Squad Builder Bug Reporting

By ffgBrian, in X-Wing Squad Builder

On 1/21/2019 at 10:42 AM, Marcellvs said:
There's a bug in the App in spanish that doesn't let us see the points of the list you're building.
The issue is that "Squad points" uses less characters than "Puntos de escuadrón". 12 letters in english and 19 letters in spanish.
The spanish community is quite upset with the mistake because is quite annoying to build a list and having to save the list > go back to saved squadrons > find the list again > edit everytime you wish to know the total point cost of the squad you're building.
Please put it in the "things to fix in upcoming updates" list.

2 months later, the App has been updated twice (at least) and we see no solution to the problem...

I made the mistake of trying the app again.

My bad.

I can't save squads.

Or I can hit the save button, but nothing happens.

And yeah, I'm logged in.

With the latest update (1.1.1) all of my hyperspace lists have disappeared, both iOS and browser versions. I have logged out/in, cleared cache and reinstalled the app. Was this intended or should I just wait for a fix?

The Wave 3 cards are not appearing with the Search function on Google Chrome on PC.



Edited by Scarloochie

Spare Parts Canister is not showing up as an option after equipping an Astromech in Hyperspace Mode. Points PDF says it is Hyperspace legal.

It is showing up as an option only in Extended Mode.

On my android:

When I click a link to a fleet built with the official builder, I get two options:

Download the app. Which I've already done, so that shouldn't be an option.


Maybe later, which lets me view (in awkward format), but not copy the list for later.

If I do click Download, it goes to the app, but the list I just clicked is gone...

As always it's hard to fully express how bad this app is.

Love the game. Hate the app.

Edited by Green Knight

My Android still says Version1.1.0. Also, should we expect our Hyperspace lists to come back or have they been deleted?

For some reason, all three scroll bars are linked. I can't scroll the ships list without the entire screen scrolling with it. It is very difficult to select anything this way.

edit: using version 1.1.1 on an apple laptop

Edited by MrDudeguy
inserted version and device information

Problems with app. Hyperspace, no expert handling, no spare parts listed. When you leave the app on my computer the items being worked on do not disappear they are still there when you reload. All old hyperspace lists are deleted. It seemed fine til this upgrade, maybe next time release it a couple of weeks early were the real testers(the players) can find the bugs.

Reinstalled app.

Still can't save squads.

Hyperspace lists still mysteriously gone.

Any eta on a fix?

Squads can be saved with 9 or 10 ships in the list.

Tested on iPhone app and Chrome on MacBook

I lost all my Hyperspace lists for the third time since the update. Please fix this. We all love the game, but the support is lacking.

This seems like a system wide issue, I am having the very same issues as previously stated, FFG....Hope you can get this under control soon. - Loyal Fan

For those of us that have been using the app and resisting the urge to move to third party apps this is an issue. For the second time in a week lists I have built in the Hyperspace format have been deleted. Could we get a little communication at least saying you acknowledge there are issues. I understand the need to keep a communication tight so as not to send the wrong message but all you are doing the exact opposite by letting people that don't even use the app run the narrative. I have actually had no problems up until you updated wave 3 and this deletion occurred twice. Now I have started using another app because I can't trust yours. I am very disappointed in you.

I just lost all of my hyperspace lists in the web-based builder.

Were the **** did my lists go?! Again!

I want to use the official app but you're making it very hard to do so. no more till this is fixed.

Android still showing previous version and all my NEW Hyperspace lists have also disappeared from my web based and Android versions.

It' the second time in a month that i lose all my hyperspace lists.

I 'm gonna use another builder.

The hatefull thing is that i'm forced anyway to have it on the phone or to use it on pc to print the list before a tournament.

Maybe this is the reason why this app sucks.

Ffg doesn't have the right motivation do solve the problems because you have to download the app anyway.

All of my hyperspace lists are gone. This kind of thing never happened with the unofficial apps I have used in the past. Please fix this issue.


In the last patch, you said that language selection was added to mobile but the option can not be found.

The reason that I wish to change the language, it's because in French (my current language in the app), the squadron points is cut so it's pretty annoying to build on mobile in French.


I have raised most of these points with Ffg via an extensive test I did nearly a week ago. One thing I suggested was that they issue some form of Comms about the disappearing lists, still no response.

I think they are just taking the piss now.

can't save squad

A bit late, but welcome to the party.

On 1.1.1 Android and every time I use the app it freezes and closes suddenly. Sometimes quickly, sometimes after a number of changes to the squad. Usually happens after I try to add an upgrade and scroll down. Good WiFi connection, so not sure why.

Galaxy Note 9, android. Squad Builder 1.1.0

1. How come after I make a squad, in the squad list, I don't have the option to see an upgrade care after I added it? I can see what upgrade cards are on what ship. But if I tap on the upgrade card, it does'nt show me the card. Why do I have to go to edit squad to see basic info like this?

2. Alot of times when I tap on view card or look at the maneuver dial, there is no red X to stop viewing it, and I have to totally close the app and none of the info is saved.

How did a bug that basically crashes the app make it through QA?