The image of a Chadra=Fan dressed in a flight jacket, cargo pants, comes onto the holo-display. The image has no color except for the faded blue.
"Squeek. Squeek...Deckard. I was expecting your call. Squeek..squeek. Vasar Sother seems to be the topic of choice. ..squeek..squeek. What information I have will cost you....250 credits...Squeek..Squeek...If you're still hanging out with Kr'owk and Corr then the price will be 500 credits.....squeeek..squeeeek...or you can pay 200 credits and owe me a game of Sabbac game. Pazzak was getting to one could challenge me. Squee...Cough..Cough...Cough.."
@LaGouache You can trace the transmission to an 'apartment complex' not to far from Taquib's haven. Docks district in the Refugee Sector. There are three ports/docks that the Zepto Raptor can land on that are near where Taquib resides. Each marked by a Pylon. One out of the three is currently occupied. Pylon 2 is occupied with 1 and 3 vacant.
Taquib is located at point 11 on the map above. The spy is located at point 3.