The Big Bad Thread of Homebrews

By sndwurks, in Houserules

Because I suspect that this is going to be a thing as this RPG gets going, I figured it would be good to get out ahead of this train before it leaves the station.

The purpose of this thread is to provide a single stop repository for Homebrew Material. To make things easier, please use the following tags in your posts in order for someone to search things easier:

  • #School, #Equipment, #Technique, etc
  • #MinorClan, #Imperial, #CrabClan, #CraneClan, #LionClan, etc
  • #Kata, #Shuji, etc
  • #SystemChange
  • And so forth...

A granular tagging system will make this much easier for people in the long run. For the time being, however, go nuts!

Thinking about the same thing ?

Good call, thanks @sndwurks .

How do you tag posts? Is it a discrete function of the interface that I'm not seeing? Or is just a matter of typing "#RelevantTag", which is then searchable in the forum search bar?

14 minutes ago, sidescroller said:

Good call, thanks @sndwurks .

How do you tag posts? Is it a discrete function of the interface that I'm not seeing? Or is just a matter of typing "#RelevantTag", which is then searchable in the forum search bar?

Just put #TAG in the text, and then use the Search function for that tag, and limit searches to "In This Thread".

#MinorClan #FalconClan #Technique #School

Basing this one after the Mantis Clan DLC, the Tortoise Clan write up in the GM's Kit, and the Core Rules.


The Falcon Clan

Ring Increase : +1 Void
Skill Increase : +1 Survival
Status : 25

The Falcon Clan were founded by Hayabusa, an ashigaru born with a gift of sensing the unseen. Dying in the process of saving the Imperial Adviser from the attack of a mysterious assassin who had bypassed all others as if invisible, his three children were elevated to the position of a Minor Clan for his insight and sacrifice. Members of the Falcon Clan settled in the Valley of the Spirits, a stretch of land northwest of the Crab lands and nestled between the Shinomen Forest and the Twilight Mountains. Widely regarded as one of the most haunted areas in Rokugan, members of the Falcon Clan learn to be sensitive to the supernatural world around them at all times and must as much on hunting in the haunted forest as their rice paddies and wheat fields. Despite the extreme wealth available to the Minor Clan, they do very little to cultivate their province, due to the sheer enormity and danger of their task. The Falcon Clan are also known for the quality of their eponymous birds, with many of their members taught in the basics of care and training for falcons. A Falcon Clan hunter works in partnership with their sharp-eyed companions, always ready for danger.

Toritaka Family

Ring Increase : +1 Earth or +1 Water
Skill Increase : +1 Fitness, +1 Theology
Glory : 31 Starting Wealth : 2 koku

The ruling family of the Falcon Clan are descended from Yotogi, the eldest of the three children of Hayabusa, and took the name of the province of their birth. Unlike many, the Toritaka family are proud of their origins as elevated ashigaru, honoring their ancestor for his sacrifice and bravery. The Toritaka are well-known for both their resilience and their keen vision, exemplified best through their gempukku ritual. Upon reaching maturity, a member of the Toritaka family is abandoned in the Shinomen Forest and must survive there in the early spring, entirely on their own. This teaches the Toritaka to be adaptable and careful, as even the smallest detail at the best of times could spell death. During this time, they carry with them a journal as well, as the Shinomen Forest is well-known to be haunted. Every Toritaka records their experiences, and returns to Castle of the Falcon with their record of what strange sights they had beheld in their vigil. While many of the small family simply wait until dawn and return, it is not unheard of for the descendants of Yotogi to describe being led to safety by phantom lights and kindly ghosts. Those who are chased from the woods by the howling dead are rarer, but it is suspected that this is not due to infrequency. There are always students who simply never make it back at all.

What Does Your Character Know

All Falcon Clan members have a greater awareness of the following:

  • You have a general awareness of the politics of the Crab Clan and other Minor Clans, especially your fellow Falcon Clan members.
  • You know many basic facts about the Shinomen Forest, including how to find food, find shelter, and how to avoid notice of its many supernatural dangers.
  • You know the signs of a haunting, as well as being able to make an educated guess as to if the ghost is a yorei, gaki, or onryo.
  • You know at least a half dozen ghost stories, or kwaidan , and how to tell them for maximum effect.

What Does Bushido Mean To Your Character

To a Falcon Clan samurai, there is no tenet of greater importance than Righteousness (Gi). There is a proper code of conduct for all things, a natural order designed by Heaven and followed throughout the natural world. For samurai, a greater burden is placed upon them in the form of Bushido, but it is still simply a divine order. Obedience to this order brings harmony, and disobedience to this order leads to chaos and suffering. Angry ghosts cannot pass through the kharmic cycle because this natural order has been denied to them, either by their actions or by the actions of another. This is why proper, righteous action must be followed at all times. Actions are what matters.

Ironically, this is why Honor (Meiyo) is often considered the least important tenet of Bushido to the Falcon Clan samurai. It does not matter to a samurai of the Falcon Clan that your heart, your internal code of honor was satisfied by an action. What matters is the results. Misguided senses of honor have created more angry ghosts than any other source in Rokugan, and a Falcon Clan samurai knows better than most that internal ethics matter less than the external results. For this reason, Falcon Clan samurai are trained to never accept duels on the subject of honor. They have nothing to defend and nothing to prove, and if their conduct does truly deserve censure, then their seppukku will suffice.

Toritaka Phantom Hunter (Bushi)

While Hayabusa was the founder of the Falcon Clan, his death in saving the Imperial Adviser left his children to lead the young Minor Clan. Of his children, only Yotogi inherited his father's ability to see the goryo (souls of murder victims) and other ukabarenei (unresting dead). After they returned to their homeland, Yotogi left for the depths of the Shinomen Forest, seeking the mysterious sorceress who his father had spoken of. He was gone for many days, and did not speak in detail of what he experienced in the depths of the haunted forest. Still, he returned to his Clan with many secrets, and began to instruct those who wished to follow in the sad, painful duty of the yureigami of the Falcon Clan.

Ring Increases : +1 Earth, +1 Void
Starting Skills : (choose four) +1 Culture, +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Sentiment, +1 Survival, +1 Theology
Honor : 50
Techniques Available : Kata, Rituals, Shuji
Starting Techniques :

  • Kata (Choose one): Striking as Water, Striking as Earth
  • Shuji: Lord Yotogi's Vision
  • Rituals (Choose one): Cleansing Rite, Divination, Threshold Barrier

The Blessings of the Grim Judge (School Ability) : While most yureigami prefer to guide an unresting soul to the realm of Meido through peaceful means, many ghosts are too caught in their own illusions to see the truth of their existence. To deal with such spirits, Yotogi taught his students a secret prayer to Emma-O, consecrating their weapons so that they could harm such spirits and send them before the Grim Judge of the Dead swiftly. As a downtime activity, you may make a TN 2 Theology (Void) check to purify a weapon with the Ceremonial quality. This weapon gains the Sacred quality as long as the weapon is properly maintained and you do not perform this ritual again. Should this weapon be used to harm an opponent who does not have the Otherworldly trait, it loses the Sacred quality and becomes Damaged. For this reason, many yureigami wield the yari or yumi in combat, and save their katana for spectral foes.

Once per scene, when making a Survival check or a Skill check which relates to ghosts, you may gain a number of Ring dice showing Opportunity equal to your school rank as kept dice.

Starting Outfit : Traveling clothes, daisho (katana and wakizashi), yari (spear) or yumi (bow) and quiver of arrows, knife, traveling pack, divination kit, calligraphy set and journal

Curriculum :

Rank 1:

  • Martial Skills / Skill Group
  • Culture / Skill
  • Survival / Skill
  • Theology / Skill
  • Rank 1 Rituals / Technique Group
  • Ancestry Unearthed / Technique
  • <> Iron Forest Style

Rank 2:

  • Trade Skills / Skill Group
  • Martial Arts [Melee] / Skill
  • Martial Arts [Ranged] / Skill
  • Sentiment / Skill
  • Rank 1-2 Earth Shuji / Technique Group
  • <> Skulk / Technique (Ninjutsu)
  • Pelting Hail Style / Technique

Rank 3:

  • Scholar Skills / Skill Group
  • Fitness / Skill
  • Performance / Skill
  • Survival / Skill
  • Rank 1-3 Kata/ Technique Group
  • <> Bind the Shadow / Technique (Earth Invocation)
  • Touchstone of Courage / Technique

Rank 4:

  • Martial Skills / Skill Group
  • Culture / Skill
  • Survival / Skill
  • Theology / Skill
  • Rank 1 - 4 Rituals / Technique Group
  • <> Soul Sunder / Technique
  • A Samurai's Fate / Technique

Rank 5:

  • Scholar Skills / Skill Group
  • Martial Arts [Melee] / Skill
  • Martial Arts [Ranged] / Skill
  • Survival / Skill
  • Rank 1 - 5 Kata
  • <> The Soul's Blade / Technique (Fire Invocation)
  • Rouse the Soul / Technique

Rank 6:
Emma-O's Final Judgement (Mastery Ability, Action) : As a Support action, you may make a TN 3 Theology (Void) check to enhance a Ready weapon with the Sacred quality. Select one opponent you can see (either naturally, or through the use of a Technique) with the Otherworldly quality. The next time you succeeds at an Attack action targeting that opponent using this weapon, they gain strife equal to your Void ring plus your ranks in Theology. If this makes them compromised, they are unable to remove strife until the end of your turn after you succeeded in your Attack action.
Void Opportunity: The next time you succeed at an Attack action targeting that opponent using this weapon, they become Dazed and Disoriented.

New Void Shuji

Lord Yotogi's Vision (Falcon) Rank 2
After his father's death at the hands of the mysterious assassin, Yotogi left his siblings behind to seek the origins of the one who sent the assassin. While it is unknown exactly what he discovered in the depths of the Shinomen Forest, he returned with an unusual insight into the nature of the world. It is said that nothing can hide from the sight of the Falcon.
Activation : Once per scene, make a TN 2 Sentiment or Survival (Void) check to heighten your awareness of your surroundings. In a Conflict scene, this is a Scheme Action. If you succeed, you become aware of all animals, creatures, spirits, and people within a number of Range Bands equal to your Vigilance. This effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Void Opportunity+: Increase your Vigilance by the number of Opportunities spent in this manner for the duration of this effect.
Void Opportunity x2: For the remainder of the scene, you can perceive the presence of anything with the Otherworldly keyword, even if it is otherwise invisible or Obscured.

New Advantage

Medium (Void) [Distinction]
Masaomi centered Nyotaka in his mismatched eye, the pale one with the mother-of-pearl shimmer. It was proof of his lineage to Yotogi, the clan founder. Nyotaka could not look upon it without the heat of jealousy.
“We’ve done them no favors, sending them confused and lost with the additional weight of their new karma. They couldn’t help themselves as
ukabarenai souls.” Those who cannot rest in peace. “Don’t you feel sorry for them?”
“Does one feel sorry for a shadow? For a breeze?” Nyotaka shook his head. “They are what they made themselves. Emotions without a mind. Desires without a body. If this is a punishment, it is self-inflicted. To slay them is a small mercy. There is nothing human left to pity.”
“Nothing human is left?” Once more he felt Masaomi’s pale gaze. “Are you so certain?”

-From "Small Mercies" by Robert Denton III
Types : Mental, Spiritual
Effects : The following apply to you:

  • You can see, hear, and otherwise perceive ghosts as easily as you can see another person. While many ghosts lack the cognizance to appear as they did in life, and instead mindlessly repeat their activities in a state unlike a fugue, a few ghosts are conscious of themselves if not their state. With practice, you can even tell them apart from the living most of the time. Most of the time.
  • Whenever you are making a Skill check where your ability to see and hear ghosts could provide you an advantage (such as a Sentiment (Void) to find the source of a haunting or a Tactics (Void) to avoid falling into a trap which claimed the life of another), you may reroll up to two dice.
Edited by sndwurks
Updated for Advantage and Shuji

#school #ScorpionClan #bayushi

Bayushi Enforcer School [Bushi]

The bushi of the Bayushi are the cruel keepers of Scorpion loyalty. No sacrifice is too great, and no task is too loathsome to be set before them. Enforcers are precise instruments, trained in words and blades to spread discord and fear as needed. Others consider them as agitators, murderers, and tyrants. These are titles enforcers may relish, or consider a necessity for the safety and honor of the Empire.

Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire

Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Courtesy, +1 Martial Arts (Melee), +1 Performance, +1 Sentiment, +1 Skulduggery

Honor: 35

Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Sh û ji

Starting Techniques:

  • Kata (choose one): Veiled Menace Style, ♦ Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade
  • Sh û ji: Cadence

Way of the Scorpion (School Ability): When you successfully inflict damage or a critical strike on an opponent with lower initiative as part of an attack action, you inflict strife equal to your school rank on the target.

Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothes, common clothes, travelling clothes, ashigaru armor, daish ō (katana and wakizashi), any one weapon of rarity 6 or lower, knife, travelling pack.

Rank 1:

  • Martial Skills / Skill Group
  • Command / Skill
  • Courtesy / Skill
  • Sentiment / Skill
  • Rank 1 Kata / Technique Group
  • ♦ Lord Bayushi's Whispers / Technique
  • All in Jest / Technique

Rank 2:

  • Social Skills / Skill Group
  • Martial Arts (Melee) / Skill
  • Skulduggery / Skill
  • Tactics / Skill
  • Rank 1-2 Fire Sh ûji / Technique Group
  • ♦ Skulk / Technique
  • Feigned Opening / Technique

Rank 3:

  • Scholar Skills / Skill Group
  • Courtesy / Skill
  • Martial Arts (Melee) / Skill
  • Survival
  • Rank 1-3 Kata / Technique Group
  • ♦ Breath of the Wind Style / Technique
  • Ebb and Flow

Rank 4:

  • Martial Skills / Skill Group
  • Command / Skill
  • Sentiment / Skill
  • Skulduggery / Skill
  • Rank 1-4 Fire Sh ûji /Technique Group
  • ♦ Sear the Wound/ Technique
  • Wolf's Proposal / Technique

Rank 5:

  • Martial Skills / Skill Group
  • Command / Skill
  • Courtesy / Skill
  • Sentiment / SKill
  • Rank 1-5 Kata / Technique Group
  • Bend with the Storm / Technique
  • Buoyant Arrival / Technique

The Pincers Hold, the Tail Strikes (Master Ability): Once per session, as an attack and scheme action, you may may make a Martial Arts (Melee) Air check targeting one character within range of one readied weapon. The TN of this check is equal to your target's vigilance.

If you succeed, your target suffers damage equal to the deadliness of the weapon plus bonus successes and the target becomes Dazed and Disoriented. Until the beginning of your next turn while the target is either Dazed or Disoriented they cannot defend against damage.

Opp+: For each opportunity spent, increase by by one round the inability of the target cannot defend against damage while Dazed or Disoriented.

Edited by GM81 Protocol Droid

I don't know how useful this addition is, because I'm not sure how widely used the disadvantage was in 4E. Since we have a run of Iuchi PCs in my table's meta that have had too many brushes with the void, and because our running meta plot of Isawa waiting to pounce on Unicorn born capable of Ishiken is still going. I've homebrewed Lord Moon's Curse for my table. This disadvantage is basically the polar opposite of Momoku. You are essentially drawn too deep into the void rather than cut off from it.

Curse of Onnitangu [Void]

Your connection to the void is so deep that you risk touching the edge of Lord Moon's madness. On nights of the full moon, you may even struggle with maintaining a sense of self or perceiving the physical world. As a result of your connection to the void, you find it difficult to derive meaningful information from it. You become lost within its depth before obtaining the answers you seek.

- Characters with this disadvantage behave in troubling mannerisms at night. These may include seizures, fits of mania, or temporary loss of emotional and moral grounding. You may lose complete or partial memory of actions undertaken before sunrise.

- Anytime a character would make a roll to find meaning in the void, such as a Void Aesthetics roll to attune to the spiritual nature of a work or a Void Theology roll to sense the nature of a supernatural presence, the player must reroll two dice showing Success or Explosive Success. If this would cause a player to fail the roll, they gain 1 void point.

#disadvantage #void #adversity

Edited by ExplodingJoe

#Title #Status

Jade Magistrate

Jade Magistrates are agents of the Jade Champion, the Emperor's chief religious adviser and the one principally responsible for fighting maho and other forms of evil magic. While this position has gone unfilled for many generations due to the influence of the Phoenix Clan, there are still those in the Ruby Dojo who remember the actions of these heroes and work to see them reinstated.

Assigned by - The Jade Champion, the Emperor, and the Ruby Champion. While the position of Jade Champion remains vacant, it is possible for a noteworthy samurai to be given the title of Jade Magistrate while working as part of the Emerald Magistrates, though such would certainly cause ruffled feathers in many courts.

Status Award - +15 Status

XP to Completion - 30 XP

Curriculum :

  • Scholar Skills
  • Meditation
  • Courtesy
  • Command
  • ♦Rank 1-2 Rituals
  • Jade Strike
  • ♦ Weight of Duty

Special Ability -
The Purity of Jade - Your tireless effort in the hunting of maho tsukai and other spiritual threats to the Empire have given you an edge in combating the power of the Realm of Evil. All use of Maho targeting you has its TN increased 2. Furthermore, you can recover from the Afflicted condition on your turn by gaining 3 Strife as a Support Action that does not require a check.

Heaven's Justice - When making a Theology check to recognize or combat the presence of the Shadowlands Taint, you automatically gain an additional kept Ring die showing the Opportunity symbol.

17 minutes ago, sndwurks said:

#Title #Status

Jade Magistrate

Jade Magistrates are agents of the Jade Champion, the Emperor's chief religious adviser and the one principally responsible for fighting maho and other forms of evil magic. While this position has gone unfilled for many generations due to the influence of the Phoenix Clan, there are still those in the Ruby Dojo who remember the actions of these heroes and work to see them reinstated.

Assigned by - The Jade Champion, the Emperor, and the Ruby Champion. While the position of Jade Champion remains vacant, it is possible for a noteworthy samurai to be given the title of Jade Magistrate while working as part of the Emerald Magistrates, though such would certainly cause ruffled feathers in many courts.

Status Award - +15 Status

XP to Completion - 30 XP

Curriculum :

  • Scholar Skills
  • Meditation
  • Courtesy
  • Command
  • ♦Rank 1-2 Rituals
  • Jade Strike
  • ♦ Weight of Duty

Special Ability -
The Purity of Jade - Your tireless effort in the hunting of maho tsukai and other spiritual threats to the Empire have given you an edge in combating the power of the Realm of Evil. All use of Maho targeting you has its TN increased 2. Furthermore, you can recover from the Afflicted condition on your turn by gaining 3 Strife as a Support Action that does not require a check.

Heaven's Justice - When making a Theology check to recognize or combat the presence of the Shadowlands Taint, you automatically gain an additional kept Ring die showing the Opportunity symbol.

I like it very much!

Not really fan or the jade magistrate or any other title to be standardized. These are given following events and political choices, not really due to inner capabities. On the other Hans, i m really fan with defining official/legacy minor clans and some schools . Tu for Falcon draft .

2 hours ago, Azrael40 said:

Not really fan or the jade magistrate or any other title to be standardized. These are given following events and political choices, not really due to inner capabities.

I think you are misunderstanding the title system. You unlock titles (which often grant status bonuses) by narrative events and then spend XP to further comprehend the duties and techniques of that title.

Titles are parallel school ranks (with Status Awards) unlocked by being granted/earning a title. It is the 5e replacement for Paths and Advanced Schools.

and since you dont gain half XP to your title XP if you don't spend within its choices (unlike schools). it makes it fine to go at your own speed, but make sure to get what you want out of it because once its done its done.

When creating a school is there a specific reason why I wouldn't want to give a school kata and kiho, kata and invocations, or kiho and invocations as available techniques? These combos seem to be specifically avoided in the book.

No specific reason. Kiho and Kata sometimes feel overlapping, because the opportunities they offer may leave you feeling like both is overkill, but there are still schools that receive Kiho or Kata and have the other available as part of school curriculum. Kuni get Kata and Invocations to characterize them as Warrior-Priests, and that is a big stylistic choice to exemplify that Kuni are frontline fighters. Shugenja are normally considered too precious for that place on the field.

Kiho and Invocations are missing, but who knows what FFG has in store? Centipede clan is a good candidate to maybe get both, but FFG could also see a rift between manipulating the elements through self mastery or prayer as ideologically uncrossable.

I don't think any of this forms a reason why you expressly shouldn't brew a school like that if you wanted to.

I didn't catch that Kuni had invocations and Kata, so that gives precedence. I just know mixing those three in previous editions was kind of verboten by default, but in this edition it doesn't seem like it would be that big of a deal.

#school #errata #core

Here is my homebrew of the core book school techniques! Goals: Replace techniques redundant with the technique groups in the curricula. Alter oddities in techniques granted versus both lore and equipment. One privileged access to a technique among starting techniques, except for the five technique schools (shugenja). One privileged access technique per rank of ranks 1-4, unless thematic to have two or something special for rank 5. Keep the the starting techniques and skills totals to 7 or 8 depending on the type. Keep the schools relatively unique in feeling from one another, which is a cascade off of the first few goals.

There are a few exceptions that I decided not to mess with because I felt they were thematic and not imbalancing. There are a number of ranks among the Crane and Scorpion that have two privileged access techniques, as well as the Asahina starting with a rank 2 invocation despite no other shugenja doing so. The biggest change I made to accommodate feeling different was the Lion Akodo after a big change to the Lion Matsu. I may update this post as I change my mind on a few things, or FFG prints a key piece like Reckless Abandon Style.

Hiruma Scout School

-In starting techniques, replace the option of " Rushing Avalanche Style" with " Veiled Menace Style". / The Hiruma Scout School has always been heavy on stealth usage. This was even a kata they had access to in 4ED. Veiled Menace Style works well with both ranged and melee weaponry, without settling them into bashing weapons that their starting outfit lacks.

Kaiu Engineering School

- In starting techniques, after " Sh ū ji " add "(choose one)". / Schools usually only have two starting techniques if they have five skills, this appears to have been a mistake to me.

Kakita Duelist School

- In rank 1, replace "Striking as Air" with "Stonewall Tactics". / Striking as Air is redundant. I choose Stonewall Tactics to work with the Earth ring bonus, and the idea that the Duelist is hard to ignore feels thematic.

Mirumoto Two-Heavens Adept School

- In starting techniques, replace " Sh ūji: ♦Dazzling Performance" with " Kata : ♦Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blade". / Dazzling Performance is a rank 3 technique, and would be the only rank 3 starting technique. Even though Mirumoto do have connections with glory I wanted to give them a quick draw ability while differentiating them from the Kakita. I considered an Iaijutsu Cut along with Spinning Blade Style making it choose one, but despite being a good technique it does not work with their school ability which already does well at portraying the two swords technique.

- In Rank 1 replace "♦Iaijustu Cut: Rising Blade" with "♦Lord Togashi's Insight ". / The Mirumoto have always been an introspective spiritual bushi school. I felt this would make a good rank 1 choice even though it overlaps with the Tattooed Order.

Togashi Tattooed Order

- In starting techniques, after " Kih ō " replace " (choose one) " with " (choose two) ". / Including the school ability, this will start Tattooed Order attendees with four techniques.

Akodo Commander School

- In starting techniques replace " Sh ūji: Lord Akodo's Roar" with " Kata: Tactical Assessment". / This differentiates them from my changes to the Matsu Berserker as well as emphasizing their reputation of tactical acumen where the Matsu were generally considered the passionate heart of the Lion.

- In starting outfit, after "yari (spear)" add "or tessen (war fan)". / The tessen is a associated with commanders, and that association existed in previous edition. The yari is still a good choice to represent formation tactics and groups like the Ikoma Wardens.

- In rank 1, replace " ♦Iron Forest Style" with "♦Slippery Maneuvers". / Another good tactical technique that has some good general usage. I had considered placing Lord Akodo's Roar into this slot. While that is a great technique for the Akodo still, I'm fine with it waiting until rank 2 and remaining fairly signature of the Matsu.

- In rank 1, replace "Warrior's Resolve" with "The Weight of Duty". / The concerns of duty are high in the priority of commanders and soldiers, and I felt this is a good shuji to replace a redundant entry.

Ikoma Bard School

- In starting techniques, after " Sh ū ji " add " (choose one) ". / Schools usually only have two starting techniques if they have five skills, this appears to have been a mistake to me. The beta had the choose one wording as well.

Matsu Berserker School

- In starting techniques, replace "♦Rushing Avalanche Style, ♦Spinning Blades Style" with "Striking as Earth, Striking as Fire". / Neither of the original techniques match the thematic of the current or old Matsu lore, and don't match well with the starting equipment before or after my changes below.

- In starting techniques, replace "Stirring the Embers" with " Lord Akodo's Roar". / Changes their starting technique privileged access with something I feel is thematic and emulates the rank 2 fear ability from previous abilities.

- In starting outfit, replace "tessen (war fan)" with "yari (spear)". / The Matsu have traditionally been associated with the spear, and the current art holds to that. Even on this page! The katana and tessen combo has traditionally been associated with Akodo.

- In rank 1, replace " ♦Lord Akodo's Roar" with "♦Iron Forest Style". / Spears are a form of combat associated with some but not all Matsu. Iron Forest Style still isn't perfect and wasn't associated in previous editions, so if we ever get Reckless Abandon Style I would make that their starting technique and keep Lord Akodo's Roar here.

Asako Loremaster School

- In rank 2, replace "Civility Foremost" with "Tea Ceremony". / Civility Foremost was granted with starting techniques. Tea Ceremony seems to be a good choice for civil loremasters and their role as advisers.

Shiba Guardian School

- In rank 1, replace " Civility Foremost" with " ♦Iron Forest Style". / Iron Forest Style is heavily associated with the Shiba, and was a common kata for them to shoot for. This sets up my change for rank 2.

- In rank 2, replace "Iron Forest Style" with "Civility Foremost". / Iron Forest Style is redundant with the technique group at rank 2, so by switching it and Civility Foremost we have a more natural flow in the curriculum.

Kaito Shrine Keeper School

- Note: In starting techniques Tempest of Air should be marked as ♦ privileged access since invocations are not among their techniques available. Even though the Kaito have no rank 2 techniques starting, I think it is fitting since they have unique access to invocations and shugenja usually do not have rank 2 techniques starting either.

- In rank 2, replace "Pelting Hail Style" with "Tea Ceremony". / This helps cement the ritualistic duties of the Kaito, though I do wish there was another rank 2 ritual. Pelting Hail Style is redundant with the technique group.

Iuchi Meishodo Master School

- In starting techniques, after " Invocations " remove "(choose two)". / While this creates very little variance in the school, this puts them up to the five techniques other 3 skill shugenja schools have.

Utaku Battle Maiden School

- In rank 1, replace "Striking as Air" with "Courtier's Resolve". / While not courtiers, the Utaku are known for the serenity and tend to be well known. There is also their connection to poetry, which itself is connected to the Air and Void rings.

Edited by GM81 Protocol Droid

yeah GM81. i agree with most.

the core book written as is, is a mess. the more i read the more disappointed i am in the details and choices. its full of weird mistakes and illogical rules.

20 minutes ago, Avatar111 said:

yeah GM81. i agree with most.

the core book written as is, is a mess. the more i read the more disappointed i am in the details and choices. its full of weird mistakes and illogical rules.

I wasn't disappointed. There are a lot of moving parts with schools and I feel they had a time crunch after the final round of the beta when there were some key changes in the final round. Either way I feel something like this is mostly personal clean up since I enjoy patterns in my rules.

#technique #kata

Reckless Abandon Style - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata - The only concern of a warrior is to defeat their enemy. Each step forward brings both closer to death. Activation: When you make a Martial Arts [Melee or Unarmed] check after moving at least one range band closer to your target since the end of your last turn, you may spend opportunity in the following way: - Opportunity: Suffer physical damage equal to the number of range bands moved. After the first time the target makes an Attack action, they suffer physical damage equal to the range bands you moved plus any shortfall on their check. This effect persists until the start of your next turn. - Opportunity+: The first time your target moves, you move a number of range bands closer up to the opportunity spent. You must take this movement but stop once you reach range 0 of your target. This effect persists until the start of your next turn.

Unrelenting Arms Style - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata - The bushi's powerful strike creates an inescapable assault. Enemies find themselves off-balance and vulnerable. Activation: When you make a Martial Arts [Melee] check with a weapon in a two-handed grip, you may spend opportunity in the following way: - Opportunity+: You must spend opportunity equal to your target's Vigilance to activate this technique. Reduce the TN of Attack actions against the target by 1, to a minimum of TN 1. This effect persists until the end of your next turn.

Edited by GM81 Protocol Droid

#MinorClan #CentipedeClan #Technique #Invocation #School

I've always enjoyed the Moshi family and wanted to translate them into the new L5R. Proper and Civil Shugenja, with a volcanic temper if you get them angry. Feedback, in particular about balance, is highly appreciated.

Moshi Priestess

Design notes:
This is based much more on the fluff of the pre-Thunder Dragon fire specialist Centipede, over the Mantis-era Lightning Moshi Family mechanics we had last edition. I also ended up going with Fire/Earth for them for a very simple reason - All the Lady Sun spells are earth spells so they should likely be good at the spells associated with their patron. In addition, a rank 5 invocation was written up, based on the Eye of the Sun Goddess artefact that the Moshi have.

Edited by Ikiry0

@GM81 Protocol Droid - I really like what you are doing here. Do you mind, however, just adding a #Errata and #School to the first post so people can search for it easier?

#SchoolAbility #MinorClan #MantisClan

So in my reading I didn't see any option for attacking with 2 weapons. The Mirumoto school has a special option for their dual wielding, but nothing to capture the old Yoritomo feel.

This was an attempt to do that. I haven't made another school yet, so I would give this an an alternate option for Mantis bushi.

It should be noted I haven't had a chance to platters and this pretty well is a first draft.

Alternate School Ability :
Way of the Mantis :

- When using the [Attack Action] you may strike with 2 readied weapons provided that they:
1) Have a 1 hand grip
2) Are non-samurai weapons
- If you do so add their damage
together before applying bonus
successes and other effects
- Use the highest Deadlines of the
weapons used
- Add your school rank to the deadliness

Alternate Mastery Ability :
Rolling Wave :
- Increase the TN of Attack checks
against you equal to the number of bonus successes you gained from your Action this turn.

*Not sure if Mastery Ability would be better to be "you may use bonus successes to increase TN, or just be a passive bonus as is.

Thank you for you time, sorry if this is terrible, broken, and/or offensive.

Edited by Arolem
Did this in mobile. Sorry for formatting errors. Edit 2: forgot hashtags.
14 hours ago, Arolem said:

So in my reading I didn't see any option for attacking with 2 weapons. The Mirumoto school has a special option for their dual wielding, but nothing to capture the old Yoritomo feel.

Spinning Blades Style (page 180) a Rank 2 kata allows you to spend opportunities = to targets vigilance to hit the target with a second weapon not used ion the attack.

4 hours ago, Ultimatecalibur said:

Spinning Blades Style (page 180) a Rank 2 kata allows you to spend opportunities = to targets vigilance to hit the target with a second weapon not used ion the attack.

Ah, I clearly missed that, thank you.

Even with that existing, I think perhaps this might have validity for those seeking the feel of Mantis dual wielding?

I think I like it for what it is, but my biggest question with it is the mastery ability: is it OP to apply all bonus successes from the previous action to it, or should you have to apply the bonuses to it instead of whatever else you could normally do?

It is a mastery/end game ability and some others are pretty powerful. It is limited to applying it solely to Attack Actions. If it is OP, perhaps Barrow ng it's affected actions to Strikes?


When spending xp to rank up a ring, if that ring is you're highest it must be tied with another for you to raise it.

Breaks up the everyone take void as your second highest or highest ring aspect of the core rules. Void has enough without this to still be viable.