More 'huge' ships confirmed - so what's the next one?

By xanderf, in Star Wars: Armada

From the Executor article , today...


All of the advantages we’ve described so far are common to every huge ship —but the Super Star Destroyer has plenty of power to offer on its own merits.

(emphasis mine)

Soooo....'every huge ship', eh? Means more than one if they are specifically saying they apply to ships OTHER than the Super Star Destroyer.

Guess that's confirmation, then.

Question is...what is next? Will the Resurgent-class or MC85 get classified as 'huge' ships? Or are we getting something else??

EDIT: and for point of comparison, what has been seen on-screen or already in-game, is in the rough range, and with size notes:


Edited by xanderf

Eclipse class! ?

11 minutes ago, ISD Avenger said:

Eclipse class! ?

LOL, I wish! I think some of the newer EU uses of it even have it scaled down to the SSD's size, so it COULD work. (Or, I guess more specifically, it had always been scaled 'huge' vs the West End Game's totally-ridiculously-small SSD size, and once everyone realized the SSD was actually twice as long at least to the WEG version, suddenly the Executor got longer than the Eclipse)

That said - I don't think it has near the recognition outside of hardcore fandom to justify the $200 price tag (well, higher, here) these seem to command.

I'm almost afraid we're stuck with on-screen ships for this - so the Lucrehulk-class, Resurgent-class, and MC85 may be it? Question is whether any of them fall into 'huge' or not - where is the cutoff? Is the current Imperial Star Destroyer just the middle-of-the-pack for 'large' ships, or does it represent the upper limit and anything bigger is 'huge'?

(I would really love FFG to be able to design what becomes the canonical Starhawk-class, though. Kinda tired of every major Rebel ship being Mon Cal-designed. Like...geez, Imperial fleet - just bombard the Mon Cal homeworld and shipyard and the war is over! )

Keep in mind that it's been 2 years since we've had any non-Disney-canon units (Squadron IIs), and 3 years since a non-Disney-canon ship (the Raider/MC30).

Getting any of the old EU ships seems a bit unlikely.

Starkiller base. Duh

Repurposed Lucrehulks for Alliance? We've got Hera at a flight school run out of one. Around 3000 meters across. I don't think it's too crazy to think they could whip a few out there.

5 minutes ago, Grumbleduke said:

Keep in mind that it's been 2 years since we've had any non-Disney-canon units (Squadron IIs), and 3 years since a non-Disney-canon ship (the Raider/MC30).

Getting any of the old EU ships seems a bit unlikely.

Haha but it's been a year since we've had any Armada releases, and the assault gunboat was recently released for X Wing. And the Katana Dreadnaught was very recently in some card art. I don't think the old EU is dead to FFG.

My assumption is that they've written the rules to support other huge ships, but they are only going to move forward if the Executor sells well. I can't imagine they are planning a bunch of $200 models on pure speculation.

3 minutes ago, bleezy said:

Haha but it's been a year since we've had any Armada releases,

Six months.

14 minutes ago, bleezy said:

Haha but it's been a year since we've had any Armada releases, and the assault gunboat was recently released for X Wing. And the Katana Dreadnaught was very recently in some card art. I don't think the old EU is dead to FFG.

Apropos of nothing - the 'Katana Dreadnought' has recently re-entered canon - it appeared in the finale of the 'Rebels' TV series in a cameo shot - take a look at that guy in the lower right.


...and then it appeared in a canonical comic recently, as well. It's been getting around .

(And of course the team that did the above series just go the greenlight to 'finish' the Clone Wars series with 12 more episodes. I'd be very surprised if we don't see the ship show up there, once more.)

13 minutes ago, Dr Lucky said:

My assumption is that they've written the rules to support other huge ships, but they are only going to move forward if the Executor sells well. I can't imagine they are planning a bunch of $200 models on pure speculation.

That's sort of the question I was posing about where the 'Large' vs 'Huge' cutoff is. If the ISD is meant to be the top of the 'Large' scale, and anything bigger is 'Huge', then...there are actually quite a lot of ships that fall into that range, and would not be near a $200 price. I mean, the Lucrehulk, itself - which the Rebels did canonically use a few of - is only about twice the mass of an ISD. Given Armada's sliding'd be definitely and visibly bigger, but not ridiculously so. Certainly nothing as large as the Executor.

Edited by xanderf

At "true" scale - ignoring the old EU Interdictor in this shot - the Lucrehulk already doesn't look bad vs an ISD. Given Armada's "sliding scale" - this would easily fit under a $100 release...but is it " huge "? Or just "large"?


That's cool, it's good to see those old ships come back. Even though I think there will be more old EU stuff coming back, I still don't think they will make the Eclipse.

On the one hand it's one of the few huge ships that has the possibility of being truly different in play from the Executor. It might have a weak front arc but a ridiculous superlaser that it can fire once per game (but it might have to declare which round it is firing at the end of deployment). Most of the other giant star destroyer variants couldn't be meaningfully different from the Executor. They're big. They have a lot of hull and a lot of dice. Is anyone really going to pay $200 for that?

On the other hand I can't see them releasing the Eclipse because that storyline is so radically divergent from the new canon. Who could they include as a commander? The cloned Emperor? Darkside Luke? There is no way that would happen.

57 minutes ago, bleezy said:

Most of the other giant star destroyer variants couldn't be meaningfully different from the Executor. They're big. They have a lot of hull and a lot of dice. Is anyone really going to pay $200 for that?

Well you could sort of say the same about the Victory-class to Imperial-class Star Destroyer. What really differentiates them, other than one is bigger and faster? It's just...more of everything the other has, and so more expensive. There are obviously a bunch of half-steps between the ISD stats and even the "prototype" SSD stats, for other designs in there.

That said - I also rather doubt they will. They are going to want to stick to what's been seen on-screen and/or 'otherwise canon', as Armada's price point simply demands that anything released for it HAS to have wide appeal, or it's just not worth bothering with.

1 hour ago, Dr Lucky said:

My assumption is that they've written the rules to support other huge ships, but they are only going to move forward if the Executor sells well. I can't imagine they are planning a bunch of $200 models on pure speculation.

sounds rather sensible.

The "Huge" size category is foreshadowing the Sequel Trilogy expansions.

Everything in there is just a bigger version of something from the GCW era.

3 hours ago, NebulonB said:

sounds rather sensible.

I kinda doubt we'll actually see anything as big as (nevermind bigger) than the Executor. I think this one pretty much set the max-size wall for the game. Just a hunch, but that price point is definitely a pretty good indicator.

I believe that the Lucrehulk will be the "Top End" of the Large ships, The Praetor and the Malevolence would be the starting point for the Huge ships,

12 minutes ago, solaria said:

I believe that the Lucrehulk will be the "Top End" of the Large ships, The Praetor and the Malevolence  would be the starting point for the Huge ships,

Praetor class has never been seen on-screen, which makes it pretty unlikely to appear in Armada since Disney came in - especially as a price-premium 'Huge' ship. The Subjugator-class similarly seems unlikely - it would require jumping to the Clone Wars, as none survived the period that I can find any reference to (and it doesn't seem like FFG is bringing Clone Wars factions to Armada any time soon), and while it did feature in a series of episodes in the TV show...never appeared in a movie. It's not AS unlikely, mind, just saying that it's not super probable - when you are talking about price points of $100+, you really want it to be something that most people will have seen.

2 hours ago, Indy_com said:

The "Huge" size category is foreshadowing the Sequel Trilogy expansions.

Everything in there is just a bigger version of something from the GCW era.

Not really a bad guess, there. The Resurgent-class really is just a bit bigger than the ISD...


...and the MC85 is similarly a sort-of-scaled-up MC80. this a 'huge'? Or still 'large'?

5 hours ago, Ewok on Stilts said:

I don’t know the odds, but I’d like to see one of these:

Doesn't feel likely - it just looks too identical like the MC85. I mean, yeah, yeah, "it's scaled so much larger", but aesthetically it looks the same. So...I can't see them picking a non-canon ship over an identical (if smaller - but still very large!) canon ship.

12 hours ago, xanderf said:

At "true" scale - ignoring the old EU Interdictor in this shot - the Lucrehulk already doesn't look bad vs an ISD. Given Armada's "sliding scale" - this would easily fit under a $100 release...but is it " huge "? Or just "large"?


OK, I see Imperial SD, Victory SD, Interdictor SD? (not really there OK I get that), MC80, Core Ship, Droid Control Ship, and Venator, the rest are to hard to read the names. So where is this Lurehulk ship people keep talking about, and if it is not in this why use this to talk about it?

The Lucrehulk is the class name of the Droid Control Ship.

13 hours ago, Grumbleduke said:

Keep in mind that it's been 2 years since we've had any non-Disney-canon units (Squadron IIs), and 3 years since a non-Disney-canon ship (the Raider/MC30).

Getting any of the old EU ships seems a bit unlikely.

Not exactly. What we're not getting are non-Disney units that haven't been reintroduced. Certain ships are being reintroduced like the Interdictor, but Disney is redesigning them to meet current design language and actually appear in their film and TV projects instead of only appearing in video games, comic books and novels. The Raider is good enough that it was allowed to jump across mediums without first appearing in a film or TV show, but otherwise we're only seeing releases that the public is aware of.

This is another major reason to bring in The Clone Wars and Prequels ships, since large numbers of ships and squadrons appeared in the Prequel trilogy and attached TV shows. Now that Clone Wars is officially part of Disney canon it should be much easier to include those units for future releases.

22 minutes ago, Onidsen said:

The Lucrehulk is the class name of the Droid Control Ship.

Not saying you are wrong (I am guessing you are right) but where does this come from? I have only ever heard it called the Droid Control Ship in the Movies (unless I missed it, and it is very possible I did).

4 minutes ago, CDAT said:

Not saying you are wrong (I am guessing you are right) but where does this come from? I have only ever heard it called the Droid Control Ship in the Movies (unless I missed it, and it is very possible I did).

Here's the Wookiepedia link. It looks like it first came from one of the cross sections books. It also appears to be legends, and not yet confirmed to have been carried over to the new canon.