Reach of the Empire IC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Den shuffles towards the other side of the door, his disruptor pointed at the lock as he takes a few moments to centre himself. Glancing up at the soldier on the other side of the door he declares "Police, open up!" before following it with a dark chuckle. Den reckons he'd have made an excellent police officer, maybe on Corellia, if not for the brutality.

Backbeat breaches into what appears to be a standard examination room, unoccupied. The reception office to the side is also empty. The task force continues to follow the blood trail down a hall, troopers clearing a series of empty rooms, until they reach an operating prep area.

The plasteel bay window is spattered with blood, and looking through it, the prep area on the other side has been ransacked. Once inside, inarticulate screams and shouting can be heard from the other side of a secure door, which likely leads to an operating theater.

Den lets out a low whistle as he sees the sheer amount of blood and and hears the screaming. "This can't be one person surely, can it?" He sounded a little more on edge than he had before, the screaming was setting his teeth on edge. The duros never really liked the medi-centres of the empire, and this place was a whole lot creepier than those. "Sounds like if we wait long enough we won't have to clear the room, they'll be dead before we get there" he mutters to himself.

" Potentially, A Hutt would bleed much more." The Inquisitor says bluntly as he inspects the room and overhears the Stormtrooper, " All depends on the size and species of person we are talking about." He leaves the Stormtrooper to investigate what the blood came from and begins to search for anything or anyone that may be important.

Hale holsters his pistol and draws a stun grenade, hefting it in his hand. "Backbeat, when you breach the door, I'll toss this in. Then we charge in and 'end the threats' by any means necessary. Clear?" The remaining members of Banshee squad nod and take up their positions. Hale looks at Luks, "Something on your mind, soldier?"

While the banshees prepare Evon takes a step back and readies his blaster in hand.

"I'll Breach the Door." The inquisitor says as he readies his Lightsaber and cuts through the doorway that the Stormtroopers were gathering at. The extremely hot blade makes short work of the door as it falls the Inquisitor steps through first.

The Inquisitor steps into the operating theater, bright lights a stark contrast from the dim emergency lighting without. The rebels before him appear appropriately horrified, but as he takes in the scene before him, he cannot be certain it is from his appearance.

”Kinda busy at the moment, Inquisitor. A parley, perhaps?”

The commando before him is in battle armour, and aiming a squat, heavy blastech rifle. Three others flank him, kitted out in the same fashion, rifles ready. They are all covered in blood, some of it their own.

The scene behind them on the operating table is distracting, disturbing, even. A commando is thrashing about, unrelenting in his cries of pain and terror. Another commando holds him down, while an R2-unit extends forked appendages to pin his wrists. A figure in a white lab coat, covered in bloody handprints, wrestles with the man on the table, though it is unclear exactly what is happening.

The tension in the air is palpable, and the piercing screams in the background do not help. And now, an unnerving chittering sound...

Gauging the Inquisitor’s reaction, the rebel commander side-steps a bit as he brings his weapon to bear.

”Last chance. Truce?” he ventures, but knowing how this is going to go down.

Evon taps his communicator in the backlines and quitely talks into the Task Force channel. ,,My Lord, I might be able to stabilize that person on the table if you think it's crucial for our mission. I might even have a chance to deduct what was going on here." It's gonna be harder with guns pointing at us, though."

It is not the screaming, but rather the distinctive chirps of the distressed astromech, that raise LT.Cdr. Somar’s hackles; a barely perceptible chittering sound, however, really sets his teeth on edge.

The Inquisitor considers everything that is going on around him then turns his gaze to who is clearly the leader amongst the rebels. " If you wish to parley we do so on my terms." The inquisitor says as his menacing aura fills the room, " Drop your weapons, show me that you are willing to talk." His lightsaber was still engaged Drogos was not about to be the first that disarmed, " If you do as I say maybe even my doctor can save your compatriot on the table." He then grins a wide devilish grin, filled with malice.

The rebel commander shifts his heavy weapon so that it is pointed downward, resting in its sling, and withdraws his finger from inside the trigger guard. The other three follow suit, shifting their aim just off-target enough to comply with the unspoken order.

”If one of you is a doctor, the action is over there,” the leader says, pointing his elbow at the hospital bed behind them.

Den glances up at Hale from where he had been distracted with a smudge on his disruptor, or at least that was the impression he'd tried to give. "Hm? Oh nothing, Boss. It's just this ain't my usual kind of gig. I'm more of an open battlefield kinda guy, dark corridors coated in blood I didn't cause, bit creepy for rebels is all".

As the door opens Den is ready to open fire with his rifle raised, but half lowers it when this unnatural truce is announced. The sight of the surgery continue to put the stormtrooper on edge, and he fidgets uneasily as he glances between the rebels and the inquisitor. "Can you not shut him up?" he calls out, "what are you doing to him?"

Evon steps out of formation, holstering his blaster. ,,You and your big mouth, you could have shut up, but no... You wanted to operate between to edgy firesquads. Bloody show off..."

He walks through the rebel commandoes uneasy, but they open the way for him. As he approaches the person in the labcoat, he tries to size up the wound. ,,He is in pretty bad shape. You know what happens if you lose him now..."

,,Okay, status report! What are we dealing here with?" asks Evon, while he takes a glove from the medpack and prepares for the worst.

Nothing in Evon’s extensive medical career could have prepared him for the sight before him. The rebel commando is writhing on the table, wrists pinned by the astromech, chirping in distressed tones. Another commando holds his legs, while the doctor struggles to finish removing the patient’s laminate torso piece.

The chittering sound is more discernible here, and there is something moving on the man’s chest, seemingly alive. A closer examination confirms that it is indeed some sort of exotic fauna, and is securely latched on, crustacean-like appendages extending behind the man’s back.

”Can you ssedate him? I’ve ussed everything and he’ss sstill thrasshing.” At first, Evon thinks it is Doctor Vos; the Squamatan’s face is strikingly similar, but the cranial ridge is a bit more pronounced.

Hawk is eyed dubiously, but also permitted to approach the table.

Evon steps closer to examine the specimen lodged onto the commando. ,,Hawk, could you give me a hand here please?"

,,What is this thing? It looks like some parasite, but resembles to crustaceans..." He suddenly remembers some talk in the facilities, while he was recovering from his eye-surgery. ,,Is this a collar crab?! What does it do here? How does it got onto this soldier? Are they experimenting with it?" He is chilled for the grim thoughtsy cold sweat dripping down his back. ,,It's probably a Xenomorphus Zoidbergan, or commonly known as collar crab." - he starts nervously - ,, a disgusting parasitic creature. Your man is lucky that still be alive!"

He has plenty of questions, but he sets them aside for the time and he starts thinking of ways to remove it. ,,Alright, it's a longshot, but I heared tales from it in my civilian life. You can't just rip it off, the barbed appandages will cause massive bleedings in the host. We need to sedate the creature to release itself. But I honestly don't know if it was done succesfully before."

After several painstaking minute, it seems he is done. ,,Okay, that ought to do it." - however the creature seem unhinged by the operation. ,,Blast it, what did we do wrong?" ,,My lord, it seems it's all we could do for this man. i don't see any other way to save the specimen."

Edited by Rimsen

"Do I even WANT to know what is going on in there?" , Somar asks from the back of the group. He half-heartedly tries to see around the Inquisitor, but has a feeling he's not going to like it.

The chittering rises in pitch, and can indeed be felt, reverberating around the operating theater. Releasing its grip around the thrashing commando’s torso, it abruptly leaps toward the doorway, and lands on Luks’s head before jumping to the ceiling. Scrabbling upside down along the ceiling, it escapes out into the hallway.

The commando on the table is bleeding, but not profusely, and has stopped thrashing. The Squamatan doctor’s cranial ridge creases, and she shouts: “Stop that morph! Before it can escape upward!”

Seemingly unconcerned with who exactly stops the creature, she returns her attention to the patient on the table.

It takes a second, but Luks starts to feel a burning sensation coursing through him, where the scrabbling creature must have stuck him in the neck under his helmet, envenoming him.

(Luks takes 6 dmg, Pierce 3, and suffers a Scattered Senses Crit- Average, no Boost dice for duration of encounter).


Hale still has the stun grenade in his hand and he whirls around as the creature scuttles overhead. He pulls the pin and yells "Waitwaitwait!" to the others, holding up his left hand to signal while holding the primed grenade in his right hand, timing his throw as it scuttles across the ceiling. At just the right moment, he yells, "Heads down!" and throws it up towards the creature. There's a blinding flash and loud noise as the grenade detonates almost right next to the creature. Screeching, it flops to the floor and writhes around, attempting to right itself and recover from the effects of the grenade.

Slowdive and Backbeat step forward and bring their rifles to bear, firing a hail of bolts at the creature as it writhes. They ping on the floor all around it as it writhes and scrambles, disoriented and chittering madly, but able to avoid the indiscriminate fire directed at it through its unpredictable gyrations. "Kriff, HIT the frekkin' thing!" Slowdive yells, frustrated by the lack of success.

As the creature detaches itself next to Evon, he can't help but flinched for a moment. The next thing he sees is pierced hole on Luks helmet.

,,For the Emperor's sake, don't touch it! - He yells at Luks and he quickly moves over, paying no further attention to the commando on the table. ,,Let me take care of it quickly, we have no idea what it can cause later!"

Edited by Rimsen

Den had not screamed since his first year of the stormtrooper academy, so he probably would have been dismayed with the ear piercing shriek he emits when the creature lends on his helmet. Flailing wildly with his fists he tries to bash the creature to death. "No no no! Absolutely not!" he roars, shuddering as he looks up at the horrible little beast reaches the ceiling.

At the shout from the doctor Den turns to shout at them, still in the shrill tone he seems to have developed. "Stop it? Stop it? Oh what a wonderful idea! I can see how you earnt your doctorate, here I was thinking we could keep it as a pet!" He's still shouting obscenities at the doctor when the grenade goes off, but it is enough to make him focus on the creature.

As he feels the burning coursing down from his neck he slaps a hand to the point before pulling it away to see if there was any blood. "Oh, and now I seem to be getting eaten from the inside, wonderful!" The trooper is practically trembling with adrenaline and fury and fear.

Raising his rifle, Den snaps at Evon "don't touch me! Nothing touches me again after that!" Shoving his way past the other troopers Den fires three shots from the disruptor, his aim still true. "Stupid flesh eating, acid spitting crab spider!"

The rebel leader and his commandos are at the ready, once more, though they hold fire throughout the distraction. The one who had been holding his thrashing comrade, has rejoined the team, while the one on the table is being tended to, more quietly now that he has passed out.

”I think we’re here for the same thing, even if you haven’t figured it out yet. There is something going on below, that needs to be stopped. Prevented from getting out. Scientists have taken funding from everyone, and created something no one wants. And we don’t have much time.”

If it’s not already too late. Those high-value-assets bugged-out of quarantine. So did we, for that matter...

”Guess they got what was coming to them, not sure who’s left down there. Let us help you end this. We know our way around below. Afterward, I will surrender to you, my honor as an officer.”

The Inquisitor knows reinforcements are likely a day out, at least; and a request for a strike, on such thin evidence, might be viewed in a dim light...

Edited by Edgehawk

" We will deal with these pests." The inquisitor says looking down to the destroyed body of the strange parasite, Drogos gestures for all the squad to enter the room He looks to the Deathtroopers that were behind him in the other room, and turns to the commander addressing her," If they do anything suspicious, Drop them. I will not be having our Men be used as experiments for the Rebeliion's monster projects, Understood." He says in a whisper as she passes by.

Hale grits his teeth, trying to shift his arm into a more comfortable position. Every time it moves, it hurts. It'd be nice if he had a sling to hold it in place. He beckons to Evon and when the agent comes closer, he whispers, "Doc, might there be a sling or something in here? Something to help me hold my arm still and relaxed ? If I've gotta fight like this, I need it secured."