Warlords of the F'Tarq Sector - Rules and OC Conversation

By LTD, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

{This thread is for any questions or conversation about the ongoing Warlords game. Any forum member is free to post here. Please only post in the IC thread if you are a player or the GM}

An anomaly resulting from the explosion of a medium Blue star has disrupted hyperlanes around the F'Tarq sector. Consequently the various planets and systems find themselves cut off from the rest of a galaxy, far, far, away.

Age old rivalries and factions have arisen to seize control of the sector and dominate the area.

Do you have what it takes to control F'Tarq?

Warlords of the F'Tarq is a turn based strategy game in the Star Wars Universe base on Armada. The rules are here: https://daveswargames.blogspot.com/2019/02/warlords-of-ftarq-sector.html

A beta test of the rules was recently run as "Warlords of the K'Narr Sector." The four players who took part are guaranteed a place in this new game.


@The Jabbawookie



I am looking for at least three more players to participate, and as many as five more.

Please indicate interest here, or tag forum members you think may be interested.

Thanks to The Jabbawookie for the pretty map, and to the original four for feedback and testing.

Edited by LTD

@Lord Preyer get in here already, this game screams for quality flavor!

@Ardaedhel if you’re interested, here there be signups.

Also, in.

Edited by The Jabbawookie


Will join in begging @Lord Preyer Preyer to play.

Also @PodRacer you expressed some interest still want to?

Cautiously interested

Btw @LTD the faction bonuses are not listed in your link.

Join us Dras! It's very interesting

So whats the deal, do you keep google docs seperate to track your workings?

I feel like I'm still a long way of understanding the finer points of whats happening here...

31 minutes ago, PodRacer said:

So whats the deal, do you keep google docs seperate to track your workings?

I feel like I'm still a long way of understanding the finer points of whats happening here...

Yep, here is all of my turn Docs if helps : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1XAyqGnEFMNiWrGKL79hGre_JToIecb7Y

I love the sound of it. I think I can do this?

Let's go for it, I'm in.

I'm interested. Depending on schedule I guess

Do you build fleets and play actual games? Or is it all text based?

1 minute ago, MandalorianMoose said:

Do you build fleets and play actual games? Or is it all text based?

It's mostly text based, but if able you are allowed to play the games if you want

Just now, clontroper5 said:

It's mostly text based, but if able you are allowed to play the games if you want

Eh I’ll pass then

1 hour ago, PodRacer said:

So whats the deal, do you keep google docs seperate to track your workings?

I feel like I'm still a long way of understanding the finer points of whats happening here...

Once you start playing it all falls into place

You have a long time to take a turn and ask Ltd/other players lots of questions

Very gratifying.

I have updated the blog post - it was a bit funky?

2 minutes ago, LTD said:

Very gratifying.

I have updated the blog post - it was a bit funky?

To clarify the hold fire orders: is the modifier specific to the attacker? (e.g. I tell my forces not to shoot Matt. Along comes Ard, and we fight. Do I suffer the modifier, or would I only suffer it against Matt?)

You would only suffer it versus a side you have given a no-shoot order against.

For example:

Jabba says "don't shoot matt"

Jabba then encounters clon. Battle results, no disadvantage.

Example 2:

Jabba says "don't shoot matt"

Matt says "screw that, shoot Jabba"

When Jabba's and Matt's fleets meet, Jabba will be at a disadvantage (ambushed! etc).

The Jabbawookie - can you please put the full map on an accessible link for folks? I could not work out how to copy if from your google sheet - I had to snipping tool it to put it on the blog - it is even more impressive in proper resolution.

So, we have our original four players plus @Ardaedhel .

Interest from @rasproteus and @Drasnighta

Any questions or concerns from the two of you?

Other takers?

@Lord Preyer you seem to be quite in demand.

20 minutes ago, LTD said:

The Jabbawookie - can you please put the full map on an accessible link for folks? I could not work out how to copy if from your google sheet - I had to snipping tool it to put it on the blog - it is even more impressive in proper resolution.

Like so?


Edited by The Jabbawookie

@The Jabbawookie unless of course you guys would be willing to let me join even if I couldn't react at soon and respond as the others.