the first few shots going wide, but in a moment it didn't matter. The overcharged blaster bolts shot faster and faster. In a moment the corridor was covered in a sea of blue lasers. Droid after droid fell to the shots, several losing their head, others having a hole burned right through their chassis. One of the rounds took a blaster right in the pack, and the explosion took down several of the droids in a shower of fire and metal shrapnel. Some of the droids continued to fire on their targets, but others shifted to Condor. Too late. Most of them went down in the hail of gunfire. Time seemed to slow as he breathed, and it felt as if the lasers parted around him. For all the galaxy, he felt invincible in that moment.
The hand blasters could only fire so long, and the second they were out of ammo, he dropped them. In an instant he had his ICWS out before the DC-17's had even finished clanking onto the floor. Bringing the rifle to his shoulder, the Ion shots rang out. His aim was immaculate, and the few remaining stragglers fell, leaving nothing standing but a single B1. Sparks flew from it's shoulder where one of the overcharged shots had hit it, and Condor lowered his blaster. " Clankers scrapped, General ." One of the CT's could deal with the remaining droid. Let them add a kill to to their count now that the danger was gone.
Edited by ShockHelix"Nicely done, Lieutenant!" Mireska smiles.
Staring at the clanker carnage left after Condor's hail of gunfire, Binary blinks at Mireska's words and jumps into action. "Aim and shoot, men!" D***, how can we get into ARC training? We need that too.
The four CTs take aim at the remaining B1 and quickly bring it down. A momentary silence reigns in the turbolift lobby, until it is broken by Elsee's cheerful binary warble as she catches up with the rest of the bridge team.
Maneouvre: Aim
Action: shoot at remaining B1
M's CTs shoot at B1
3 successes, 1 threat
M's CTs: forgot the Setback die (B1s have cover)
0 successes, 1 threat
Final dice result: 3 Successes, 2 Threats
Result: 9 base damage + 3 Successes = 12 damage - 4 Soak = 8 Wounds, final group is wiped
(IIRC, Ker'see took out one group entirely with the very first attack, so there were only 5 groups left to return fire. Condor took care of four of them, so the CTs' attack finishes off the final group.)
With this combat over (unless more enemy droids suddenly show up), do the 2 Threat have any meaning? If "yes", then add +1 Setback to the CTs' next action.