The Circuit (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Fair enough!

In the mean time @Jonas Shaaf , if you want you can jump into one of the other two games I am running if you are still looking to play (the other two are already in both which is why this isn't aimed at them).

It has been a long time since I have been here

11 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , @Shlambate , @jhh3 , @rocketrobie2 and @P-47 Thunderbolt , this is the ooc thread for the game. When ready you can post your character introductions (or reintroductions).

Post in the IC or the OOC?

Ic, it's a opportunity to establish the characters current situation etc before they join the party.

(note, I rolled for carrying encumbrance because I misremembered the rules. If you see that, you can safely disregard it)

Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Hope I did okay. May have gone a bit overboard though. Waiting for whoever hired me/whoever the "newcomer" is.

@Rabobankrider , could I trouble you for a general description of the team's garage and its surroundings?

I'd like to make the "Make an impressive set of tools" check. Base difficulty of Average to add a Boost to social checks with mechanically inclined individuals. (page 70 of FO)
Combination of previous effort and a the check-over he gave them at the time.

@Rabobankrider , the "10" listed for Obligation is what I took on top of starting Obligation for XP and credits. What is starting Obligation so that I can calculate my current total?

Sorry about the wait there, gonna try to get a post up today!

Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Obligation Roll : 1d100 85 No obligation activated this session. Loving the intro's guys :)

Destiny Point : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Before I forget, @Edgehawk and @Shlambate please roll destiny points as well.

@P-47 Thunderbolt , starting obligation is 5, I forgot to say that. @jhh3 , @rocketrobie2 , @Edgehawk and @Shlambate , please check that is included in your obligation, and if it isn't, let me know so I can adjust the list on the ooc thread.

@P-47 Thunderbolt , below is an exert from the intro to the game. Hopefully that has the information you are looking for. The garage that @Shlambate and @Edgehawk own is a run down two story structure near the north-west sector of the city. It's a pretty rough area. The intro was great, and feel free to make the check. :)

One year after the end of the republic and the rise of the new galactic empire, and the galaxy was in a rapid and sometimes violent state of change. The traitor jedi had been wiped from the face of the galaxy, and the smear of corruption that ran through the republic had been wiped clean with the new galactic order. Or at least, that what the propaganda said. Some peoples minds are not so easily twisted though, but to many these things are irrelevant. To the everyday folks of the galaxy, it was business as usual, they either had too many problems to worry about already, or did not care for the greater machinations going on around them. To some people, life in this galaxy can be broken down to the simplest of things, food, shelter, financial stability, speed.

Corellia would survive this shift in the galaxy, it always survived. It has lived through empires, monarchies and republics before, it will live through this latest addition to the stage. Currently governed by the corporate authority, Corellia extends it influence to the entire sector, under the 'guidance' of Moff Fliry Vorru of course. Despite being a core world though, Corellia is one of the only ones to avoid total subjugation from the empire, but at a cost of garrisons and star destroyers keeping a close eye on the populace.

Corellia has had a long history with ships and speed, the Corellian Engineering Corporation is one of the most prestigious produces of ships and speeders through the galaxy. The people of this beautiful world share that love of vehicles and speed. They have a reputation through the whole galaxy as mavericks, scoundrels and masterful pilots. In fact the most prestigious racers for generations have come from this very sector, and there are many more who plan to follow that grand tradition.

Tyrena is a beautiful city, the tousit capital of the world with hotels, resorts and plazas in every direction that you looked. Huge bridges span over the Auric river to pull the two halves of the city together, and no less than a million citizens make their way through the city on whatever business or holiday they have. It was a truly wonderful place to live, if you could afford it. The 'north-east' is not such a place. Few dare travel hear unless they have to. It is a place of thugs, gangesters and swoop gangs raging through he streets.

Maybe fifteen minutes walk west of the north-east sector was a small, bustling garage made popular with locals as a place to repair their speeders or swoops, or just a place to hang around friendly faces. Today though it was empty, in fact almost evety place of work was empty. Why? Well because it's race day of course. A bar a little way down the road from the garage was packed to the point that people were spilling out onto the pavement . Those that could not get in the door were peering in through the window to try and get a glimpse at the holo-screens that had been set up near the bar.

4 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt , starting obligation is 5, I forgot to say that. @jhh3 , @rocketrobie2 , @Edgehawk and @Shlambate , please check that is included in your obligation, and if it isn't, let me know so I can adjust the list on the ooc thread.

@P-47 Thunderbolt , below is an exert from the intro to the game. Hopefully that has the information you are looking for. The garage that @Shlambate and @Edgehawk own is a run down two story structure near the north-west sector of the city. It's a pretty rough area. The intro was great, and feel free to make the check. :)

I'd seen the intro, and it wasn't what I was looking for, but that was. Thanks!

Since starting Obligation is 5, I'll have to drop the +5 Obligation=5 XP thing, so my amount actually sticks to 10. Reminder to everyone since it's easily forgotten, you can't take on more Obligation than you started with (up to a 100% increase maximum).

Average Mechanics check: Shiny Tools : 2eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-s.png d--.png d-th.png

Going to use the 2 Advantage on "Efficient Modification" adding an automatic Advantage to the next Mechanics check I make with the tools.

Sheet updated appropriately.

: 1eF 1 Dark Side

Sorry, gents. Zara slept in.

Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Ok guys, this is your chance to plan what you want to do! There are several races coming up at the minute on the calendar that will give you the needed qualifications to enter this years circuit.

In terms of funding, you would ic know of a few options: Self fund through races (risky and very expensive, but doable), find an official team to join (very difficult skill wise), find a benefactor (can be easy depending on a streetwise roll, but may have strings attached), get imperial funding (not too hard but has some negative points with the imperial rule etc), find an underworld sponsor (not too hard but very shady). Other options are available if you think of them.

@Edgehawk , you were given a race catalogue before the game was closed, and @jhh3 would also have access as a manager. Below is the list of current races from the ic thread:

The first was probably the most popular event, a circuit race on the cities indoors race circuit. A huge oval often populated by obstacles and surrounded by cheering crowds and hover platforms above for the elite. This race attracted the most ambitious racers, and saw the best promotion of all the options. The drawbacks were clear as well though. The buy in was by far the most expensive, last year each racer was charged 1,500 credits for entry. Not only that but the competition was ferocious. Circuit races were focused on speed and iron wiil with racers jostling for narrow gaps between the obstacles.

The second was a little way out of the city, up in one of the forested areas. This was a down hill race, instead of a loop, this was from point a to b, often down the slope of mountain or steep forest. These races were usually seen to be the 'coolest' due to the kind of racers and the skills involved. It may have a smaller gathering than the others, but was still a strong sector of the racing community. Down hill races were some of the most technical, requiring an agile speeder and lightning reflexes. They also had some of the most spectacular crashes.

The third race was a long distance race, spanning approximately two days. This was quite an interesting race format, as it combined the traditional need for speed from a standard race, but also could push a rider to their mental and physical limits. They would have to balance things like rests, refuelling, sleep, maintenance and so on with the actual time riding. Racers usually had a put crew who would use short cuts to meet them at certain points along the race course to help out if there were mechanical issues and such. These races had a much smaller following, but was a rapidly growing competition on Corellia, especially considering the fantastic racing terrain hat surrounded them.

The final event wasn't exactly a race, but more of a battle derby. Set in one of the racing 'pits' in the rougher parts of the city where teams of two would battle it out to try and immobilise the other competitors. Be it with stun weapons or ramming, only one team came out victorious. This was something of a dead end competition, it didn't lead much higher than the individual battle, but for many, it was a lot of fun and it paid well. Sometimes that is enough.

Of course these are only 'official' races, the illegal swoop and pod races are easy to get into if you know someone. @jhh3 , an average (2 purple dice) streetwise check will reveal some illegal race options using this website:

What are you guys thinking for the race? My votes either for indoors circuit race or the downhill one. I'm a little nervous of either just because of the risks but thats also half the fun too

I'd vote for the downhill race or the endurance race, but I'm not one of the racers. I think the endurance race may be best for party involvement.

That's a good point. I'd be down for endurance too to keep everyone doing something.

Zara’s ambitions extend as far as luck, skill, and funding will take her. Downhill or Endurance is probably most financially feasible at this point, with Downhill the most dangerous, but also the quickest to resolve.

She’d be all about the battle derby, too, but not on her swoop.

Edited by Edgehawk

I think we should probably go with downhill. It does seem risky but I think its worth a shot.

Or we could try doing some illegal races to try and get some fast cash.

Edited by jhh3

Ok, downhill seems to be the most popular options so let's go with that! So as you have gathered together, there are a number of jobs for your characters to do over the next couple of ic days. This is not a definitive list and can be added to by players of course:

  • Configure speeders for the race
  • Buy any equipment you think you need
  • Pay for race entry
  • Register as an official team (this will be needed for future races)

Of course if you're planning racing 'dirty' then there may be some bribes to pay, engines to rig and so on. You may also want to see if you can check out the competition etc. In between races, actions are very freeform, events will be the result/repercussions of what you guys get into.

As you have a couple of days ic you also can take part in other activities not related to the racing. Plenty of communal events in the city for the team to take part in.

Why is it always the downhill race.

Don’t Crash we can’t buy a new bike yet if yours gets totaled.

Krydil will he making sure all bikes are working as best they can for the race.

@Shlambate , cool, I'll get some rolls for you sorted shortly. Is there anything else you are planning for your character to do?

Also who is taking which jobs/doing what?

Varik would be helping Krydil and generally familiarizing himself with the bikes, especially Yoomnuff's, as having a mechanic who specializes in a particular bike would make sense and Krydil is already familiar with Zara's.

Nothing else that I know of